In the last episode, Quentin was executed, much to his shock. Before that, the contestants had to finish all the spicy food worth differing amount of points to prevent the Non-Mole from gaining 50 points per unfinished type of food. Fortunately, 0/250 points were earned, making the group pot stand at 1265/2050 points. For eating the most, Madeleine had the exemption, granting her safety but not her plus-sized comrade. Will Madeleine continue to get the last exemption to secure her spot in the finale? Who will win? Who will be executed? Most importantly, who is the Non-Mole?
Rupert: "Nobody is here. I don't know if I should be worried or relieved. I feel so conflicted."
Martin: "Out of my way."
Rupert: "I think that answers my question."
Angela: "Good morning Rupert."
Rupert: 'AAH! Oh, why must you scare me so? I hate you all."
Madeleine: "What happened to Rupert?"
Martin: "Never mind him; why is there still hot and sour soup?"
"Since you seemed to enjoy spicy food so much based on the last mission, we thought we would stock up the fridge with more of it."
Madeleine: "You cruel things."
It is time for the next mission. In this mission, contestants can pick a tower with a chest. They must pick up as many toys as possible and return them to their respective chests to earn points. Each toy is worth 10 points. This is worth 400 points and only toys in their chests at the end of 45 minutes count towards their personal pot. However, there are also traps. For every trap set off, 50 points are taken from the one who set off the trap and given to the group pot.
Rupert: "I never got a driving license, you see. I'm scared of driving."
Madeleine: "Of course. Hold on tight.,
Rupert: "This feels the most safe."
Angela: "I pick this tower."
Martin: "I can easily get to another tower from here."
Madeleine: "Now, time to plan."
"Time begins!"
Martin: "Oh, a toy right here. How convenient."
Martin: "What the ***?"
Angela: "A toy. I should put it in my chest."
Angela: "My feet hurt."
Angela: "Blargh! I must escape!"
Angela: "It appears that I have destroyed the trap."
Martin: 'Where is my chest?"
Martin: "I demand an airlift whenever I find a toy. Such a simple demand. You guys better fulfil it."
Angela: "44 minutes 28 seconds left. This must be a clock to tell us the time remaining."
Angela: "Where did they come from?"
Angela: "I should pick this up first."
Angela: "I was informed of how to set off one of the traps. I wanted to set if off when others were around to deter them from taking more toys. Unfortunately I did not know where that trap was. I had to go around looking for a hole in the floor."
Martin: "Another one."
Martin: "I see that crocodile there. My tower is littered with with toys."
Martin: "30 points in the bag already."
Angela: "I am not spa fraud of electricity."
Angela: "I should ensure I have some points in the end."
Angela: "I remember seeing a toy on my way in."
Angela: "There it is."
Rupert: "This is creepy."
Rupert: "My chest is here? Right on the middle floor? This is such a precarious position."
Rupert: "I better put my toy in. I'm scared someone snatches it from my hand that I'm holding it when time is up."
Madeleine: "Aha. I should keep them in my pocket and dump all the toys in my chest all at once."
Rupert: "Oh no. Is she coming towards me? She looks so aggressive."
Rupert: "What do I do?"
Rupert: "Should I just sit here and take this toy and deny her entrance to my tower?"
Madeleine: "Relax, Rupert. You can keep that. There are plenty more where that came from."
Rupert: "I don't feel safe. It's like she might snatch it from me. I should put it here for safekeeping."
Madeleine: "I better collect these toys before anyone else does."
Madeleine: "Could I push this?"
Madeleine: "Maybe something is hidden underneath. Like an exemption."
Rupert: "I'm scared of going back out there. I think I'll take the stairs up instead."
Madeleine: "How about from this direction?"
Madeleine: "It moved!"
Rupert: "Empty? This is so ominous and threatening."
Madeleine: "I see a lot of toys scattered around here."
Martin: "Look what I found."
Angela: "What can I get here?,
Angela: "A toy."
Angela: "Madeleine is here. I will not her compete and take my toys."
Madeleine: "Too late."
Angela: "I believe I will find more."
Madeleine: "You won't. I came from there."
Angela: "It seems that she missed one."
Madeleine: "I wonder whose tower this is."
Madeleine: "Jackpot."
Madeleine: "I am sure nobody will mind me taking a toy or two. Or all."
Madeleine: "All part of the perfect plan."
