Saturday, 19 November 2022

54.17-I look like a Simpson

The last time on the Smole, four contestants had to relay missing instructions to Claire to paint by identifying common sayings with Spanish words. Unfortunately Claire did not manage to guess what she was painting and thus earned no points, leaving the pot at 355/900 points. Desdemona thought she had it in the bag and was shocked to find out that she was executed next. Who will be the last to be executed? Will it be a Mole candidate?


Claire: "We were wrong. I knew my gut was right. At the very least Desdemona wasn't the only Mole candidate remaining. The question is how did both Agatha and I survive? Who is the real last Mole candidate?"

Agatha: "I have to be on the search for one more Mole. The only one I trust to not be the Mole right now is Claire."

Arnold: "It's time to get real serious. No more playing around. We've got a lot of work to do to catch up and fill that pot and not a lot of chances to do it."


Agatha: "Calm down. We may not be completely wrong. Desdemona could be a Mole candidate."
Claire: "But it doesn't change the fact that now we have no Mole to go on."

Claire: "Maybe Arnold was pretending to be pro-pot this whole time. Or maybe it really is Beatrix but we just discounted her because we thought a spy being the Mole would be too obvious."

Agatha: "Or it could be me."
Claire: "Yes but I didn't want to say that."

Agatha: "We have another mission to observe who the next Mole is. If we got this far we must be doing something right."


Arnold: "I still don't get how you can see through your eye mask."
"Contestants, good morning. It is time for your next mission which is worth 160 points."

"Behind you are various colours. You will later be brought to a playing field. Each of you will be assigned one colour. The goal is simple: to earn points, each of you must be in the same colour. Each contestant in the same colour fetches 30 points for the pot. In addition, if all of you are the same colour, the Sim who has been assigned that colour will get the season's final exemption."

Claire: "Oh. It means we will be handing an exemption to someone."
Arnold: "Alright who wants the exemption?"
Beatrix: "Everyone. The best situation is to get 90 points and no exemption."
Arnold: "We really need all the points we can get Beatrix."

Arnold: "We can give the exemption to whoever contributed the most. I actually did the calculations. I earned the most."
Claire: "Can we trust your calculations?"
Agatha: "We can play a game of rock, paper, scissors. The winner will get the exemption."

Beatrix: "Scissors cuts paper."

Claire: "I'm out..."

Agatha: "Paper beats rock."
Arnold: "Damn."

Agatha: "Rock, paper, scissors!"

Agatha: "Paper beats rock."

Agatha: "It's settled. I get the exemption."
Beatrix: "This is such a stupid way of settling things."
Agatha: "I hope you're not thinking of dishonouring the agreement."


Beatrix's assigned colour is blue.

Agatha's assigned colour is yellow.

Claire's assigned colour is orange.

Arnold's assigned colour is red.

"Your time starts now!"

Agatha: "They're so tiny."

Arnold: "There are different colours. I wonder what those do."

Claire: "This is pink. There is no pink contestant. I shouldn't touch this."

Beatrix: "I should collect all the blue ones."

Claire: "Arnold, take this."

Arnold: "I look like a Simpson."

Arnold: "Your turn."

Claire: "I hope this washes off easily."

Beatrix: "While she's distracted."

Agatha: "What?"

Agatha: "You made me blue."

Arnold: "Beatrix, what the fuck do you think you're doing? We agreed that Agatha would get the exemption."
Beatrix: "Are you really going to just hand it over to her like that? The exemption should go to the most deserving based on skill, not luck."

Claire: "I have an idea. We use up all the blue dew so that she cannot turn anyone else blue."
Arnold: "Great idea."

Claire: "Maybe I should take the other colours too just in case."

Agatha: "I can't catch up to her."


Beatrix: "You can't outrun me."

Claire: "I'll block your path."

Arnold: "You're not getting away that easily."
Beatrix: "You think you can block me?"

Arnold: "Yes. You're cornered Beatrix."
Agatha: "We found the Mole."

Beatrix: "Fine. Do what you want to me."
Arnold: "Are you really the Mole?"
Claire: "Agatha, you do the honours."

