Monday, 4 September 2023

57.11-Cicada rhythm

The contestants previously paired up and had to scam the points out of each other. 25/80 points were earned after John spent 6 on an exemption, leading to 208/490 points for the pot. After a dramatic ensue, Lawrence was executed. Will Ximena and Anita be safe from further executions? Is the Mole this season a man or a woman?


Ximena: "The curse of the women has finally been broken. I hope I didn't speak too soon. I think anybody who leaves will be missed but I have less sympathy for Lawrence after the fight he had with Russell. At least there's one less Sim to start drama."


Finn: "I am really really bad at this game. First Lydia, now Lawrence, who's next? I don't even know because I have no idea who the Mole is. All I know is that it can't be Russell or Anthony. If either of them are it I'll suck a dick."


Finn: "Do do do do do do do do do, re re re re re re re re re~"
Anita: "Good, good."

Finn: "Singing is actually kind of fun. I'm actually looking forward to our nightly lessons. But I don't understand why it has to be at night and outside."
Anita: "I feel less thirsty and more energised out at night."

Finn: "I get it. That's me in college. All about that cicada rhythm right?"
Anita: "Circadian."
Finn: "Yeah, that's the word."


Music is the food of the soul here at Dragon Valley. In several traditional Celtic pieces, one may hear the choral "Oh", "Eh", "La", "Yeah", "Na", "Hey" and "Baby" least, the contestants will today. They have to choose one of the sounds above.

Each sound will have 5 snippets. The contestants have to identify the songs the snippets are from to earn 5 points. In total, 175 points can be earned.

Play along!

Aldrin chose "Eh". He will start first. The other contestants may listen but cannot help him.

Aldrin: "This one is familiar...oh, it's Pompeii."

Aldrin: "Oh gosh, that autotune. I have no idea what this song is."

Aldrin: "Eh, eh, eh, under my umbrella~ This is Umbrella. It's such an iconic song."

Aldrin: "Hmm, I may have heard this before but I'm not sure where. I'll pass on this one. I really can't come up with anything right now."

Aldrin: "This is familiar too. It's a techno song, isn't it? Faded?"

Aldrin got 2 songs correct. Ximena chose "Hey", so she will be going next. After her is Anthony, who chose "Oh".

Ximena: "Ooh, this is Like A Virgin by Madonna!"

Ximena: "Hmm, I don't think I have heard of this before. Draggy Moonlatsay?"

Ximena: "What female songs have 'hey' in them? I'm going to guess another Madonna song because it sounds similar. How about 4 Minutes."

Ximena: "Oh no, this is 4 Minutes. I got the previous one wrong."

Ximena: "I only listen to covers so these are really unfamiliar to me. I am going to pass this one. Sorry."
Ximena got 2 songs right too.

Anthony: "Oh, this is Some Nights."

Anthony: "Is this Muak?"

Anthony: "My mother loved to listen to this when I was a baby. The 'oh' is so famous. It is that song about spelling. I think it's called Respect."

Anthony: "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh~ This is really famous too. It's Single Ladies."

Anthony: "Shymphony yang Indah."


Russell: "Wow, go Anthony. I didn't expect him to get any correct since he's spent his whole life in Indonesia, but he got 3! I always wondered what part of our culture reaches other countries."


Finn chose "Yeah" and goes next. Russell chose "Baby" and will go after Finn.

Finn: "Ooh, I know this one...Mercy! You got me begging you for mercy!"

Finn: "This sounds pretty old. I don't know any old songs. Unchained Melody?"

Finn: "Oh, this one is old too. Unc...wait, no, I think it's Take On Me by a-ha."

Finn: "Another old song. How am I supposed to know? I'm not old. Is it Unchained Melody again? I'm bound to get it right at least once."

Finn: "Oh this is Amy Winehouse. What famous Amy Winehouse songs are there? I'm guessing Rehab."
Finn got 3 songs correct.

Russell: "Not a clue. Pass."

Russell: "This is Marry You. My ex once played this song as a hint to get me to propose but I didn't realise."

Russell: "I don't know about this one too. I need help here...sigh, pass."

Russell: "Whispery baby. The only one that comes to mind is Ice Ice Baby."

Russell: "I don't know how anyone can get the song based on one word alone. Pass."
Russell got 2 right.

John chose "Na". He will go next, meaning that Anita goes last with "La".
John: "This is that 1 Direction song my daughter loves. What Makes You Beautiful."

John: "This was popular back in 2016 too. I think it's called Problem."

John: "This sounds like a Michael Jackson song. Thriller."

John: "This is a Beach Boys' song. Good Vibes was the name if I recall correctly."

John: "This is Journey. It should be Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'."
John had 3 correct.

Anita: "I've heard this before...Big something...Big Girls Don't Cry."

Anita: "Oh this is very famous. Bad Romance by Lady Gaga."

Anita: "Is this a gospel song? I'm going to guess Silent Night."

Anita: "Hmm, the tune is bringing some it Don't Speak?"

Anita: "Oh I like this song. La Isla Bonita."
Anita had 4 correct songs. In total, 19/35 songs were identified, earning 95/175 points. The pot is now at 303/665 points.


Aldrin: "Russell kept passing every song. He should have at least tried."


John: "We see Finn and Anita doing decently well here. I wonder if that means Lawrence was the cause of all the wrong song lyrics a few missions ago."


Anthony: "It doesn't matter what my Mole does. I will forever suspect you forever and ever. I'm going to win this season."


Who will be executed next? Who is the Mole?

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