It has been an arduous month as the contestants battled it out for a chance at the grand prize. With the conclusion of the last mission, the pot now stands at 470/1200 points thanks to the 0/190 points they had in the final mission. There is one question left unanswered: Who is the Mole? Did the Mole reprise his role? Or has the psychologist gotten everyone fooled? Or is everyone's friend actually everyone's enemy? Find out now.
As the finale approaches, some study...
...some calm themselves...
...and some dance their woes away.
It has been an amazing and fruitful month. Three contestants have beat their comrades to make it to the end. And everything must come to an end eventually. Very soon, the final three will set off to take their final quiz: 30 questions about the identity of the Mole. Whoever knows the most wins. Each of them has their own answers, but who is the Mole?
Is it Philo Nickelworth, the TV actor?
Is it Carol Losantos, the aesthetician?
Is it Shirley DeSota, the psychologist?
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Which season was the Mole previously from?
A: Season 16
B: Season 38
C: Season 39
Q3: Which episode did the Mole's introductory flashback come from?
A: Episode 2-Poison Ivy
B: Episode 11-Orange is the new black
C: Episode 14-I want brains
Q4: What is the Mole's motive for returning?
A: Fame
B: Fun
C: The Finale
Q5: What was the Mole's previous placing?
A: Mole
B: 10th
C: 12th
Q6: What is the Mole's favourite colour?
A: Light Blue
B: Pink
C: Purple
Q7: What is the Mole's favourite music genre?
A: Classical
B: Pop
C: Soul
Q8: What is the Mole's favourite food?
A: Apples
B: Autumn Salad
C: Sushi
Q9: Describe the quilt the Mole uses for sleep every night on Season 40.
A: Cheetah print
B: Floral print
Q10: What did the Mole do before the final quiz?
A: Revise for the quiz
B: Meditate
C: Dance
Shirley: "This has been a gratifying experience. There are some things that I would prefer not to have happened, but overall I've become stronger and more resilient. I had a suspect on my mind since the start and that is Philo Nickelworth. He's more cunning than he lets on, which is something I have detected during my interaction with him. He is willing to sacrifice everything to achieve his goals, which is the ruthlessness a Mole needs. He is also often overlooked which makes it easier for him to slip by. His attempts to try and grab attention are a form of reverse psychology to try and distract us from the fact that he is the Mole. Objectively, he has brought in the least amount of money. Sabotages include blatant ones like in Mission 8 and 9, and subtle ones like in the final mission where he moved my paintings at the last minute. Producers want us to think that they would give this title to someone else for a change but his presence is testament to the fact otherwise.
As for Carol, she doesn't bring in a lot of money either, but that is more so due to incompetence or a lack of ability than actual sabotage. She lacks the qualities to be a Mole. I have observed how easily she is affected by drama and emotion which is something a Mole should never do. She is indeed an average player who has done some strange things, but not enough to say that she's the Mole. This includes Mission 6, when she lost contact all of a sudden. That is something too suspicious for a Mole to do. Her sudden desire to be killer in the penultimate mission is another example, unless she knew beforehand an exemption was at play. Overall, Philo is the more suspicious one."
Q11: In Mission 1, what was the last name of the passenger seated directly behind the Mole?
A: Mitan
B: Bentley
C: Nobody sat behind the Mole
Q12: In Mission 2, who jumped directly after the Mole?
A: Benjamin Brenner
B: Herb DeValentino
C: Jerome Losanji
Q13: In Mission 3, what was the Mole's pair's timing?
A: 24 min 37 sec
B: 49 min 00 sec
C: 48 min 47 sec
Q14: In Mission 4, how many balls did the Mole retrieve?
A: 1
B: 3
C: Not applicable
Q15: In Mission 5, which of the following words is in a language of the Mole's chosen dictionary?
A: Toupeira
B: Moru
C: Mol
Q16: In Mission 6, what did the Mole do that was asked?
A: Be raped
B: Kissed a dermatologist
C: Be the child of a seafood restaurant owner
Q17: In Mission 7, in which order did the Mole enter the playing field?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
Q18: In Mission 8, what was the Mole's surfboard like in Round 1?
A: White and blue with a pattern
B: Plain black
C: Plain red
Q19: In Mission 9, at which point was the Mole eliminated?
A: 7min mark
B: 35min mark
C: The Mole was not eliminated
Q20: Before Mission 10, what did the Mole eat?
A: Beef stew
B: Lemon pancakes
C: Waffles
Carol: "I still feel like this is a dream. After last season I didn't think I would be here but here I am. I don't think the Mole is Shirley DeSota. She doesn't have a bad bone in her. She always tries so hard as a contestant and does things that the Mole would never do. It was so easy of her to get hit by a trap and not find the points but she didn't do that. Only a Mole out of their mind would do that. She has shown how badly she wants to stay especially because she was executed first last time. I can understand that.
