Wednesday 10 September 2014

13.02-Okay, where did the floor go?

We are back on the Smole! Last time 8 Moles came and were thrown into the first mission, to escape. Only Dolly and Michael were unable to make it out, so 60/80 points were earned. Everybody was safe, but alas, there can only be one ultimate Mole.

This is the second mission. Contestants will stand on one of the 8 white floating tiles and answer questions about previous seasons. This was brought over from Season 10, but with a twist. Questions will now pertain to the Mole of that season. There will be 10 questions, each worth 10 points. In other words, a possible 800 points can be earned. A lot for these ex-saboteurs. As with Season 10, if they answer a question wrongly, they will fall into the abyss. Let’s not forget basements can be dug. The ultimate survivor earns an exemption to go with Skye.

Here they are.
Dolly: “This is sooo high up!”
“Question 1: In Season 6, what was the Mole’s favourite word?”
Matthew: “Who was it? Angelica, right? I think it’s like.”
Timothy: “I hope I’m not rusty…like?”
Dory: “Like, what? Uh, since the others say like, then I’ll follow suit.”
Guillermo: “Like.”
Michael: “Angelica Gerria was the Mole…so…like.”
Skye: “I can’t say hate now, can I? Like.”
Dolly: “I’ll go with the majority! Like!”
Vlad: “Alright then. Like.”
“Ooh, this is a risky one. Either you all fall or you all stay.”

Matthew: “They’re all copycats, I tell you. Spend a few days with these Moles and you can feel the deceit and awkwardness in the air. Who can we really trust? All of them are so suspicious. Especially that Dory. While I learnt she has short-term memory, she doesn’t have to be the biggest copycat.”


“And you all stay!”

Matthew: “Got one correct. You’re amazing, Matthew Hamming, if I do say so myself.”

“Question 2: In Season 2, where did the Mole descend from?”
Matthew: “China?”
Timothy: “The Mole was Mei Leow, so she came from China.”
Dory: “Really? Wasn’t it America?”
Guillermo: “I thought it was America too.”
Michael: “I’m not sacrificing points. China!”
Skye: “Question is, where did the parents descend from? Oh wait, that’s taking things too far. China is too mainstream. America.”
Dolly: “China? Where is that? She couldn’t have come from there! It must be America!”
Vlad: “China.”
“We have 2 answers. Let’s see who’s right…”

“You are all correct! One parent came from China and one came from America. Good job! Question 3: In Season 5, where did the Mole get their strategy from?”

Matthew: “I’d keep my answer for last.”
Timothy:  “The Mole was Matthew Hamming. If I remember correctly, there was a scene which showed Matthew getting advice from Kirby.”
Dory: “Kirby? As in Kirby Wise? Okay then! That’s my answer!”
Guillermo: “I have no idea actually. I might as well fall with the rest. Kirby Wise!”
Michael: “I watched the after-party. Kirby Wise revealed that she was the real mastermind.”
Skye: “I’d really love to say otherwise, but now I need to help the team…or rather, I happen to help them in the process of helping myself. Kirby Wise.”
Dolly: “Kirby?”
Vlad: “Wasn’t Matthew the mastermind of it? I don’t know. I never really watched all seasons of the Smole. I have a bad feeling we’re all wrong, so I’ll go with Apollo Bloom…wasn’t he the first one to join?”
Matthew: “My answer is Kirby Wise.”

“There goes Vlad Pire, falling through the trap door! The answer is indeed Kirby Wise. This was not shown until the very last episode.”

Guillermo: “My butt itches…hey, don’t film me scratching!”

“Question 4: In Season 7, what colour was the Mole’s pants?”
Matthew: “White?”
Timothy: “It’s Dolly Skella, so the answer is white.”
Dory: “Hmm…oh, she’s wearing white!”
Guillermo: “White then, since she’s right there.”
Michael: “I’m not a pervert to look below the waist, so I’ll just follow and say white.”
Skye: “It’s plain obvious it’s white.”
Dolly: ‘Yep, it’s white!”

