Monday, 27 October 2014

14.15-This cat is entertained by a seed

Last time on the Smole, the 6 contestants drove to Little Mermaid Grotto to drink as many tequila shots as possible and to try and name objects found in the sea without repeating. Cindy won an exemption for drinking the most shots but only 24/130 points were earned, making the pot 405/1070 as Viola chose to say something that would have been repeated, thus losing 100 points and giving Ella, Renne and Royston a -1 penalty. As a result, Renne had a -2 penalty for drinking the least as well. However, Viola was killed by her own cleverness as she ended up scoring the lowest and going home. Who is next? Who is the Mole?

Cindy: “I am happy and sad at the same time. We are approaching the end and I can return to my family, but so many have to go. I also have to survive the punishment that her Highness gave me but I think we’re on good terms now…but she may bear a grudge. I hate having enemies and how I wish Venus went home instead of Viola.”

Cindy: *cough* “Ack, this is disgusting. But I must endure it to please the Queen.”

Cindy: “Oh, I miss you all. But I must focus on finding the Mole.”

Venus: “What’s wrong Renne dear?”
Renne: “It’s nothing my love. I just had a bad nightmare.”

Venus: “It will be alright. Why not I give you a massage to relieve you’re the tension?”

Renne: “Oh, that feels so good! Yes, right there, oh that’s excellent. Thanks dear. I’ll be going for breakfast now.”

*a pot falls onto the floor, making a clanking noise*
Renne: “Aah! Oh, I must be imagining things. Either that or Royston uttered a foul word again.”

Renne: “I have almost never been in here before. It all looks so new to me. Where was I? Right, I shall share my dream to you. As you all know, I’m a famous celebrity and people find it strange that I go partying at normal hotspots and mingle with the commoners. I see no problem with that. In fact if Ella Marie heard this she’d call me her knight in shining armour…shudder. I’d rather not think about that. I had a bad dream that I was executed just before the finale and all the paparazzi were throwing scandals and jeering at me. Worst of all, I dreamt that the Mole was Venus. Impossible, right?”

Ella: “Hurry up! I’m hungry! And I expect you to pick up the pot!”
Cindy: “Yes your Highness.”

Royston: “Maybe it’s a curse…that I can’t say a single bad word. I could make a film out of this.”
Venus: “Move over.”

Venus: “Shall we cuddle?”
Royston: “I never had a woman cuddle me before so…”
Venus: “Are you serious?”

Royston: “It feels so awkward to have your arm slinging over my shoulder like that. Can you get off me?”
Venus: “Okay…”
Venus: “Are you sure you don’t want it?”
Royston: “What did I just do? I loved it. Fu—“

Royston: “Ow! Fu—“
Venus: “Aah! Oh, you startled me! Why are you screaming?”
Royston: “You hit my goddam—“
Venus: “I’m so sorry! Ambulance!”
Royston: “There’s no ambulance you b—“
Royston: “Stop yelling for f—“
Venus: “I’M SORRY!”
Royston: “Sake! Sheesh. How can a woman’s voice be so loud?”
Venus: “Are you okay? I’m so sorry for that. I was just stretching and…”
Royston: “Yeah yeah. Just go away. You broke my zen.”

“Time for the mission! You will be going to the throwing zone, where you will be given 50 balls. You have to decide how many balls you want to give to each person. Anyone overshooting 60 balls will get a -1 penalty. The one who receives the most balls gets an exemption. Anyone who gets 30 balls and above will earn 10 points for the group. This is worth 50 points. Good luck.”

This cat is entertained by a seed.

“This is the basket where you will retrieve your 50 balls.”

“Here you can see 5 walls with a hole in each one. You will stand at the white line and throw your balls through the hole. The basket behind will collect the balls. If it doesn’t go through the hole, it isn’t counted. That being said, you can also choose to waste your balls if you feel nobody is deserving of it. Black is Renne, red is Ella Marie, purple is Venus, yellow is Royston and blue is Cindy. By random drawing, Royston, you are up first.”

The others will be waiting in a different room so they will not know how many balls go into which hole. They will, however, be able to see any “wasted” balls.

Royston: “Should I throw some into here? Probably should.”

Royston: “Cindy deserves some too.”

Royston: “I’m going to just waste a few balls.”


Ella Marie’s turn.
Ella: “How shall I divide this? Ah, a lot should go to me. I am the queen after all. Crap, I have terrible aim.”

Ella: “I suppose he could get some…oops, I missed. Oh well.”


Cindy’s turn.
Cindy: “Wow. That’s a lot. She must be popular. I should also give the most to her Highness because she is the Queen.”

Cindy: “I think I’m undeserving of any balls.”

Cindy: “Hm…I’ll just randomly point to some wall. Ah! That one!”

Cindy: “Here I go!”


Renne’s turn.
Renne: “I need some, definitely.”

Renne: “Hut hut hut.”

Cindy: “Must record my stuff down…”
“Go inside.”
Cindy: “Oh, sorry. I wasn’t really paying attention to anything.”


Venus’ turn.
Venus: “I’m going to throw some away.”

Venus: “My dear love, you deserve the most! But I can’t give too much in case you exceed.”
Venus: “Cindy should overshoot. Whoops! Threw too hard.”


Here are all the wasted balls.

How many balls will each contestant get?

Here are the results of the number of balls in each basket.

Renne: 51
Ella: 54
Venus: 29
Royston: 26
Cindy: 20

As such, Ella Marie earns an exemption. Cindy also earns a hidden exemption for having the least number of balls.

Ella: “Really? Oh my gosh!”

Venus: “I can’t believe it. Here I was trying to get Cindy to exceed 60. Maybe I overestimated the rest, thinking they’d all give Cindy the most so I didn’t give as much as I could. I missed several too, so that could have cost it. Cindy is extremely lucky. I bet she has no clue who the Mole is.”

Here is the division of balls for each contestant.
Renne: 11
Ella: 0
Venus: 5
Royston: 15
Cindy: 12
Wasted: 7

Renne: 0
Ella: 15
Venus: 0
Royston: 5
Cindy: 0
Wasted: 30

Renne: 2
Ella: 32
Venus: 0
Royston: 2
Cindy: 0
Wasted: 14

Renne: 19
Ella: 2
Venus: 24
Royston: 4
Cindy: 1
Wasted: 0

Renne: 19
Ella: 5
Venus: 0
Royston: 0
Cindy: 7

Wasted: 19

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