Rupert: "Another toy in m pay chest."
Martin: "What is over there? I think I see someone's chest."
Angela: "Martin. Are you guarding your tower?,
Martin: "This isn't mine. It's empty."
Angela: "Peculiar."
Martin: "That toy is mine!"
Angela: "I will not lose to you."
Martin: "I can play guitar so I should have this toy."
Angela: "Where is the relevance?"
Angela: "Then I will take this."
Martin: "Give it to me."
Angela: "No."
Martin: "You can't do this to me."
Angela: "You sound like a whiny baby."
Rupert: "My heart is going to jump out of my mouth any time.,
Angela: "What is in this hole?"
Martin: "That's probably a trap."
Angela: "I know."
Martin: "Did you say something?"
Martin: "I should claim this before she notices."
Angela: "I think I activated something. A switch."
Martin: "Race you to the end. Wait, are you serious?"
Angela: "I do not know the meaning of funny."
Rupert: "I think I'm lost. Why do I even care so much? I should just give up. Maybe I should change who I am. If I wasn't such a coward I wouldn't have to be scared of being lost and being exposed at the same time. I wouldn't have to fear both light and dark. Maybe I'll be a better bloke. It's hopeless. I'm hopeless."
Madeleine: "Why is there steam?"
Madeleine: "It must be a trap."
Madeleine: "Coming through!"
Rupert: "AAH! Madeleine, what are you doing here?"
Rupert: "What did you just do?"
Madeleine: "I must have destroyed the trap."
10 minutes left.
Angela: "Where did this come from?"
Martin: "Angela is so distracted."
Martin: "I noticed something about Angela. She was more interested in setting off traps and deducting valuable points than actually finding toys. I wonder why."
Rupert: "The door can open!"
Rupert: "Thank you so much Angela."
Angela: "Now I shall enter and see if I can find anything Rupert missed."
Madeleine: "My pocket is getting full. Time to stash them away."
Rupert: "I can't even find a way out of this maze. If you could call it that."
Madeleine: "Could there be something here?"
Angela: "I should put my toy away. This looks like my chest."
Angela: "Curses. Someone stole from my chest!"
Angela: "I should directly enter another tower and steal from someone else's as well."
Angela: "What is this?"
Madeleine: "This is tough work."
Rupert: "I get the feeling I'm being watched and chased."
Madeleine: "My hand hurts."
Madeleine: "At last!"
Madeleine: "A toy. I knew it."
Martin: "The place is almost deserted."
Martin: "I can't find any more blasted toys."
Martin: "**********! Someone set off a trap."
Martin: "How am I supposed to get through this thing?"
Martin: "Ow ****!"
Martin: "I've been hit."
Martin: "Why is the ceiling spinning?"
Martin: "Stupid trap. Let me show you what I'm made of. Then you'll know."
Martin: "GET THE **** OFF ME!"
Martin: "I'll snap you into pieces!"
Martin: "Oh, I don't feel too well."
Martin: "The world is ending..."
"Time is up!"
Rupert: "I can never adjust to sudden loud noises."
Angela has 5 toys in her chest. She has earned 50 points. However, she triggered 3 traps and hence loses -150 points, fetching a net worth of -100 points in this mission.
Martin has 5 toys in his possession which do not count towards his pot.
Instead, the 5 toys that are in his pot are counted. 50 points are earned, but one trap was set off, so he has earned overall nothing.
Madeleine gained 14 toys and 140 points. Unfortunately she also set off 3 traps, hence she loses 10 points in total.
Rupert has 30 points in total from his toys and no traps were triggered.
7 traps were set off in total, so 350/400 points have been added to the group pot. There was also a hidden exemption which goes to whoever owns a special toy.
"This toy. And the one who earns it is...Rupert."
Rupert: "I'm in the finale? I can't believe it! What dumb luck! Now I don't have to worry about leaving at the most important juncture in the game."
Group pot: 1615/2450
Adelyn's pot: 20
Angela's pot: 250
Eunice's pot: 40
Fourier's pot: 0
Jordan's pot: 20
Jose's pot: 40
Madeleine's pot: 360
Martin's pot: 190
Nicole's pot: 210
Quentin's pot: 290
Rupert's pot: 250
Stephen's pot: 40
Tony's pot: 20
Viru's pot: 0
Youdina's pot: 85
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