Saturday, 19 October 2024

59.16-This season hates men

 In the previous episode, the final six had to either mime, draw after a hot air balloon ride, or cycle quickly. There were 3 rounds and only the last round brought points. However, Mary could not maintain the minimum speed of 20km/hour needed to earn the full amount, so instead of 30/90 points, 15/90 points were earned. The pot grows slightly to 315/690 points. With no exemptions to be offered, will Rudy go home, or has he broken the curse? Could he be the Mole or is the Mole a woman?


Rudy: "I recognise that as the only man left in the season, I'm in a very dangerous spot. This season hates men. There weren't any exemptions in the previous mission so if I don't have the Mole down, I'm screwed."


Rudy: "I can't believe this house has no mirrors."
Sanaa: "Please stay away from me."
Rudy: "What? I'm not going to hurt you."
Sanaa: "Please just stay away."

Rudy: "I think you just haven't gotten to know me better yet."
Sanaa: "I do not want to know you better. You stole from a student."
Rudy: "Oh. Is that what you're upset about?"
Sanaa: "Our values do not combine."

Rudy: "I don't feel good about it either."
Sanaa: "Then why did you steal?"

Rudy: "He was a troubled kid. Fell into a bad crowd. I thought I could steer him onto the right path so I tried to be buddies with him. It was working, but it wasn't day, he was caught trying to burgle a house and while trying to escape he fell and...he..."

Sanaa: "You stole from a dead child?"
Rudy: "No! Of course not! His girlfriend...she had his hoodie. I was grieving and..."

Sanaa: "That does not make it right."
Rudy: "I know it doesn't. I just needed it for a night...I returned it to the lost and found the next day."

Rudy: "I know I was a problematic dude. I wasn't fit to lead these young men and ladies. But I've been trying to atone for my mistakes. I volunteer regularly at a boys' home. So many of them need help. Many of them come from broken families, some without fathers and some with fathers that might as well be dead."

Sanaa: "I am sorry to hear that. Still..."
Rudy: "The point isn't for you to sympathise with me. I just needed to get it out of my chest. But everyone has a past and it's not fair to judge someone forever because of that. I've been trying to become a better man. I hope you understand that. Anyway, I'll get out of your hair."


Jordana: "Hey Sienna, can I ask you something about the quiz?"
Sienna: "I'm not sure that's a good idea."
Jordana: "It's not about the Smole hehe. It's about you."

Jordana: "One of the questions was about the Mole's secret and one option was that the Mole gives placebos instead of actual medicine. Is that true?"

Sienna: "I don't do that...not to everyone."
Jordana: "How could you?"

Sienna: "Like I told you before, so many Sims don't even need medicine. Take cough syrup for example. There isn't enough evidence that it's actually effective and most Sims just need to rest for a mild cough. They can always try home remedies like honey lemon tea."

Jordana: "The patients trust you to treat them."
Sienna: "I do! If they really need it I prescribe it to them. But many of them don't, and they don't understand reason."

Jordana: "If they're not real medicine then you should give it to them for free."
Sienna: "I considered that but then they might get suspicious."
Jordana: "So you charge them full price?"

Jordana: "I find it hard to believe you're really doing it out of the goodness of your heart and not trying to profit off other Sims' sickness."
Sienna: "I'm offended you think that way. I truly want to help my patients get better. Giving them additional unnecessary toxins won't help that."

Jordana: "Give all my pills back."
Sienna: "Jordana, I told you they..."
Jordana: "Give them back!"

Sienna: "I wish you'll give me a chance. Give yourself a chance."
Jordana: "I am not your guinea pig. I don't need you to experiment to find out if I'll be fine without them especially since I know my life is at risk without them."

Sienna: "...I'll go and get them. But promise me that you won't take them unless absolutely necessary."
Jordana: "That's what I've always been doing. Now give them back."


Sienna: "The secret is out...darn it. My greatest fear has come true. My clinic has only just gotten on track. I don't want my effort to go to waste just like that. Jordana made it sound like I'm an evil woman who wants to kill everyone, but that's just not true. I struggled with the decision so much. During my residency I saw how perverse this problem was. Take for instance antibiotic resistance, or superbugs. But I admit that I'm not a good doctor. I have to resort to manipulating doctor-patient trust to achieve this. I'll do better. I promise. I'll try to be more honest with all my patients going forward rather than going through the back door."