“All of you are right! It is white! Question 5: In Season 8, who were the Mole’s main two patients? Just name one.”

Matthew: “Okay…the Mole was Timothy there. I think it was Raphael Sinster.”
Timothy: “I know the answer very well. Raphael Sinster.”
Dory: “Raphael Sinster, then!”
Guillermo: “I thought there was a Norma Mellow too!”
Michael: “Yeah, I remember there was a black woman named Norma.”
Skye: “You guys are being idiots! The main 2 were Kay Micheals and Sam Darryl John! They were squabbling for who knows how long?”
Dolly: “Can I just go with the majority and say Raphael Sinster?”

“Skye is wrong! His official and longest two were the ones we were looking for: Raphael and Norma.”
Dolly: “Oh no! Now I’m the only one left in the front row!”
Dory: “What just happened?”
Guillermo: “It’s creepy how they don’t scream even if they fall into the abyss.”
Matthew: “Maybe it’s a vacuum.”
Timothy: “That means they’re dead! This is scary!”

“Question 6. Who’s the aunt of the Mole of Season 11?”

Matthew: “Jacintha, right?”
Timothy: “The Mole that season was Dory Neo…yup, it’ s Jacintha all right.”
Dory: “I’ll just follow them and say Jacintha because I forgot what the question was.”
Guillermo: “It’s about your aunt, Jacintha Neo!”
Michael: “Okay then. Jacintha Neo. I never really watched that season.”
Dolly: “Neither did I! If Dory was the Mole, wouldn’t the aunt be Dominica Kaliton? I think so. Why would they share the same last name? My aunt sure doesn’t.”


Dolly: “AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! Someone save….”

“Congratulations to you 5!”

Timothy: “That’s pretty scary. I hope she’s okay.”
“Forget about her. Question 7: In Season 4, who was the Mole?”
Matthew: “This is easy. William Fangmann.”
Timothy: “I know my Moles and it’s William Fangmann indeed.”
Dory: “Er, okay. William….whatever his last name is.”
Guillermo: “Fangmann. William Fangmann.”
Michael: “William.”

“That’s correct! Question 8: In Season 12, who was in the Mole’s coalition?”
Matthew: “Wasn’t there nobody?”
Timothy: “The Mole was Skye…he didn’t have a coalition.”
Dory: “Oh, I had Dominica and my aunt Jacintha in my coalition.”
Guillermo: “You’re not in Season 12. Season 12 was Skye’s season and he had no coalition.”
Michael: “Yup. Nobody.”

Dory: “Okay, where did the floor go?”

“And then there were 4. Question 9: In Season 1, who was the Mole’s first victim?”

Matthew: “Harry Johns. I remember him.”
Timothy: “Harry Johns? Okay then.”
Guillermo: “If they say it’s Harry, then it must be Harry.”
Michael: “it was Victor Pluck, wasn’t it?”
Timothy: “They asked the Mole’s first victim, not the winner.”

Michael: “Oh *censored*.”

“Good job to you 3! Question 10: In Season 3, which contestant in that same season had the same hairstyle as the Mole?”
Matthew: “Tanya Sim?”
Timothy: “The Mole was Charity McProsper…I forgot what she looked like. My guess is Fiona.”
Guillermo: “I think the answer is Audrey Adler.”

“Who is right?”

Timothy: “May the unicorns bless me.”

Guillermo: “WOOOOAAAhhh!”

“One of you will be leaving us. Is the answer Tanya or Fiona?”

Timothy: “Oh my gosh this is so…”
“That means you are the exemption holder, Matthew Hamming!”

“You are spared!”
Matthew: “I’m out! What about the rest though?”
“They fell through a wormhole that landed them back at home. They’re safe, not to worry.”
Matthew: “Bummer. I was hoping I would be crowned winner by default.”

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