Friday, 6 May 2016

25.19-Idiots. Idiots everywhere

Last time on the Smole, the final 6 had to play hide and seek with bags. Angela found Quentin and Youdina's bag, thus earning 125/180 points for the pot, making it 1265/1800. The execution was sabotaged by the Moles, with them spending 200 points in total to stop it. However, the ladies in the house wanted to take 1,300,000 Simoleons home and leave the game, and by luck of draw, the winning lady was Youdina. Now that she has gone, how will Rupert fare? Who is the Non-Mole?

Quentin: "Rupert has been more distant lately. He coops himself in his room all day and doesn't let anyone in. That poor chap."

Quentin: "Rupert, please. Open the door."

Rupert: "No."
Quentin: "But--"
Rupert: "GO AWAY! Aah! I frightened myself."

Rupert: "I'm scared of being alone but I'm scared of being around them more. One of them is a traitor! Mommy, where are you when I need you?"

Rupert: "I know. I'll take out my luggage."

Rupert: "He's always a source of comfort. I just never dared to take him out when others were around."

Rupert: "Found you."

Rupert: "You bring me so much comfort. Wait, there is a camera watching us! Where is my privacy?"

Rupert: "I better stash my stuff away quickly."

Rupert: "Why did I sign up?"

Rupert: "Maybe if I cry myself to sleep, my dreams will bring me to a happy and safe place."

Madeleine: "I need to be fully prepared and plan for every possible situation so that I can react perfectly. And to do that I must remember every single detail in this notebook."

Angela: "Idiots. Idiots everywhere. All of them. They can only rely on me to fix their toilets."


"Thank you all for gathering early in the morning."
Madeleine: "You starved us for two days straight."
Martin: "What is that smell? And what is that ugly thing doing in front of my face?"

Angela: "This hand will slap you."

Angela: "I have to agree. What is the smell?"
"It's Rupert. We finally managed to drag him out."
Rupert: "Those blokes are scary."

"Anyway, your next mission will begin."

"There are five servings of food for you to eat: Firecracker Tofu, Vegetarian Chilli, Aloo Masala Curry, Hot and Sour Soup and Chilli Corn Carne. As you can tell, all of them are spicy dishes, each worth varying amounts. Each time you finish a plate a certain amount of points are added to your personal pot, so this is a great chance to fatten your pots...and your stomachs. However, for every unfinished serving at the end of 50 minutes, 50 points will be added to the pot. This is worth 250 points and the exemption goes to whoever eats the most. Good luck, and I hope you're hungry enough to eat a horse."

Madeleine: "How shall we strategise?"
Martin: "There's no need to strategise. We just eat as much as we can. Fatties like you and Quentin can eat more."

Rupert: "I'll just be on my way."

Rupert: "I hate them all. I fear for my life."

Rupert: "I'm scared of spicy food, but I'm even more scared of starving to death."

Madeleine: "Well, I think we should eat as many different type of food as possible."
Martin: "Then we're bound to have a lot of unfinished food at the end."
Quentin: "Can we just eat? I'm starving. We wasted some time just sitting around."
Madeleine: "Okay, okay. Just try to finish as much as possible."

Madeleine: "I'll start with the ones further away so it's not forgotten."

Martin: "Must you fight with me for everything I want?"
Angela: "I got here first."
Martin: "I saw it first."
Angela: "That is not a valid excuse."

Angela: "Excuse me!?"
Martin: "Too bad. Go and suck your thumb."

Quentin: "So much food....which should I pick first?"

Quentin: "Maybe some warm soup."

Madeleine: "I am done. I better go get my next dish."

Madeleine: "We had to eat as much spicy food as possible for a chance at exemption and to prevent the money from going to the group pot. Each dish was worth a certain amount of points as listed beside them. Firecracker Tofu was worth 40 points, Vegetarian Chilli was worth 30 points, Aloo Masala Curry was worth 10 points, Hot and Sour Soup was worth 20 points and Chilli Corn Carne was worth 50 points. I tried to eat from them all. I've never detested spice so much."

