Wednesday, 2 November 2016

26.15-Iffy ifs

Welcome back. Previously, the final six had to perform for the residents of Zimmaport, simultaneously earning 10 points for each resident that came to support them, up to a maximum of 200 points beyond which, bonus points would be earned. They successfully attracted an audience of 17, hence earning 170/200 points, or 420/890 points. Unfortunately those fifteen minutes of fame were up for Chung-Hee Pyong, who was the next to be executed. Who will go after him? Who is the Mole?

Jasmine: "I am so glad that that annoying man has finally left. He was getting on my nerves. If he tried to steal my limelight one more time I would have given it to him. He deserved to go. If I predict correctly, Lisette won't be lasting much longer."

Elaine: "Better be careful. We don't want any more accidents."


Randall: "Sometimes I envy you. You've got it all. You get to lead very interesting life. More than one, whenever you play another character. And here I am, as a corporate drone, clocking in, clocking out, doing the same old thing every day."

Elaine: "Her life is not to be envied. It isn't all glamour."
Jasmine: "Go away, you don't know anything. My life is indeed wonderful. I get to do so many things."
Elaine: "Because your brother covers up for you."
Jasmine: "Don't make it sound like I did anything illegal."



"Mission time."
Jasmine: "Don't do that! You made me destroy the dishwasher. Now who will do the dishes?"
"There are three houseboats waiting for you. You will all receive a clue to start off this houseboat treasure hunt. When you find the right location to fish, you will fish. One fish will give you the next clue to your next fishing spot. For each houseboat that makes it to the end, 50 points are earned. This is worth 150 points. Also, the first houseboat to finish the treasure hunt gets an exemption. Good luck."


Randall: "If only Catherine were here. I know she can fish."
Jasmine: "Like I told Lloyd, no iffy ifs. We can and will do this."

What bad weather.

Lloyd: "I'm all wet and sticky now."

Elaine: "Lloyd, why did you want to partner with me?"
Lloyd: "I trust Lisette. I don't trust you."
Elaine: "Gulp."
Lloyd: "Jasmine also wanted to go with Randall, and if I'm right, it's because she wants to dig up something about him."
Elaine: "We shouldn't waste time. Let's go up and steer the boat. It says that our first location was the first we left the port. We need to catch 1 anchovy."
Lloyd: "That must mean the first time the houseboat left the port. Where is that?"

Lloyd: "Okay, I'll man the ship, you fish."
Elaine: "Tell me when to go down. I'll watch the back to keep an eye out for fish."

Randall: "Here we go."
Jasmine: "This is a horrible mission."

Lisette: "Interesting houseboat. It's like a house...but on a boat."

Lisette: "I'm going to get sick like this."


Randall: "I think this is the place. Jasmine, can you go down and fish for me?"

Jasmine: "You expect me to fish? Are you out of your mind?"

Randall: "I can't be doing both."

Jasmine: "How about I steer, you fish?"
Randall: "Ugh, fine."

Elaine: "Why did you come down?"
Lloyd: "I need to use the toilet. Steer the ship to the right place. I trust you know where."


Randall: "It's a bad day to fish. No fish will come out."

Randall: "Oh, I spoke too soon. This has something in it's mouth. A message! Hmm, 'the next stop is the only place you can find robot fish and catch 2'...I think that's the science facility. I have to go up and tell Jasmine."

Jasmine: "Toot! This is actually quite fun."

Lloyd: "Okay, I'm back. You can leave the post now."
Elaine: "Lloyd, stop taking over things."
Lloyd: "I'm just making sure we win."
Elaine: "Okay. I think we should just follow Randall's boat. He seems to have a clue."


It just so happens that they're on the same route.

Lisette: "I felt that I wasn't suspicious enough so I decided to off-tangent for a while before driving the houseboat back to the correct place...which I assumed was where everyone was heading off to."

Randall: "Let's see if I can get anything here."

Elaine: "I found a fish that said that the Mole is no duplicate. I better not tell Lloyd."


Randall: "Aha! A fish. I hope this is the right one."

Randall: "Yes, at last. I should go and tell Jasmine."

Jasmine: "The rain is splattering everywhere."
Randall: "Jasmine!" 

Randall: "Jasmine, our next clue tells us to go far left of the toilet port to catch three minnows."
Jasmine: "We have a toilet port in Zimmaport? Hey, that rhymes."
Randall: "I'm not sure myself."

Lisette: "I hope I can find something. I never fished before. Am I doing it right?"

Lisette: "Oh, that houseboat just went past."

Lisette: "And now that too."

Lisette: "I think I'll just follow."


Owing to the bad weather, we gave contestants another day to continue the mission.


Elaine: "I don't feel too well. I think I'm coming down with something."

Randall: "We better hurry."
Jasmine: "Don't you want to freshen up first? You smell."
Randall: "No time for that."

Lisette: "Such a lonely life."

Elaine: "Lloyd is onto me."

Elaine: "I need to get him off my back."


Lisette: "Okay, time to continue on this mission."

Elaine: "I can't do well in this mission like this. I'm not in the best condition. Plus, the fish won't come out yet. It only just stopped raining."


Lisette: "Another fish. This has something in its mouth!"

Lisette: "Okay, time to reel in. Hmm,  it's telling me to go left of the toilet port? Toilet port? Porty port...potty port? Oh, isn't that Port Upotise? I remember going there once. There was a whole row of port-o-potties."


Lisette: "I think I see fish here."

Jasmine: "Lisette is here before us. Darn. We can't let her take the exemption."

Randall: "We would have been faster if you didn't tell me you were going to man the boat AFTER you took a long bath."
Jasmine: "At least I don't stink."
"Time's up! All of you failed miserably, but we'll give you a concession due to the bad weather. We'll award 50 points and an exemption to the first boat to make it the furthest."

"And that is Lisette."
Lisette: "Yipee!"

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