Sunday, 1 May 2016

25.17-Death stares right in the eyes

Previously on the Smole, the final 7 had to bid in an auction and spend points so that the money doesn't go into the Non-Mole's pocket. There was a tie for the exemption but Rupert won by luck. As Madeleine bought nothing, she was the only one with 330 points that went straight to the group pot, making it 1140/1620. Eugenia and Nicole made a windfall. However, Nicole was unable to enjoy the glory of being the one with the most points as she was promptly executed. Will Rupert, the one with the next highest amount, be next?


Angela: "What are you doing outside my bedroom?"

Martin: "Can't I? This is my house."
Angela: "Actually no it is not. If it is your house, it is mine too."

Martin: "Shut up, you ugly small-tittied wretch."

Angela: "How dare you insult me!"

Martin: "It's such a disappointment. Hide them in shame under some clothes for crying out loud. Are you trying to seduce me?"
Angela: "How can you be, I will control and not fight with you."

Madeleine: "I suppose I'm freer now with my coalition gone since I don't have to be the one to break it up when we make it to the end. And Nicole's execution has provided valuable insights to further improve my scores."

Madeleine: "Better get dressed."

Youdina: "Good morning Rupert. How are you feeling today?"
Rupert: "Jittery. I feel more and more insecure. I could be the next to leave!"


Angela: "I shall not waste time arguing with you. Goodbye."

Martin: "She lost."

Madeleine: "I should get revenge. Boo!"

Martin: "You don't scare me."
Madeleine: "What? But how?"
Martin: "Do I look like Rupert to you?"
Madeleine: "That's true. Fine. I'll go bother someone else."

Youdina: "What is that noise?"

Youdina: "Oh. Not him again."


Madeleine: "This is pretty fun actually. Why have I not been in here before?"

Quentin: 'I'm glad you see the light. You're actually a pretty cool gal."


Rupert: "That toilet is emitting suspicious green fumes. I'm afraid to enter it. Maybe I'll go get breakfast instead."

Rupert: "I shouldn't have to worry about surprises in pancakes."


"Good morning contestants. Welcome to your next mission. In this mission, one of you will be the finder."

"The other five will have to hide these bags somewhere around town and bury them. Carry them to your grave and don't let them be discovered, because for every bag found by the finder, the contents of that bag go to the group pot; otherwise it goes to the one who buried it. The contents are secret, but this is worth 180 points and lasts 2 hours. An exemption is at stake for the finder if all 5 bags are found in time. Good luck."

Quentin: "Could I try to be finder?"

Youdina; "You? I'm not sure."
Angela: "Definitely not you, Eugenia."

Martin: "I say let me be the one."
Rupert: "You?"
Martin: "Got a problem?"
Rupert: "No, of course not."

Angela: "I volunteer to be findder. With my determination and leadership and greatness, I can prevent the pot from increasing. Any objections?"

Rupert: "No, ma'am."
Angela: "Good. It is settled. I am the leader."

Angela: "I know that with great power comes great responsibility. However, I am not afraid. I will do whatever it takes to find all the bags they buried, no matter how deep. Especially because I have been told that I can get a hidden exemption if I succeed in finding all the five bags."

Quentin: "This sounds interesting."

Quentin: "Better grab a bag."

Youdina: "Are you okay, Quentin?"
Quentin: "No worries. Just feelin' the wall, that's all."

Rupert: "Oh, I can't choose."

And they set off to hide their bags.

Rupert: "I am scared of driving, so I have never earned a driver's license. I shall run to somewhere nearby and bury this. The idea sends chills down my bone."

Madeleine: "If I want to stop Angela from finding it, I need to be very smart about this because I know she will stop at nothing to find them all."

Martin: "No way is she touching my booty."

Quentin: "Okay, let's see where I could go."

Youdina: "I should be the most familiar with this town, having searched it thrice."


Rupert: "How did I end up here?"

Rupert: "Could I bury this here? But what if there are insects there? There must be worms nearby if there are plants."

Rupert: "Why is this here? This is creepy."

Rupert: "This looks like a clear empty spot to bury this."

Rupert: "I am done. I better leave, quickly. It's so eerie here."


Martin: "Yo Quentin."

Martin: "You followed me here?"
Quentin: "No, of course not. I came here first."

Martin: "Copycat. I want you to go find somewhere else."

Quentin: "Don't be unreasonable. If anything, you should go find somewhere else." 

Quentin: "I thought of this idea first. I mean, they did say 'carry the secrets to the grave' right? So of course I'll visit the graveyard. I buried my bag already."

Martin: "Fine. But only because I have a better spot. Can you believe that guy?"

Martin: "Burying it with a skeleton?"

Martin: "There's no way Angela would dare to disinter this and disrespect the dead peep."

