Sunday, 6 August 2023

57.03-Dragon eggs. Not for eating.

Last time on the Smole, the 12 contestants took part in festive activities at the Duke and Bows Renaissance Faire, to which they eventually earned 40/80 points and gave Russell an exemption. He was safe from execution but the same could not be said for Tina who was the Mole's first victim. Who will be executed next? Who is the Mole?


Anthony: "Not my coalition. This coalition thing is not fun. Tina and I had two options and I made sure to use the extra questions on one suspect because that must be how I scored below average. I am here and she is not so she must have not answered enough questions correctly. At least I can say I know who the Mole is."


Russell: "Finn is like a kid. He was so excited to sleep in bunk beds and took the top bunk. But he's a real one and he confided in me last night that he had no idea who the Mole was. I felt bad for the poor boy so I had to help him. And that's the story of how we ended up working together."


Anthony: "Is that breakfast?"
Finn: "That's a pretty big breakfast."
Lydia: "I think those are dragon eggs. Not for eating."

"That's right. Today, each of you will get a chance to have your own special egg. Your job thus far is to take care of it like a baby until it hatches."

Lydia: "There are two extra eggs."
"That's right, but we'll get to that later. For now, happy parenting!"


Finn: "What do I say to a baby egg? I've never had a dragon before."
Aria: "I'm not sure either. I'm just going to sing to mine."
Theia: "You remind it of the world's impending doom and the futile cycle of life."

Finn: "How do you even see where you're going?"
Theia: "A blind man does not need eyes to see."
Finn: "But you're not blind...nevermind."

Finn: "I'll play with my eggie. Peek-a-boo!"

John: "I'm going to set mine near a source of warmth."
Anita: "That's very clever. You'll make a good father."

Aldrin: "He's going to think we're crazy for playing with eggs."

Kearney: "First time dragon daddies? Make sure to talk to it a lot and show it your love."

Lydia: "This is like Flour Babies."

Finn: "Where's my egg?"

Finn: "I can't find my egg!"

Finn: "Did anyone see my egg?"

Aria: "I think it just hatched into a dragon."
Finn: "Aww, I missed its birth."


"Contestants, say hello to your new dragon buddies. Train them well, and they may help you in the future. They also indicate your task in your next mission."

"The contestants with red dragons will have to blow out candles within two tries."

"The contestants with the green dragons have to protect a garden from foul creatures."

"The contestants with purple dragons will need to get to know one another as they will be asked questions about their fellow contestants."

"The contestants with the black dragons will have to answer Smole trivia while getting tortured."

"Earlier, there were 2 extra eggs. They have since hatched. Two contestants can switch dragons with one of them."

Theia: "I will swap. The black dragon sounds interesting."

"There are now two green dragons. If anyone wants to swap, now is the time."


Lydia: "I wanted a purple dragon. It is the only one where I can make use of it to learn more about the others for the quizzes. But none of the purple dragon holders wanted to switch dragons so there were no purple dragons available."


Anthony, Finn and Russell are at McCafferty's Pub to blow out candles. They get two tries each and there are three rounds. 

The first round is worth 5 points and Anthony only needs to blow out the candles on the first table. Each subsequent round doubles the stakes and the number of candles required.

Anthony: "This is fun."

Anthony: "Satu, dua..."

Anthony: "Tiga!"

Anthony: "Hoooooooof."

Anthony: "I did it!"

Finn: "Good job!"
Russell: "It doesn't look that hard."

It's now Finn's turn. He has to blow two tables of candles to earn 10 points.

Finn: "And a huff..."

Finn: "And a puff!"

Finn: "What? Nothing blew?"

Finn: "I have one try left."

Finn: "Shit. I didn't even clear one table."

Russell: "You didn't get very far."

Russell goes last. Because Finn failed, he has to blow 4 tables of candles to earn 10 points instead of 20 points.

Russell: "I got to strategise here."

Russell: "Take a deep breath..."

Russell: "HOOOOOO...."

Russell: "...OOOOOOOF. Damn it. Barely over a table."


Anthony: "All of you suck."
Russell: "At least I got past a table."

