In the previous mission, the contestants hosted a costume party. For four of them, they were unaware that they were in a mission, with Finn trying to spot the thief, who ended up being Anita. Unfortunately, he shot an arrow at the wrong party guest and ended the mission with 15/60 points, so the pot is now at 318/725 points. Neither Anita nor Finn received an exemption. Did they need it? Who will be executed? Who is the Mole?
Ximena: "To think we were in a mission the whole time. I was not aware at all. Anita did a very good job being sly."
Anita: "Is he going to be alright?"
Finn: "What happened to him? And how did you even manage to lift him to the bed?"
Anita: "I-I guess there's no use trying to hide it any more. I messed up this time."
Finn: "Anita, what did you do?"
Anita: "I bit him."
Finn: "What?"
Anita: "I'm a vampire. I bit him and drew his blood."
Finn: "No way! That's so cool! Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
Anita: "You're not afraid or mad?"
Finn: "Why would I be? Being a vampire is awesome!"
Anita: "No it's not. I still can't control my fangs and I got too hungry that I drank too much and've got to save him! He can't die!"
Finn: "He still has a strong pulse so I think he's going to be fine."
Anita: "Are you sure?"
Finn: "Let's give him till tomorrow morning. He's probably just asleep."
Anita: "Maybe I should alert the staff and turn myself in. I'll be removed from the show but it's my fault. I have to take responsibility."
Anita: "Or I can turn him into a vampire. It worked on me. It should work on him too."
John: "Ugh..."
Anita: "John! You're awake! Thank goodness you're awake! I thought I...I'm so relieved. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have put you through this."
John: "Ximena is the hardest to read. She keeps mostly to herself. It's going to be hard to strike a rapport with her and learn more about her. I should have sent Anita to read her mind instead."
John: "Ximena, can I talk to you?"
Ximena: "Why does everybody want to talk to me these days?"
John: "It means you're charming."
Ximena: "How are you? Anita said you went to bed early last night."
John: "Is that what she said? No my friend, I'm afraid you're mistaken. I was attacked last night."
Ximena: "Oh my gosh! By who?"
John: "By Anita."
Ximena: "Why would she do that?"
John: "She didn't want to. I can't blame her, really. Her urges got the better of her."
Ximena: "Urges?"
John: "It's not my place to tell you but for your safety, it's better to let you know. She's a vampire and she's ravenous."
John: "That may explain why she feels suspicious to you and me."
Ximena: "I didn't find her suspicious at all."
John: "Not a single time?"
Ximena: "Maybe once or twice the thought came by. Did you think she was hiding something because she's the Mole?"
John: "What do you think?"
Ximena: "It's possible."
John: "Which means you weren't previously considering her."
Ximena: "Are you trying to get me to admit who my suspects are?"
John: "I play a gentleman's game. I wouldn't do that. It was just a conversation that maybe got carried away. Forgive me for that."
Ximena: "It's fine. I wouldn't be upset even if you were trying to do that."
John: "I noticed you were mostly by yourself at the party last night. Were you not enjoying yourself?"
Ximena: "I don't like parties."
John: "I see. I should get going now. I blocked out some time to revise my journal."
Aldrin "Can I ask you something? Did you ever have fears?"
Russell: "Why do you ask?"
Aldrin: "Just trying to strike a conversation. You seem like the fearless type."
Russell: "You too. You fought a fire and tried to break up the fight between me and Lawrence."
Aldrin: "It was a sense of duty. I couldn't just sit back and watch everything get worse."
Aldrin: "But I have a fear of heights as you know. I'm trying to get over it but it's not really working. Do you have any tips?"
Russell: "Just do it and not think so hard? Sometimes you have to throw yourself in the fire...proverbially."
Aldrin: "I have been trying to look down from the second storey but my legs keep trembling."
Russell: "Just keep doing it until it stops."
Aldrin: "Easier said than done."
Russell: "I believe in you. If you can put out fires and break up fights, you can do anything."
Aldrin: "I like to take afternoon naps. I'm a night Sim, not a morning Sim. If not for all the missions and quizzes I'll probably be in bed while the sun is still up."
Ximena: "Late afternoons are so peaceful. I get some peace and quiet."
Aldrin: "Hm?"
Ximena: "Oh sorry. Did I wake you?"
Aldrin: "No. Are you studying again?"
Ximena: "Yes."
Aldrin: "You're going to make it to the end with that attitude."
Ximena: "I hope. I think we're at the stage where everyone knows who the Mole is."
Aldrin: "You don't?"