Angela: "Everything is at stake here: my fatherland, our pride, our glory. I must win."

Quentin: "So goooood."
Angela: "This is choking."
Martin: "Can't handle a little spice?"

Martin: "Oh my ***********!"

Martin: "Why is the onset delayed so much?"

Angela: "Who was the one who could not take spice?"
Martin: "Shut up."

Martin: "My head hurts."

Madeleine: "Rupert has been hanging in there for quite a while."

Madeleine: "Rupert! What are you staring into space for?"
Rupert: "AAAH!"

Rupert: "Why must you bully me?"
Madeleine: "I didn't..."

Rupert: "Waaaaaaaaahhhh!"

Quentin: "This is really hot."


Martin: "I don't want to do this ******** thing any more!"
Quentin: "I have to agree. And this is coming from me."
Madeleine: "Well, I told you to plan before hand. But now we just have to try and eat as much as we can. The spice is delicious."

Angela: "Perhaps I should work on finishing one plate of food first."

Martin: "Copycat."

Quentin: "I don't know how much more I can stomach."
Angela: "You are such a weakling."

Madeleine: "Now is not the time to think that you're full. Hurry up and finish. We have about 30 minutes left."

Martin: "I need water!"
Rupert: "Please don't scare me like that."
Quentin: "Rupert! You came back to help?"
Rupert: "No. I'm full. I just decided to help clean the dishes. I'm scared that one of us falls sick and spreads it to everyone else."

Madeleine: "I think I tried everything that's available at least once."

Angela: "I feel fat. I will be back. I need to use the toilet first."

Quentin: "Actually, so do I. I don't feel so hot..."


Quentin: "Rupert, please come back down and help polish off the food. We can't do it by ourselves!"
Rupert: "Stay away from me."


"20 minutes left!"
Angela: "We must eat faster!"
Martin: "Stop rushing me!"

Quentin: "And one less bowl to eat."

Martin: "I'll make sure to burn down the producer's houses after this."
Madeleine: "You're so fat I can't even look at you."
Martin: "Look who's calling the kettle black."
Angela: "I do not understand."
Martin: "You don't have to, dimwit."


Angela: "15 minutes left. Must hurry. I will win."

Madeleine: "We can do it!"

Madeleine: "Oh gosh. I hope I'm not going to throw up."
Quentin: "Yucks. This tastes disgusting when cold. But I'm done. Better get another one."

Quentin: "And this is cleaned too!"

Martin: "This is disgusting."

Martin: "You're disgusting. You agree right? Hey now, don't you dare vomit on me. I better move away first."

Martin: "Hurry up, slowpoke."

Angela: "At last."

Madeleine: "There's a lot of bad food. I'm glad Angela and Quentin didn't mind though. On the bright side, this is the last of tofu."

Angela: "I just need to finish this."

"Down to the last minute!"

Quentin: "You know, would anyone like to finish this for me?"
Angela; "Don't you dare."
Madeleine: "My plate is full. We don't have much time to waste."

Martin: "Suckers."
Quentin: "I am done!"

Madeleine: "I don't know how my stomach can digest all this."

"10, 9..."

"8, 7, 6..."
Angela: "Complete!"

Angela: "Do not burn my hair."

Martin: "This is a mission for Eugenia. She loves spicy food. If Rupert that useless slacker left instead of her, we wouldn't have to be so rushed and gorge ourselves to death."

"Good job everyone! All the food has been eaten. Angela has gained a total of 260 points, Quentin has gained 230 points. Martin has gained 180 points, Rupert has gained 90 points and Madeleine has gained 280 points. As such, Madeleine has earned the exemption!"
Madeleine: "I knew it would pay off."

Group pot: 1265/2050
Adelyn's pot: 20
Angela's pot: 350
Eunice's pot: 40
Fourier's pot: 0
Jordan's pot: 20
Jose's pot: 40
Madeleine's pot: 370
Martin's pot: 190
Nicole's pot: 210
Quentin's pot: 290
Rupert's pot: 220
Stephen's pot: 40
Tony's pot: 20
Viru's pot: 0
Youdina's pot: 85

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