Sanaa: "I cannot believe some of the women here are so bold! They walk around naked! Okay, they wear a bra but that is as good as naked! That will never be allowed where I come from. I hope they respected my culture while in Egypt and put on clothes."


Sheila: "I've been told I give great massages."
Mary: "I look forward to it."

Sheila: "Does that feel good?"
Mary: "It does."

Sheila: "Do you still think Sienna is the Mole?"
Mary: "What concerns do you have?"
Sheila: "Huh? No concerns, I just wanted to make sure we were all still on the same Sim."
Mary: "As far as I'm aware we're still directionally aligned."

Mary: "I'm surprised that you still want to talk to me."
Sheila: "I was very conflicted but ultimately I have no business interfering with your plans. And you're right. We didn't know each other beforehand. You have no reason to sabotage my relationship with Seamus. I think your accomplishments as a consultant speaks for itself."
Mary: "I'm happy to know that you know how to keep your personal feelings separate."

Mary: "I really never meant to sow discord between the two of you. I just wanted you to be aware of the realities."
Sheila: "I know. You were trying to protect me."

Sheila: "Do you think you'll ever find love again?"
Mary: "I don't need love. I need revenge."

Sheila: "I'll help you."
Mary: "You will?"
Sheila: "He's a love cad and deserves to be taught a lesson."

Mary: "I'm glad we're aligned. We're just trying to bring justice to women worldwide. Do you have a plan?"
Sheila: "From my own experiences and from Ramona's, we might have some ideas. And I can talk to Sienna too to find out how she won over her husband. It shouldn't be too hard to woo an ex and make him realise what he's been missing out on."
Mary: "You really are good at massages. This is the most relaxed I've been in years."


Sheila: "I think Mary's a scummy Sim but she's my biggest ticket to international success. You can't always choose your boss, let alone like her. I won't let anyone's sacrifices be in vain. It's my turn to make sacrifices."


Rudy: "I'm already missing all the workout equipment."
Sienna: "This house has more fun activities."
Rudy: "That's true. It's more enjoyable to be outdoors too."

Sienna: "Do you think I'm a good doctor?"
Rudy: "I wouldn't know since I never consulted you but I would think so. You're very capable, juggling motherhood and a career."

Sienna: "Hypothetically, if your doctor has been prescribing medicine that isn't actually what is stated, but they help you, how would you react?"
Rudy: "Wow. I would trust my doctor if she's really doing it for my good. Which she should be; she's my doctor after all."

Rudy: "Has something cropped up at work?"
Sienna: "It's not that."
Rudy: "I know it's not in my place to ask, but does it have to do with your secret from the previous mission?"

Sienna: "It's a hypothetical."
Rudy: "Of course. Just know that I'm not one to judge. I know everyone has had a past."

Rudy: "If you ask me, at the end of the day I just want to get better. I trust my doctor wants me to get better too. It's not like I would know the difference if you told me to take pill A versus pill B. And I think everyone needs to be more empathetic about that, and in general. Doctors are human too."

Rudy: "Hypothetically, if you had to choose between motherhood and your career, which would you choose?"
Sienna: "You can't make me choose between them. I want both."
Rudy: "If you had to pick one?"

Sienna: "I don't have an answer."
Rudy: "That's fine. It was just a hypothetical question anyway."

Sienna: "Ow!"
Rudy: "Oh my goodness! Are you okay?"

Rudy: "So sorry!"
Sienna: "I'll survive."


Jordana: "Why did you want to meet me here?"
Sheila: "There aren't many private places here."

Sheila: "I just wanted to know if you observed anything suspicious in the previous mission."
Jordana: "I was with Mary and Sienna hehe. You were with Sienna too and I think more often than I was. Unless you want to know about Mary? Hehe."

Sheila: "Do you think it could be Mary?"
Jordana: "You think so too?"

Jordana: "Hehe I don't fully think she's it but she has done some suspicious actions that I just can't ignore."
Sheila: "I feel the same. At this point, it could really be any of the others."

Jordana: "Do you think it could be me? Hehe."
Sheila: "You? Maybe in the first mission when I didn't know you yet, but I now know this is who you are."

Sheila: "How about me? Do you suspect me?"
Jordana: "It's not zero if I'm being honest hehe but it's lower than 50%. I want to be able to trust at least one of my coalition members hehe."

Sheila: "Thanks Jordana. We should head back before others notice."
Jordana: "Okay hehe....ahh!"

