Monday, 28 August 2023

57.09-My mind is blown

In the previous episode of the Smole, three contestants supplied the other six with cues to act out in an improvisational play which earned lots of laughter but no points for the pot. Lydia decided to take a risk in the quiz and paid the price as she was the next to be executed. With only 183/410 points in the pot, will the group be able to fill it? And will the last two women standing survive the onslaught?


Finn: "No effing way. Lydia's not the Mole? How did Russell and I survive? I'm so confused right now. We were bouncing gut feelings off each other until we settled on her and she's not it? My mind is blown right now. This is a sneaky Mole this season."


For the next mission, the contestants have been paired based on who they were willing to give exemptions to. As the two without an exemption, Ximena and Aldrin have the task of allocating the 80 points among the pairs:

1. Finn and Russell
2. Lawrence and John
3. Ximena and Anthony
4. Aldrin and Anita

Later, the contestants have to try and convince the other party to give their points to them in order to earn them. But the other party may be a scammer with the chance to use the points to pay for an exemption. It is possible for two or no scammers to be in a pair. This is a mission that tests their trust.

Aldrin: "80 points and 4 pairs. How should we divide the points?"
Ximena: "We can do an equal split, so 20 points per pair."
Aldrin: "I think that's only when we have no clue about any of them and are leaving it up to random probability, but we know all of them better now. I think we can give more points to those we trust can earn the points."
Ximena: "Like ourselves?"
Aldrin: "That wasn't my intention but If you want to."

Ximena: "I'm fine with that. So let's say we give 30 points to your pair and mine, we're left with 10 points each for the other pairs."

Aldrin: "The first pair is Finn and Russell. I feel that both will try to give to each other. The question is who will do it?"
Ximena: "We can split 5 each if we're unsure."

Aldrin: "We could, or maybe we could give Finn more points. First, this will test how willing he is to spend on an exemption. Next, it also acts as a safety barrier in case Finn is a scammer as he will definitely spend it on an exemption. 7 and 3?"

Ximena: "That's fine by me. The next pair is Lawrence and John."
Aldrin: "John is very persuasive."
Ximena: "But Lawrence is headstrong."
Aldrin: "That's true. 6 to Lawrence and 4 to John?"
Ximena: "Ok."

Aldrin: "Your pair. You're with Anthony."
Ximena: "20 points to Anthony and 10 points to me."
Aldrin: "You're confident you can get Anthony to listen to you?"
Ximena: "Anthony is quite easy to deal with."

Ximena: "Yours is the last pair."
Aldrin: "We can do 15 points for me and 15 for Anita. I'm not sure how it will go to be honest."
Ximena: "I respect your wishes."


The first pair is Russell and Finn. They have 5 minutes to convince the other party to give them the points, otherwise no points will be earned.

Finn: "Are you a scammer?"
Russell: "Nope. I'm a scam-baiter. What about you?"
Finn: "Me too."

Finn: "Can I trust you?"
Russell: "We share the same bunk and we share notes. What kind of question is that?"
Finn: "That is making it hard for me to trust you."
Russell: "What?"

Finn: "I think you're a scammer so you should give me your points."
Russell: "I'm not but you saying I'm a scammer makes me think you're a scammer. We all know how much you're willing to sacrifice for an exemption."

Finn: "Are you talking about the tower mission? In the end I gave it up. Meanwhile, you already had an exemption handed to you so I think it's fair that you don't get the chance to, just in case."

Russell: "I thought you trusted me."
Finn: "I do usually, but not right now."

Time is up. Finn and Russell could not reach a decision in time so no points have been earned with this pair.


Aldrin: "This is a surprise. Finn and Russell were the one pair I expected to be able to reach a consensus quickly. Fortunately we decided to give them only 10 points."


Lawrence: "I'm not letting you talk your way into this so shut up and listen to me. I have 2 points. If you give your points to me we can make more money that way. I'm not a scammer so I won't be able to get an exemption regardless and I'm not interested in one."

Lawrence: "Aren't you gonna say something?"
John: "You told me to shut up."
Lawrence: "I didn't think you were obedient. Fine, you can speak now."

John: "Thank you. Firstly, I would like to thank you for letting me know how many points you have. Unfortunately, I only have 1 point, which goes to show that Ximena and Aldrin don't trust you. Who knows what inside information they have in deciding the distribution?"

Lawrence: "Maybe we're both scammers."
John: "That's a possibility. Are you willing to risk 3 points for it?"
Lawrence: "I don't believe you only have 1 point."
John: "When have I lied? I think I've proven that I'm willing to forgo exemptions. They just provide a false sense of security. Hence, even if I was a scammer, which I'm not, you can rest assured the points you have are going to the pot."

John: "Tick tock, tick tock, time is running out. What do you say, Lawrence? Are you agreeable to letting me have it?"
Lawrence: "If you claim you really have 1 point, then fine. I'll give my points to you."


Ximena: "Let me have the points."
Anthony: "Why?"
Ximena: "Why? I thought you would agree to it easily."

Anthony: "If you let me win, we win 20 points."

Ximena: "Are you a scammer?"
Anthony: "No. Are you?"
Ximena: "No."

Ximena: "You can't lie to me. I decided how many points we have."
Anthony: "I'm not lying. How many points do you have?"
Ximena: "10."

Anthony: "Exactly, so I should win! I never had to negotiate personally and my father thinks I can't do it. But this is the chance for me to show him that I can! This win is important to me."

Anthony: "Please let me win?"
Ximena: "If it really is that important to you...okay."


Ximena: "Anthony went against my predictions. He played with sympathy and nobody takes him seriously here. I could see how important winning this negotiation was to his confidence, so I decided to be the better Sim and let him have his victory for once."


Aldrin: "I'll be honest with you. We have the same number of points. Therefore either one of us can get the points and it will be the same."
Anita: "Unless you're a scammer."
Aldrin: "I'm not."

Aldrin: "I don't think I'm highly trusted in this group, so if you let me win this I can improve my image."
Anita: "Why is that a concern to you? Isn't it a good thing to not be trusted? Unless you're admitting to me you're the Mole."

Anita: "You're willing to do anything for an exemption, Buzz. You will lie and cheat. If you wanted to force me to give you the points, you will have arranged the points in a different manner."
Aldrin: "But I didn't because I'm not a scammer."

Anita: "You are. You're a bad liar, Buzz. I see right through you. So there is no way in hell I would give the points to you."
Aldrin: "I'm really not a scammer."
Anita: "If that's the case, then it makes no difference if you award the points to me. I won't scam you or the pot out of the points."


Anita: "I may have used my...ahem...powers to read Buzz's mind and I found out he was a scammer. I used that to my advantage. But mind-reading took a lot of energy out of me. I need to replenish my fuel."


The mission has been played. The scammers tried to scam their partners out of their points while the baiters tried to bait their partners and counter-scam to get their points instead. Who are the scammers?

The first scammer is John.

The second scammer is Ximena.

The last scammer is Aldrin.


"John, you are the only one who has successfully scammed the points out of your partner. You have the choice to spend the 6 points you scammed for an exemption, or discard it and keep the 4 points you have with you to add to the pot."
John: "The choice is simple. It's only 4 points, so I'm buying the exemption."
"This means that 25/80 points have been added to the pot and you receive an exemption. Congratulations."

The pot is now at 208/490 points. John is not going to be executed next but who will? And who is the Mole?

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