Wednesday, 16 September 2015

21.13-Born to be in the spotlight

Welcome back! Our contestants had to pass on some mystery envelopes for their mission. Donovan and Eleanor chose not to have any, thus earning 100/200 points, or 430/1120 points. Zachary was given a chance to earn a correction if he managed to get everyone to have one envelope, but he failed. He had one envelope which was an exemption. Moxie had 2 envelopes; one was a mystery letter while the other contained a correction. As for Lisa, she had 2 envelopes too, but one was a -2 penalty while the other was the removal of 1 correction. Fortunately she survived the execution, but the same couldn’t be said for Eleanor. With only four left, who will make it to the finale?

Mission 7-In the Spotlight


Zachary: “You’re the Mole, aren’t you, Lisa?”
Lisa: “Think what you want. I just am shocked that you would decide to pin the blame on me.”
Zachary: “How much have you contributed to the pot?”
Lisa: “I will neither agree nor deny. It’s too risky to reveal this to anyone else.”

Zachary: “Alright, time to record her reaction down.”

Lisa: “He thinks I’m the Mole? Well, he made a big mistake. Good luck surviving another round.”



“Good morning, contestants! Your next mission will be conducted in a dark room. You will see spotlights. You have to avoid the spotlights for the full duration of one hour to earn 50 points for the group. This is worth a total of 200 points. An exemption will be offered if an only if only one contestant is left out of the spotlight by the end of that hour. Good luck.”

Moxie: “So that was what the note to me meant. I have to stay out of the spotlight. But that’s just ridiculous. I’m born to be in the spotlight! I just have to consider whether to go for the correction or exemption. I’ll see how it goes.”

Donovan: “I chose to ride with Lisa because I feel as though we haven’t really interacted this season.”

Lisa: “The room was extremely dark, save the flashing spotlights. We were to avoid them, which wasn’t easy. There were also walls that we could use to hide. This was going to be a fun mission.”

“Your one hour begins…now!”
Moxie: “Time to party!”

Lisa: “Woah. That was close! The haphazardness of this spotlight is alarming.”

Lisa: “What is this? A teddy bear with toilet paper? Is this supposed to be a haunted house?”

Zachary: “Yes! I didn’t get caught.”

Donovan: “Alright, time to go!”
Moxie: “Just follow the walls.”

“Moxie, you have been eliminated!”

Moxie: “Darn. Looks like I’m meant to be in the spotlight. Oh well. At least I get a correction!”

Moxie: “My plan was to follow Don. He would take it that it’s because we’re in a coalition. I’m confident Zachary would be hit. Lisa went too fast so I couldn’t find her. Thus I chose to stick with Don and follow the walls to avoid being hit…that didn’t go too well.”

Donovan: “Alright, two spotlights. Okay, one…two…”

Donovan: “I noticed that the spotlights have differing speeds, motions and delays. I tried to keep count of each one. It was hard of course, but it helped initially when you didn’t get too confused. Also, I had to be kept on my toes because you never know when a spotlight will come from behind and hit you. This is so intense!”

Donovan: “Wait, why is it so bright here? I hope I haven’t run into a spotlight!”

Donovan: “This place is darker. Should be safer.”

Zachary: “Can’t get me!”

Zachary: “I think I’ll hide here.”

Lisa: “Okay…go!”

Donovan: “Yikes! You can’t rest for a single second!”

“Half an hour left!”
Lisa: “Just stay in the shadows, Lisa, like how a good detective would.”

Donovan: “Zachary run! The spotlights are everywhere!”
Zachary: “Okay?”

Zachary: “Wait why was I listening to him?”

Zachary: “Ha! Missed me!”

Zachary: “Alright, spotlights everywhere.”

Lisa: “I’m back here again.”

“Lisa, you have been eliminated!”
Lisa: “Drats! My stupid foot!”

Zachary: “I can’t believe Lisa would be eliminated!”
“Zachary, you have been eliminated!”
Zachary: “Great. Shouldn’t have been distracted.”

“Donovan, you are the only survivor. But you still have ten minutes! Can you survive till the end?”
Donovan: “I’ll do it for Sara!”


Moxie: “It’s so hot and sweaty in there. I need a bath. Why didn’t they have a bathtub in the house?”


Donovan: “The exemption is mine! I just need to last a little longer…one…two…three…four…”

Donovan: “Which light was that…it stopped! Quick! Phew! That was a close call. Wait, what’s this? No, it’s a decoy. Don’t get distracted!”

“The mission ends in 5…4…3…2…”

“1. Congratulations Donovan! You earned 50/200 points for the team, as well as an exemption for yourself! The pot now has 480/1320 points!”

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