Ximena: "I have some idea but I'm not fully sure."
Ximena: "Not to mention the twist this season. Only two of us will make it to the finale instead of the usual three."
Aldrin: "You made it this far by yourself. You'll do fine...sorry."
Ximena: "Why are you apologising?"
Aldrin: "When Lydia was still around, we had a chat and I realised that some Sims are stressed out when others expect them to do well."
Ximena: "She felt that way? I never realised."
Aldrin: "There's a lot you don't realise about us. For instance, Aria has lots of stories to tell. Anthony's actually trying his best to be independent. John's very charismatic and persuasive."
Ximena: "I knew the last one."
Aldrin: "You don't think you're missing out on anything? You never know who's the next one to go home. It's good to talk to them while they're still here. It could help you in the game too."
Ximena: "I'll play the game my way. I don't need to rely on anyone."
Finn: "Russell, you're gonna get wet."
Russell: "That's the whole point! It's raining too. That's even better! Come join me!"
Finn: "Yeah, this is pretty nice."
Finn: "I was thinking if we should get back together again as a coalition."
Russell: "I don't think that's a good idea."
Finn: "I thought we were cool?"
Russell: "We are. But I stand by my decision."
Russell: "No matter what, you're my bro. We got this far together. When we're out of here? Call me any time. I'll have your back, always."
Finn: "I Is Russell really the Mole?"
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the actions and identity of the Mole. The lowest scorer will be executed.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Can the skin on the back of the Mole's head be seen?
A: Yes
B: No
Q3: Which of the following does the Mole like?
A: Storytelling
B: Mac and cheese
C: The Prince and the Pauper
D: Karaoke
E: Plasma
F: Swimming
Q4: In Mission 7, what was the Mole's role?
A: Party guest
B: Archer
C: Thief
Q5: What did the Mole do in Mission 7?
A: Play Truth or Dare
B: Play with a dragon
C: None of the above
Q6: In Mission 7, what was the Mole's costume?
A: Hot dog
B: Toga
C: Gnome
D: Ninja
E: Astronaut
F: Superhero
Q7: Did the Mole wear glasses during Mission 7?
A: Yes
B: No
Q8: In Mission 7, did the Mole wear a hat?
A: Yes
B: No
Q9: Who did the Mole talk to in Mission 7?
A: Dermot Cullen
B: Caitlin O'Brien
C: None of the above
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Aldrin Buzzo
B: Ximena Xavier
C: Finn Macroni
D: John Ronson
E: Anita Salami
F: Russell Terrier
Anita: "John left his dragon out in the open when he's usually careful about these sort of things. It happened that I needed to steal a dragon. Did he do it on purpose?"
Finn: "I know Ximena is a loner but her keeping to herself for most of the party made me second-guess myself and wonder if she was the thief. Otherwise I might have paid more attention to Anita."
Ximena: "Buzz was acting weird during the party. He stopped and stared at art and did weird dance moves. He even went out to read a newspaper. Perhaps he knew that there was a mission and was trying to confuse Finn by acting strange."
Q11: Does the Mole wear a hat every day?
A: Yes
B: No
Q12: Does the Mole share the first letter of the Mole's name with another surviving contestant?
A: Yes
B: No
Q13: Does the Mole wear a jacket, cardigan or sweater every day?
A: Yes
B: No
Q14: Does the Mole wear makeup?
A: Yes
B: No
Q15: In Mission 7, did the Mole eat?
A: Yes
B: No
"Half of the torches have been put out. They symbolise your fallen comrades/competitors. It is not an easy feat to stand here. It is even harder to continue. One of you will be executed."
Finn: "Nice. I'm still here."
"Russell Terrier, Anita Salami, Aldrin Buzzo, tonight one of you will be executed."
"Aldrin Buzzo."
Aldrin: "If this is the end of the road for me, so be it."
Aldrin: "I'm still in it."
"Russell Terrier, Anita Salami, one of you will be executed."
Russell: "Now I'm nervous."
Anita: "Me too."
"Anita Salami."
Anita: "This isn't good."
Anita: "What? It's not red?"
"Unfortunately, Russell Terrier, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Russell: "I thought I was going to be safe because I didn't have to take the extra 5 questions. Looks like I'm the only one who's completely on the wrong track. If I had those extra questions, I would have changed to my other suspect completely. I played and I lost and I'm happy to have participated. I'm also really glad I met all these Sims like Finn. I'm rooting for him."
"Thank you for joining, Russell. We hope to see you again."
Russell the dog-lover has been executed! If he's not the Mole, who is?
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