Monday, 18 September 2023

57.15-Locked in the toilet


The contestants had a costume party where Anita had to do tasks to get an exemption and Finn had to find out who the thief was. Both failed, which meant 15/60 points for the mission or 318/725 points in the pot. Finn tried to reconcile his coalition with Russell but was rejected. This proved to be a bad idea as Russell was the one who was executed next. With only five Sims left, which one of them could be the Mole?


Ximena: "Russell's not the Mole. I have been very lucky. I have been able to eliminate so many suspects and still remain in the game that by default, there is only one contestant left to suspect."


"Good morning. Today we will continue on our journey of exploring the arts and entertainment of Dragon Valley. Three of you will have the chance to watch a play while two of you will two of you will enjoy a violin recital. Please make your decisions."

Finn: "You and me with music again?"
Anita: "I'm actually hoping to do something else for a change."
Finn: "But you're our best bet. The violin means music and you know music."

Anita: "Fine but if there's one more music mission I'm not taking part in that."
Finn: "Nice. Is everyone else fine with this?"

Ximena: "Yes."
Aldrin: "I'm fine too."
John: "Same here."


Ximena, Aldrin and John will be watching an adaptation of Excalibur one at a time. They will later be tested on how well they paid attention. They have to answer 5 questions, each being worth 15 points. 

As they say, the show must go on.  Finn and Anita have to identify interludes played on a violin. Each time they identify the correct song, the current play-watcher can take a break while the next one takes his or her place to finish the rest of the play.


Anita: "I wish it rained more so that I don't have to go out under the sun."


Aldrin is the first one to watch the play. John and Ximena are locked in the toilet in the meantime.

Merlin: "Rexibus Maximus...Shibboleths and omens...astrological conjurations and spells."


Here are the interludes if you want to play along!

Anita: "It's a whistling song."
Finn: "You have a good ear."
Anita: "We control the flow, so we should consider how much time has passed. We don't have to answer all of them right and we shouldn't."
Finn: "The play is about an hour so we can get a song right every 10 minutes. The violinist will play the full song once we guess it, so we should take that into account too."


Merlin: "Ah! There you are. I've been waiting for you. In fact, I've been waiting for hundreds of years. I suppose you find that difficult to believe, but whether you believe that or not - here I am. My name is Merlin."


Finn: "I know this song!"
Anita: "Don't say it. It hasn't been 10 minutes yet."


Merlin: "You have brought the baby?"
Woman: "Yes, here he is. A good baby, too. Not a sound made since we have left the castle."


Finn: "Oh, a Journey song. Haven't heard that in ages."
Anita: "You know Journey?"
Finn: "My dad likes their music. Don't Stop Believin'~"


Aldrin must now switch with Ximena.

Sir Ector: "A baby? Where – That is – ! What – ? That is – ! Who – ? I mean – Why –??"
Merlin: "Who the child may be, and from whence he came – must remain a secret. As to “why” – I have brought him here to you."

Sir Ector: "To me!? But – !"

Merlin: "This child’s safety is very important to all of Britain. Keep him from all harm for ten and four years, and your rewards will be beyond belief."


Finn: "Even the horse is interested."

Anita: "She's a very good violinist. Have you considered learning an instrument?"
Finn: "No but if I did I would start with drums."


Kaye: "I'll take this side. Are you ready?"
Elaine: "I'm ready!"
Kaye: "No, I meant you, Arthur!"
Arthur: "Almost ready."

Elaine: "I want to fight in the tournament too!"
Kaye: "Well you can't! So there!"
Elaine: "Why not?"
Kaye: "Go back home, Elaine."


Anita: "This song is familiar but I can't place my finger on it."

Finn: "I've heard it too. I think it got popular recently. Uphill or something like that."
Anita: "Running Up That Hill. It's by Kate Bush."


Finn and Anita have called for another intermission, allowing Ximena and John to switch.

Arthur: "You see, Elaine, Father is right. Knights must be chivalrous to ladies, and that means that they can’t strike down a lady in a tournament. We’d just have to let you win – out of good manners." 


Anita: "We'll let this one slide. We only just called for an intermission."


Elaine: "Charge!"


Finn: "A Thousand Miles. This is so iconic."


