Welcome to the Smole! In the previous mission 9 contestants
had to describe the looks of Royston Ketch while Royston had to guess which
ex-contestant was being described based on producer’s description. Both parties
failed in guessing correctly, so 60/180 points or 200/630 points were earned.
Julian earned the exemption for being the first contestant to give a completely
inaccurate description. No penalties were given, but Michael Anderson was sent
packing home. Who is next?

Ella: “What have you got there?”
Cindy: “Hey! That’s mine!”
Ella: “Slaves own nothing.”
Ella: “What is this? Repulsive. All I see are notes about
Cindy: “There are a few mole suspicions in the…”
Ella: “Where?”
Cindy: “Um…at the back of the book…”

Julian: “So, you’re looking quite hot today.”
Viola: “I feel like you used that before.”
Julian: “The truth can’t be changed, my love.”

Viola: “Michael is gone. I feel like he could be of use.
Well, no need to depend on him. The plan the V coalition formed was to get all
the guys down. They’re so easy to manipulate. I’m here to make sure Venus and
Violet make it to the end with me.”

Royston: “Yeah, this house is nice and all, but when met
with a f—“
*rocket flies past*
Royston: “Are you f---“
*rocket flies past again*
Royston: “kidding me?”
Ella: “Be a servant and kill that fly and throw it out the
Venus: “What a devious plan!”
Viola: “We have to resort to tricks if we are to get far. We
are nearing the end.”
Venus: “But will your husband be upset?”
Viola: “We’re strategists. I’m not receptive to Julian’s
flirts. Do you want to survive or not? I’m trying to garner all the votes for
us to stay while kicking the rest out.”
Venus: “I don’t get you.”
Viola: “That’s why my plans are always better than yours.”

Renne: “1…2…3…”
“It’s time for your next mission. You guys will be going to
various places to perform certain actions. The first one to perform the action
will get different prizes while the last one to do so gets different
punishments, if any. 10 points are added
for every action done. It is worth 240 points. There will be 3 rounds. Good
To ensure fair play, contestants sit down on the row of
chairs first before going to their first task: to make juice. The first person
to do so will earn an exemption.

We have a bunch of people who give up already, so no
penalties will be given this time.
Royston: “This is delicious. F—“
*whirring noise from blender*
Royston: “yeah.”
Violet: “I’m done!”
Only they complete the action, so 20 points are earned.
Their next task is to dance with Davy Linnell there. To
ensure things are fair, they will be on the dance floor first. The first one to
drop the action from the queue earns a -1 penalty while the first one to dance
gets a +1 bonus.
Royston is quick on his feet.
Royston: “You’re Davy Linnell? Yeah! Dance!”
Venus: “Cindy, you must take your chance and win. Do not
always give in to others. Fight for your rights!”
Cindy: “You just distracted me…”
Julian: “I will succeed in the next task!”

Ella: “You must be the one I’m supposed to dance with.”
Thornton: “What? No, I’m…”
Ella: “DANCE!”
Thornton: “Yes madam. Sorry madam.”

Viola: “You’re quite young. Are you sure you’re Mr.
Davy: “Yes. Babysitting is hard when you suffer low birth
rate, so I need to find other sources of income.”

Violet: “Um guys, you blocked my route to Davy Linnell and
now I lost my queue!”
Venus: “My plan is working…”

Venus: “It was all a plan, to drag as many down with me as
possible. I wanted to get the bonuses but if I know my chances are slim I’m
going to drag everyone down with me. I think the others just took it as a
bitter girl who fought with her best friend and broke up the alliance. Yes,
they don’t know we reconciled. This will be handy…”
Viola: “I did it! I earned points!”
Julian: “Good job, my love.”

Cindy: “You should get into the spirit of things.”
Venus: “Yawn…hey I thought you said you dropped your
Violet: “I lied.”
Julian: “Grr…he ran way before I could dance. Too
3 people succeeded, but since Julian did not drop the action
even after Davy ran off, I will add 10 more points. 40 points this round,
making it 60 so far.

The final task is to dumpster dive. There are 2 dumpsters
here so the first to go into each dumpster gets an exemption while the first to
choose to quit gets a -2 penalty.

Viola: “Here goes nothing…”

Julian: “Can’t bear the stench? Then I’ll go first.”
Ella: “Did you just let him go first? How could you, Viola!”
Julian: “Hey, I found a medal for 4th for the
inaugural Swimming Olympics! I also found an exemption card! It’s the only
Ella: “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”
Royston: “Need some help?”
Ella: “How dare you push me…”
Royston: “You deserve that, b—“
*loud writhing noises are heard*

Violet and Cindy dropped their actions, so they get their
second chance at the other dumpster.
Ella: “Oh my god it stinks to the heavens! To hell with
this! To hell with you, Royston!”
Violet: “I’m going in first.”
Royston: “Ladies first.”
Renne and Viola have dropped their actions too.

Ella: “My poor hands…my poor clothes! Cindy!”

Violet: “So, I’ve found people right in front of the task
and choosing to give up their spot to someone else. Mole much? I also
discovered that Ella Marie actually chose to go ahead with the dumpster thing,
which is even more of a surprise. She would never do it.”

Royston: “I don’t want to soil myself. I’ve already gotten
an exemption anyway.”

Viola: “At last.”

Violet: “Who is suspicious?”
What a turn of development! Royston decided to autonomously
go inside the dumpster while Renne gave up at the last moment! 70 points are
earned here, making the mission a success of 130/240, or 330/870. Okay, not
much of a success.
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