Last time on the Smole, the contestants took part in archery in an attempt to hit replicas of the other contestants. With 30/150 points earned that mission, Kelly claimed the first exemption of the season. She chose to nominate Jane, Hans, Kaylie, Jennifer and Chase for execution and it was found that over the last two quizzes, Kaylie was the slowest. She thus became the first contestant to be executed. The group needs to work harder to fill the gap, but the Mole will not slacken to maintain that gap between the 90 points the group has and the 330 points the group could have had.
Stanley: "I promised to change for the better if Kelly did not pick me. And she didn't, so I guess I have to keep my end of the deal. It's rubbish though. I'm just doing whatever it takes to stay in this game and if the rest are offended by that, screw them. Of course, being a cameraman, I know all about presentation. All I have to do is to seem like the good guy that everyone likes. Unfortunately this seems imperative this season. Fuck the twist."
Stanley: "Hey Kelly."
Stanley: "So...thanks for not choosing me yesterday."
Kelly: "I'm glad you noticed. Remember how you promised to change for the better? If you don't, I'm very certain that whoever gets the exemption next will choose you."
Stanley: "Yeah, yeah, I know what to do."
Chase: "Oh no. Not again."
Jennifer: "I often see you walking around with a paper bag."
Jennifer: "What's in that bag? Weed?"
Chase: "Fuck you."
Chase: "I swore to stay away from drugs for Chelsea, for Mike, David...for everyone who cares about me."
Jennifer: "How sweet. That's even sweeter than my nipples. Now get out of my way. You're blocking my sunlight."
Claves: "I sensed something."
Claves: "There are a bunch of letters."
Claves: "This seems too familiar..."
Claves: "What..."
Claves: "How did they manage to find me here?"
Claves: "I'll have to think about the contents."
"Good morning contestants. Today, I need one probably good player."
Stanley: "I'm more than probably good."
Jane: "I'm okay with this. I'm pretty average in my opinion."
Claves: "As long as it's not Kelly."
Zane: "After much discussion, we decided that Stanley was the player. We were later briefed on the mission without him. We expected that Stanley would get the exemption, but instead we are the ones who can get it. We also had the power to decide how to divide the 170 points that could be earned."
The contestants would be visiting Python Hall. There are 16 doors in the hall. The contestants sans Stanley will hide behind one of those doors and the remaining doors will either contain some points or nothing at all, depending on how they were divided. Stanley will choose one door. A different door will then be revealed and Stanley is given the option of switching or sticking to the same door. This continues until there are only 2 doors left. If the chosen door has points, those points are earned. If a contestant is behind that door, that contestant gets the exemption.
Jennifer: "You're pretty cool. I love the pink hair and the steampunk outfits."
Claves: "Thank you, but how do you propose we divide up the points?"
Jane: "I would love to gain an exemption."
Pamela: "This essentially boils down to luck."
Kelly: "You look disgusting. I don't know why we're even in the same car. One look and I know you're not a good chap. You're probably a dropout, aren't you?"
Zane: "Should we gamble all the points in one door?"
Hans: "No way. There's a very low probability that Stanley will pick that door. We could end up with nothing."
Stanley: "Wow, this is huge."
"Stanley, welcome to Python Hall. In front of you are 16 doors. Behind each door is either a contestant, points, or nothing. Your fellow contestants have decided who or what goes behind each door. It is your job to pick a door. Any door."
Stanley: "I'll go with the first door on the second level."
"Very well. Our lovely assistant will mark that door."
"Stanley, now pick another door."
Stanley: " about the 3rd door on the third floor?"
"Stanley, is this your door?"
Stanley: "Yes."
"Our lovely assistant will now reveal the contents of that door."
Joy: "Behind this door is..."
Joy: "...Contestant Chase Bennington."
Chase: "Damn it."
Stanley: "Nice. One less contestant in the running."
"Stanley, will you stick with your current door or switch?"
Stanley: "This isn't much to go on so I'll stick."