Sir Ector: "Elaine, you should go inside now. Your mother is waiting for you."
Elaine: "She must want me to do some stupid sewing. Papa, why can’t I learn to ride a horse and fight with a sword the way Kaye does?"
 Sir Ector: "That’s much too dangerous for you, my dear."
Elaine: "Then why can’t I study strange books and the stars the way Arthur does?"
 Sir Ector: "Merlin only chose Arthur to be his student, Elaine. Now, come along, child."

Elaine: "Yes Papa."

Kaye: "Arthur has to go to his lessons! Don’t you wish you could go ride the horses with me, instead of reading stupid books with Merlin?"


Finn: "Has it already been 10 minutes?"
Anita: "Thereabout."
Finn: "Nice. I say this is You Are The Reason by Callum Scott."


Merlin: "And so the time passed. Arthur grew and studied his lessons, and played with Kaye and Elaine. However, I knew that this happiness couldn’t last forever. It never does."


Anita: "It's about time. This is Canon."
Anita: "What?"
Finn: "We have to get the next song right."

Finn: "I don't know about this one. This sounds Irish."
Anita: "I don't know Irish songs either."
Finn: "Crap. We gotta wait for the next song. I hope whoever is currently watching can remember all the details."


Morgan: "Well, what are you looking at? Haven't you seen a sorceress before?"

John: "No in fact, I have not."
Morgan: "Be silent!"

Morgan: "Well, well. Where am I? A strange forest."


Finn: "Oh, this is Billie Jean!"
Finn: "What? How is this incorrect? It's got to be a Michael Jackson song."
Anita: "I think it's Smooth Criminal."
Finn: "Oh."


Morgan: "Great Merlin, I – Morgan Le Fay – wish to speak to you! Soon I will be greater than even you, Merlin! Merlin! Do you hear me?! I will find you!"
Dragonfly and Katydidd: "Yoo-hoo! Merlin!"

Morgan: "The conjuror told me I would find Merlin here. What has he been doing these past years? He disappeared at the same time the baby disappeared. My sister, the Queen, always said that gypsies had stolen the baby, but I never believed that."


Finn: "We have to get this right. Does this sound familiar to you?"
Anita: "No it does not."
Finn: "Crap. I don't recognise it either."


Finn: "We had this great plan to answer every 10 minutes but at the end we kept getting the songs wrong. They threw us a curveball with the last song. I don't watch Game of Thrones. It's a D&D thing aka a nerd thing. We only managed to answer 4 songs in the end instead of 6 like we planned."


John: "Bravo, bravo."


John: "It was entertaining to have an up-and-coming acting troupe from Dragon Valley perform a medieval play for us. It was refreshing to see a new take on the age-old tale of Sir Arthur."


"You have watched a play by Dragon Valley's very own acting troupe. I hope you have paid close attention and remember it well. You will now be asked 5 questions. Question 1: What was one of the book titles Merlin mentioned at the start?"

Aldrin: "Astrological conjurations and spells."
Ximena: "Are you certain?"
Aldrin: "Yes. It was my part. I distinctly remember noticing the astrological component."

Merlin: "I named three books: Rexibus Maximus, Shibboleths and omens, and astrological conjurations and spells. You are correct."
Aldrin: "Yes!"

"Question 2: How many years was Sir Ector supposed to take care of baby Merlin and keep him from harm?"
Aldrin: "I didn't see this part."
Ximena: "I did. It was a long time. I think he said ten and four, which makes 14 years."
John: "I don't think it means 14. We should just answer 10 and 4 years."
Aldrin: "I agree."

Sir Ector: "Indeed, Merlin told me to keep him from all harm for ten and four years, and my rewards will be beyond belief."

"Question 3: What were Arthur and Kaye's swords made out of?"
John: "I recall it being wood. They could not have been real swords, after all. Ximena, you saw it too, didn't you?"
Ximena: "I did. I agree it was wood."
Aldrin: "Same here."

Arthur: "Yes, our swords were made of wood."

"Question 4: What reason did Sir Ector give to Elaine to explain why she could not ride a horse?"
Aldrin: "I remember this. It was because it was too dangerous for her."

Elaine: "That is absolutely correct."
Aldrin: "Yes!"

"Question 5: When Morgan Le Fay appeared, who stood to the right of her?"
John: "It was the pink one. Now what was his name? They did a brief introduction but I can't quite remember. I think it was Dragonfly."

Dragonfly: "Yes, I stood to her right. Katydidd stood to her left. Congratulations. You answered all 5 questions correctly. and earned 75 points."


The pot has grown to 393/800 points. Meanwhile, the group will shrink further. Who will be executed next?

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