Philo Nickelworth is the Mole. Philo has the experience of being a Mole and furthermore he is an actor. He can act and fool us. He has sabotaged so many times. I know he definitely had me fooled about the whole vegetarian thing. He isn't really vegetarian and he had acted that he was for so long that he was. If he can do that he can also act for a prolonged period about not being the Mole. It's an intuition that he is the Mole."
Q21: In Mission 10, which car did the Mole take?
A: Brown car
B: Green car
Q22: In Mission 10, was the Mole a driver or passenger?
A: Driver
B: Passenger
Q23: In Mission 10, name a painting the Mole touched.
A: Mission at Noon, Lance Ng
B: My Little House
C: Capital City Skyline
Q24: In Mission 10, in which order did the Mole complete his/her section?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
Q25: In Mission 10, was the Mole in favour of returning to the first floor?
A: Yes
B: No
Q26: In Mission 10, name a painting that the Mole hung incorrectly.
A: Dream of the Windrunner
B: "Doppler Shift, Third Movement" Painting by D.T. Art Collective
C: Sun Disk
Q27: In Mission 10, name a painting the Mole hung correctly.
A: Toothbrushimus Maximus
B: Canvas Creations
C: The Forgery Elite
Q28: In what order did the Mole exit the elevator in Mission 10?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
Q29: In Mission 10, what was unique about the Mole's section?
A: It had seating
B: It had two walls
C: It was closest to the men's bathroom
Q30: Who is the Mole?
A: Philo Nickelworth
B: Shirley DeSota
C: Carol Losantos
Philo: "I have made it into the finale twice now, once as a Mole and once as the to-be-winner. After this, I will surely be remembered. How many returning players have made it to the finale twice? I know I will win because I believe Carol Losantos is the Mole. I have suspected both Carol and Shirley at one point but I have decided it is Carol. She pretends to be a bumbling fool but I know better than that. She goes down the classic Mole route: stay low in the beginning but become more brazen and sabotage later. The Mole is always someone average, and the second mission confirms that as she is somewhere in the middle. The way she suddenly wanted to become the killer in the ninth mission is shocking and out of character for her as a contestant but in line for a Mole.
Shirley DeSota is not the Mole because she does non-Moley things. I have said it before and I will say it again: she does things Moles will never do. This includes trying very hard and earning points. I think she has earned the most points out of all fourteen contestants. Moles never do this. She was the reason why we succeeded in the sixth mission. She was the one to suggest to wait half an hour before entering the mirror maze, which gave the rest amole time to plan and prepare. She is constantly geared towards helping the group earn points and hence she cannot be the Mole."
"Welcome to the live finale of the Smole, Season 40! It has an intense month for viewers and contestants alike as they try to answer that one question: Who is the Mole? Today, we will finally find out who has been this trickster the entire time. But first, let us put our hands together to welcome all the contestants back!"
"In 14th place, Cairo Kong!"
"In 13th place, Angel Stewart!"
"In 12th place, Jerome Losanji!"
"In 11th place, Iris Ollie!"
"Let us welcome back our triple executees: Lisette Mack, Benjamin Brenner and Milan Lombardy!"
Milan: "Hmm, the red carpet has a stain on it."
Benjamin: "Who cares? This place is awesome!"
Lisette: "I'm not a fan of such events or getups."
"Please take your seat."
"Our next contestant is here. In 7th place, Herb DeValentino!"
"In 6th place, Autumn Fall!"
Autumn: "Hey, it's me!"
Sarah: "She's alive!"
"In 5th place, Damien Stewart!"
"Last but not least, in fourth place, Bonnie DeValentino!"
"Let us give another round of applause to our other 11 contestants! Let us now hear some of their thoughts about being on Season 40."
Cairo: "I was really excited at first but then I was executed first. I wasn't lucky enough that day. Otherwise, I would have gotten the Mole for sure."
Angel: "It's too bad that I didn't do very well either as a Mole or a contestant but I'm fine. I was worried about Damien when I left but seeing him so far over there makes me proud of him."
Jerome: "I'm embarrassed slightly because I was third in the previous season and now I'm third last. This Mole must be really good. But I'm even sadder that I didn't get to spend more time with Carol and the rest of us here. Everyone seems so cool."
Iris: "I truly enjoyed myself with all the adventures. My placing is something I have no control over, so I have no regrets."
Lisette: "Exactly what she said. It was fun and amazing to be back, going through all kinds of crazy adventures with all of you. This has been a terrific season and I think the best season yet."
Benjamin: "I must have left only because of the twists this season. The Mole knew I was onto them and didn't want me to succeed. I was hesitating about whether to come or not at first but I figured that this is an opportunity that I can never miss and nobody can stop me from attending."
Milan: "I should not be sitting here. Dis is a disgrace."
