Sunday 13 October 2024

59.14-Dead. On both sides

Previously on the Smole, the contestants had to search for each other's secrets in a crypt. They were unaware that they were receiving translation help from their next PKer Sanaa Madbouli. Mary, Rudy and Jordana uncovered secrets but Sanaa managed to safeguard one of them, preventing Mary from earning an exemption. 60/120 points were earned, making the pot 300/600 points. Rudy, Jordana and Sanaa are exempt. Will Mary be executed because of this or is she the Mole? Who is the Mole?


Jordana: "Are you here to replace Zhang? Is it a swap thing where there can only be one PKer at a time?"
Sanaa: "I'm not aware what you are talking about."

Jordana: "You don't know who Zhang Hua is?"
Sanaa: "No."
Sienna: "He was one of the PKers but he was just executed."
Sanaa: "Oh that is a shame."
Jordana: "None of you PKers met each other?"
Sanaa: "No."

Ramona: "You're not really a merchant?"
Sanaa: "No I am not."
Ramona: "What a relief."

Sanaa: "I hope my food is to your liking?"
Sienna: "It's nice. Thank you for making breakfast for us."
Jordana: "I think Zhang's was better hehe. But thanks for cooking! Hehe!"
Sanaa: "I am not a good cook. I would have loved to meet him."

Mary: "I'm impressed that they managed to keep you apart from each other while still observing us."
Jordana: "Hehe, we need to sharpen our observational skills. Like eagles. Eagles can see 8 times as far as the sharpest Sim eyes can."


Mary: "It's strange that Sanaa decided to claim the other two secrets were lies. The most logical thing for her to do was to claim all three were true because then she could have had a chance of trading those exemptions for a clue. I'm not sure if she's the Mole, especially because it's not clear if the one she replaces if she's the Mole is Zhang or tonight's victim, and if the real Mole is exempt, complicating things."


Sheila: "You're trying to break up your ex's marriage?"
Mary: "They're not married."
Sheila: "Still! He's moved on Mary. You should too."

Mary: "No. Not after all the pain he caused me."
Sheila: "He cheated on you, I understand that. I hate him too but you shouldn't..."

Sheila: "This makes no sense. Why are you trying to get back together with him?"
Mary: "I told you: because I love him still."
Sheila: "Do you really? You don't seem to speak about him with love."

Mary: "Manuel and Trisha don't deserve each other. They don't get to live their happily ever after while I suffer all the consequences because of his mistake."

Sheila: "Trisha is innocent."
Mary: "Don't be naïve! Do you really think that? She's a skunk! A hussy who stole him from me! It's not like I never had eyes for anyone else either. But I stayed loyal to Clyde."

Sheila: "Who's Clyde?"
Mary: "My ex-boyfriend before Manuel. We broke up for other reasons. I was faithful throughout. So why can't Manuel do the same? Huh? Why can't he have any self-control?"

Mary: "All I want to do is to give them a taste of their own medicine."

Sheila: "Wow, I have no words."

Sheila: "So are you trying to sabotage me? Do you really have a contact to propel my career or is it an excuse to break me and Seamus up?"

Mary: "I have nothing against you two. I just want to caution you that all men are the same. My offer is valid and real. It's up to you if you want to take it up."


Ramona: "We really suck at missions."
Rudy: "Eh, could be worse. I think we were trailing behind the Mole in Shang Simla."
Ramona: "This season has a really good Mole."

Ramona: "We really need to boost it."
Rudy: "Why the sudden interest in the pot?"
Ramona: "I'm very broke now that I gave my money to Adriel."
Rudy: "You what?"

Rudy: "How much?"
Ramona: "20 thousand. I asked one of the PAs to help me set up a daily transfer to get over the limits."
Rudy: "20 thousand?"

Rudy: "Why does he need so much money?"
Ramona: "His grandmother has cancer and refuses to seek treatment because of the cost."
Rudy: "And you're his who exactly?"

Ramona: "I'm his lover. I love him Rooney. I never met a man like him."
Rudy: "Sure you have. You just forget them as soon as you meet another one."

Ramona: "Hey! I have standards. They need to be able to dance their way into my heart."
Rudy: "Like that's hard."
Ramona: "You're just jealous."

Rudy: "Ramona, he doesn't love you."
Ramona: "He does."
Rudy: "He doesn't."

Rudy: "He's gay."
Ramona: "What?"

Rudy: "He told me himself."
Ramona: "That's impossible. He knows how to pleasure a woman."
Rudy: "That guy's a Casanova. He has plenty of experience from a time when he hasn't come out. He absolutely wanted to hook up with me. Why do you think he was so eager to share a bed with me?"

Ramona: "But...but his grandmother..."
Rudy: "Do you even know his family?"
Ramona: "No...I never asked."
Rudy: "I did. His grandparents are dead. On both sides."

Ramona: " money..."
Rudy: "You need to stop the transfer ASAP."

Ramona: "Oh my god my money!"


