Tuesday 15 October 2024

59.15-City Tour de France


The contestants started the season in Shang Simla, and then later moved to Al Simhara. Before they left, they could get exemptions by finding other contestants' secrets, or for the new PKer Sanaa, safeguarding the real secrets. Sanaa did so and was awarded an exemption, as were Rudy and Jordana. With a one in four chance of execution, it was Ramona who was executed right before the trip to Champs Les Sims. Only six remain in this game. Who among them is the Mole? And will the pot of 300/600 ever grow more?


The contestants are ready to say goodbye to the desert and say hello to Champs Les Sims: the final stop this season. 

Jordana: "Hehe it's so cute! Such a small house."
Sienna: "It's a lot cooler than Al Simhara."
Sanaa: "I have never been out of Al Simhara. It's so different."


"Contestants, welcome to Champs Les Sims. France is said to be a country of romance. Today, you will get a romantic hot air balloon ride, two at a time. It is also an artsy place so two of you will get to mime. Two of you will get to participate in a City Tour de France. You may rotate over 3 rounds but the condition is that at least three of you must perform the same activity twice and none of you can do the same thing three times."

Rudy: "Cycling is my jam. I can do it twice. I can take the first two rounds and someone can take the last round."
Mary: "I think it is better for you to take first and last. Then you can learn."

Jordana: "I want to go on the balloon twice hehe."

Sienna: "I can join Jordana on the balloon in the first round."
Mary: "It's so rare to see you put your foot down. Alright, then I will join her on the second round."

Sanaa: "I want to ride the hot air balloon at least once."
Sheila: "Me too."
Rudy: "Perfect, then the two of you can take the last round."

Mary: "Is anyone else a good cyclist?"
Sienna: "Jordana, do you want to give it a go?"
Jordana: "No way. I don't want to hurt myself."
Sienna: "You're already wearing a helmet. You should do something you've never done."

Jordana: "Hehe no thanks. I think I rather mime."
Mary: "Let's not force her if she doesn't want to. I'll cycle with Rooney."
Sienna: "I'm willing to cycle once too."
Sheila: "Me as well. I think I can try miming as well."

Sanaa: "I also rather not cycle so I can mime twice."


Jordana: "Hehe! I never really mentioned this but I think it's amazing how in all the countries we been to, we haven't seen a lot of cars or traffic. Everyone is doing their part for the environment. This mission could have been a Formula 1 instead of a Tour de France but we went cycling instead hehe. I always wondered why Formula 1 is named after a brand of milk powder hehe."


In the first round, Sanaa has been given a word or phrase to mime. 

Jordana and Sienna have to try and guess what she is miming.

Jordana: "Hehe! It's like birdwatching but with Sims."
Sienna: "What is she trying to say?"

Sanaa: "I hope they get it."

Jordana: "Eeee! Hehe, a pine grosbeak!"
Sienna: "Jordana, focus!"
Jordana: "Sorry hehe. It's just that I'm so excited to finally see a bird!"


Jordana: "That was awesome!"

Sienna must now draw what she saw. Based on the drawing, Sheila has to perform a mime act in the city.

In the meantime, Mary and Rudy do a city tour on wheels. They have to cycle around the city until they make a guess or until the time for the round is up. If they are correct, they earn 30 points. However, they both have to hit a minimum speed of 20km/hour, or the points will be halved.

Mary: "No sight of Sheila yet."
Rudy: "Keep your eyes on the road and pedal hard!"

Sheila: "What the hell is that? A skipping rope? Oh, is it a tug of war?"


Sheila: "Where are they?"

Rudy: "There's Sheila!"

Sheila: "Ow, I landed a bit too hard."

Mary: "I have no idea what that was supposed to be."
Rudy: "It's hard to keep your eye on the road and on her. Do we want to make a guess?"
Mary: "No, let's go another round."


Rudy: "Second lap."

Mary: "I still have no clue."

Rudy: "She keeps falling!"
Mary: "Let's do one more round!"


Rudy: "Make your actions bigger!"

Sheila: "I'll give you bigger."

Mary: "I think we have to make a guess now."
Rudy: "All I saw was her on the ground and shielding her eyes from the sun. She slipped and fell on ice cream?"
Mary: "Our official guess is that 'slipping on ice cream'"


Unfortunately, that is incorrect. The phrase Sanaa was given was "pull the plug".


Rudy starts the second round.

Mary: "Describe what you see."
Jordana: "I see him running on the spot, hehe."
Mary: "I do too."

Mary: "He looks like he's trying to get ahead."


Jordana: "Oh did he break his back? Hehe."
Mary: "He's miming an old man."
Jordana: "Hehe, we have to go down now."


Sanaa: "Hmm, that looks like Rooney. Is he posing? Oh, he is running."

Sanaa: "There are two of him. He is running and bending forward. What does this mean?"


Sheila: "Sienna and I agreed that one of us would go fast and the other would go slow. 15 points is better than a 50% shot at 30 points, and by actually experiencing going fast ourselves we would know later if anyone was lying."


Sheila: "Hello? Do something!"

Sienna: "You are walking."


Sheila: "She's on the ground searching for something!"

Sheila: "I think we have time to make only one more round before the time is up, so let us all speed up."

Sheila: "She's bending down! She's bending down to search for something!"

Sienna: "What do you think the answer is?"
Sheila: "I think she dropped her money but that's not a phrase."
Sienna: "I have an idea. The evolution of man? She was on all fours like an animal, then slowly standing straighter and straighter."
Sheila: "Oh like that painting! I think that's it. Our official guess is 'the evolution of man'."


That is incorrect as well. Rudy had to act out "race against time".


Jordana starts off the last round, which is their last chance to earn money in this mission.

Sheila: "Oh, she's trapped in a box. That's a classic."
Sanaa: "Is that the phrase?"
Sheila: "Let's observe a little longer."

Sanaa: "She is squatting."
Sheila: "Huh."

Sanaa: "Is she being crushed by a rock?"

Sanaa: "She is very clearly in a box."
Sheila: "I think that's what we should stick with."


Rudy: "They're taking their damn sweet time."
Mary: "I'm getting tired."


Sienna: "There's a girl in a box. She's smiling."

Sienna: "Oh, now she's surprised. What is that above her head? Now you're drawing a bigger circle over it."

Sienna: "Is that supposed to be a raincloud? Is she in an elevator?"


Mary: "Stop going so fast!"
Rudy: "What do you mean 'stop going so fast'? We have to go fast!"


Rudy: "There she is!"

Rudy: "She's trapped!"

Mary: "Don't turn your back to us!"


Rudy: "She's being abducted by aliens! No wait, she's being crushed! She's in an elevator and falling!"


Rudy: "You're smarter. What could that be a phrase of?"
Mary: "I'm thinking that it's a metaphor. It could be a nightmare. Or she's claustrophobic."
Rudy: "I'll go with whatever you say."
Mary: "Our official guess is 'claustrophobia'."


The correct answer is "claustrophobia". However, Mary could not keep pace in the city cycling tour and thus, only 15 points are added to the pot.

A day of physical nonverbal sightseeing has brought in 15/90 points to the pot. Is this foreboding of what the season will be like pot-wise?

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