Tom: “I honestly can’t stand Imogen anymore! She’s screwed
up for a celebrity. She’s cuckoo, I tell you! I don’t know why I went berserk
with her and chose to form a coalition with her! Then again, coalitions do have
its benefits. I've got to teach that princess a lesson on failure. She needs to
leave, for the sanity of everyone remaining.”

Imogen: “G.I. Joe? Boring.
So action packed. It makes me high-strung.”

Amy: “I love the vivid colours of my painting.”
Tom: “It’s blinding, gal.”
Amy: “Shut up. You know nothing about art.”

Charlie: “I love you, you love me…”
Amy: “Wow, you rock Charlie! You have such a great voice!”
Charlie: “Aw shucks. I was a vocal legend back in my time.”
Amy: “Everyone’s a celebrity here.”

Tom: “Well, I can play better too. You know, we all have an
artistic vibe in us. Why not we form a secret coalition?”
Charlie: “Don’t you have one with Imogen?”
Tom: “I hate her. She’s annoying. At least you guys are
better. Amy is bold and from Twinbrook too while Charlie is a great singer and
wise. I’m sure we’ll work things out.”
Amy: “It’s a deal!”
Quiz time. Charlie and Tom use their exemption.

Q1: Is the Mole male
or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Has the Mole used
his/her exemption yet?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole did not
earn an exemption

Q3: Before Mission 4,
where was the Mole seated?
A: 3-seater
B: 1-seater
C: The Mole was
Q4: In Mission 4,
where did the Mole go?
A: Nowhere
B: A resort
C: An empty plot
D: An Art Gallery
E: The Mole was
Q5: In Mission 4,
what did the Mole take?
A: Tiki Statue
B: Statue of Liberty
C: Spiral statue
D: Carved boulder
E: Waterfall
F: The Mole was
Q6: In Mission 4, how
much money was the Mole’s photo worth?
A: 0
B: 1
C: The Mole was
Q7: In Mission 4, in
which order was the Mole’s photo shown before the voting?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: The Mole was
Q8: In Mission 4, did
the Mole comment on any of the photos?
A: Yes
B: No
Q9: In Mission 4,
what kind of comments was given to Tom’s photo by the Mole?
A: Good
B: Bad
C: None
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Christopher Steel
B: Amy Bull
C: Tom Wordy
D: Imogen Pelly
E: Charlie Ray
F: Helen Hall
G: Guillermo Ichtaca
H: Matteo Torres
Guillermo: “Sorry I’m late guys.”
“For that Guillermo, I think you should go up first to find
out your results.”

Guillermo: “Well, all right.”
Guillermo: “Oh I can’t look.”
“Sorry Guillermo, but you have been executed. Please pack
your bags and head to the other side.”
Charlie: “Hello there Guillermo. Let’s proceed to the
interview, shall we? How do you feel about leaving as 5th? Bliss?
Guillermo: “Not bliss, that’s for sure. I kind of saw it

Charlie: “Do you have any idea why you’re out?”
Guillermo: “I don’t know. Maybe I should have used my
exemption. When 2 of you used it, it increased the chances of me going home.
Also I chose the majority mostly and was careless by putting A for the first
question when it was only the females that could be likely.”
Charlie: “I see. I use the majority tactic too. I hope I’m
not out next.”

Charlie: “What was your sweetest moment here? Like when you
had your first child or something, except in this house.”
Guillermo: “I don’t know. Getting that exemption? But that’s

Charlie: “Thank you for joining us Guillermo.”
Imogen: “I need to speak to you Tom.”
Amy: “I wonder where they’re going…”
Imogen: “I feel insecure despite being in your coalition. I
have a feeling you betrayed me!”
Tom: “What?”

Tom: “I love your feistiness and unpredictability, but I
prefer girls who behave themselves. And if you want to know the truth, I’ll
give it to you!”
Imogen: “I knew it! How could you?”
Amy: “Do you think we were too harsh?”
Tom: “She deserves it.”
Charlie: “You did what? How could you just break it up like
that? It’s no longer a secret now! Gee, thanks a lot, blockhead. I guess being
in too many movies didn’t help you, huh?”
Tom: “How dare you not know who I am! I’m employed in music,
not acting, you bimbo!”
Charlie: “Ugh. Why is it always the one with the hat
fighting with the old man? Forget it. If we’re in a coalition, we have to work

Charlie: “I think Tom played a bad move. It was too
impulsive. Who knows what Imogen might do? She probably knows that Amy and Tom
are in a coalition, and I may be dragged into it. That’s not the smartest move

Amy: “Hey Imogen…”

Imogen: “Ugh, go away! You’re like a ghost! You stole Tom
from me already! What more do you want?”
Amy: “Firstly, he already has a girlfriend. Secondly, I did
nothing of that sort! You’re just imagining things.”

Imogen: “Me? Imagining things? Are you suggesting I’m
hallucinating? That I’m crazy?”
Amy: “You said that yourself.”
Imogen: “So you do! Ha, crazy? Me? Please, you’re the crazy
one! You cradle-snatcher! Scram!”
Amy: “Fine! Be like that!”
???: “Imogen…”
Imogen: “I said leave!”
???: “I’m not Amy.”
Imogen: “Then who are you? Are you that voice in my head
again? Ugh, go away! I will win this, need you not worry! Stop pressuring me to
???: “Turn around.”
Imogen: “I see nobody…Hey, what’s that?”

Mysterious Mr. Gnome: “Hello there, Imogen.”
Imogen: “So you’re the one talking to me? A gnome? Amy was
right! I’m imagining things! I cracked! Ha! I cracked! I’ve gone cuckoo! Hey
everyone! Imogen has finally gone mad! Are you all happy now? All those people
now get what they want!”

Mysterious Mr. Gnome: “You mad lady? All I wanted was a
little chat and to give you some advice.”
Imogen: “I don’t need your advice.”
Mysterious Mr. Gnome: “You will regret it.”
Imogen: “Who are you anyway?”
Mysterious Mr. Gnome: “Do you not remember? You found me in
the catacombs!”
Imogen: “Okay, this is creepy. I’m talking to a gnome! I’m really leaving. I need a nap.”

And Guillermo goes? Could he be the Mole? Who will be going
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