The red dragon group earns 5 points for their efforts.


Aldrin, Anita and Aria will be dancing to Celtic music while trying to ask each other personal questions while standing on sliding discs. If they are hit by a gobo light or are off their disc for more than 3 seconds, they are eliminated. The questioning starts once two contestants have been eliminated.

"Let the music begin!"

Aldrin: "We should focus on fun facts and lesser known trivia. I'll go first. My favourite planet is Jupiter because you can see it with the naked eye!"
Aria: "You can?"
Aldrin: "Yeah, but focus!"

Aria: "I'm a two-star celebrity!"
Aldrin: "Give us something more obscure!"
Aria: "My first cover was Halo by Beyonce!"

Aria: "Anita, your turn!"
Anita: "I'm Swedish! I only changed my name because so many Sims misspell it!"

Aldrin: "Aria, your disc!"

Aria: "How did it slide so far so fast?"
Anita: "The power of magic! Woah, nearly got hit by a gobo!"

Anita: "We talked about our dreams. Now let's talk about fears! I fear sunlight!"
Aria: "What did you say?"
Anita: "SUNLIGHT!"

Aria: "I fear loneliness!"
Anita: "Oh, you won't ever have to worry about that. You've got a friend in me."
Aria: "Aww!"

Aria: "Buzzo, what's your biggest fear?"
Aldrin: "Heights!"
Aria: "What was that?"
Aldrin: "HEIGHTS!"

Aldrin: "Let's talk about why we joined our jobs! I joined because I love space!"


Aria: "This is such a good group. I felt so comfortable opening up to Anita and Buzzo. I believe we grew closer as a result."


Anita: "I became a hospital receptionist because..."

"Anita has been eliminated."

Aria: "Why do mine keep sliding so far?"

Aldrin: "What's your fsvourite book? Mine is The Prince and the Pauper."

Aria: "I'm right next to the music. I can't hear what he's saying."

Buzz: "I met my wife on Simdr!"
Aria: "WHAT?"
Buzz: "SIMDR!"

"Aldrin has been eliminated."

Aria: "So much for that."


Aldrin: "It's strange that Aria kept acting like she couldn't hear me. I could hear her and Anita just fine."


"I hope you know one another better now. Each of you will be asked 2 questions. Each question is worth 5 points."

"Anita, what does Aldrin have a phobia of?"
Anita: "He has a fear of heights."

"Aldrin, what is Aria's most embarrassing story?"
Aldrin: "I have no idea. She was abandoned in a shopping mall parking lot?"
Aria: "No. It was actually the time I farted in high school. I was an emcee for a student event. I held the microphone behind my back when I was done speaking and then suddenly a fart ripped out, oh gosh, I'm getting red thinking about it."

"Aria, what is Anita's true last name?"
Aria: "She didn't mention it, just that she changed it because it kept beng misspelled...going by my knowledge of Swedish names, I guess Salorni?"
Anita: "It is. Good guess."

"Anita, which of Aria's songs have charted the highest in any chart?"
Anita: "I've heard a few of her songs and the most iconic one to my memory is Angel in the Shadows. That's what I'll guess."
Aria: "You're right. I think it reached #11."

"Aldrin, what is Anita's favourite music genre?"
Aldrin: "Oh, she was talking about this when we were taking care of the eggs. She was singing cabaret. That's her favourite genre."

"Aria, how did Aldrin meet his wife?"
Aria: "I think I heard Simdr, so that's probably it."
"Correct. That's 5/6 questions, meaning you earned 25 points."


Lydia, John and Theia have to answer 30 trivia questions pertaining to the Smole. Each question earns 1 point. Every time they give an incorrect answer, they will receive an electric shock that increases in voltage. They can choose to quit at any time.

"Lydia, excluding this season, which alphabet occurs the least in the contestants' names?"
Lydia: "My guess would be X or Q. I'll go with wait, Q. Final answer."
"That is correct."

"John, excluding this season, which alphabet occurs the most in the contestants' names?"
John: "E."
"That is correct."

"Theia, excluding this season, what is the average or mean contestants' age?"
Theia: "31."
"The answer is 33.5 but 31 is within the acceptable range."

