In the final mission, our final 3 had to shift statues around to unlock the door and proceed further down until they got to a room to decide whether 450 points would be theirs or the Non-Mole's. Unfortunately that never happened as they ran out of time in the second level, so Rupert, who was stuck on the first level, earned 150 points while 0/450 points was given to the group pot, making it 1615/2900 points. The finalists have taken their quiz. Who will win? Who is the Non-Mole? All will be revealed now.
"Welcome to the finale of the Smole, Season 25! 15 hopefuls came for a shot at money, only to learn that they were Moles in a twist of events. Unfortunately, they lost at their own games to better, more cunning Moles and, indubitably, the Non-Mole. However, one Mole managed to uncover the traitor in the group. Who will it be? That will be answered in due time. As you can see, the room is currently empty, but it will be full soon once our contestants arrive."
"Speaking of which, here they come! In last place is Fourier Gennery!"
Fourier: "That's a terrible score."
"Following him, we have Jordan Buchester, Viru Alvira and Tony Fagan, all victims to the triple execution!"
Jordan: "I never expected to make it far anyway."
Viru: "V is for Viru's vengeful vendetta."
Tony: "Hello again my lovely fans!"
"Let us welcome Adelyn Kokop, the first contestant in history to be medically evacuated!"
Adelyn: "I have recovered from my unexpected injury, yet disappointed that the money doesn't go to me."
"In 10th place is Jose Phine!"
Jose: "I must redeem myself. I have tarnished the Phine reputation."
"After him is Stephen Queen!"
Stephen: "It's nice to see familiar faces again."
"In 8th place is the lovely Eunice Trope!"
Eunice: "Hello everyone! You know, I was telling Stephen outside that the only difference between a biographer and a stalker is publishing rights."
*Ba dum tss*
Stephen: "I still can't help marvel at your indirect way of insulting me."
Eunice: "It's all in good fun! Well, technically everything is all fun and games until someone gets executed."
"Alrighty...coming up next is Nicole Ferrier!"
Nicole: "It was an adventure all right."
"The one who took the money and ran is Youdina Sunplaak!"
Youdina: "I must admit that I'm curious as to who the Non-Mole is."
"In 5th is the great Quentin Caballero!"
Quentin: "I hope that wasn't a dig at my size."
"And last but definitely not least, let us put our hands together for Angela Duschwitz!"
Angela: "It pains me slightly to have to sit here and not at that throne there."
"Thank you all for coming back. Would anyone like to share their experiences on the show this season?"
Adelyn: "I was sad it was cut short, but--"
Eunice: "Hmm...that's a good question. I really loved it all."
Stephen: "I see what you did there."
Angela: "I was so close."
Youdina: "It was a great dilemma when I had to decide whether to take the money or not, but I eventually chose to for my family and for security."
"Our finalists have arrived and are waiting expectantly outside."
"Being Moles, you would all love to torture them a bit more. So let us watch all the sabotages that has happened this season involving the three outside. Let us remember that the Non-Mole was the only one to not receive ANY information whatsoever prior to the missions, so he was playing as a normal contestant in other missions."
"Let us first begin with Martin Abernathy. In Mission 2, he took his own sweet time exploring the field and trying his best to not let Viru get to a light in time.
Viru: "No. We're too late."
Martin: "That's what you get for not giving in to me."
Viru: "Oh no! Watch out, Martin!"
Viru: "Curses."
Martin: "Thanks for giving that light to me."
Martin: "And telling me where the trap is."
"Martin was willing to risk letting the group pot win in Mission 3.
Martin: "I don't care if it's not the best deal out of our options. I want points."
"Martin made use of his fear of heights to forfeit early before the Non-Mole's initial timing everyone had to beat.
Martin: "Don't look, don't look! Aah! Get me down! Err, I mean, ahem. I don't care for a stupid game. This is boring. I quit."
Martin: "Why couldn't I be braver up there..."
Martin: "I blew it this time."
Time elapsed: 15 minutes 12 seconds.
"In Mission 5, Martin was very adamant on getting rid of Stephen. Not that he knew Stephen's role. Or maybe he did. Or maybe he wanted others to think he was the Mole by making them think he actually received intel.
Martin: "It's so clearly Stephen."