Herb: "I am truly overwhelmed. I am really glad I came because I made it much further than I thought and I reunited with my daughter Bonnie."
Autumn: "The haters tried to get rid of me but I've recovered and am back better than ever! I just wish I wasn't stabbed. Maybe I would have won. But I'm happy that Damien isn't in the final three either."
Damien: "I was played. There, I said it. Shirley cost me my spot in the finale. I definitely knew who it was. I did things I shouldn't have done on the show because now it landed me here."
Bonnie: "I was hoping you'd be more remorseful. I'm disappointed to that I'm not part of the final three but I think that to be part of that is really difficult and so we should admire Shirley, Carol and Philo. To be very honest, I was not 100% sure of my suspect and I made a gamble that didn't pay off. But that's how life works: you win some, you lose some. I just want to know who the Mole is."
"In due time, Bonnie. As you can see, there are three empty seats for our three finalists: Philo Nickelworth, Carol Losantos and Shirley DeSota. The three of them have proven to be the best three this season."
"Let us walk the journey in their shoes, starting with Philo Nickelworth."
"Philo is an actor past his prime who is hoping to regain his former glory. At first, he seemed like just a comical character that wouldn't make it far..."
Philo: "You have got to be kidding me."
Philo: "You have got to be kidding me."
Philo: "Guys, there's no need to fight. I'm racist too."
Selena: "You're what?"
Philo: "How long more?"
Philo: "Oh, I see Iris. I better look like I'm putting in more effort."
Philo: "Iris! I'm coming!"
Iris: "Philo! I've been waiting all day for you!"
Philo: "Iris!"
Iris: "Ow!"
Philo: "Oof!"
Philo: "I think something broke."
Bonnie: "So you think that the one who stabbed Autumn is one of the other four?"
Shirley: "I can't say. I personally think it's Damien, but I think we need to give him a fair trial is what I'm saying."
Philo: "I have something to confess. I tried to kill Autumn."
Bonnie: "We will do that, Shirley. That's why I'm asking all of you right now. I will look for evidence to prove your innocence or your guilt. We must seek justice for Autumn no matter what. I hope you covered your tracks well, Damien."
Philo: "Hello? Is anyone listening to me?"
"But his desire to be more than just a five-minute joke began to show. Hungry for attention, Philo did whatever it took to be noticed and remembered..."
Philo: "So what do you think? I'm going for a new image. Do you think I can pull this off for the rest of the season?"
Philo: "Hey Carol! I'm mooning you!"
"Even if it meant that it could cost him his life..."
Philo: "It's a trap. It's blocking my path. I'm going to attempt to jump over it."
Philo: "Aah!"
Autumn: "Philo, no!"
"...or betraying every belief he held dear to him..."
Philo: "Everyone, look at me! Philo Nickelworth, devout Buddhist, has just eaten beef! Shocker of the century!"
"Deep inside, he was a lonely soul and all that he wanted was someone to show concern for him."
Philo: "I'm still useful and valuable!"
Autumn: "Yay you!"
"To achieve great things, he has made great sacrifices. His drive has pushed him into the finale and after everything he had gone through, households would surely, finally, know the name Philo Nickelworth."
"Our next finalist is Carol Losantos."
"Carol Losantos is just a girl from Los Santos. She's your average girl-next-door with a level of confidence enough to blind her from various issues..."
Carol: "Thank you. But that doesn't excuse you from entering without knocking first. What if I was naked?"
Benjamin: "You're beautiful, Carol. You have nothing to be worried about."
Benjamin: "And it's not just your physical appearance too. Your personality is amazing. You're such a wonderful girl, Carol. Whoever your boyfriend is must be lucky to have you."
Carol: "Aww, that's so sweet. I'm single though."
Carol: "I don't know what's going on but I think I should give them some space."
"Until it hits her in the face..."
Carol: "What do you mean?"
Shirley: "Jerome confided in me one day. He told me that he felt utterly hurt."
Carol: "Who hurt him?"
Shirley: "...You, Carol. You hurt him most deeply. You were so distant and crushed his dreams time and time again. He told me that he was so hurt that he would never dare to love again. I saw him cry so badly..."
Carol: "Oh my gosh, I didn't know! What happened?"
Shirley: "I promised not to tell anyone, but you're the one directly involved in it, and I trust you because you're a friend. Promise not to tell anyone."
Carol: "Of course."
Shirley: "He tried to kill himself. He wanted to jump off the balcony of the third floor."
Carol: "No! That poor, innocent bunny. It's all my fault. I should never have gotten so close to him. I can't believe all this happened and I didn't even know! I'm just sitting here comfortably thinking that the romance is past us."
"Her love story with Jerome was the highlight of her season. We watched as the two got together again and seemed like they would live their happily ever after..."
Carol: "Don't be. It's so sweet that you care so much about me."
Jerome: "I put you at the bottom if you're curious."