Lydia: "These questions are not what I expected."
"Lydia, excluding this season, what is the mode age of the winners?"
Lydia: "30?"
"Incorrect. The answer is 31."

Lydia: "Ow! It hurts."
John: "Shocking."

"John, excluding this season, what is the median age of the Mole?"
Lydia: "You can take your time to think about this."
John: "I guess...32."

"Theia, where did Season 10 take place?"
Theia: "Isla Paradiso."


John: "The questions required memory and logical thinking which was a nice surprise. Too bad we were too good at it."       


"John, how old is the oldest Mole?"
John: "78."


"Lydia, in which season did a mission on Monopoly appear?"
Lydia: "I think it was Season 3."


"Theia, name one of the least suspected contestants this season based on the first quiz."
Theia: "I am not clairvoyant."
John: "You can always name yourself or someone random if you don't want to accidentally reveal your suspicions."
Theia: "I answer with Finn."
"That is correct."


Lydia: "So far so good. We only have one wrong."
Theia: "Disappointing. I wanted a taste of torture."
John: "Me too."
"Lydia, how many Moles have reprised their roles as the Mole?"
Lydia: "Just one."

"John, how many missions thus far have been used thrice?"
John: "Hmm. I estimate slightly more than 20. 21 sounds too little so my answer is 22."

"The final question. Theia, excluding this season, how many contestants were unemployed when they joined?"
Theia: "101."
"The correct answer is 126. 101 is outside the acceptable range."

Theia: "Ow!"
John: "We finally got what we wanted."

"To conclude, 28 questions were correctly answered. A job well done."

Lawrence and Ximena have to defend the community garden from hordes of zombies. There are 4 patches and a total of 80 crops. If at least 40 crops have been ravaged or any patch becomes completely ravaged, they fail to earn 20 points.


Lawrence: "This is a young boy's dream. I get to hold a sword and fight zombies!"


Ximena: "The garden is large. It would have been much more helpful if we had more of us to defend but it's down to me and Lawrence. This is going to be tough."


Enya: "RRAAAGH!"

Ximena: "There's the first zombie!"

Lawrence: "Back!"

Lawrence: "That was easy. I just need to slash them and they slink away."

Lawrence: "Hey watch where you're stepping!"

Michael: "RRRAAAUUUGH..."

Ximena: "Eep!"

Ximena: "Stay away from me!"

Ximena: "Lawrence! Help!"

Lawrence: "A little busy here! She's back for Round 2!"

Lawrence: "Hiyaa!"
Ximena: "There are too many of them!"
Lawrence: "Pull your own weight!"


Ximena: "Hey, stop picking those apples!"

Lawrence: "How dare you touch my crops."

Lawrence: "Prepare to die."

Ximena: "Hey! Stop that!"

Ximena: "I said stop that!"



Lawrence: "Now I'm mad."

Ximena: "Aah!"

Ximena: "That hurts."

Lawrence: "Scurry away before I chop off another finger!"

Lawrence: "And don't come back!"
Ximena: "HELP!"

Lawrence: "I'm on my way!"

Ximena: "Will I become infected?"
Lawrence: "Pray not. Then I'll have to kill you too."

Lawrence: "Now! Stab him while he's distracted!"
Ximena: "Stab him? Isn't that going too far?"

Lawrence: "NOW! Or I'll stab you instead!"

Ximena: "Okay, okay, sorry..."

Ximena: "We just need to get them to run off. We don't actually need to kill them."
Lawrence: "We're the heroes here. Heroes kill villains. There's another one coming!"

Lawrence: "Hyaa!"

Ximena: "Lawrence!"


Ximena: "What did you do to him?"
Lawrence: "He's a zombie."
Ximena: "What if he's just an actor?"
Lawrence: "Well...oops? Then they shouldn't have given us swords."

After a night fending off waves of zombies, Lawrence and Ximena have managed to protect the garden. Only 25% of the crops have been ravaged and no one patch has been obliterated, so 20 points have been earned. The pot now stands at 118/180 points. But another contestant will have to be executed. Who will it be?

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