Monday 7 October 2024

59.12-Master at romance

 In the latest episode of the Smole, Zhang was fixing ladders while Jordana and Mary were charming snakes for the other four to play snakes and ladders. They had to answer questions to gain advantages in rolling the dice. Rudy and Sienna made it within 20 questions, with Rudy getting the exemption by being first. 40/80 points were added to the pot, making it 240/480 points. Rudy is safe but what about Zhang? Or is he the Mole?


Rudy: "Woo! I got my second exemption! This guy's not going anywhere any time soon. I should celebrate with some pizza."


Ramona: "Are you here to enjoy the pool as well?"
Mary: "I'm here for you."

Mary: "I heard you're quite the master at romance."
Rudy: "You have a high body count? How high is it?"

Ramona: "A girl doesn't sleep and tell...but it's more than the number of fingers I have."
Rudy: "Woah."
Mary: "You must be quite the charmer."

Ramona: "It's the other way round. The boys are so charming, so sexy, especially when they dance. Each dance is like a proclamation of love! I can't help it."

Rudy: "Don't be like me."
Ramona: "You can dance?"
Rudy: "No, not that. I mean...don't be like one of my ex-students."

Rudy: "His brother spiked a girl's drink while she left for the toilet. He wanted to get fresh with her, but he didn't know his sister was there too. She snuck into the bar and didn't dare to ask the bartender for a drink in case she was caught, so she stole a sip from the one lying around on a table...let's just say another man noticed her drunken state and it didn't end well for her."

Mary: "I can't believe you would do that."
Rudy: "What the hell? I told you it's not me. It's my student's older brother."
Mary: "I heard you say 'don't be like me'."

Rudy: "Sigh. You got me. I wanted to get the student to bring the brother to school so that I could give him a piece of my mind, but I realised I'm no better."

Rudy: "I had a crush on this girl. She was a Simlish teacher. I worked up the courage to tell her but she rejected me. Then there was this other teacher, she taught Geography, she was smoking hot and I was just jilted, so I wanted to score and feel good about myself. The thing is, she had a boyfriend and I felt like shit. I broke them up so that I could have her for myself."

Ramona: "So that's the real reason you quit. Not because of some passion."
Rudy: "It was a mixture of push and pull factors."

Rudy: "Don't tell a single soul about this or I will end you."

Mary: "You're forgetting that we're on camera."
Rudy: "Fuck!"

Mary: "Off he goes."

Mary: "Anyway, I came here because I was hoping you could give some love advice."
Ramona: "Ooh, this is juicy. What's his name?"
Mary: "Manuel."

Mary: "We broke up, but I still love him very much and I think we should get back together. How could I go about doing it?"
Ramona: "You are just like me, a forlorn lover."

Ramona: "But I don't think I can help you. I have a complicated love life. Too many exes and tension in the dance studio. I don't think I have ever gotten back with an ex nor have I intended to. There's always someone new to swoon over."

Ramona: "But what I suggest is thinking about what he really likes. To me, it's dancing. Dance is my life and anyone who shows interest and skill has my heart. For some men it's food. Only you know what he really likes."

Mary: "Trisha."
Ramona: "Who?"

Mary: "Nothing. I just thought of something that might help achieve my goal. We'll circle back to that later. Thanks for your help."

Ramona: "No problem. I just hope you don't end up like me and Adriel...or me and Josh, or me and Kirk, or..."

Mary: "I'll take my leave first."

Ramona: "I wonder how Adriel's grandmother is doing. I hope she received the treatment she needed."


Rudy: "The cat's out of the bag now. I guess I owe all of you an apology. Emma, sorry for acting like an ass just because you rejected me. You had every right to. Rosie, sorry for breaking you and your boyfriend up. I liked you and it felt like a dream come true when you agreed to go steady with me, but we were each other's rebound. And that's not fair to you. Or to your boyfriend. Sorry, I forgot your name. Sorry I was jealous of you. To Penny, sorry for not telling you personally and that you had to hear it like this but you understand right? How it would be weird to bring out my exes? I hope you guys can forgive me...fuck, I shouldn't have said their names, should I?"


Ramona: "Sometimes I wonder how my life ended up like this. I have had so many lovers turn into acquaintances or enemies...and we see each other almost on a daily basis. It hurts to think that some of them gave up their dreams of dancing because of me. It's not like I'm playing them. I truly love each and every one of them but my heart just can't decide or sit still. All I want at this stage is to find true love and get married and settle down. Why can't I find my own Calhoun or Johnny Castle? Or what if, like Mary, I already met him? And I lost him without realising it?"


Zhang: "What are you doing?"
Sheila: "I'm practising my magic. I have to depend on myself now more than ever and prove my skills to the world. If I want to meet Mary's connection or even get a call from a scout, I need to be in perfect form all the time."

Zhang: "Can you show me?"
Sheila: "What do you treat me as? A clown for a children's birthday party? I'm not here to entertain; I'm here to be the best."

Zhang: "What about your magician husband?"
Sheila: "Fiancé. We aren't married yet."
Zhang: "Why not?"