Carol: "Why?"
Jerome: "Because I still trust you."
Carol: "You're just adorable."
Jerome: "I missed this. Our friendship. When I got home Mama said she wanted to meet you."
Jerome: "Sorry, did I make it weird?"
Carol: "No you didn't."
Carol: "You're so cute and huggable, like a oversized teddy bear. Hugging you feels so different from hugging anyone else."
Jerome: "It's good to have you back. I plan on bringing us both to the finale this time."
"...only to be torn apart when they least expected it. "
Jerome: "This is like last season, isn't it? Except that now the tables have turned. It's you hugging me goodbye now."
"Understandably, she was very troubled by her relationship with Jerome, and she wasn't afraid to let it show. As someone who wears her heart on her sleeve, she tends to get badly affected by drama..."
Carol: "Jerome is a great guy. I don't want to hurt him by accidentally leading him on."
Benjamin: "There, there now. I'm sure if you made your stance clear he'll understand. There's really no need to worry so much and stress yourself out over this."
Benjamin: "I really don't want to see a pretty girl like you frown. Turn it around, okay? For my sake?"
Jerome: "I...I think I should go."
Carol: "Jerome, I miss you. I'm sorry that I hurt you and I'm sorry we never got a chance to watch the sunset together. But Shirley warned me against you. What does it mean? What secrets have you been hiding from me, Jerome? Should I be crying or feel relieved over your execution?"
"However, Carol is also a very sociable and friendly woman with an uncanny ability to befriend others. Even when she's bogged down by drama, she can count on her support system to get her through..."
Shirley: "Calm down. Tell me what's wrong."
Carol: "It's Philo! He was so bossy. He didn't even look at my section when we were downstairs and he thinks he knows everything to tell me how to place my paintings."
Carol: "Sorry. I don't know what I'm getting so agitated about. My mind just isn't in the right place."
Shirley: "It's alright. It's good to vent your frustrations, though it would be better if you told him directly what is making you unhappy. It may not be intentional."
Shirley: "Do you need a hug?"
Carol: "Yes please. I haven't hugged in such a long while."
"Just as her friends support her in tough times, Carol too is fiercely loyal towards her friends and has an implicit trust in them..."
Carol: "Damien Stewart! How could you? I thought we were all friends!"
Shirley: "I'm saying this because I don't want you to get hurt. Carol, Jerome isn't who you think he is."
Carol: "That's nonsense. I know him. He's as harmless as can get."
Shirley: "That's what he wants you to believe."
Carol: "By the way, I always wanted to ask you something. At the Botanic Gardens, you said you were raped. Was it while you were on the Smole?"
Shirley: "...Yes."
Carol: "Was it Jerome?"
Shirley: "I rather not say."
Carol: "You can tell me, even if he really did do unspeakable things to you. You're my sister."
Shirley: "Just know that all men are untrustworthy."
"To say that Carol made it into the finale is to say that everyone made it into the finale. Thanks to the help of those around her, Carol made it into the finale in spite of all her troubles. Because of her personality, so many of us want to see Carol Losantos win a happy ending."
"Last but not least, our third finalist: Shirley DeSota."
"We all thought Shirley was that kind, sweet, caring psychologist. And she was initially..."
Shirley: "It's okay. I'm a doctor. Follow my lead. Breathe in..."
Shirley: "There, there, Jerome. Dry your tears."
Jerome: "Do you think we'll make it out alive?"
Shirley: "I...everything will be alright."
Angel: "He takes after his father too much. I don't want him to end up on the same path--dead. But to convince him to turn back I need to prove to him that it's the better choice. Right now, he doesn't see the need to change his life for the better."
Shirley: "I see. I think it's amazing how maternal love is, to drive mothers to do what's right for their children. I think you're on the right track. I wish you all the best."
Angel: "Thank you. You're a good listener."
Shirley: "I try."
Shirley: "You will be able to walk out of this shadow. Both of you. And I will help you."
Benjamin: "Thanks Shirley. If only Emily was like you. You're such an amazing woman."
"Virtually everyone trusted her. She too trusted many, including her friend and patient Ben. But the trust was broken..."
Shirley: "How did you get in? I know I locked the door! Get out!"
Benjamin: "Nobody says no to me."
Shirley: "AAAAAAAAHHmmmmmmm!"
"She initially tried to brush it off and pretend nothing happened but she was clearly traumatised..."
Shirley: "I don't want them to find out. Nothing happened between me and him. Nothing."
Shirley: "I...I can't believe he would do this."
"Her trust in men had been destroyed as a result and she grew fearful of them..."
Herb: "Watch out for that wall."
Shirley: "Ow! Sorry, I can't help you."
"Shirley wanted so badly to tell someone what happened but it was too shameful for her to broach the subject, so she let it fester inside of her..."
Shirley: "Do you trust me?"
