Venus: “The money will be mine…”
Viola: “Venus! Come out!”

Violet: “I’m not the whistleblower! Honest!”
Viola: “Venus and I have known each other for such a long
time. If she wanted to rat on me she would have done so long ago!”
Venus: “Blue sky…hmm, yes, the money will be mine. I will
win this!”

Viola: “Were you the one who told the others Lysander was my
Venus: “Why would I do that? Like you said, if I wanted to I
would have done it long ago.”
Viola: “If I find out either of you is lying our friendship
is over. Let’s dissolve the coalition.”
Violet: “What? No!”
Viola: “What’s the point of keeping this if we don’t trust
each other? We’re all independent women and can do better working alone.”
Violet: “Okay, I’ll fess. I told the others you were the
Mole. But that’s because I wanted them to suspect you and throw them off!”
Venus: “Hmm…it is an interesting strategy. Forgive her?”
Viola: “…I will consider it.”
Venus: “I have another plan. The others can hear us indoors
so I’ll whisper it to you guys.”

Ella: “Cindy!”
Renne: “Why are you calling her? To boss her around?”
Ella: “I don’t need to see your ugly face. Scram!”

Cindy: “Yes, I’m fine.”
Royston: “Well you shouldn’t let that old woman Ella boss
you around. She’s fugl---“
Ella: “There you are!”
Royston: “You will not make her do your bidding.”
Ella: “Oh really?”
Royston: “Try me, bitc—“
Ella: “Do I look fat, Cindy?”

Cindy: “Well…”
Royston: “Don’t put her in a spot. Want to know the truth?
You’re as ugly as—“
Cindy: “Royston! I can handle this.”
Royston: “Why won’t anybody let me use expletives? Just f—“
*aeroplane flies past*
Royston: “you all.”
Ella: “You still say you’re not a Natasha. I’ve caught you
flirting with him!”
Renne: “You must be the Mole like Michael because your
brother was on the Smole before!”
Viola: “What? What warped logic is that? Take that back!”

Michael: “Looks like we’re on the same boat now.”
Renne: “I’ll take it back if you accept my duel.”
Viola: “Bring it on.”
Michael: “We can’t fight in here. Violence is never the
Renne: “I’m going to do things my way.”

Who will win?
Viola: “I give up. I only know how to play the harp and
Michael: “Well that’s okay. I just need to write stuff

Venus: “I formed a coalition with Renne while Viola formed
one with Michael. They know about it. Maybe we can squeeze info out of them and
then wreck their hearts. Well, at least for Viola.”

Violet: “Good try anyway!”
Ella: “The sound is shockingly crude!”
Cindy: “Yikes! Oh, it’s you. I didn’t see you there.”
Ella: “How dare you! I command you to bow down to me now!”
Cindy: “Yes your Highness.”

Ella: “Good. Now what’s in here?”
Violet: “What?”
Ella: ”Oh, just some old clothes.”

Ella: “It’s fun having a servant around even though I’m not
living in a palace like I expected to. I also discovered a carving on the
drawer downstairs. IIIV. Is this the roman numeral for 4 or random carvings? Could
these 5 lines mean 5?”
Renne: “Hey Venus. I have a gift for you.”
Venus: “Is it an opal?”

Renne: “Never heard of that.”
Venus: “It’s a lovely ore, but nevermind.”
Venus: “Oh, roses.”
Renne: “You don’t like them?”

Venus: “I’m glad you chose to give me these thorny dark-red
roses instead of some other girly flower. But it’s not my taste. I prefer
Renne: “You are very interesting and so are your

Royston: “I know I was so close to earning the points, but I
was misled. I had no idea Poppy had a birthmark.”
Viola: “Neither did I. I also got things wrong because of
Julian and the rest, so I don’t blame you. The Mole is hard at work to make
sure we don’t reach half of the total.”
Julian: “Cindy!”
Cindy: “What is it?”
Julian: “I want you to count the number of petals on this
flower. If you get it wrong, I will make you recount.”
Cindy: “Not you too…”
“Quiz time!”
Venus: “Looks like we have to cut things short.”
Renne: “It’s very long already.”
Venus: “Not long enough for my liking.”

Q1: Is the Mole male
or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Does the Mole
wear a cap?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: Does the Mole
wear glasses?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: In Mission 4, in
which order did the Mole describe?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: The Mole did not
I: The Mole was being
Q5: In Mission 4,
what was the Mole’s role?
A: Describer
B: Described
C: Guesser
Q6: In Mission 4, how
wrong was the Mole’s description?
A: Completely correct
B: Somewhat correct
C: Completely wrong
D: The Mole did not describe
B: Somewhat correct
C: Completely wrong
D: The Mole did not describe
Q7: In Mission 4, in
which order did the Mole describe a statement completely incorrectly?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: The Mole did not
D: The Mole did not
describe completely incorrectly
Q8: In Mission 4, did
the Mole talk about pants?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole was not
Q9: By the Mole’s
description, was the Mole onto the correct contestant?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole did not
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Cindy Veer
B: Ella Marie Tremble
C: Julian Tosser
D: Michael Anderson
E: Renne Wynhemma
F: Royston Ketch
G: Venus Ixora
H: Viola Striker
I: Violet Magenta
“And it’s another execution ceremony! Tonight, one will be
leaving. Let’s start with Violet Blues.”
“Violet Blues, you are safe!”

“Renne Wynhemma, you are…safe!”

“Venus Ixora, you are not executed.”
Ella: “Whoopsies. Looks like my sleeping pills worked too
well…yet too late. They were supposed to kick in when she was doing the quiz.”

Michael: “Did you have a part to play in this, Ella Marie?”
Ella: “Those who expose me will never get to see another
day. No.”

Royston: “Well, f—“
“Ella Marie Tremble.”
Royston: “It. And f--”
“Ella Marie Tremble, you are…”
Royston: “voicespeaker.”

Ella: “Of course.”

“Viola Striker, you are…unfortunately….safe!”
Viola: “Unfortunately?”

“Royston Ketch, you are…safe!”
Royston: “Fuc---“

“Either Cindy or Michael will be leaving us tonight.”
Cindy: “I’m prepared to meet my fate.”

Royston: “…yeah! Booyeah! I made it so you all just f—“
“Cindy Veer.”
Royston: “Fu—“
“Cindy Veer, you are…”

“The next to be…safe!”
Cindy: “What a relief! Thank heavens!”

Cindy: “I made it! I thought I would be a goner for sure!”

“That means Michael Anderson, unfortunately you are the next
to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”
Michael: “Nooo!”

Venus: “He was meh.”
Ella: “Too colourful.”
Renne: “Too smart.”
Viola: “There goes my coalition member.”
Royston: “Did you have something to do with it?”
“Royston Ketch, please give up your seat.”

“So Michael, how do you feel about leaving?”
Michael: “Well, I am crestfallen, but I can pick myself up
soon enough. I just need to look for other sources of tuition fees.”
“Anything you want to say to anyone before you leave?”
Michael: “Good luck everyone, especially Viola since our
coalition just broke like that.”

“Thank you Michael for joining and good luck to you too.”
Renne: “I saw you picking on Cindy again.”
Cindy: “I should leave.”
Ella: “I’m tired of you acting as the angel.”

Renne: “Because you’re the devil.”
Ella: “How dare you!”

Ella: “Do you believe in superstition? Because I will haunt
you when I die!”

Renne: “You’re dying soon? Great.”
Ella: “How disrespectful! Take that!”
Ella: “Well, the poor guy. Oh well, serves him right. Just
hope those pills weren’t overdose….actually I do hope that he dies of
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