Sheila: "Now's just not the time. I said some hurtful things to him and regret it, so I can't let the relationship strain be in vain. I have to excel if I want to face him again."

Zhang: "Usually it is the man who tries to impress the woman."
Sheila: "Times have changed. If you want something you have to get it yourself. If you want to go high, you need to make the sacrifice."

Sheila: "Besides, it's not about impressing Seamus."

Zhang: "I envy you. I wish I can give my wife and daughter the opportunities you receive. All my wife does is sleep like a pig all day. If I can give her a computer, maybe she can be a livestreamer and make lots of money doing what she loves. And my daughter likes music. If only I can buy her a guitar or piano to develop her interest."

Sheila: "I know my parents really did so much for me for me to pursue my interests."
Zhang: "You are very lucky."


Jordana: "Ow!"
Sienna: "What happened?"
Jordana: "My finger got caught in between."

Jordana: "It hurts so much."
Sienna: "It's not that bad."

Jordana: "I should go get some painkillers."
Sienna: "Painkillers? For this? You're not even bleeding."
Jordana: "Because I wore gloves, hehe."

Jordana: "It hurts so much!"

Sienna: "Do you get painkillers whenever you accidentally hurt yourself?"
Jordana: "Of course!"
Sienna: "Who's prescribing them to you?"
Jordana: "Dr. Johnson hehe. He understands my condition so well."
Sienna: "He's not a very ethical doctor."

Sienna: "Come here. Let me blow on it and it'll be all better."

Jordana: "Hehe, I'm not a child. That won't work on me."
Sienna: "...Go get a band-aid then. Don't abuse painkillers."


It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the actions and identity of the Mole. The lowest scorer may be executed.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What is the Mole's birth month?
A: January
B: February
C: March
D: April
E: May
F: June
G: July
H: August
I: September
J: October
K: November
L: December

Q3: What is the Mole's favourite movie genre?
A: Psychological thriller
B: Fantasy
C: Drama
D: Action/adventure
E: Romance

Q4: What is the Mole's greatest accomplishment?
A: Opening her own private clinic
B: Winning her first dancing competition
C: Buying his first bike
D: Went 2 years without breaking a bone
E: Winning a local magic competition early in her career
F: Successfully leading a corporate restructuring that saved the company millions
G: Inheriting the family heirloom

Q5: In Mission 6, what was the Mole's role?
A: Fixing ladders
B: Charming snakes
C: Playing snakes and ladders

Q6: In Mission 6, in which order did the Mole start?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: The Mole did not play snakes and ladders

Q7: In Mission 6, how many rounds did it take for the Mole to reach the top?
A: 20
B: 25
C: 27
D: The Mole did not play snakes and ladders

Q8: In Mission 6, did the Mole charm a snake successfully?
A: Yes
B: No

Q9: In Mission 6, what was the Mole's average roll?
A: 3.80
B: 3.92
C: 3.93
D: 4.05
E: The Mole did not play snakes and ladders

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Rudy Rooney
B: Zhang Hua
C: Sienna Justine Piers
D: Sheila Rammstein
E: Ramona Romano
F: Mary Shelby
G: Jordana Hammond


Sheila: "I'm starting to doubt if my coalition members are all they seem to be. I don't fully trust them."


Jordana: "I want to believe them but I know I can't blindly trust."


Mary: "I'm worried I'm developing myopic vision but I'm almost certain one of them might be the Mole."


"Welcome to your next execution ceremony. For the second time in Egypt Rudy has found an exemption and is safe. Who will be executed instead?"

"Sienna Justine Piers."


Sheila: "I heard Sienna didn't want to work with Rooney even though he looked like he was going to win. So that takes the exemptions out of the equation, leaving only the points to consider. And that moment when she tried to rally us against him...that's so uncharacteristic of her."


"Mary Shelby."


Jordana: "Hehe, it's true. Mary didn't manage to charm a snake a single time throughout the mission."

"Zhang Hua."


Sienna: "Zhang was very slow in fixing the ladders. We were not able to use them most of the time."


"Unfortunately, Zhang Hua, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."

Rudy: "I admire Zhang. He played with honour and always gave his 110%."


Zhang: "I cannot rob the dead!"


Sheila: "In Zhang's first mission, he found an activity that Mary and I missed. I knew then he wasn't the Mole but we needed someone like him in this season."


Zhang: "Jog along a route with a backpack containing sand. You may find it inside the crate."
Adriel: "Sand again? I'm not doing that. We only just cooled off."
Zhang: "I will try."


Sienna: "My fondest memory of Zhang is outside the missions. He liked to whip up Chinese cuisine for us and I enjoyed it a lot."


Sienna: "Hi Zhang, what are you making?"
Zhang: "Hi Sienna. I'm making stir-fry salad."


Zhang: "If I left because I did not know who the Mole was then I have nothing to say, but I know who the Mole is. I thought this would be my opportunity to have a better life. But no. I did not want to stay in the desert for longer anyway. I miss my homeland."
"Thank you for joining Zhang. We hope to see you soon."

The Chinese PKer has been executed! If he's not the Mole, who is?

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