The contestants previously had to identify songs from sounds. They managed to get 19/35 of them, leading to 95/175 points which makes the pot 303/665 points. With no exemptions to change fate, who will be executed? Who is the Mole?
Finn: "We're screwed big time. Who could be the Mole be? Anita? Ximena? Anthony?"
Russell: "What if it's you?"
Finn: "Don't be silly. It's not me."
Russell: "I think we should end our coalition here."
Finn: "What? Why? You don't seriously think it's me, do you?"
Russell: "I don't know. You're giving me mixed signals."
Finn: "When have I sabotaged?"

Russell: "You were in the group that only gave us 4 improv prompts. You pushed so hard for the exemption at the tower that we didn't get a chance to solve those word puzzles properly."
Finn: "Lawrence and Anita were there too, and that's because I wasn't sure of who the Mole was. I'm still not."
Russell: "You didn't trust me when I said I wasn't a scammer."
Finn: "You didn't either!"
Russell: "How could I when you behaved like that?"
Russell: "And look at you! You wear a kilt every day!"
Finn: "I'm not wearing it now."
Russell: "You know what I mean. It's a clue, isn't it?"
Finn: "You're reading too much into things."
Finn: "Wait a minute. Is the whole reason you want to break up this coalition because you're actually the Mole?"
Russell: "Now you're being ridiculous."
Finn: "I'm being ridiculous? I'm not the one who's been doubting our bond."
Finn: "You know what? You want to break it up? Fine. Wish granted."

Anita: "John, can I have my book back? You have been holding onto it since yesterday. I didn't even get a chance to use it for the quiz."
John: "Of course. Silly me. I must be getting old. Here you go. But you should thank me. You survived even without a journal."
Anita: "Thank you. So can I feed on you now?"
John: "I change my mind."
Anita: "John, please! You promised me! I'm getting weaker by the day. I'm going to collapse at any time."
John: "Look, Anita, you don't understand the severity of the situation. A life is at stake. My life. I tried to research about vampires. New vampires like you don't know how to control your impulses or feed properly. It's like a kitten that doesn't know how to wean. I previously underestimated the risk."
Anita: "What must I do before you can be convinced I won't hurt you?"
John: "Nothing to be honest. The only thing that can convince me now is if you provide me more information."
Anita: "I gave you my book."
John: "It's not enough. You can read minds, can't you? Go and read some for me, and find out where everyone's head is at."
Anita: "That's cheating. And I don't have enough energy to read everyone's mind."
John: "Then just read one. I've made a compromise. The least you could do is try to match it."
Anita: "Do you promise to honour your end of the deal if I do this?"
John: "I swear."
Anita: "Okay. I'll see what I can do."
John: "Be quick. For your sake."
Anthony: "Buzzo, what are you doing?"
Aldrin: "Trying to look down."
Anthony: "Your legs are shaking. Are you afraid?"
Aldrin: "A little. I'm afraid of heights."
Anthony: "But we are only two floors high. This is a small house already. My mansion at home is even bigger than this and has more floors."
Aldrin: "Baby steps. I'm trying to conquer my fear. It's painful to hear but there's some truth in Lydia's words. I'm the one holding me back right now. I haven't even gotten to the stage where I can blame others yet."
Anthony: "I believe in you Buzzo. I am trying to learn a lot of things too."
Aldrin: "Thanks. What are you learning?"
Anthony: "Everything. I learn how to cook, how to clean, how poor Sims live..."
Aldrin: "How did you get the last one from all this?"
Anthony: "This is not how I would live."
Aldrin: "This is not how poor Sims would live either."
Anthony: "Oh. But if you are not rich you are poor."
Aldrin: "There are several strata in society. We have the middle class, lower-middle class and upper-middle class too. It's a spectrum."
Anthony: "I see. Thank you for telling me. I learn something new again."
Aldrin: "It's good that you're trying."
Aldrin: "I should probably get back to trying to conquer my fear too."
Aldrin: "I'm feeling dizzy. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow."
Ximena: "You're a much better companion than Sims. You won't text me and guilt me into hanging out with you."
Ximena: "Who's a good dragon? You are! Goochie goochie goo."
Finn: "Did I walk into something?"
Ximena: "Finn!"
Ximena: "I was just talking to Mylo."
Finn: "Who's Mylo?"
Ximena: "My dragon."
Finn: "Oh. It's so great that we get to keep the dragons as pets. I can't believe I didn't think of naming my own dragon."
Ximena: "Were you looking for me?"
Finn: "We were thinking of playing Truth or Dare tonight. Russell's not invited. Wanna join?"
Ximena: "I'll pass thanks. I need to feed Mylo."
Finn: "Do dragons even need feeding? I forget about mine half the time and it's still surviving."
Ximena: "If they aren't meant to be fed we wouldn't be able to feed them."
