In the mission, the contestants had to put toys in their respective chests while avoiding traps. Unfortunately, they failed to do the latter, setting off 7/8 traps (3 by Angela, 3 by Madeleine and 1 by Martin) and giving 350/400 points to the group pot, making it 1615/2450 points. Angela last 10 points, Madeleine lost 10, Martin gained nothing while Rupert, who found the least toys, ironically earned the most by having 30 points added to his personal pot and an exemption that brings him straight into the finale. Who will join him? Is he the Non-Mole?
Rupert: "I decided that I should stop caring so much of what others think of me. Even though before I entered, I was scared of pretty much everything, but at least I wasn't...unhappy? I don't want to leave a changed man. I rather be stuck in limbo, stick with the status quo. The game is coming to an end, so so should my hatred for the others."
Madeleine: "We cherished our last moments together. We talked about our journey on the Smole, our favourite missions and funny or heartbreaking moments...we basically bared our hearts out. It hasn't been the friendliest season, but we should cherish the time that we have left. Because after this one of us must leave, and after that none of us will probably keep in contact."
Contestants are currently taking the quiz.
Q1: Is the Non-Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: What did the Non-Mole eat before Mission 11?
A: Autumn Salad
B: Hot and Sour Soup
C: Waffles
Q3: What colour is the Non-Mole's hair?
A: Blonde
B: Brown
Q4: In Mission 11, what car did the Non-Mole drive?
A: Black
B: White
C: Grey
D: Brown
Q5: In Mission 11, did the Non-Mole drive?
A: Yes
B: No
Q6: In Mission 11, in which order was the Non-Mole's room shown?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
Q7: In Mission 11, did the Non-Mole set off a trap?
A: Yes
B: No
Q8: In Mission 11, did the Non-Mole successfully steal from another chest?
A: Yes
B: No
Q9: How many toys were in the Non-Mole's chest by the end of Mission 11?
A: 3
B: 5
C: 14
Q10: Who is the Non-Mole?
A: Angela Duschwitz
B: Martin Abernathy
C: Madeleine Lewis
D: Rupert Horrowitz
"Congratulations on surviving thus far. For one of you, the departure is the most painful, as you are so near, yet so far. Who will fall prey?"
"Madeleine Lewis."
Madeleine: "I am making it to the finale! Well, of course. My master plan is perfect. Rupert, could you keep to your side a little more? Sorry, I'm OCD like that."
"Angela Duschwitz, Martin Abernathy, one of you must say goodbye for the final time."
"Martin Abernathy."
Martin: "Well would you look at that. Green, baby."
"That means that Angela Duschwitz, you are the last to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Rupert: "That was intense. I didn't expect Angela to leave."
Angela: "I will accept defeat with grace and dignity."
Martin: "Spare me the bullshit."
Martin: "I am in the finale. And she isn't. Excellent. I hated her ******* guts."
Angela: "At least I do not have to see your face once more."
Martin: "You do, sucker. In the finale ceremony."
Angela: "At least not tomorrow."
Angela: "It is bittersweet. I am confident that I only left because of time, or because I did not fully study all details properly. I have disappointed my great fatherland and myself for losing out at this stage, but on the bright side, I brought glory to my homeland because I made it to fourth place. May the best Mole win."
"Congratulations Madeleine, Rupert and Martin for making it to the finale!"
Madeleine: "I feel so powerful. I beat Angela! I will win this!"
Rupert: "You scare me sometimes."
Martin: "Everyone scares you. What else is new?"
Madeleine: "You're quite good at this. You sure you never played before?"
Martin: "Never. I pick up new skills quite fast."
Madeleine: "You pick us skills quickly, you say."
Martin: "You know, have you ever doubted that the Non-Mole could be someone else? Someone you never suspected?"
Madeleine: "Impossible. I'm here, aren't I? It's either I win or I lose; black or white, Mole or Non-Mole. There is no in-between. There is no grey area. A Mole will never behave as a Non-Mole."
Madeleine: "Martin can actually be a decent guy to hang around when you're not debating with his logic. Earlier he asked me a question which struck me as odd. Was he trying to sway me?"
The finale is coming up soon!
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