Beatrix: "This isn't yellow."
Agatha: "Oh no. I must have taken the wrong one."

Arnold: "She escaped!"
Agatha: "I'll look for yellow dew."

Arnold: "Claire, wait. Let's use up all the dew I have first."

Arnold: "Splat!"

Agatha: "Why did Arnold turn Claire blue? They better not be trying to change their mind and give the exemption to Beatrix."

Claire: "Why do you have a black one?"
Arnold: "I don't know. I just took it."

Arnold: "Oh you're purple now."

Claire: "My turn."
Arnold: "Red dew? I see you picked up more than blue."

Beatrix: "Where is all the blue?"

Agatha: "Claire why are you purple?"
Claire: "Arnold did this to me."

Agatha: "I have yellow dew."

Claire: "Thank you."

Claire: "I also have yellow dew."

Claire: "Arnold and I were thinking of using up all the other colours so that only yellow would be left. Beatrix would have no choice but to give in."
Agatha: "That is a splendid idea. Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Beatrix: "Found the blue."


Beatrix: "My plan was to collect all the blue dew to convert others. At the end, when time is running out, I will drop the blue dew. If there is a lot of blue they will naturally take it."


Claire: "I don't feel too good. Are there any side effects?"

Claire: "Blegh! Why am I vomitting rainbows?"

Arnold: "I'm very curious what pink does."

Arnold: "Can I drink it?"

Arnold: "That wasn't such a good idea."

Arnold: "Woah...I can blow a big bubble."

Arnold: "Drats it broke."

Agatha: "Why are you pink?"


Agatha: "There are only four colours of value: red, orange, blue and yellow. So I'm not sure why Arnold wanted to use other colours. They were only meant to distract us."


Claire: "Beatrix, wait!"
Beatrix: "Nice try."
Claire: "I have blue dew!"
Beatrix: "Hmm. Okay."

Beatrix: "I'm not giving the exemption to Agatha. If you want this mission to succeed, I need you to convince Agatha to turn blue. Once all of us are blue Arnold will give in."

Claire: "I don't think she'll agree."

Claire: "Hey!"
Beatrix: "You're blue now. Don't fail the mission Claire."


Claire: "Beatrix wanted me to betray Agatha's trust and turn her blue. I was very conflicted. Should I do it? Beatrix wasn't going to relent and I want us to earn something."


Claire: "Agatha..."

Agatha: "You're blue."
Claire: "Yes...maybe we should give in to Beatrix."

Agatha: "We agreed on this, Claire."
Claire: "I know but Beatrix isn't happy."
Agatha: "That's her problem. I am not going to give in to her. This exemption is very important Claire."

Claire: "But so are the points."
Agatha: "We still have one more chance to get points. We only have one chance at the finale."

Agatha: "If we can't reach an agreement then let us just change back to our original colours so nobody gets an exemption."

Claire: "There it is."

Agatha: "You're not taking that and throwing it on me."

Agatha: "I trusted you, Claire. I wholeheartedly trusted you. I'm disappointed."
Claire: "I'm sorry."

Claire: "Change me back to yellow."


Beatrix: "You'll never catch me."

Claire: "We did it once and we can do it again!"

Arnold: "Fuck you stop running!"

Arnold: "Sorry I had to do this."

Beatrix: "Why do you have handcuffs?"
Arnold: "This was the cuffs you used to chain me to the bed at the resort. I learned how to play rough all from you. Never thought you were actually showing me the ropes."
Beatrix: "I should never have let down my guard."

Arnold: "Any of you have yellow?"
Agatha: "I used mine on Claire."
Claire: "I do."
Arnold: "Do it! Quick! I can't pin her down for much longer."
Beatrix: "DON'T PULL MY HAIR!"

Beatrix: "I can't believe I was beaten by a group of amateurs."

Claire: "Sorry Beatrix."
Arnold: ""
"Time is up. The mission is over. All of you are yellow so Agatha gets an exemption and 120/120 points have been earned."
Beatrix: "Now let go of me."

The pot is at 475/1020 points. Agatha is the first confirmed finalist. Who will join her? Who will be the last to be executed?

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