Finn: "That's true. Why not you join us after your feeding?"
Ximena: "Oh. I'm busy."
Finn: "With what?"
Ximena: "I need"
Finn: "That's what you keep saying. Be honest with me Ximena. Do you hate me?"
Ximena: "No, of course not."
Finn: "Then do you not like hanging out with me? Why else do you keep rejecting me?"
Ximena: "Look, Finn, I'm thankful you thought of me. I like hanging out with you too. All of you. But it's not you; it's me. I hate a love-hate relationship with socialising and friends. I like spending time with them but most of the time I wish they would leave me alone. Asking me to hang out stresses me out immensely."
Finn: "You can just tell me no. I get it."
Ximena: "It's not very nice to reject others. I don't want to hurt their feelings or make them think I hate them."
Ximena: "It's not just you. I do this to everyone. It's the whole reason why I'm even here."
Finn: "Oh. That oddly makes me feel better."
Finn: "I get it though. Sort of. You need your me space. Thanks for telling me. At least now I know and won't invite you to things."
Ximena: "Thank you Finn. Not making plans with me is the best thing you could do for me."
Ximena: "Friends are not worth the effort if they don't try to understand you. Sometimes I secretly rather break off all my friendships. I don't need friends anyway. But I don't want to hurt their feelings. If only most Sims think the same way. I remember once I had a friend threaten me with a suicide note because I didn't reply him for a week because I was on holiday and didn't bring my phone. Friends are simply not worth it. Acquaintances and perpetual pen-pals are far more ideal."
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the actions and identity of the Mole. The lowest scorer will be executed.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Does the Mole sleep on the top bunk or bottom bunk on the Smole?
A: Top
B: Bottom
C: Neither
Q3: Does the Mole sleep next to a window on the Smole?
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: Which of the following statements applies most to the Mole?
A: The Mole wants to work at NASA
B: The Mole is a vampire
C: The Mole joined the Smole to avoid hanging out with friends
D: The Mole is a distinguished public speaker
E: The Mole is the heir to an energy company
F: The Mole served in the military for 4 months
G: The Mole was hinted to propose but failed to catch the hint
Q5: In Mission 6, which sound did the Mole choose?
A: Eh
B: Hey
C: Oh
D: Yeah
E: Baby
F: Na
G: La
Q6: In Mission 6, in which order did the Mole hear snippets?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
Q7: Did the Mole share a bench in Mission 6?
A: Yes
B: No
Q8: Did the Mole sit in the shade in Mission 6?
A: Yes
B: No
Q9: In Mission 6, how many songs did the Mole identify correctly?
A: 2
B: 3
C: 4
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Aldrin Buzzo
B: Anthony Hartono
C: Ximena Xavier
D: Finn Macroni
E: John Ronson
F: Anita Salami
G: Russell Terrier
Ximena: "Anthony guessed Indonesian songs. The chances of Indonesian songs being used are very slim."
Finn: "The Mole could have done an average job this mission to slip by. It's not an easy mission to succeed."
Anthony: "It is true that Anita used to be a singer so she should know a lot of songs and should have gotten more correct."
Q11: Which song did the Mole identify correctly in Mission 6?
A: Respect
B: Mercy
C: Ice Ice Baby
D: What Makes You Beautiful
E: La Isla Bonita
F: 4 Minutes
G: Pompeii
Q12: How many songs did the Mole identify wrongly in Mission 6?
A: 1
B: 2
C: 3
Q13: In Mission 6, who did the Mole share a bench with?
A: Aldrin Buzzo
B: Anita Salami
C: Finn Macroni
D: Russell Terrier
E: Ximena Xavier
F: Anthony Hartono
G: Nobody
Q14: In Mission 6, which song did the Mole identify incorrectly?
A: Beautiful
B: Somebody To Love
D: Keep Holding On
E: Hey Soul Sister
F: Sunflower
G: I Love LA
Q15: How many times has the Mole been quoted as an episode title?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
Finn: "I made a grave mistake. I answered based on anger instead of facts. I hope this doesn't kill me."
"12 contestants once stood here but today only 7 remain. After this, only 6 will stay. Who will be executed?"
"Anita Salami, Finn Macroni, John Rohnson, you are not executed today."
"One of the four of you will be executed today."
"Anthony Hartono."
Anthony: "I am always safe."
Anthony: "What? No!"
"Unfortunately, Anthony Hartono, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Aldrin: "You were so confident. Today's your downfall."
Anthony: "I had fun here and I learned a lot too. I am sad that I cannot experience everything else but I am happy that I experienced a lot of it. I wish good luck to everybody else."
"Thank you for joining, Anthony. We hope to see you soon."
Anita: "I have struggled so much in the early quizzes but I think I'm finally free of it. I have finally found my Mole, I hope."
The sheltered Indonesian has been executed. Who will be executed next? Has Anita truly found her Mole? Have you?
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