Saturday, 6 September 2014

13.01-At least there's TV here!

We have another season of the Smole! This season, 8 Moles will be joining the contest. By Moles, we mean ex-moles. They will earn points for the pot which will translate into money for the winner. However, one of them is still continuing their role as Mole, so he/she will be out to sabotage to earn points him/herself. The other contestants will have to take quizzes on who they think the Mole is. The one with the lowest score is eliminated and this will continue until there are only 3 left. However, the Mole him/herself will take a separate quiz on who they think will be leaving next. If they score the lowest, they will be the one leaving. So, let’s meet them!

Our first Mole is Michael Mullard of Season 1.
Our second Mole is Matthew Hamming of Season 5.
Our third Mole is Dolly Skella of Season 7.
Our next Mole is Timothy Foyer of Season 8.
After that is Vlad Pire of Season 9.
After him is Guillermo Ichtaca of Season 10.
Our next Mole is Dory Neo of Season 11.
Our last Mole is Skye Lowe of Season 12.


Contestants are doing their first mission currently. They are trapped in a room and have to escape, like in Season 11. Except now they are aware it’s just a mission and it’s not the llamas that captured them. For every pair that escapes, 20 points are added. This is worth 80 points.

Matthew: “So, you’re a vampire, eh? Nice to meet you! My name is Matthew Hamming and I’m from Bridgeport. Where I come from, vampires are dozens.”
Vlad: “That’s nice to hear that you are accustomed to our kind. I am Vlad Pire.”


Timothy: “Gosh, are we going to be stuck here forever?”
Skye: “Don’t be such a baby! Stop whining!”
Timothy: “What did I ever do to you?”
Skye: “What did I ever do to be stuck with you?”
Timothy: “You know what? I’m not going to pick a fight with you. I heard of your case and…”
Skye: “And what? Don’t think you’re so mighty that you can help me! I’ve already been betrayed by that Heather Long once. I’m not going to let another do that to me.”


Dory: “Hey, at least there’s TV here!”
Guillermo: “Mind if I sit?”

Dory: “Woah, did you see that?”
Guillermo: “I sure did! That hole just appeared out of nowhere…”
Dory: “Her nose is sooooo big! Uh, I think it was her nose….or was it her eyes. Is there a rewind button here that I can use?”


Timothy: “Stop mimicking me.”
Skye: “Stop mimicking me.”
Timothy: “We’re going to have to work together if you want to get out. As of now, you’re just humiliating yourself.”


Michael: “At times like this we don’t even get to eat goopy carbonara!”
Dolly: *gasp* “You mean…not even that? Then what do you eat?”
Michael: “Whatever we can find. Like bugs…”
Dolly: “Ew!”


Guillermo: “Awesome! I found gold!”


Timothy: “I’m going to read a book than fight with you…hey, this bookcase seems strange…”

Skye: “Ugh, it’s just a stupid bookcase. Why do you bother?”

Skye: “How did you…”

Michael: “Dolly, get out of the way. I want to watch TV.”
Dolly: “But I want to dance!”

Michael: “The lights just turned cyan.”


Guillermo: “Woah. Every action we take causes something else to happen!”
Dory: “I know! Wait, what were we talking about again?”


Vlad: “I’d like some music.”
Matthew: “Why listen to that stereo when you can hear me jam?”


Michael: “I didn’t notice this here before…cool! Nectar!”


Skye: “How did you get in there?”
Timothy: “There’s a book.”
Skye: “No, no, no. A bookcase doesn’t hold books; it holds raspberries.”
Timothy: “I mean the blue book on the 4th shelf.”
Skye: “What blue book? Are you blind or trying to sabotage?”

Timothy: “Oh, I took the book with me. Silly me.”
Skye: “When you get out I’m going to beat you to a pulp.”

Timothy: “I think something happened!”

Timothy: “What’s this lying around?”

Michael: “Hmm….how did you get in?”
Timothy: “Apparently the bookcase was a secret door.”


Vlad: “Based on instincts this bookcase is phony.”

Matthew: “Hey! Where did Vlad go?”
Vlad: “Muahaha.”


Timothy: “And he was so mean!”
Michael: “Uh-huh.”
Timothy: “I’m sorry. What am I saying? I should remain professional and not freak out because we may be trapped here forever.”
Dolly: “We’ll succeed, don’t worry!”


Vlad: “I see something here.”

Matthew: “Might as well watch TV.”


Guillermo: “Woah.”

Guillermo: “This must be the jackpot!”


Matthew: “Oh there you are! I thought you disappeared like a fairy.”
Vlad: “I hate fairies. All occults, really.”
Matthew: “That’s pretty ironic.”


Skye: “That’s it. I’m not bumming around waiting for him to come back. I’m going to find my way out, even if it means bashing through this oddly sparse wall!”

