Previously, the final four took part in Season 16's first mission. Carol the killer got rid of the other three before they could exit the maze and thus earned an exemption for herself but 0/120 points for the pot. The pot now has 470/1010 points. Bonnie failed to break into the finale and ended up as the Mole's last victim. There is only one more mission to go. Will the final three earn the last of the points? Or will the Mole prevail? Who will win? Who will lose? Who is the Mole?
Carol: "It's an ultimate honour to be sitting here in the final three with Shirley and Philo. Last season, things were flipped, with Jerome being in the final three and me being executed. I don't want to be too ambitious but I hope I end up winning and not being third. I can't help but feel how empty and hollow this house is with only three remaining. Bonnie was one of the first suspects I had eliminated as the Mole, and I trust her a lot, so I am genuinely sad by her execution. I think I know who the Mole is though. I just hope the other finalist doesn't."
Carol: "I had a horrible nightmare."
Carol: "I dreamed that Jerome evolved into a scary fat devil. I'm glad that wasn't real."
Carol: "Jerome, even if you become a horrible person, my heart can't help but miss you and love you. I regret not getting together with him in time."
Philo: "Wow that's a kicker."
Carol: "Since when did you drink?"
Philo: "Since just now."
Philo: "I'm too lazy to cook today. I'll eat whatever's in the fridge."
Philo: "I prepared too much stew..."
Carol: "Is that beef? It smells like beef. I thought Buddhists can't eat beef? And weren't you vegetarian?"
Philo: "I'm no longer a Buddhist."
Carol: "You can just denounce your religion and vegetarianism like that?"
Philo: "I don't deserve Buddha. The deities turn away from me whenever they see me now."
Carol: "Aww, well I'm here for you even if your gods disowned you...although I don't quite understand the context of it."
Philo: "It's, as you youngsters call it, complicated."
For their final mission, the finalists will visit an art gallery. There are numerous paintings on the bottom floor that the contestants must memorise the locations of within a minute. Thereafter, they have to replicate the first floor on the second floor in an hour. They may return to the first floor to take another look for 20 seconds, but each contestant that returns to the first floor loses 10 points.
If at the end of the hour, a third of the paintings are in the correct location, 50 points are earned. If they are two-thirds accurate, they earn 120 points instead. If the two floors differ by a maximum of five paintings, they earn 190 points. If everything is correct, they earn 190 points and a bonus of 10 points.
Philo: "Memorisation is my forte."
Carol: "It's not mine. How are we going to remember everything?"
Shirley: "Maybe if we each take a different section?"
"Your time starts now."
Philo: "Quick, let's hurry."
Carol: "There are four of these ink-blot tests, followed by a huge painting in the centre."
Philo: "Mountain, then behind me is also a mountain..."
Shirley: "Both are blue but one is darker than the other."
"Your one minute is over. Please head to Level Two."
Carol: "Just so we're clear, I think we shouldn't ever head back down. It's too costly."
Philo: "But can you remember everything?"
Shirley: "I think it's almost impossible to get all 200 points so the best we can do is to aim for two thirds or just only five mistakes."
Philo: "It's exactly the same as downstairs."
Shirley: "All the paintings are here."
Carol: "So many? My mind is going blank all of a sudden."
Shirley: "We only have an hour. Let's just take whatever we are familiar with."
Philo: "I remember a mountain and a lot of bunnies, so where are they?"
Carol: "I can't remember!"
Shirley: "Just keep calm and think. As for me, I think I found the one I'm looking for."
Shirley: "They should both be in this area, but all of a sudden I forgot which one goes where."
Philo: "Mountain? Check."
Carol: "There."
Carol: "This painting is so huge and heavy."
Philo: "Which bunny was it? The one I remembered was quite different."
Shirley: "Philo, stop!"
Shirley: "What are you doing? Carol said nobody is to go down."
Philo: "But I need to check something. It will only be a short while."
Shirley: "That's why it's even more not worth it."
Philo: "I think it's worth sacrificing points if we can get a better score overall."
Philo: "I can help you check yours as well."
Shirley: "You don't have the time for that."
Shirley: "I can't let you go. I know you'll just keep going down for fun as it gives you more air time."
Philo: "We can cross-check each other too if we go down."
Shirley: "Now you're just making excuses. I can't control your legs but I trust with my heart that you will make the best choice."
Carol: "This should be right. If it's wrong, sorry."
Shirley: "This looks off...I think that one needs to be hung lower."
Shirley: "Let me try and remember."
Carol: "What goes here?"
Philo: "I need to find the one with the castle."
Carol: "My poor nail! Why are all my paintings so huge?"
Philo: "This looks about right. I did a good job. The more I stare at it the more I think I'm correct."
Shirley: "Let me recall. It feels off but I thunk shifting it is the best move."
Philo: "Being an actor means a lot of memorisation of lines, so this mission was a breeze for me and I finished quite quickly, in about half an hour. Shirley took the longest, but then again she inadvertently chose the spot with the most paintings."
Carol: "Hmm..."