Carol: "I do. Why?"
Shirley: "Because I trust you too. I have a secret I want to confide in you. Holding it in makes me suffocate. I..."
Shirley: "Nevermind. Forget I said anything."
"The seeds of hatred and evil had been sown. They were just biding their time, slowly sprouting, slowly growing..."
Shirley: "Good. He should have been executed a long time ago."
Lisette: "Did you just say that? I would never have expected that from you, especially not when it's your good friend Ben. Why the sudden 180?"
Shirley: "Every time I close my eyes, no matter how much I try to suppress or forget it, it comes back to me more vividly than ever. I just want to work this negative energy off but the more I do the stronger it gets."
Shirley: "I give up."
Shirley: "Rape her."
Benjamin: "What?"
Shirley: "You ruined my life. Go and ruin hers too."
"As an expert in psychology, Shirley played to her strengths and manipulated others into doing her bidding without them noticing..."
Shirley: "I won't let men bully me any more."
Damien: "Maybe I should take your journal too. Or maybe I already have."
Shirley: "Your threats don't work against me. I heard about what happened in the mission. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're doing this because you're worried that Bonnie suspects you."
Damien: "Please, she's more than welcome. I'm just here to get back at her for humiliating me in that mission."
Shirley: "I won't stop you."
Damien: "You won't?"
Shirley: "No. I'll pretend nothing ever happened, as long as you share the information you gathered with me."
Damien: "I don't see why I have to do that."
Shirley: "You're right. You don't. But you want to. Especially considering I may have something very interesting for you. It concerns your Ma."
Damien: "Spill."
Shirley: "She's a clever woman. She knows she couldn't trust anybody in this game. Not even her own son. So she approached me as a secret coalition. I know who she suspected on the night she was executed."
Damien: "I don't believe you."
Shirley: "You don't have to. Ultimately, it's your choice. But information is currency in this game. And currency must be spent eventually. I just need to find a willing buyer. That shouldn't be too hard."
Shirley: "If you want to be remembered, you are going to have to grab everyone's attention."
Philo: "But how?"
Shirley: "Be controversial. Sabotage. Be outlandish. Be the peacock strutting down the runway."
Philo: "Is this what I have to do to stay current?"
Shirley: "I've spoken to a lot of patients, including those that are obsessed with celebrities. They told me that they love the crazy and bold ones. Ultimately it's your choice, but I hope you get to flaunt your feathers like the peacock you are. It would be a shame for someone like you to get buried."
Autumn: "I don't believe you. My parents will never abandon me. They love me!"
Shirley: "This may hurt to hear but have you ever wondered why your parents didn't take the initiative to search for you? You've even appeared on an international TV show. They know where you are. Zimmaport isn't a remote island. Maybe it's time to reflect on yourself before they are willing to accept you back into their lives."
Philo: "What? But I'm a devout Buddhist! And I am a turned vegetarian."
Shirley: "Bad publicity is better than no publicity. You'll be sure to rile up netizens by eating beef and being proud of it."
Philo: "Is this really what I have to do? Go against my religion and the deities?"
Shirley: "To achieve nirvana, which in your case will be to be forever remembered, you have to make some sacrifices. That's not against Buddhism."
"Shirley was the puppet master, making others do all her dirty work..."
Shirley: "But if you can't bring yourself to violate Autumn, then kill her."
Damien: "What?"
Autumn: ""
Shirley: "I'm sorry it had to be you. Don't leave me now."
Autumn: "You...knew?"
Shirley: "Your pulse is very weak. I don't know if you can survive tonight even if I call an ambulance for you right now."
Autumn: "Why...have you be...become so...unhappy?"
"But to everyone, she was still the angel she used to be..."
Carol: "You're a very strong woman, Shirley. I had no idea he was doing that to you. But it's okay to let it all out."
Shirley: "Thank you."
Carol: "You should thank all of them. Nobody believed a word Damien said."
"From a hero to a villain, Shirley's broken soul has changed her view on human nature. Perhaps this disappointment in life has led her to shift her focus toward the game. Skills that were once used to help were now used for personal advancement, and it has evidently worked, for she has made it into the finale of the Smole, Season 40."
Sarah: "What? Shirley is so evil? I had no idea! And to think I was supporting her."
"We have now gotten to know our three finalists a little better. With this knowledge, who could the winner be?"
Brox: "I think it's Philo. He's the only guy left."
Viktor: "I agree. They won 't make Philo Mole twice, so he's got to be the winner. He knows how to play the game."
Nick: "I have a strong feeling Philo will win too."
Simon: "I am personally rooting for the underdog Carol."
Trixie: "I think it is Shirley."
Sarah: "I wanted her to win too, dear, but after seeing that I would rather Philo win."
Samuel: "Not Carol?"
Sarah: "Of course you'd support the women. That's why you're sitting beside that hussy."