Youdina: "Don't you want to at least consider other possibilities?"
Martin: "You are so dense! Go back to Egypt and build pyramids or something!"
Youdina: "You do not have to insult me! Maybe we should all lynch you instead since you're so unreasonable and thick-skinned."
Martin: "Me? Thick-skinned? It's better than a thick skull!"
"Martin was overzealous in Mission 6. He didn't consider whether anyone else would discover the street art but instead lunged head-first into anything he saw. He even suggested leaving Nicole in the gym, which was a big risk as she would not have known what was already discovered.
Martin: "Aha!"
Martin: "I saw it from afar."
Martin: "This looks horrible. I just hope nobody else notices this."
Martin: "Why not we just dump her here? She's clearly stalling for time."
Madeleine: "I guess you're right. We should find as much graffiti as possible. We can only hope she does not see the other graffiti here."
Martin: "What difference does it make? You already saw one."
"Martin helped his fellow snipers in Mission 7 as he fetched many clues for them. However, this resulted in many undiscovered discs that went to the group pot. In Mission 10, he actually took his time to eat while finding as many excuses as possible to slow down everyone.
Madeleine: "Well, I think we should eat as many different type of food as possible."
Martin: "Then we're bound to have a lot of unfinished food at the end."
Quentin: "Can we just eat? I'm starving. We wasted some time just sitting around."
Madeleine: "Okay, okay. Just try to finish as much as possible."
Martin: "Must you fight with me for everything I want?"
Angela: "I got here first."
Martin: "I saw it first."
Angela: "That is not a valid excuse."
Martin: "This is disgusting."
"In Mission 11, Martin held on to 5 toys that never went into the chest, using the excuse of running into a trap, so that nobody else had access to those toys. He also set off one trap that earned the group 50 points.
Martin has 5 toys in his possession which do not count towards his pot.
"Martin worked hard in the final mission, wanting to try and make it all the way to the end so that he could reach the chests."
"Next up, Madeleine Lewis. In Mission 2, she wanted to split up so that she wouldn't be watched closely by Eunice. She only turned one light off before walking right into a trap. Literally.
Madeleine: "That's one more light off. I think we're doing quite well."
Madeleine: "Oh dear."
"In Mission 3, it came off as very suspicious when she 'miscalculated'.
Stephen: "If you think I'll let you walk away with the money, think again. I'm no stereotypical man. Besides, how does that benefit us both?"
Madeleine: "Oh, I must have miscalculated. I can't believe that happened."
Stephen: "Neither can I. Hmm?"
"In Mission 4, Madeleine really showed her true self as she won her first exemption. However, she still wanted to negotiate to get Jose and Stephen to give up.
Madeleine: "I have a proposal for you two. You give up and I'll share with you some valuable information that I gathered."
"In Mission 5, Madeleine didn't seem to have qualms about lynching Stephen and getting everyone else to get on board. She fought hard to make sure she made it to the end even though she didn't even need the exemption, so at that time all that she thought would happen is that she would just earn points for the group, which is completely misaligned with her goals.
Madeleine: " it cannot be Martin, right?"
Angela: "I am very confused right now."
Madeleine: "Just listen to me, and you won't go wrong."
Angela: "So we have decided that the most likely is Stephen?"
Madeleine: "After analysing, yes. It's our best move.'
Madeleine: "I was hoping to see if I could get anyone to blurt out any incriminating evidence. Or those that eagerly jump on the bandwagon. Eunice was really really suspicious. Nicole too. Angela just seems genuinely confused. I don't think it's Stephen, but if it's that's the way to bring truth to light, sorry, but you're sacrifice, Stephen."
She also reacted pretty badly to accusations about her being mafia but didn't mind doing the same to others.
Nicole: "Hi Madeleine."
Madeleine: "You voted for me. I bet you're the mafia, along with Quentin."
Nicole: "What? No, of course not."
Madeleine: "...and that's why I can't be the mafia!"
Nicole: "Such an impassioned speech. Maybe you really aren't the mafia."
Madeleine: "Thank you. At last."
"Madeleine wasn't willing to listen to Martin in Mission 6, costing valuable points. Her perfectionism came through when she wasted a lot of time searching every nook and cranny.
Madeleine: "Oh..."