Sheila: "Are you hurt?"

Jordana: "Thankfully no hehe."
Sheila: "Good thing we chose to meet on soft dirt."
Jordana: "I should pop a painkiller just to be safe though."

Sienna: "But promise me that you won't take them unless absolutely necessary."

Jordana: "Or maybe I can wait until it really starts to hurt?"


Mary: "I didn't know you could play the guitar."
Sanaa: "I learned it recently. Fahad bought it for me."

Mary: "What song are you playing?"
Sanaa: "Under the Hot Desert Sun. It's a traditional song that my mother taught me to sing. It's one of the few songs I know."

Mary: "Do you want to be a musician?"
Sanaa: "Oh no. I would not be a good musician."
Mary: "You could be if you practise."
Sanaa: "Nobody would watch me unless I was very very famous and good."
Mary: "Then prove them wrong. Get good and you'll get famous."

Sanaa: "Like you? You must be very good to be so successful as a woman."
Mary: "I learned a long time ago not to let a man define my worth. You shouldn't either."

Sanaa: "Egypt used to have gender equality. They did not care if you were a woman. We have Cleopatra and Hatshepsut."
Mary: "Modernity brought misogyny."

Sanaa: "My husband is not like other men. He is nice to me and lets me play the guitar as a hobby."
Mary: "That should be the norm, not the exception. And you can do something about it, or you will just be a part of the problem."


It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the actions and identity of the Mole. The lowest scorer may be executed.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Does the Mole wear makeup?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: Does the Mole have facial hair?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: In Mission 8, what did the Mole do first?
A: Miming
B: Riding a hot air balloon
C: Cycling

Q5: What did the Mole not do in Mission 8?
A: Miming
B: Riding a hot air balloon
C: Cycling
D: The Mole did all three activities

Q6: How many outfits did the Mole wear during Mission 8?
A: 1
B: 2
C: 3

Q7: In Mission 8, did the Mole wear a mime outfit?
A: Yes
B: No

Q8: In Mission 8, did the Mole wear athletic wear?
A: Yes
B: No

Q9: In Mission 8, did the Mole wear different headgear?
A: Yes
B: No

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Rudy Rooney
B: Sanaa Madbouli
C: Sienna Justine Piers
D: Sheila Rammstein
E: Mary Shelby
F: Jordana Hammond


"Contestants, first of all congratulations for making it to France. You beat several others in China and Egypt to be sitting here tonight. Unfortunately, it is time for one of you to go home. It was a close fight but who will be executed?"

"Again, as a recap, if the screen in front of you turns green, you are safe. If it turns red, you are executed."

"Sheila Rammstein."


Rudy: "Sheila had the most wrong interpretation of them all. 'Pulling the plug' is very different from 'tug of war', and she focused so much on the falling rather than the pulling that it became so unclear what she was actually doing."


"Sienna Justine Piers."


Mary: "Sienna deliberately turned around when we got close to her. We can't see a mime whose back is turned to us."


"Rudy Rooney."


Jordana: "I think Rooney's charades was very convoluted hehe. I later realised when he explained that he was trying to show a race against time together by showing him running and slowly getting older and slower, but it didn't come through and was needlessly complicated."


"Unfortunately, Rudy Rooney, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Jordana: "I thought Rooney was intimidating at first but after getting to know him better I realise he's actually a nice guy with a heart of gold."


Jordana: "Why did you quit your job to become a biker?"
Rudy: "Passion. On the road I feel free."


Mary: "Rooney shined in this mission. He was clearly in his element. He offered to stay behind me to help me keep pace. Even when I was struggling he kept motivating me."


Rudy: "Keep your eyes on the road and pedal hard!"


Sienna: "Rooney tried to make deals with me multiple times. But that's who he was: driven and hungry to win. But above all, it was clear he was doing it for the betterment of the group." 


Rudy: "Sienna! We need to work together to stand a chance at winning points. It's a foregone conclusion that I'll be first, so we should at least get something out of it."


Rudy: "Well, it comes to all of us eventually. Sucks but true. I saw it coming after Ramona's execution. I thought I could be the lucky man to survive and win but I think it's because I didn't take a big enough risk. I really enjoyed everything though and getting a chance to save my ass so many times with these exemptions. Good luck to all the ladies left in the game!"
"Thank you for joining, Rudy. We hope to see you soon."

The last man in the house has been executed! Which woman has been eluding the men?

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