Saturday, 24 May 2014

10.07-My sacrifice is so big

And we’re back on the Smole! The 6 contestants previously paired up to do a small version of the Amazing Race. Helena and Charlie earned the lead and exemption and everyone finished the mission in time. However only Tom and Imogen completed the detour, so ultimately 70/90 or 425/570 points were earned. However, Helen chose not to use her exemption and was thus executed. Who will be next?

Imogen: “Indie music…hmm…not my favourite but it’s interesting. But isn’t there any other genre on this MP3?”


Amy: “I hope to be a renowned stylist one day.”
Guillermo: “That’s nice. Unfortunately I don’t know what I want. I’m just in it to win it.”
“Gather round, everyone.”

“Here’s your next mission, worth 50 points. You guys will have one shot to take a picture of anything you think is worthy of a landmark. For anything that is worth at least $1 (we’re being so generous here), 10 points are added. The winner of the exemption will be the one who takes the best photo, voted by the other contestants.”

Imogen: “I must win this! Wait, why does my head feel wet…great! It’s broken! How stressful! I must win this! My sacrifice is so big!”


Imogen: “Oh Christopher! What are you doing here?”
Christopher: “Okay this time it was just pure coincidence. I was looking for a place to stay so I decided to check in to this resort.”

Imogen: “Yes, this beauty. I bet I’ll win with this!”


Guillermo: “What a perfect shot.”


Tom: “Hmm…what can I take…oh this will be excellent!”


Charlie: “I feel like this place was made for me…I want to keep this as a memory. How about this statue?”


Amy: “What to take…these surfboards aren’t anywhere near nice! Oh, but I think this boulder is!”


“Welcome back everyone. Now it’s time to view your photos.”

Amy: “This is awfully blurry.”
Imogen: “I think it’s just awful!
Tom: “I think it’s a great landmark! I would vote for this one!”

Charlie: “This is much clearer.”
Imogen: “It’s simple but nice.”

Tom: “What is this supposed to be?”
Guillermo: “I think someone’s thumbprint got in the way.”
Amy: “I think it’s a magnificent boulder behind. Let’s just imagine it.”

Tom: “I can’t see anything!”
Amy: “It’s too blurry!”
Charlie: “There’s no clear focus. Is it the white thing down there?”
Imogen: “No, it’s the statues! Gosh, how terrible!”

Guillermo: “This is blur too! Only one was clear.”
Amy: “I think we have a clear winner.”
“Please vote now.”

“And the winner is…the waterfall, taken by Guillermo! He earns the exemption, but only 20 points are added as only Imogen’s and Tom’ photo are worth something, 1 Simoleon. The pot now has 445/620.”

Charlie: “This moment must be so sweet for you. It’s like when I first got engaged with Maddie.”
Guillermo: “I heard you two divorced.”
Charlie: “You’ve got to upkeep your marriage, Guillermo. That’s my advice to you.”

Imogen: “How could I not win? It’s impossible, I tell you! I have to win! I bet that camera was rigged! Or Guillermo’s was rigged! If not how could he get an exemption! And he didn’te ven earn any points! Gosh, I’m going crazy…I need to relax. I blame that stupid plastic surgeon. I really hope that nobody knows of my scandal. I heard Tom’s being accused of being arrested every 2 days. Well, serves him right. You know what he told me when I asked him who the Mole was? Me! He said me! Atrocious!”

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