Saturday, 18 October 2014

14.11-Loving your afro

The last time on the Smole 8 contestants went travelling to various places and competing to be the first to complete various tasks. Royston snagged an exemption and bonus for the first two tasks while Julian succeeded in gaining the last exemption. Cindy and Venus earned a -1 penalty and Renne, a -2. However, they were undeterred as Violet was the one who got sent home. Who will be next and who is the Mole? Will the Mole succeed in hoarding the points by the looks of the current 330/870 pot?

Ella: “I quite like this castle I’m living in. It’s small and cramped, but at least I have a servant and 2 warriors, as well as a guard, Julian. I have no idea where Royston fits in. The only problem is they’re all planning a revolution to overthrow me. I will never bequeath my throne to any lowly commoner like them!”

Julian: “Loving your afro.”
Royston: “Shut the f—“
Random stranger: “CANNONBALL!” *splashing noise is heard*

Renne: “I love you Venus.”
Venus: “I love you to Renne. Serenade me, will you?”


Julian: “The flirts aren’t going so well with Viola. They’re hitting a wall. I will keep trying, but I think it’s time to move on to other easier targets. Venus seems pretty loose. My standards will definitely satisfy her.”

Julian: “Well, what do we have here? A DVD of last season? Hmm…I wonder if this is a clue…”
Royston: “Oh my…Ella Marie really is a queen! How about Victoria Elizabeth Penelope…holy f—“
*ambulance whizzes by*
Royston: “…that was weird. Hope there are no casualties. Anyway, those so-called queens are real royalty! I better tell Renne!”


Julian: “A, my lovely Venus. Good to see you looking fabulous as ever.”
Venus: “That’s sweet, but I don’t go for other women’s guys. Or for nerds.”
Julian: “Viola? Oh, she’s not my woman. She doesn’t seem interested in me. You on the other hand…”
Venus: “I’m not loose, if that’s what you’re implying.”
Julian: “I’m not a nerd either. I just like to win.”
Venus: “Same here. We never really talk to each other. Tell me more about yourself.”
Ella: “Cindy!”
Venus: “Hang on.”

Renne: “Venus my dear, where are you going?”
Viola: “Venus, we need to have a talk. Venus!”

Venus: “Boo!”
Ella: “Aah! How dare you scare me, you rascal! Is this a rebellion? Go fight for me, like Violent did!”
Venus: “It’s Violet. And she got executed not for you.”

Ella: “Crap, I need to pee.”

Venus: “Well, this is boring…”
Viola: “Can we talk now?”
Viola: “I think you’re getting too attached to Renne. What did you find out from him?”
Venus: “Um…he’s a great kisser?”
Viola: “See? You are sinking too deep! I need to pull you out and set you back on track! We do not soften at the sight of men!”
Viola: “If you depend on men you’ll burn in hell!”
Venus: “Just go away. We live in a time where gender equality is important, not leaning to either side.”

It’s time for the mission. Contestants will go to the beach and play reverse bingo. Basically, they will earn a -3 penalty if they end up getting a bingo. They will sit through the calling for as long as they want before saying they want to quit. The longest lasting contestant who does not have a bingo wins an exemption. If there is at least one daub per column, 10 points will be given. This is worth 70 points. A bonus point of 100 will be given if nobody gets a bingo. Good luck.

They begin.

Cindy: “Oh no! I’ve gotten a bingo!”
“You earn a hidden exemption for being the first to get a bingo!”
Ella: “What rotten luck is that?”

Venus: “I’m dangerously close to scoring a bingo. Should I leave?”
Renne: “I think you should continue playing for the big prize. Penalties don’t faze you.”

Cindy: “Listen your Highness, I’m sorry…”
Ella: “Shush! Don’t disturb me you wretch!”
Cindy: “I’ll take my leave, but I’m willing to accept any punishment you might have.”

Royston: “Ooh…I just need two daubs here to get a bingo.”
Viola: “I am considering quitting…but warriors never quit.”

Ella: “Idiotic game. I’ve scored that stupid straight line.”

Cindy: “Hey, what is this? The Mole likes to blend in in the middle of the crowd…wow, such a big clue! I wonder why nobody ever found this?”

Julian: “Meh. Bingo shmingo.”

Renne: “Okay, I just need one more daub and I can get 3 bingos. This is too risky. I’m pulling out.”

Renne: “What a relief!”
Venus: “If you’re quitting out my Mars, then I shall quit too.”

Julian: “Hmm….your board doesn’t look good Viola.”
Viola: “You may be right. It is good practice to know when to retreat in order to advance.”

“With that the winner is Royston! He gets another exemption!”
Royston: “F—“
Royston: “Yeah! Everyone suck my—“
*thunderstorm again*

Viola: “Royston is good. Cindy is lucky. Whenever she gets a penalty she will be safe. She also alternates between that and exemptions. Royston is showing his true colours now. I heard Julian trying to get a coalition with him. Sucker up. Maybe he’s just lucky too.”

5 people get at least one daub on all 5 spaces, except Cindy and Ella, so 50/70 points are earned, or 380/940 points. Cindy, Ella and Julian also get a -3 penalty.

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