Brenda: "Who? Me?"
Zed: "No, Shirley. Who is who I think I will win. She has a narrative going for her."
"It seems that the audience is divided. Without further ado, the winner of the Smole, Season 40 is..."
"...Pihlo Nickelworth!"
Philo: "Remember this face. The face of the winner of the Smole."
Autumn: "Woohoo! Good job Philo! You won!"
Milan: "Shut, Autumn!"
"Please say a few words."
Philo: "I am the winner! Everything paid off, all the sacrifices I had to make, all my blood, sweat and tears...they were all worth it. Take a good look at me. I am Philo Nickelworth, winner of the Smole!"
"Thank you, Philo. Philo, you are holding on to two keys."
"There are two doors behind you. One door leads to the Mole."
"The other door leads to the runner-up."
"Philo, do you know who the Mole is?"
Philo: "Of course. That's how I won. She is behind this door."
"The Mole of Season 40..."
" none other than..."
"Shirley DeSota!"
Philo: "Carol Losantos! Wait, what?"
Philo: "You must have gotten it wrong."
Carol: "No Philo, I think you got it wrong."
Carol: "I can tell you I'm not the Mole."
Philo: "Huh? But that's not possible. I won!"
Carol: "We both lost. I thought you were the Mole."
Philo: "This is embarrassing."
Simon: "I'm quite shocked that Shirley is the Mole."
"Carol, as our runner-up, please give a few words."
Carol: "That was an awkward introduction, ha. I'm kind of glad that I didn't win now so that I would be spared from that humiliation. I didn't expect to win honestly. Every execution I was nervous as hell because my mind was not in the right place so I could have gone home at any time. Maybe the Mole took pity on me or maybe I would have been sitting in Autumn's place right now. But nevertheless, I am glad to have gotten a second chance and this time managed to play until the end. I could never have done it without any of you. I want to thank all of you for supporting me and helping me in one way or another. I also want to thank my parents for supporting me in my dreams and letting me join the Smole as well as pursue my own career. Lastly, good job Shirley. You had both me and Philo fooled, although I don't know whether to hate your or not now. I saw the clip while inside the room and I really hope that's malicious editing that took your words out of context."
"Thank you. Please take your seat beside Bonnie."
"Philo, with your remaining key, please open Shirley's door."
"Ladies and gentlemen, the true Mole of the Smole, Season 40: Shirley DeSota!"
Shirley: "Oh dear Philo. You failed to catch me?"
Shirley: "I guess that means that I take home the whole pot and the better half of the fame."
Philo: "You set me up."
"Shirley, please give a few words."
Shirley: "Hi everyone. Yes, I'm the Mole. If you are shocked, then it's rightfully so. If not, good on you. I wanted to play like a contestant this season. This meant gaining the trust of everyone and the best way to not look like a Mole is to do things a Mole would never do. It worked out well in the end, wouldn't you say?To Philo, I may be getting more of the limelight than you, but you can't go around saying I set you up. I wasn't the one who told you to put Carol as the Mole. It wasn't easy lying for over a month but I do what I must."
Lisette: "No way. I still can't believe that Shirley is the Mole. I'm feeling so confused right now."
Benjamin: "Shirley! You lied to me?"
Shirley: "It had to be done. Besides, this is nothing compared to what you did to me. The whole world...they know what you did now. You can't go around hiding from it any more."
Brox: "She was so nice to me on the plane. I can't believe that she's actually the Mole."
Simon: "She played an interesting psychological game."
Viktor: "I didn't see any of the final three being the Mole. My heart is pumping so fast from the adrenaline."
Selena: "I still think she's disgusting no matter what. She should have been expelled along with Damien."
Anya: "You can't use psychological manipulation in court as evidence."
"Philo, out of 1200 possible points, you earned 470. In the Botanical Gardens Gallery, Carol put you down as the Mole while Bonnie put Shirley as the Mole, so no points are earned or lost from there. In addition, Shirley's name was only put down twice as the Mole, both times by Damien, so you could have earned an additional 2 points to make it 472 points, or 472,000 Simoleons. Unfortunately, neither you nor Carol identified Shirley as the Mole in the final quiz so Shirley takes home all the money."
"Shirley, you walk away with all 1,200,000 Simoleons. Congratulations on being such a victorious Mole. The only one who ever suspected you enough to put your name down was Damien, but he had been eliminated from the Smole, thus ensuring that you would never get caught."
"Let us observe what Shirley did to sabotage the missions."
"In the second mission, she used Milan as an excuse to not jump and earn easy points."
Shirley: "You do make a fair point, but it feels weird just letting points slip by like that."
Milan: "Focus on de end goal. Dink of it as un investimento. We can get back de points later."
Shirley: "I'll listen to you. There's a reason why I was eliminated first in my season."