Rudy: "I hate it when Sims exploit the goodness of others. There are plenty of Sims who need our genuine compassion and Sims like Adriel are setting mankind back a whole decade and making others wary of helping others. I hope he rots in hell. I should have told Ramona the moment I found out Adriel was gay. I hope she got back her money."


Sienna: "Hey Jordana. Why are you staring into space?"
Jordana: "Hi Sienna! Hehe, I'm not staring into space. I'm birdwatching from my window!"
Sienna: "Did you see any birds?"

Jordana: "Sadly no. I was hoping to catch a glimpse of rare birds in China and Egypt but I have yet to see a single one."

Jordana: "What's up?"
Sienna: "I just wanted to check on your finger."
Jordana: "Hehe! That's so sweet of you. It's better now with the band-aid."

Sienna: "And it hurts without it?"
Jordana: "Of course. That's what a band-aid is for hehe."
Sienna: "Have you wondered if it's all psychological?"

Sienna: "Not just the finger thing but in general. Maybe you aren't that accident-prone. You just worry about it so much that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy."

Jordana: "Are you calling me crazy?"
Sienna: "No of course not."

Jordana: "You're not me. You don't know how easy it is for me to fall while walking on a flat surface. This helmet, these gloves, these socks, they all saved me from serious injury and death countless times. I don't care if you think it's weird but you have no right to tell me that I'm crazy."

Sienna: "That's not my intention."
Jordana; "My parents are getting on in age. I don't want them to have to worry about my safety still."
Sienna: "Does the rest of your family take the same precautions?"
Jordana: "No because they're not clumsy like me."

Sienna: "Where are your prescription meds?"
Jordana: "Why?"
Sienna: "I just want to see what kind of medicine you have been prescribed."
Jordana: "They're in the dresser. Middle drawer. Don't take any of it."

Sienna: "This is too strong. You don't really need this dosage."
Jordana: "How would you know? You don't have my family history."

Sienna: "That's true, but all these must cost a bomb."
Jordana: "They do. But they're effective."

Sienna: "Here's my namecard. Contact me after the show for new medicine. I really think eating these much will harm your body in the long run. And I would like to seek your permission to hand most of these over to me for safekeeping."

Jordana: "Why?"
Sienna: "I want to show you that you are stronger than you think you are."


It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the actions and identity of the Mole. The lowest scorer may be executed.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Does the Mole have a tattoo?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: Does the Mole have exes?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: Which hobby is the Mole's?
A: Yoga
B: Reading biographies
C: Birdwatching
D: Skateboarding
E: Dancing
F: Playing guitar

Q5: What was the Mole's role in Mission 7?
A: Tomb raider
B: Crypt keeper

Q6: In Mission 7, did the Mole find a secret?
A: Yes
B: No

Q7: Where was the Mole's secret in Mission 7?
A: Behind a hidden wall
B: Behind a locked door
C: Directly beneath a ladder
D: The Mole did not have a secret

Q8: Whose found the Mole's secret in Mission 7?
A: Mary Shelby
B: Rudy Rooney
C: Jordana Hammond
D: The Mole's secret was not found
E: The Mole did not have a secret

Q9: Which of the following was the Mole's secret in Mission 7?
A: The Mole has a broken scalp 
B: The Mole wants to break up her ex-husband's new relationship
C: The Mole stole from a student
D: The Mole is prescribing placebos instead of actual medication
E: The Mole has slept with countless colleagues
F: The Mole dislikes children
G: The Mole did not have a secret in Mission 7

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Rudy Rooney
B: Sanaa Madbouli
C: Sienna Justine Piers
D: Sheila Rammstein
E: Ramona Romano
F: Mary Shelby
G: Jordana Hammond


Ramona: "I trusted my intuition. I trusted Adriel. That's why I suspected Sheila. Now I don't know if I can trust him...or even myself."


"Welcome, Sanaa, to your first execution ceremony. You don't have to worry about execution tonight though, since you, Rudy and Jordana are exempt. The three of you will be continuing the journey in the land of romance: France. Three others will join you while one will not. We know that a woman will be executed tonight. But who?"

"Ramona Romano."


Mary: "Ramona was busy doing a whole lot of nothing in the previous mission."


"Unfortunately, Ramona Romano, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Rudy: "Ramona was someone who wore her heart on her sleeve. Her emotions and frustrations were very real and very obvious. She was always true to herself."


Ramona: "No! A mistake right off the gate!"


Sanaa: "I remember her live stream. She was able to spin a difficult situation into her favour. I was touched by her story with the broken vases."


Ramona: "Yes, these may be broken, but they can be easily stitched up. It just needs some care. It's like Sims. We're all broken sometimes."


Jordana: "Her name was so hard to pronounce hehe. But I will forever remember how she saved me."


Ramona: "I pull, you push, okay? One...two...three..."


Ramona: "I don't think the exemptions did me in. It was my heart. It was fluttering all over the place and creating problems for me like always. I didn't know who or what I could trust any more. I would have loved to be able to visit France but I'm happy to have been able to complete the whole trip in China and Egypt."
"Thank you for joining Ramona. We hope to see you soon."

The second woman has been executed! Who will be the first victim in France? Who is the Mole?

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