Madeleine: "You were right."
Martin: "What the hell is wrong with you? I told you not to look! Now you gave 10 points to the pot! Mole! I mean Non-Mole!"
Martin: "You wasted the time and inconvenienced everyone."
Madeleine: "Says the one who spent the entire time arguing with the store clerk."
"In Mission 7, Madeleine wasn't very willing to help out a partner in need. She was also willing to risk the discs not making it to the safe zone in time as she accumulated more and more. In the end, she was ambushed by Quentin, leaving Nicole to clean up the mess and search for the remaining discs.
Nicole: "Great. I'm trapped in here. Madeleine, pick up...Madeleine! I'm trapped. Rupert is waiting outside the safe zone. I need a distraction...what do you mean you don't want to do it? Angela is out already. I can only depend on you. Oh, you have discs with you? Well, I guess I can only wait."
Madeleine: "I have quite a couple of discs now. Let's see if I can find any more."
Quentin: "Tap!"
Madeleine: "What?"
"Madeleine has been eliminated."
Quentin: "Yes! Successfully ambushed!"
Madeleine: "I can't believe I didn't take into account the potential hiding spots. I should have been more careful and not assume all snipers will go around running only."
"In Mission 8, Madeleine was the only one who failed to purchase a single item, resulting in 330 points going straight to the group pot. In Mission 11, she contributed to the pot greatly by setting off 3 of the 8 traps. She also stole from Angela's chest to prevent her from earning money.
Madeleine: "Could I push this?"
Madeleine: "I see a lot of toys scattered around here."
Madeleine: "Could there be something here?"
Madeleine: "I am sure nobody will mind me taking a toy or two. Or all."
"In the last mission, Madeleine spent a lot of time thinking about how to move all the statues. She also did not sound out her suspicions of needing to have the statues face a certain way until they were done. Furthermore, her heated argument with Martin over the position of one of the statues led to more time lost.
"Your time begins."
Madeleine: "Okay, we need to strategise."
Martin: "We don't have time! Just drag the statues to the plates and we're done!"
Madeleine: "Mine is supposed to go here!"
Martin: "Then where is the yellow one supposed to go, huh?"
Martin: "Yiu made a mistake. You're wasting time."
Madeleine: "You're the one doing that."
Madeleine: "My plan is perfect. Don't doubt me."
Martin: "Okay, wise guy, then what do I do with that?"
Madeleine: "Just leave it there. We'll settle the easier statues first." "
"Finally, Rupert Horrowitz. He didn't even get a chance to participate in the second mission, which he was more than happy about.
Rupert: "I don't have to play!"
"Rupert didn't mind voting for the pot. He was partly responsible for 20 points entering the group pot in Mission 3. In Mission 4, he was also the first down. With a time of 2 minutes and 3 seconds, it would be a miracle if he could beat the Non-Mole and earn points for himself.
Rupert: "I give up! I give up! Bring me down!"
Rupert: "Oh!"
Rupert: "That was scary. I think I'm going to faint."
Time elapsed: 2 minutes 3 seconds.
"Rupert's un-opinionated nature served him well in the next mission. He was more than willing to succumb to Martin's threats and vote out innocent Stephen. He pretty much bandwagoned in all lynches. Was he trying to be low-key?
Martin: "No, you numbskull! It is clearly Stephen!"
Martin: "Without a doubt!"
Rupert: "Okay, okay! Don't hurt me."
Rupert: "I want to vote for Quentin, but he's not going to get enough votes and he may come for revenge, so I'll vote for Martin."
When it came to the most important moment, one would expect Rupert to follow Eunice whom he trusted more. But instead he listened to Madeleine and earned money for the group.
Rupert: "Who do I vote for? I'm scared that I'll make the wrong choice and jeopardise the game. 300 points goes into the mafia's pot if they win! That's a lot. I think Madeleine is telling the truth though. And Eunice said she won't mind if I vote for her, so I vote is for Eunice."
"In Mission 6, Rupert wasn't willing to clean up any street art to prevent anyone else from noticing it.
Rupert: "You were talking about cleaning? I really don't think it's allowed."
Quentin: "Nobody said it wasn't. Live a little."
