Previously on the Smole, the final 5 had to find a needle,
or rather, a locket, in a haystack, or rather, many haystacks. Bernie succeeded
in finding it and snagging the exemption as well as the Mole’s dossier. 17
bales were scattered, fetching 85/250 points, or 940/1570 points. Viola was
found to be the most popular among the public as she had earned herself an
exemption by the public. Bernice, Mimi and Taylor were up for execution and
Mimi found herself leaving the house. Who will be the last to leave? Who will
make it to the final 3? Who is the Mole?
Viola: “I sense danger.”
Bernie: “I smell something burning. Bernice, wake up.”
Bernie: “It’s a fire! Someone do something!”
Taylor: “I brought the extinguisher from upstairs!”
Viola: “I don’t need your help.”
Taylor: “Let’s just get this over and done with.”
Bernie: “Idiot Bernice! You left the fireplace on!”
Bernice: “Stupid cheap fireplace! Ours would never cause an
unintentional fire!”
Bernice: “How do you turn off this thing anyway?”
Taylor: “Sigh…let me show you.”
The final 4 are going to the park to have a hotdog eating
contest. The winner will earn the last exemption and anyone who completes the
contest wins 20 points. This is worth 80 points.

Taylor: “Yeah, run and hide! You won’t beat me! This is my
area of expertise!”
Taylor: “Haven’t gorged myself in such a long time…”
Bernice: “Why am I doing this?”
Bernie: “I need to add to my memo things I would never do
again…join the Smole, for instance.”
Bernice: “I don’t feel so good…BLERGH!”
Bernie: “Must…bear…”
Viola: “…”
“Congratulations Taylor! You have earned yourself the last
exemption this season! You are making it to the final 3!”
Bernie: “That’s it. It’s over. I don’t know why I’m putting
myself through any more of this. Though I realised I have a steel stomach.”

Viola: “Excuse me while I find a bathroom!”
Taylor: “I did it! I feel so great now…told you I’d win.”
“Only Taylor finished the mission, so 20/80 points have been
earned, bringing the pot to 960/1650 points. The Mole is overtaking you all.
Are you all tired?”


Viola: “I’m hoping the next mission will have something to
do with archery or harps. I excel at both of them.”

Look who arrived!
Bernie: “What? A poof? Cheap.”
Viola: “I shouldn’t indulge in treats…yes, I must resist
until the very end! Any children here wants my snow cone?”

Taylor: “Hi Bernice.
A penny for your thoughts?”
Bernice: “My thoughts are worth more than a penny. You
shouldn’t have won.”
Bernie: “Ah! Stupid pager! Forgot I still had it with me!
It’s so annoying! Don’t they know I’m busy?”
“Okay, next season, we’re stripping all communication
Mimi looks happy…and the same.
Bernie: “Taylor, scram. I want that seat.”
Taylor: “Alright. I’ll give you couple time to talk.”
Bernie: “Remember our deal?”
Bernice: “Bernie…you have to choose me as the Mole. That way
we can ensure all the money will be ours.”
Bernie: “What? So you’re admitting you’re the Mole.”
Bernie: “I don’t know who to trust now. Bernice lied to me
about being the Mole. I’m not that stupid. She can’t be the Mole. I bet she
wants to devour the winner’s money herself! I can’t believe her! Yet clues
point to her…and every other direction possible.”

Mimi: “This is what I’m talking about! The house was so
boring! There wasn’t a single stereo!”
As Mimi dances, the contestants return home to take the
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