Skye: “Oddly sparse? Hmm…”


Guillermo: “You’re actually quite pretty.”
Dory: “Aww, whatever you said was so sweet, John.”
Guillermo: “It’s Guillermo.”
Dory: “Guillermo, right. Thanks for the compliment…I think….um…Harry?”


Skye: “Thought as much.”


Matthew: “Hey, they’re airing my sitcom!”
Vlad: “Okay…I think we need to find an escape route.”

Vlad: “Based on instincts there should be a hidden door here.”


Skye: “Piece of cake!”


Guillermo: “Come on. There must be a way out somewhere.”


Timothy: “I think I should go now, or Skye will get suspicious.”

Michael: “Good, he’s gone. Now I can inspect this wall.”
Dolly: “Ooh, sneaky!”

Timothy: “Hey, he found a wall!”

Skye: “Sigh…This is taking forever.”
Timothy: “Oh Skye, there you are! Nice to see you found the hidden door!”
Skye: “No thanks to you. Were you partying down there?”


Michael: “The coast is clear?”
Dolly: “The coast is clear.”
Michael: “Thanks Dolly.”

Looks like Matthew and Vlad made it out too.


Guillermo: “Dory! Look! Another path!”
Dory: “How’d you find that out, Joseph?”
Guillermo: “It’s Guillermo, for Pete’s sake!”
Dory: “Your name is Pete now?”

Now it’s 3 teams.

Skye: “Stop being a goody-two-shoes!”
Timothy: “I’m just trying to help.”

Vlad: “The base of the statue is loose…I had a feeling this could move. Wait till the others hear this!”

Vlad: “At last!”

Skye: “Well, I don’t need your help, motherZZZZZ!”

Dolly: “ZZZZ!”
*removes lightning noise*
Dolly: “Vlad, I think you just caused trouble.”

Dolly: “I still want to win you know, not be fried eggs.”

Vlad: “Michael! There’s another statue there! See if that will deactivate anything!”

Dory: “Cool….”

Skye: “All right! A girl with attitude!”

Michael: “Righty-o.”

Dory: “Look what I found!”

Michael: “I just realised stepping would work.”
Dolly: “Another trap!”

Timothy: “I realise that we could, you know…walk around it?”

Michael: “You destroyed it.”


Dory: “There you all are! You guys are cowards! Especially you, Vlad! A vampire coward! Wait, what am I doing here again? Oh, just forget it.”


Timothy: “I don’t need princesses in this house.”
Timothy: “Not another one.”

Vlad: “Okay! I got rid of that trap too.”

Guillermo: “I say we stick together.”
Dolly: “But I want to meet new people!”
Guillermo: “You’re just a child, Dolly. You don’t understand how dangerous this mission is.”
Vlad: “Personally I’m fine with either.”
Skye: “It’ll irk me to see that Timothy Foyer’s face again.”

Timothy: “You really don’t need to humiliate me like that.”
Michael: “Whatever. Come on, Dolly.”

Dolly: “I am not a child!”
Guillermo: “You’re 8.”
Michael: “Boo!”
Dolly: “Aah!”


Skye: “This can’t be the end.”
Michael: “Survival instincts tell me that there’s more to this.”

Timothy: “Well, I wouldn’t be all that surprised if there’s yet another hidden door.”

Guillermo: “What’s everybody doing?”

Dory: “Aww, there’s nothing!”
Timothy: “Come on Dory.”

Guillermo: “Well, well, well.”


Timothy: “You can stop impaling me now.”
Dory: “You’re the one superimposing on me.”

Dory: “Another chest!”
Timothy: “Don’t open it! I fear something bad may happen…”


Skye: “Hmm...what was that?”

Skye: “Who’s there?”
Vlad: “It’s just me. Really? There’s a floor panel there and you choose to loot instead?”


Guillermo: “I just realised I should have recorded any suspicious activity.”


Dory: “Oh fire! When did that happen?”


Vlad: “Congrats. You just set off another trap.”
Skye: “Shut your yap. I do what I want.”


Michael: “Well, yes. It is awfully gloomy in here.”


Timothy: “Hey there’s a floor switch. I think it deactivated the trap!”
Dory: “No, it’s me opening the chest that…whatever you said.”


Vlad: “I’m sure Dolly would be more of a help than you.”
Skye: “You can insult her but not me.”


Dory: “I wonder what’s inside…”
Timothy: “Dory are you mad? Get your hand out of there!”


Skye: “Even that sissy Timothy is more man than you.”
Vlad: “And would Timothy dare to put his hand in?”
Skye: “Hmm…I guess not.”
Vlad: “Great. Fire again.”