"In Mission 7, Rupert didn't do his job very well, being unable to eliminate any contestant and even sticking to Quentin like glue for the first half of the mission.
Quentin: "You should stop following me. Honestly, it's annoying. And we won't win like that. It's better if we split up."
Rupert: "But, but...I'll be alone! In the dark! What if someone kills me from behind?"
"Rupert barely contributed in Mission 10 for fear of the spicy food. The same went for Mission 11, when he found the least number of toys. In Mission 12, he did not inspect the statues properly to see if they could move.
Rupert: "I don't think I can move this."
"And that is the end! Now, they have waited long enough. Let us now reveal the winner of Season 25!"
"Let us welcome Madeleine Lewis!"
Madeleine: "I won! I won! Perfection!"
Madeleine: "This feeling cannot be described. I can't believe I'm sitting here, facing all of you, even though I expected it. Initially my coalition was on to the wrong contestant but her timely execution and my fellow members' as well helped me break through and see who the true Non-Mole was. It wasn't as perfect as I hoped, but it will have to do."
"Congratulations Madeleine. You have earned a total of 1080 points, which is thrice the amount of points in your pot! However, as the Non-Mole was suspected 14 times in total, 140 points will be taken from his pot and added to yours. You officially earn 1220 points, or 1,220,000 Simoleons! Congratulations!"
"Our gentlemen are waiting outside. One would be extremely disappointed while the other can't wait to reveal everything."
"Who do you think it is?"
Viru: "I bet it's Martin."
Tony: "I have to agree."
Eunice: "I think that's too easy. Sorry Rupert, but I choose you."
Stephen: "This time I'm going with Martin. He just seems very suspicious."
Jordan: "I don't know. I suck."
Fourier: "I know even less about all of you. But I would think Rupert because he acts like a coward and doesn't take part in anything. Then why join?"
Adelyn: "Rupert may be throwing a facade. I now feel like a retard."
Jose: "Wow. Never expected that from you. But I think Martin is the one. I don't like that guy."
"Without further ado, let us invite the Mole in! The Mole is..."
"Welcome Rupert Horrowitz!"
Rupert: "I'm shaking in my pants right now. Oh, we're live? Hi..."
Youdina: "He's the one?"
Adelyn: "I do not think he is. They said Mole, not Non-Mole, please."
Jose: "I knew it! I knew Martin was no good!"
Stephen: "I concur."
Rupert: "Wow. It's pretty intimidating to have all the eyes stare at me. So, um...hi? Wait, I've said that already. Why did I even make it so far? I didn't win anyway. I was completely wrong. I only had 2 options in the end and I couldn't even pick the right one. I guess I've been avoiding picking Martin because I was scared he would find out. It's been really terrifying and I'm not putting myself through this ever again."
"Erm, thank you for joining, Rupert."
Stephen: "It's quite a pity. He earned the most, didn't he?"
Tony: "Well, I would be shocked if he won."
Viru: "I am going to get my revenge on Martin. I just felt like he was picking on me."
Youdina: "I can't believe it! I suspected Martin on the night I took the money!"
Youdina: "Now that I look back, I shouldn't have taken the money. Maybe I would have won more. Then again, maybe I wouldn't since I would be faced with tough competition like Madeleine."
Angela: "And me. I had suspected Martin when I was unfortunately executed as well. I do not think Rupert deserves to be in the finale."
Nicole: "I have to admit that I think so too. His exemption saved him."
"Let us now watch the clues that point towards Martin being the Non-Mole.
"All the titles this season are quotes from all the contestants except the Non-Mole.