"In Mission 3, Shirley accidentally sabotaged by pronouncing 'rho' as 'p'. Fortunately or not, Benjamin realised it was an honest error on her part."
Benjamin: "Shirley, quick, hit me."
Shirley: "Which formula is incorrect? A: F=dp/dt. B: P=hpg."
Shirley: " do I say it...T=2π square root(m/g). D: P=F/A."
Benjamin: "Firstly, I think you mean ρ and not p. Rookie mistake. Secondly, my answer is C. It's a good thing I took a few engineering modules."
"Shirley saw that the first mirror in Mission 4 assumed that the contestant would enter from the right, so of course she entered from the left. This made Lisette panic."
Shirley: "Hi Lisette."
Lisette: "Wait! I didn't expect you to enter from the left side."
Shirley: "I can't stop. The best I can do is slow down."
"She did not slow down her pace in Mission 4 when she was about to hit a wall. As a result, there was not enough time for Benjamin to pull a mirror over."
Shirley: "Ben, hurry!"
Benjamin: "Oof!"
Shirley: "Sorry."
Benjamin: "It's not your fault. I was too slow."
"Shirley wanted to take the Dutch dictionary in Mission 5 because it would allow her to gauge how successful the group was at that point. If they had reached her, she would try and mislead them. In the next mission, Shirley outright told the rest that she would not change any photos, claiming that she was doing reconnaissance work. By going first, she had enough excuse to not explore the maze fully. She could also influence the others after her. Additionally, she was still in the maze when time was up."
"Time is up."
Shirley: "Fuuudge. I knew I spent too long in here."
"Shirley wanted to make use of Mission 7 to seal the deal that she 'was not the Mole'. By doing superbly well and earning the points, there was no way anyone would suspect her as the Mole. She was correct in that thinking because Damien, who had suspected Shirley in the previous quiz, dropped her in the quiz that followed this mission. Similarly, in Mission 8, she was the only one to earn points so as to lessen her suspicion."
Shirley: "I see it. 100 points."
"In the penultimate mission, Shirley was the first to be caught by Carol and eliminated. By shouting in alarm to warn Philo, she was actually alerting Carol to their presence."
Shirley: "It's Carol!"
Shirley: "Philo, Carol's over there!"
Shirley: "Quick! There's a slight opening. In here!"
Philo: "Can't I just blend into the bush like Homer?"
Shirley: "Welp! I'm out, I guess?"
Carol: "Now you are."
"In the final mission, Shirley did not even finish looking at her section in the initial one minute. However, she was adamant in not letting anyone spend points to return for another look because she didn't want them to get more paintings correct. In addition, she hung several of her paintings wrongly."
Shirley: "Philo, stop!"
Shirley: "What are you doing? Carol said nobody is to go down."
"Shirley did not give away much through her sabotage but there were clues that could help identify her as the Mole."
"The first clue is on the official Smole fansite, Smole (Sims 3) Wiki. If you go to Shirley's page, you would realise that one of the appended categories is 'Moles'. It was outright stated that Shirley was this season's Mole."
"The second clue is in the first episode. Shirley is seated at seat 1G--the seventh seat in the row. There are seven letters in Shirley's first name. Shirley is also the fourth contestant seated in that row. There are 4 letters in the word 'MOLE'."
"In the mirror maze, there were clues hidden on the back of some of the mirrors. By aligning some of the mirrors, they would be able to form reflections that would spell out a letter. Doing this to all 7 letters would spell out the name 'TIMOTHY'. Timothy Foyer was the Mole in Season 8 and he was a psychiatrist, which is similar to Shirley's job."
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The letters in red can be seen on the back of the corresponding mirrors if the mirrors had been aligned to cause their reflection. |
"There were 10 balls to collect in the maze that were worth points and one ball that was worth an exemption. Altogether there were 11 balls. Shirley is from Season 38. Adding the digits 3 and 8 together will give you 11, which is the number of balls in the maze."
"In Episode 11, Shirley's photo was the only one that was not able to be seen through a surveillance camera. This alludes to the fact that Shirley as the Mole tries to stay hidden."
"The next clue spans across three episodes. In Episode 11, Philo is explicitly shown holding up a '2'. In Episode 12, Autumn and Damien lie on each other, forming a + sign. Rotating it will give you a 'x' sign. In Episode 13, there were only 19 seconds left in the mission. 2x19=38. Shirley is from Season 38."
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From Episode 11 |
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From Episode 12 |
"In Episode 17, the simplest path from the entrance to the exit forms an 'S' shape--S for Shirley."
"The last clue is in Episode 18. The last few lines of the episode were:
With 470/1010 points in the pot, surely the Mole will win, unless the other two succeed in turning the tables in the last mission. Who will win? And who is the Mole?
'Surely' sounds like Shirley. Therefore, the last few lines were actually saying that Shirley the Mole will win, unless the other two succeed in turning the tables in the last mission. She will win because at that point she had more points than the group pot."
