Monday, 1 September 2014

12.19-I just want to make friends...

Welcome back to the Smole! Previously the contestants went painting and Jo’s painting was the most valuable, thus earning herself a free ride into the finals. 15/20 points were earned, or 870/2070 points. Dominic Kaliton was the last to be executed, thus being unable to fulfill his wish of beating his sister. With only 3 left, who will win and who is the Mole?



Heather: “Ick! This never felt more bitter.”


Jo: “Good morning Skye. Feeling better?”
Skye: “Don’t be a hypocrite. You’re probably just like Heather Long.”
Jo: “Just because of one incident you lose faith in humanity? Well I’ll try to help you regain it, even if time is short.”
Skye: “I don’t need your help!”

Heather: “Hmm…it’s strange. The editor would definitely not resist such a juicy piece of news. I bet he was bribed or threatened or something…the Organisation! They must know Skye joined the Smole and are watching our every move! Oh I’ve never been more stupid! I walked into their trap and I’m going to get hunted! I must protect whatever I know…my journal! Skye’s journal!”


Jo: “Stupid raccoon! Shoo!”
Raccoon: “I just want to make friends…”

Heather: “Must read my journal.”


“Your final mission is worth 30 points, 10 points for every contestant that makes it back by 1pm. You will be racing in your vans which you hardly use. Good luck.”

Heather’s in the lead, followed by Skye, then Jo, but Jo’s catching up.

Jo’s overtaken Skye!

Skye: “I got distracted. I was originally thinking of winning this, then ramming into Heather, but she sped like mad so I eventually just gave up. If she ever wins, I’m not letting her take that much money home. If she’s the Mole…good for her then.”


Heather: “I’m back!”
“Congratulations! You are first and have earned 10 points!”

Jo is second and in time.

Jo: “Phew! What a relief! I was that close to 1pm!”

Skye is back without any points.
Skye: “Maybe I could take a vacation if I win the money.”


Jo: “I feel like playing dominoes.”
Skye: “Wait, where’s Heather…my journal! I locked it up in the drawer! She better not steal it!”

Heather: “I’m here.”
Skye: “Good.”

Who will win? Who is the Mole? They earned 20/30 points and the pot is now officially 890/2100 points. It’s an effort, I guess.

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