Matthew: “You know, it won’t hurt if you take a little memento.”
Guillermo: “Matthew! You’re a respectable celebrity for Pete’s sake!”
Matthew: “I’ve lost a part of my fan base in Season 5.”


Dolly: “Let’s have fun while we can!”


Dory: “I think I disarmed…whatever I disarmed!”

Timothy: “That’s great Dory but be careful next time.”


Vlad: “They really should have installed a toilet.”
Skye: “You better not pee on me, even if I may consider drinking it to satiate my hunger and thirst.”
Vlad: “You’re lucky. Nothing will fill me but plasma. This is supposed to be a perk of being a vampire.”


Matthew: “Stop standing there and help me out.”


Dolly: “I hope it’s not raining outside, because I don’t have an umbrella.”
Michael: “Can we stop chatting and get down to business now?”


Skye: “I disarmed this stupid thing. I see a hole appeared.”

Vlad: “I think you did it. I heard the door being unlocked from the other side.”

Vlad: “We’re out! Wait, we’re not out.”
Skye: “This is getting annoying. Why am I even paired with someone who copies my hairstyle?”
Vlad: “I appeared on the Smole first so you copied me.”
Skye: “Like real. I do things my own way. Alone.”


Timothy: “Dory you’re a genius! You made the hole re-appear!”
Dory: “All you have to do is stick your hand inside the thing again. It’s trial and error as to which one, but I found it.”


Vlad: “Shall we wait for the others to get out?”
Skye: “No. Who cares about them? They can die for all I care.”
Vlad: “For a human you are cold-blooded.”
Skye: “It’s called survival of the fittest.”

Vlad: “Did you really have to loot?”
Skye: “Do you really have to stick your nose in everything I do? I’m warning you. Get off my back.”

Skye: “Kay where did that come from?”

Michael: “Gold…I’ll loot it before peeing inside here to leave my mark.”

Vlad: “This water reminds me of my bladder…but you can just walk across you know. Unless you’re fat.”
Skye: “I’m not. I’m just too hungry. That’s all.”


Michael: “Dolly quit standing around there and do something!”
Dolly: “Don’t shout…”
Michael: “I don’t care about being nice anymore! If you aren’t of use to me I’ll get rid of you all the same!”
Dolly: “Gulp!”


Guillermo: “Matthew!”
Matthew: “You saw nothing…hey a hole!”


Skye: “I wonder what’s hidden here.”

Vlad: “This torch looks slightly different…you can pull it!”

Skye: “Why did half of the lights go off and the rest turn red? What numbskull move did you do?”
Vlad: “I’ll go take a look.”

Vlad: “I didn’t notice a statue here before.”

Skye: “Huh? Oh, a flight of stairs just rose from the ground.”


Dory: “What are you doing?”
Timothy: “Inspecting the hole, seeing as how you stuck your hand inside there for 30 minutes doing nothing and forgetting what you were doing. You wasted our time.”
Dory: “Sorry.”
Timothy: “Nevermind. I’ll assess your condition when we get out.”


Michael: “Dolly, go and get help at least.”
Dolly: “I hope there isn’t a serpent waiting for me up there!”


Guillermo: “We’re out! Good job!”


Timothy: “I think I found something….yaah! Insects!”

Dory: “Tell me when you’re done. I’m tired. I need to sit.”

Timothy: “Did you hear that? I think it worked!”


Guillermo: “Matthew, no!”
Vlad: “Are you mad?”

Matthew: “Sorry guys. I couldn’t disarm it.”


Michael: “Great. I’m standing in my own pee. Why is that rascal taking so long?”


Dolly: “Okay, I hope there’s someone in this room.”
Vlad: “There is an easier way to cross without wetting yourself.”
Matthew: “I already am.”
Guillermo: “Twice.”

Skye: “Nothing to see here.”

Skye: “What did I hear about Matthew the celeb wetting himself twice? Do you need diapers big baby?”

Dory: “I can’t believe he would do such a thing! What did he do anyway?”

Matthew: “Silly me. You just needed to walk past it.”
Vlad: “I’m out. I’m out! Freedom!”


Dolly: “This is embarrassing. Nobody’s to be found anywhere! They must have all left! I hope I don’t lose Michael either!”


Dory: “This looks fun! I love water!”
Timothy: “Dory, don’t!”
Dory: “Aww, the water stopped.”

Timothy: “Come on Dory. Let’s not waste time further.”


Michael: “There you are. Why did you come back alone?”
Dolly: “They all left!”

Dolly: “We’re stuck here alone! I wish there was a plane to take me back home…”

It’s past midnight and because they still haven’t gotten out, they forfeit the mission. 60/80 points are earned. Skye happened to earn a hidden exemption in that last chest. Tonight, they will all be safe.

PS. This whole tomb could be raided alone.

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