And we are back! Last time on the Smole the 10 contestants
went to play rock, paper, scissors. Venus was the ultimate winner and she
earned the exemption. Cindy and Viola were disqualified and as such earned a -2
penalty. Fortunately it wasn’t them that left, but Eden Rock. 80 points were
earned, making the pot 140/450. The Mole is doing well. Who could it be?

Royston: “I’m going to try something out. I find it uncanny
that my expletives always go unheard. I mean really! Oh, the camera’s
tilted. Hang on, I’ll go fix it. Oh, f---“
*sound blocked out because Royston’s thumb is preventing
sound recording*
Royston: “Okay, looks better. Now, here we go. F—“
Cindy: “Royston! Time for breakfast!”
Royston: “Well f—“
Cindy: “I made it myself! Come try it!”
Royston: “Oh I give up. F—“
Cindy: “Hurry up!”

Julian: “You look hot in that outfit.”
Viola: “That’s sweet of you to say, but I have to go.”

Julian: “I’ll get you next time. No woman can resist Papa

Julian: “I made a pact with my bros back at home to capture
the heart of at least 3 women on this show. I can’t back down or it’ll be
humiliating. I may seem bad but I’m a really friendly guy…if you get on my good
side. Women are playthings, but I’ll treat them nicely if they do the same to
Ella: “What is this? It tastes disgusting!”
Cindy: “You said you wanted Oreo waffles, mad…your

Ella: “Your culinary skills are horrid! Go get me something
else, now!”

Renne: “Stop being such a baby and eat it. Cindy prepared it
specially for you.”
Ella: “Then why do I spot Royston eating it?”
Renne: “It was extra.”

These two are hardworking.
Mission time. Everyone will enter the diary room. This will
work similar to the first mission where one contestant is chosen, and another
sim has to describe his/her looks to the next sim who will pass it forward. The
last one will guess who was being described. This will test whether contestants
know each other well enough. For every correct description, 20 points are
added. The contestant being described will describe one of the executed
contestants. So altogether 180 points can be earned. Royston is the one being

Renne: “This guy wears a black cap and a collared shirt with
two big red stripes for his everyday wear. He also wears glasses.”

Violet: “He wears long pants
and a black cap. His shirt is beige and red stripes. He wears glasses."

Ella: “The person has long
curly hair, wears a cap and pants and shoes.”

Michael: “This person wears a
cap and long blue pants and black shoes, if I’m not mistaken. He also wears

Venus: “He/she wears shades
of different colours. He/she wears headgear. He/she wears long blue pants and
black shoes.
Julian: “This ambiguous
person wears 50 shades of grey, a helmet and pants and dark shoes.”

Cindy: “She wears a lot of grey and wears pants. She has
hair that appears to look like a helmet. She wears shoes.”

Viola: “Based on the previous description, I think the
described Sim is Violet Magenta Blues.”
“That is wrong! It is actually Royston Ketch!”
Viola: “How is he a she? How does he wear a lot of grey? How
does his hair look like a helmet?”
Royston’s turn.

“This contestant wears something on the head and has a
birthmark. This contestant does not wear pants and wears bright clothing.”
Royston: “Birthmark? Something on the head? Bright clothing?
Not Eden. Could it be Vera Control?”
“Wrong. No points are added. The answer is Poppy La Tootie.”
“With that, 60/180 points are earned, making the pot 200/630
points. The Mole is always blue, but if this keeps up than the Mole won’t feel
this way anymore! Julian also earns an exemption for being the first contestant
to completely have no correct facts in his statement.”

Viola: “No wonder. Julian messed everything up. I don’t
recall his order, but he was somewhere towards the end. He screwed up big time
and so did everyone! Could he be the Mole? After the third contestant
everything went haywire. This is not good. My reputation is also at stake
because someone has been spreading around the fact that my brother is Lysander
Harper. I need to sniff out that traitor and exterminate her!”
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