Tuesday, 20 May 2014

10.06-It sucks to be her

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Does the Mole have a coalition?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: In Mission 3, who did the Mole pair up with?
A: Amy Bull
B: Tom Wordy
C: Imogen Pelly
D: Charlie Ray Buckshot
E: Helen Hall
F: Guillermo Ichtaca
G: The Mole did not take part in Mission 3
H: The Mole was the host

Q4: In Mission 3, which detour task did the Mole do?
A: Mourning
B: Exploring the catacomb
C: The Mole did not take part in Mission 3
D: The Mole was the host

Q5: After the detour, what place was the Mole and his/her team in?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: The Mole was not in Mission 3
E: The Mole was the host

Q6: How many times did the Mole ride the rodeo bull in Mission 3?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 3
D: The Mole was the host
Q7: In Mission 3, did the Mole complete the detour?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole did not take part
D: The Mole was the host

Q8: In Mission 3, did the Mole incur a penalty?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole was not in Mission 3
D: The Mole was the host
Q9: In Mission 3, what place did the Mole finish in?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: The Mole was not in any team
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Christopher Steel
B: Amy Bull
C: Tom Wordy
D: Imogen Pelly
E: Charlie Ray Buckshot
F: Helen Hall
G: Guillermo Ichtaca
H: Matteo Torres


Imogen: “If I’m out, I believe you should too.”
Tom: “If you can’t take the failure, then I believe you should never succeed.”
Imogen: “You…”

“Right guys, welcome to yet another of those execution ceremonies. Tonight, we have a tie, so the slower one will be going home.”

“Firstly, Amy Bull has earned a hidden exemption for fishing and has chosen to use it. Just goes to show that you should always listen to your host.”

“Without further ado, Tom Wordy. Let’s hope it’s a wise decision to not use your exemption again.”
Tom: “Pfft.”

Tom: “Woot I’m safe.”
“Charlie Ray Buckshot. Will you meet the same fate as Christopher or as Tom?”

Charlie: “Yes I’m safe!”

“Guillermo Ichtaca, it’s your turn. You’re the only one left without an exemption. Will that cost you?”

Guillermo: “No it didn’t!”

Tom: “You know what, I’m safe already. Why do I bother staying?”
“You can leave if you want, but it’s best to stay. So it’s down to Imogen Pelly and Helen Hall. Who shall be out?”

“Helen Hall, please stand by the fireplace.”

Helen: “It’s purple…”
“I’m sorry Helen, but you have been executed. Please pack your bags and head over there.”

Imogen: “Phew!”
Amy: “Well, it sucks to be her.”
Guillermo: “I thought she was quite a good player.”


Charlie: “Hello there Helen. How do you feel about going out 3rd?”
Helen: “I’m super shocked! My psychic powers told me that the Mole was the one who left, but I guess ir proved wrong!”
Charlie: “Ever thought you don’t have psychic powers?”
Helen: “Nonsense! I live with ghosts! How can I not?”

Charlie: “What do you think landed you in the dumps?”
Helen: “Listening to my psychic powers. Not spreading my answers out far enough.”

Charlie: “What valuable lesson can you learn from this?”
Helen: “Use your exemption when you have it. It’s better to save yourself now than save it for later and then ending up voiding it. Christopher did that and so did I.”
Charlie: “It was a pleasure having you around Helen, and I wished you could have stayed longer and continue to be my coalition partner. But I guess this is it.”

Helen goes! Does that mean she’s not the Mole?

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