"With that we have come to the end of the Smole, Season 40. Once again, thank you for all your support. Till next time."
Music begins to play.
Simon: "Her sabotages are not a lot."
Sarah: "The clues were hard."
Samuel: "That's now how I pronounce 'surely'."
Zed: "She wasn't a satisfying Mole in terms of sabotage."
Diane: "It's over already? Let's go take a photo with some of them."
Viktor: "Granted, we only met once but I could not tell that she was the Mole at all."
Simon: "How did she turn out that way? It's such a pity."
Benjamin: "Shirley..."
Shirley: "I have nothing to say to you."
Benjamin: "But I do."
Benjamin: "I...congrats."
Benjamin: "I don't believe what was shown. They were just trying to paint you in a bad light to fit your Mole persona."
Shirley: "Don't stand so close to me. You have bad breath."
Autumn: "I can't believe you still have the cheek to come after stabbing me!"
Autumn: "Why are you not in jail?"
Damien: "I served my time. Don't you know the mazimum sentence cannot exceed two days no matter the crime?"
Autumn: "You should be locked up forever!"
Damien: "I think your old wounds would flare up if you keep being so agitated."
Damien: "You clearly weren't listening to what I said earlier about jail terms."
Autumn: "I don't need your hypocrisy! Just tell me why you did it. Did Shirley tell you to do it?"
Damien: "I can make my own decisions. No one told me to do anything."
Autumn: "Then why did you stab me?"
Damien: "Because I didn't like the sight of you and wanted you gone. The lesser contestants around the better."
Angel: "I am disappointed in you."
Damien: "At least I made it further than you did, Ma."
Damien: "You always talk about staying upright and doing what's right but look at how far that's gotten you."
Autumn: "Hey I wasn't done with him yet. Get in line, Angel!"
Damien: "Shut up Autumn. This is between my Ma and me. If anyone wants to scold me she gets first priority."
Angel: "If you see me as your Ma I want you to apologise to Autumn right now."
Damien: "But I was standing up for you!"
Angel: "I can stand up for myself. And I want you to aplogise for what you did to her during the season. I left and look what happened. You were up to no good and got used. Do you really think that's better than me?"
Herb: "Bonnie, it's so good to see you. I'm glad you're safe and well."
Bonnie: "I'm glad you're alright too Dad."
Herb: "Oh!"
Bonnie: "I want to be able to experience the warmth of family."
Herb: "Me too. It will take time and hard work but I'm optimistic."
Bonnie: "By the way, I found out you had lied to me. You didn't walk out on the family. I also know why you did it. I should have believed you from the start and I'm sorry."
Herb: "Silly girl. There's nothing to apologise for. You did nothing wrong."
Carol: "Congrats Philo. Even if you didn't get the Mole you were less wrong than I was."
Philo: "Say that again but louder this time."
Carol: "Don't get cocky now."
Carol: "..."
Carol: "I missed you so much."
Jerome: "Mmm?"
Carol: "Shh."
Jerome: "I...I thought we were just friends?"
Carol: "I want to be more than that. I have been thinking so much about you and after what I just saw, I know the full picture now."
Jerome: "I've been thinking about you too."
Jerome: "Mm..."
Carol: "Mm..."
Carol: "Though even if you did something bad I don't really care. In fact, I like bad boys."
Jerome: "You like bad boys, eh? Is this cheetah vest bad enough for you?"
Carol: "You're too cute. I like baad boys but I like you more."
Autumn: "Bonnie, there you are. I wanted to speak to you after the finale."
Autumn: "You promised me that you would help me find my parents."
Bonnie: "Of course. Now that we're no longer sequestered, I have more freedom to help you. Let's start off with that you already did and maybe you can provide me some more documentary material regarding your family or previous residence."
I cannot believe that it has been 40 seasons already. A big, hearty thank you goes out to each and every one of you for making 40 seasons possible. Will there be more? We'll see.
- Red means executed
- Black means not in game
- Green means exempted
- Blue means eliminated
- Yellow means the player received a -1 penalty
- Orange means the player received a -2 penalty
- Pink means the player received a +1 bonus
- In Quiz 2, Angel received a -1 penalty
- In Quiz 4, Iris received a -1 penalty
- In Quiz 5, Benjamin received a -2 penalty while Lisette received a -1 penalty.
- There were only -1 penalty and +1 bonus to be given out in Quiz 8. No penalties or bonuses were inflicted after that quiz.
- Iris kept receiving -2 penalties but survived. The moment she got lesser penalties, she was executed. A similar thing happened to Benjamin between Quiz 4 and 5.
- Only Damien suspected the Mole.
- Bonnie would have been executed if Autumn was not medically evacuated.
- Philo would have been executed if Damien was not removed from the game.
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