"Stanley, pick another door to reveal."
Stanley: "The third door on the top floor."
"Our assistant is making her way there now."
Joy: "Eek!"
Joy: "I'm stuck..."
Joy: "I hope the cameras didn't catch this."
Joy: "I shall proceed with poise and dignity."
"Stanley, is this your door?"
Stanley: "Yes."
Joy: "Behind this door is Contestant Hans Dixon."
Hans: "Boo."
Stanley: "Yeah!"
"Stanley, will you stick with your current door or switch?"
Stanley: "I'll switch. I want the last door on the second floor. 😜"
Stanley: "That's the door."
"Stanley, is this your door that you want to reveal?"
Stanley: "Yes."
Joy: "This door contains...Contestant Pamela Aries."
Pamela: "Aw, why did you pick this door?"
Stanley: "I'm sticking with the same door. I want to reveal the door to Pamela's right."
"Is this your door?"
Stanley: "Yes."
Joy: "Behind this door is Contestant Kelly Hoggart."
Stanley: "Excellent! There's no way I'm letting her get another exemption, even if she is my coalition partner."
Joy: "Stanley Mann has switched to the last door on the top floor."
Stanley: "I'd like the third door on level 2 please."
Stanley: "That's the door. Open it."
Joy: "This door contains 27 points."
Stanley: "Oh no!"
Stanley: "I'll change my door to the first door on the top floor."
Stanley: "The first floor, second door. Reveal that one."
Joy: "This door contains Contestant Jennifer Caley."
Jennifer: "How dare you. I thought I'd be safe down here."
Stanley: "Oh well."
Stanley: "I'm sticking with the same door. I have good vibes about this. Let me think about which door to about the one at the end?"
Joy: "This door contains 21 points."
Stanley: "Fuck. I'm still going to stick with my current door though."
"Which door will you reveal next?"
Stanley: "I want to see what my previous choice was. The last door on the second floor, please."
Joy: "This door contains 28 points."
Joy: "The second door on the fourth floor contains Contestant Claves Vann."
Stanley: "I want to know what's behind the third door on the first floor."
"Is this your door?"
Stanley: "Yes."
Joy: "Behind this door is 20 points."
Joy: "Behind this door is Contestant Jane Plain."
Joy: "This door contains 27 points."
Stanley: "Fuck. Only Zane hasn't been found. Where is he? I'll switch back to my first choice. The first door on the second floor."
Stanley: "Yes, that is my door."
"Which door will you reveal now?"
Stanley: "2nd floor, 2nd door."
Joy: "This door contains nothing."
Stanley: "There are only a few doors left. Jennifer, where's Zane hiding?"
Jennifer: "Not telling you, you traitor."
Stanley: "Fine. I'll stick with my current door, but I want the first door on the top floor revealed."
Joy: "This door contains..."
Joy: "...Contestant Zane Aason Averridge."
Zane: "I was so happy when you chose my door. I thought I would be safe. If only you didn't switch doors. So close."
"There are only two doors left. Will you stick, or will you switch?"
Stanley: "Which door is worth more?"
Jennifer: "I'm not allowed to say anything. And I'm not going to, traitor. How dare you pick my door."
Stanley: "Host, I'll switch."
"Our lovely assistant will reveal what was behind the door you chose to forsake at the very last moment."
Joy: "This door contains 44 points."
Stanley: "Fuck, that's a lot. What's in my chosen door?"
Joy: "This door contains..."
Joy: "3 points."
Stanley: "What the fuck? Only 3?"
"This mission has brought in 3/170 points. The pot now has 93/500 points."
Stanley: "I don't see the point in splitting 3 points. It's so little you might as well give 0 points to that door. I'm so mad that I switched at the last moment. I had the most valuable door from the start and I switched away at the last possible moment. Ugh, I'm so mad."
It's bad luck for the group to only get 3 points. And it will be bad luck for one contestant who will be leaving next. Who will it be?
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