Martin: "This is a devious plan."

Martin: "I'm an evil genius."

Martin: "Now don't you dare haunt me, corpse, or I'll kill you and make your life miserable."


Youdina: "This place seems quite cosy."

Youdina: "It's so peaceful and mundane, I bet Angela wouldn't even think of coming here."

Youdina: "I shall bury my bag by this tree."

Youdina: "My nose is running."

Youdina: "Must be the pollen in the air."


Madeleine: "This seems like the perfect place to hide something."

Madeleine: "What is this?"

Madeleine: "Oh, this must be from that street art mission. So this is where one of the ground murals are. If only I found them earlier."

Madeleine: "Well, nobody said I had to bury my stuff in the soil."

Madeleine: "I'm going to such great lengths just to stop Angela from winning."

Madeleine: "I hope it's well hidden."

Madeleine: "Oh dear. Where's the toilet?"


"Angela, you may now begin. Your 2 hours starts now."

Angela: "Excellent. I will prevail, for I am great. I am strong. I am mighty."

Angela: "I noticed Rupert going by this way. His should be the easiest to find."

Angela: "He must have come here."

Angela; "He better not have."

Angela: "If he really threw it into the water, I would think he is disqualified."

Angela: "I didn't bring my swimsuit, so I am not going in. I should find someone else's secret."

Angela: "I should take a drive around town to scour for possible locations."

Angela: "I wonder where this path leads to."

Angela: "Only one way to find out."

Angela: "Interesting hideaway."

Angela: "A hiding spot like this must have a buried item. But where?"

Angela: "There does not seem like anything is buried here."

Angla: "Why is that jogger following me?"
Tamara: "Do you need some light to see?"


Angela: "Where did she go? Why has it suddenly become brighter? No, focus on the mission."

Angela: "This spot here looks like it has been touched on close inspection."

Angela: "I can feel a bump."

Angela: "I cannot wait to find the bag."

Angela: "I hope this hole is deep enough."

Angela; "Time to find the bag."

Angela: "Success!"

Angela: "I knew it."

Angela: "I better not waste more time."


Angela: "This place is quite far away. Could someone have decided to come here?"

Angela: "Oh no."

Angela: "A horse. My greatest nemesis. We will battle it out one day, my equine rival, but not today."

Angela: "This place is too rocky for burial."

Angela: "Unless it's in the water again...wait. What is that vegetation over there?'

Angela: "It looks very dirty here. A sloppy job. Must be Quentin."

Angela: "Let us see if there is anything in here."

Angela: :"Nothing? Impossible."
"1 hour has passed."
Angela: "I guess I should forsake this bag if any."


Angela: "The military base. If I think like them, the most unlikely is the most likely place."

Angela: "It is so vast and empty here."

Angela: "Where should I start?"

Angela: "I still have not found anything."

Angela: "This is hard work."

Angela: "Nothing as well."

Angela: "What am I thinking? Angela Duschwitz, you are an idiot. The grass has been mowed. If it was dug and buried there would be dirt. I should move on."


Angela: "The graveyard?"

Angela: "Death stares right in the eyes."

Angela: "I think there are many possible burial spots."

Angela: "This looks like a good place to bury a bag."

Angela: "I see a hole!"

Angela: "Someone did not bother to finish the job."

Angela: "I shall dig deeper."

Angela: "Oh, what's this? Oh no! A bone! I must have dug at the wrong spot! Sorry, dead man. I shall leave immediately."

Angela: "Where else could it be? I will not be satisfied with only one bag."

Angela: "I see a mound."

Angela: "My eyes do not deceive me."

Angela: "Time to begin digging."

Angela: "I seek your understanding and cooperation. Please do not come for me in the afterlife."

Angela: "I think I see something there."

Angela: "It is well camouflaged."

Angela: "But nothing escapes my eyes."

"Time is up!"
 2 bags and have been found, namely Youdina's and Quentin's. They contain 75 points and 50 points respectively. Martin earns 25 points, Rupert earns 0 points since his bag has no money and Madeleine earns 30 points."

Angela: "I was disappointed to learn that time was up because I was ready to continue digging.  I exposed 2 of their 'secrets', yet 2 bags is dismal. However, I am elated to know that nobody had an exemption in their bag."


Angela comes home and is greeted by a butt.

Angela: "I am back. And I did not return empty-handed."


Group pot: 1265/1800
Adelyn's pot: 20
Angela's pot: 120
Eunice's pot: 40
Fourier's pot: 0
Jordan's pot: 20
Jose's pot: 40
Madeleine's pot: 120
Martin's pot: 80
Nicole's pot: 210
Quentin's pot: 70
Rupert's pot: 180
Stephen's pot: 40
Tony's pot: 20
Viru's pot: 0
Youdina's pot: 125

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