Monday, 24 August 2015

21.02-That pun was horrible

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Does the Mole currently have a job?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: In Mission 1, was the Mole ever seen sitting by the fire pit?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: In Mission 1, how many contestants went before the Mole?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3
E: 4
F: 5
G: 6
H: 7
I: 8
J: 9

Q5: In Mission 1, how many contestants went after the Mole?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3
E: 4
F: 5
G: 6
H: 7
I: 8
J: 9

Q6: In Mission 1, which table did the Mole start at (with Table 1 being the table nearest to the right of the stairs)?
A: Table 1
B: Table 2
C: Table 3
D: Table 4
E: Table 5
F: Table 6
G: Table 7
H: Table 8
I: Table 9
J: Table 10
K: Table 11

Q7: In Mission 1, which table did the Mole end at?
A: Table 1
B: Table 2
C: Table 3
D: Table 4
E: Table 5
F: Table 6
G: Table 7
H: Table 8
I: Table 9
J: Table 10
K: Table 11

Q8: In Mission 1, did the Mole encounter the bomb?
A: Yes
B: No

Q9: In Mission 1, what did the Mole take?
A: Points
B: Corrections
C: Exemptions
D: Nothing

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Donovan Lee
B: Bonnie DeValentino
C: Hope Champion
D: Eleanor Darklight
E: Lisa Brown
F: Malcolm MacKenzie
G: Shawn Munk
H: Moxie Hills
I: Zachary Douffet
J: Herb DeValentino


“Welcome to the first execution ceremony! Due to limited seats we can only have six per execution. You six are the lucky six to kick it off. Who will be the first to go?”

“Zachary, will you be able to bring your secret to the grave?”
Moxie: “What secret?”
Zachary: “Yeah, what secret…oh, the mission one.”
"Well, Zachary, you are...


Zachary: “Phew!”


“Malcolm MacKenzie…you lied about your correction too.”
Hope: “You did? Why?”
Malcolm: “Grr…it’s a long story.”
“Will you survive with your fake correction?”

“Yes, yes you will!”
Malcolm: “I can’t hide things in this game…this is disappointing.”

“Only four remain. Who will go next?”
Hope: “Oh, God, please let me be safe!”
Donovan: “I’m sure you’ll be fine. But I hope I’m not going home first! I need to motivate Sara!”
Bonnie: “Hmm…who will go next?”

“Donovan Lee. You chose points over exemptions or correction. Will that prove to be the right choice? Donovan Lee..."

" are..."

Donovan: “Yes!”

“Only three remain. Looks like a woman is going home tonight.”
Moxie: “I will not be executed first! I’m a movie star! I have a reputation at stake!”
Hope: “Good luck everyone.”
“Hope Champion, will you be the champion? Will being good pay off?”
Hope: “That pun was horrible, to be frank.”

“Hope Champion, you are…”

“…the first to be executed. Sorry, but please pack your bags and leave.”
Hope: “Oh dear.”

Hope: “This is disappointing. Being the first to go is so upsetting, especially when so much is at stake. I need the money for my father! Oh well. I suppose I can stick around town to find out which relative is here.”

Hope: “Wish me good luck! I’ll wish you good luck too!”

Lisa: “Well, that sucks. She shouldn’t have been the first. I think Moxie should have gone.”


Zachary: “You lied about your correction!”
Malcolm: “Woah! Wait! So did you!”
Zachary: “But…but I’m an average father! You are a reputable businessman! How can you lie?”
Malcolm: “Why don’t you have a job if you’re a father?”
Zachary: “Don’t switch the topic!”

Moxie: “The reception is absolutely trashy! I want a new TV! And a new bed!”

Lovely Hope is the first to be executed! Who will be next?

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