Friday, 4 September 2015

21.08-Stop maligning me

Quiz time. Lisa has 7 corrections altogether, which she chooses not to use.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What colour hair does the Mole have?
A: Black
B: Brown
C: Red
D: Grey

Q3: In Mission 4, which car did the Mole ride?
A: Red
B: Yellow

Q4: In Mission 4, was the Mole seated in front or at the back of the car?
A: In front
B: At the Back

Q5: In Mission 4, which tower did the Mole take initially?
A: Left front
B: Left middle
C: Left back
D: Right front
E: Right middle-front
F: Right middle-back
G: Right back

Q6: In Mission 4, whose tower did the Mole go to first?
A: Donovan Lee
B: Eleanor Darklight
C: Lisa Brown
D: Shawn Munk
E: Moxie Hills
F: Zachary Douffet
G: Herb DeValentino

Q7: In Mission 4, in what order was the Mole caught?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: The Mole was not caught

Q8: In Mission 4, how many rainbow balls did the Mole have in the end?
A: 0
B: 6

Q9: In Mission 4, was the Mole offered corrections or exemptions?
A: Corrections
B: Exemptions

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Donovan Lee
B: Eleanor Darklight
C: Lisa Brown
D: Shawn Munk
E: Moxie Hills
F: Zachary Douffet
G: Herb DeValentino

Herb: “Some were offered exemptions and some were offered corrections? I guess I’m glad I was offered an exemption, but I failed to get it, so I’m really worried. I’m still unsure of who the Mole is. This game is too mentally challenging for me. All I know is that Lisa had corrections since it wasn’t announced that she was exempt.”


“This is the fourth execution ceremony. Tonight, 7 will drop to 6. You guys were too greedy for your own sake, leaving Lisa to reap all the benefits. Who will go home with nothing?”

“Don’t look so despondent now. Who shall like to see their result first?”
Donovan: “Just get it over with already. No need to be wishy-washy.”

“Alright then. You were close, claiming most of the rainbow balls. However, greed never pays well, and you were caught by Eleanor. Will staying for another mission be too much to ask for or should you be content with your current placing?”

“Donovan Lee, you are…safe!”
Donovan: “Whew.”

Zachary: “I want to go next.”
“Very well. You were the first to be caught in the previous mission. Was it pure bad luck, or was your slip of tongue deliberate? Did you mean to sacrifice those points?”
Zachary: “Stop maligning me.”
 “Zachary Douffet, you are…


Zachary: “I’m tired of all these games and suspense.  I want to just go and sleep like it never happened.”

“The remaining four of you must really be nervous and jittery. Except for the Mole. That’s a guaranteed.”

Eleanor: “I’ll go next.”
“Loving the initiative. You were even closer to Don in getting those corrections. However, you failed to watch your back as Lisa caught you red-handed, taking four corrections right before your very eyes. Was it a slip, or was it on purpose? Eleanor Darklight, unfortunately, you…

are safe!”
Eleanor: “Good.”

“It’s down to the three of you. One will be going home tonight. Who wants to know their result next?”
Herb: “I’ll do it. I don’t want to get a heart attack.”

“Okay then. You wanted to announce that the bingo balls were pointless, but you decided not to. You instead went straight to your own tower to protect your rainbow ball, catching Moxie before she even had a chance. However, in the end you were still caught. Will you be able to catch the Mole?”


“Unfortunately, I’m sorry to say that Herb DeValentino, you are the next to…be executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”

Herb: “I knew it. I wasn’t going to last any longer. An old man like me can’t keep up in this game. It’s no use dreaming lofty dreams and trying to win the money. You should just stick to working hard and being down-to-earth.”

Moxie: “I noticed that Shawn was never called for execution. He was never even present during any of the execution ceremonies! He will have to be for the next one, but I find that highly suspicious.”

The oldest, and supposedly wisest, has left!  The Mole is so elusive. Who will be next?

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