Philo: "Need help?"
Carol: "Definitely. This is frustrating. But what about you?"
Philo: "I'm done with my part. I would love to help you but that would require me to head down."
Carol: "I wouldn't want you to do that unnecessarily. It wastes a lot of points."
Carol: "I think I can handle it here. If I really need help then I'll come to you, okay?"
Philo: "Fine."
Philo: "By the way, I think you're missing a painting. That space is so empty."
Carol: "He's right. But I first need to decide which kitty goes on top."
Shirley: "I vaguely remember the blue one being on the top-right."
Shirley: "This should be right. Now it's a matter of sorting the cityscape pictures. I didn't take a good look at the frames."
Philo: "There are quite a few spare pieces. They must belong to Shirley."
Shirley: "I didn't have enough time to look here downstairs."
Shirley: "Whose decision was it for us to enter by the back door? Wasn't it Philo? I was behind him and I stopped there because he stopped there."
Shirley: "If we entered from the front it would be easier."
Shirley: "Let me just try and think. Maybe I can see what I have."
Shirley: "I wanted to make sure everything I did was right so I was very conscientious and careful with all my paintings. If it was an inch too far to the left or right it would be counted as wrong. The trade-off is that I had less time to see everything, but I feel that it's better to just focus on whatever you can be confident of getting correct."
Philo: "I found something that might be yours."
Carol: "How would you know?"
Philo: "Wait, did you just move the stuff?"
Carol: "You said it was too empty."
Philo: "You can't just move the paintings like that even if it's empty."
Carol: "It feels more right anyway."
Philo: "You can't base it on your sense of feel and artistic vision."
Carol: "I know I'm not missing a painting so therefore it must be the way I placed them."
Philo: "I think you forgot about a painting."
Carol: "I liked you better when you didn't talk so much and were less whiny."
Philo: "I..."
Philo: "I'm going to use the toilet. Move all the paintings back to their original position."
Philo: "Am I really that unliked and unpopular?"
Philo: "But if I didn't become like this I would not have been noticed at all."
Philo: "They're just jealous of my reclaimed fame and success. Youths nowadays have no respect for their elders. Back in my time I was on every bedroom wall!"
Philo: "It's too late to turn back now, not when I'm receiving all this attention."
Shirley: "I'm just guessing here."
Shirley: "But everything feels right."
Carol: "I can't believe him."
Shirley: "Calm down. Tell me what's wrong."
Carol: "It's Philo! He was so bossy. He didn't even look at my section when we were downstairs and he thinks he knows everything to tell me how to place my paintings."
Carol: "Sorry. I don't know what I'm getting so agitated about. My mind just isn't in the right place."
Shirley: "It's alright. It's good to vent your frustrations, though it would be better if you told him directly what is making you unhappy. It may not be intentional."
Shirley: "Do you need a hug?"
Carol: "Yes please. I haven't hugged in such a long while."
Carol: "By the way, I always wanted to ask you something. At the Botanic Gardens, you said you were raped. Was it while you were on the Smole?"
Shirley: "...Yes."
Carol: "Was it Jerome?"
Shirley: "I rather not say."
Carol: "You can tell me, even if he really did do unspeakable things to you. You're my sister."
Shirley: "Just know that all men are untrustworthy."
Carol: "So he did? I'm so, so sorry. No wonder you kept warning me about him. It just doesn't seem like something he would do."
Shirley: "Are you implying I'm lying? That it was all in my head?"
Carol: "No, no! Never! I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I just wish you had trusted me enough to tell me about it."
Shirley: "These things are not the most glorious to talk about. Anyway, we have a mission to focus on. Let's go take a look at Philo's work."
Carol: "The placement makes my skin crawl."
Carol: "And he had the nerve to criticise me when his own wall has a gap."
Shirley: "Maybe that's how it was like below?"
Carol: "I highly doubt it. I'm tempted to shift it properly."
Carol: "Some of the paintings here are really nice though, I have to admit."
Carol: "What are you looking at?"
Shirley: "Huh? Oh. Nothing."
Shirley: "Don't touch anything or he'll accuse you of sabotaging. We don't know what it's really like downstairs anyway."
Carol: "It seemed like the middle part had the most stuff but he took the easiest section."
Carol: "I just realised this can induce anxiety."
Philo: "I think that car doesn't belong there. There are too many gaps and holes that need to be filled."
Shirley: "I can tell you for sure that the car was definitely there above the chair."
Philo: "Then that must mean someone hid the rest of the paintings."
Philo: "That looks off. I don't remember it being like that."
Philo: "Better."
Philo: "This must be an extra painting Shirley is hogging."
"Time is up!"
It is time to see how close the contestants were to the original (left)
Overall, the accuracy is less than 33%, meaning to say that absolutely no points have been earned. The Mole is laughing at the 470/1200 points in the pot but there is still a chance to change the pot. The bonus question in Mission 6 could turn things around, and 1 point will be transferred from the Mole's pot to the winner's pot if the Mole's name is put down in a quiz. Will the winner get the last laugh?
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