Saturday 25 October 2014

14.14-Invulnerable to execution

Viola: “Renne is the one. If he survives, we can confirm he’s the Mole and we will win. You must think about it carefully. Cindy may seem so demure that it could be her, but Violet left because of her and Cindy has proven her prowess. Do you want to win or not?”

Venus: “Of course I want to win!”
Royston: “Aha! So you two are still in a coalition!”
Venus: “You were eavesdropping on us? You sneaky little…”
Royston: “I was using the toilet. Viola, our coalition is off! F--”
*helicopter hovers past the house*
Venus: “He heard us. He knows we’re still together. Now what?”
Viola: “Nevermind. You have to be prepared for such circumstances. Royston is losing his capability. As long as we stick together and pick the correct Mole, we won’t have to worry about him.”
Venus: “You’re right. Being with Renne is a risky commitment. Sigh…”


Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What did the Mole eat before Mission 7?
A: Cereal
B: Mac and Cheese
C: Waffles
D: Nothing
Q3: Did the Mole ever have a penalty?
A: Yes
B: No

Q4: In Mission 7, how many trays of drinks did the Mole make?
A: 2
B: 4
C: 5
Q5: In Mission 7, how many shots did the Mole take?
A: 5
B: 6
C: 16
D: 18
E: 21
F: 23

Q6: In Mission 7, in which order did the Mole stop drinking?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
Q7: In Mission 7, in which order did the Mole do the second part of the mission?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th

Q8: In Mission 7, how many times was the Mole’s answer repeated?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3
E: 4
Q9: In Mission 7, what did the Mole say?
A: Jellyfish
B: Water
C: Kraken
D: Fish
E: Plastic
F: Caves
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Cindy Veer
B: Ella Marie Tremble
C: Renne Wynhemma
D: Royston Ketch
E: Venus Ixora
F: Viola Striker


“It’s yet another execution ceremony! We are nearing the finale. Who will go home tonight?”

“Ella Marie Tremble, I’m sorry to say that you are safe.”
Ella: “Ha! I am invulnerable to execution.”

“Royston Ketch, you are…safe!”
Royston: “Woohoo!”

“Renne Wynhemma, you are in a precarious position, but you are…not executed.”
Renne: “Phew.”

“Viola Striker, I am afraid to say that…either you or Venus will be leaving tonight.”
Viola: “I am willing to take her place.”
“Very well. You have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave.”

“How do you feel right now?”
Viola: “Tranquil. I have left but at least I have left with dignity.”
“Any well-wishes for the rest?”
Viola: “Good luck in finding the traitor. I believe that my execution has brought much enlightenment to my sister.”

Ella: “Ha! You have been blindsided! You thought you could get rid of us by costing us a penalty? You were wrong!”
Renne: “The same placement as her brother.”
Royston: “Well, what a surprise.”

“Thank you Viola and we hope to see you soon.”

Venus: “No! My best friend Viola has gone! I thought she was smart, but looks like karma got to her. Renne didn’t leave, but she did, meaning to say that Renne isn’t the Mole and she was wrong. Fortunately I had some sense of mind not to wholly trust her. Maybe that one or two different options saved me.  This also means we were completely thrown off the tracks! The Mole must be a female. It’s not Royston or Renne, and it’s definitely not me. It’s either Ella Marie or Cindy…Ella Marie is surprisingly good for an old lady who keeps getting penalties.”

Venus: “Viola has left. Are you happy now?”
Royston: “Guess my plans are thrown off. You can’t blame me for her execution.”
Venus: “You are right.”
Royston: “You do look quite hot when you are angry…”

And the strong-willed Viola leaves! She mistrategised, so who is the Mole?

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