Episode 1-I just flew to this foreign land (Youdina)
Episode 2-Sympathy card (Tony)
Episode 3-You're not on the Smole until you played a game in the dark (Stephen)
Episode 4-I'm not dead! (Jordan)
Episode 5-Anime rhyme woman (Jose)
Episode 6-The Smole is serious business (Eunice)
Episode 7-But I don't trust you (Adelyn)
Episode 8-Stop rhyming and sit (Youdina)
Episode 9-I'm sitting beside a serial killer (Rupert)
Episode 10-I'm staying out of this (Quentin)
Episode 11-Points must hate me (Youdina)
Episode 12-A GHOST! (Rupert)
Episode 13-Exemption magnet (Nicole)
Episode 14-I'm not a player (Madeleine)
Episode 15-I'm trying to watch TV here (Quentin)
Episode 16-Helping the enemy (Madeleine)
Episode 17-Death stares right in the eyes (Angela)
Episode 18-My eyes brighten at the sight of money (Madeleine)
Episode 19-Idiots. Idiots everywhere (Angela)
Episode 20-Who wouldn't want a little curve (Madeleine)
Episode 22-May the best Mole win (Angela)
Episode 23-I don't want to die in a dungeon (Rupert)
Episode 24-V is for Viru's vengeful vendetta (Viru)
Martin has been called in every execution ceremony. This is because he is a Non-Mole and would thus technically be vulnerable to execution in normal seasons without the twist.
Martin never actually received any information on the missions unlike everyone else. When he claimed he did he was lying. This is why you never see a confessional about him getting information.
In Episode 4, when Fourier was executed. The tip of Martin's guitar could be seen, hinting that Fourier was executed because of Martin.
Fourier: "Well, it's been short but sweet. It's too bad I couldn't make it longer. Ah well. At least I don't have to worry about losing my points because I had none to begin with! Good luck to you all!"
In Episode 6 the dossier from Mission 1 was still on the table because this time, Martin's cartoon portrait had a green thumbprint in one corner, hinting that he was safe all the way because he's the Non-Mole.
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If Quentin wasn't so obsessed with food... |
In Episode 13, the maze had Martin's initials spelled.
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In fact, the 'A' is actually the safe zone. |
In Episode 15, contestants were given 330 points, because the digits 33 form Martin's age. An electric guitar was also up for sale. The guitar is a reference to Martin's profession.
"The fifth item is an electric guitar. It can produce beautiful music or ear-curdling chords with the pluck of a string. Starting bid is 75 points."
In Episode 20, Martin's composition was playing on the stereo.
Angela: "I will use the stereo to exercise instead."
Martin: "Oh, **** it all."
Angela: "Excuse me?"
Martin: "My music. That's the name of one of my compositions. It's playing on that stereo."
In Episode 21, there was actually a digital wall clock that was frozen at 10.33AM. 33 is Martin's age whereas AM is Martin's initials reversed.
In Episode 23, the first level's statues were to be arranged in such a way that resembled Martin's eyebrow.
"The configuration is correct."
And that is it!"
"Now, let us welcome the Non-Mole of Season 25, Martin Abernathy!"
Angela: "I find it unfair."
Angela: "I knew that unreasonable cad was the Non-Mole all along. And yet I did not win."
Martin: "It's my show. Don't steal the spotlight."
Eunice: "I finally understand why it's called 'face the music'."
Martin: "You all suck. I'm the best here because I get to sit on this red throne and look at all your pathetic failed faces. It was hard keeping up the ruse though. At times I forgot that my role was secret. But hey, you all were supposed to pretend not to hear it. To be honest, I would rather be a Mole than a Non-Mole, but I guess this is just as well."
"Martin, you have initially earned 1805 points. However, 140 points will be deducted from your earnings since you were suspected 14 times in total, so 1665 points, or 1,665,000 Simoleons. You beat the Mole, so good job!"
"And that is it for this season! Thank you all for participating and viewing. See you next season, hopefully!"
Youdina: "Are you okay? Has your leg healed?"
Adelyn: "My leg has healed. Please yield."
Martin: "A good time to play my guitar."
Madeleine: "I should go all out and party now that I've won."
Martin: "You still lost to me."
Eunice: "Well, we didn't win."
Nicole; "But it's the journey that's more important right?"
Eunice: "You're right. We should celebrate since our coalition member won!"
Thank you all for watching the Smole, Season 25.
I have no idea what he's wearing or where he got that from. Salon, maybe?
- Red means executed, black means not in game, blue means player quit, green means exempt, italics means player scored the lowest.
- The underlined scores are scores after the -1 penalty has been taken into account for scoring the lowest in the first quiz.
- *: Madeleine's exemption was carried forward to this execution due to Adelyn's sudden departure.
- Adelyn left the game in Execution 4 due to an injury.
- Youdina left the game in Execution 9 as she was not confident, so she took the money and left.
- Madeleine was in danger of leaving in the first quiz.