Tuesday, 10 May 2016

25.20-Who wouldn't want a little curve

Previously the final 5 fattened up by eating various types of spicy food. They successfully cleared all the food, hence giving nothing to the group pot and leaving it at 1265/2050 points. Madeleine ate the most and got the exemption while Rupert barely contributed to the mission.


Angela: "I do not feel so well."
Madeleine: "My poor tummy. But it was worth it."

Martin: "I can't believe I'm the size of Quentin."

Martin: "I feel sick already."

Martin: "****."

Martin: "Coming through!"

Martin: "Out of my way. Don't touch the treadmill."
Angela: "I cannot even walk fast."


Angela: "I want to use it.,
Martin: "Too bad."
Angela: 'You have been there for an hour. I need to lose weight too."
Martin: "Blame yourself for eating like a pig."
Angela: "If it were not for me, we would not have won."

Angela: "Martin has slipped up too many times. I am extremely confident if he is the Non-Mole. Now the next step is to stop him from adding money to the pot."

Quentin: "Just look at those two."
Madeleine: "They are pathetic. Who wouldn't want a little curve?"
Quentin: "To think I briefly had their mentality."

Angela: "I will use the stereo to exercise instead."
Martin: "Oh, **** it all."
Angela: "Excuse me?"
Martin: "My music. That's the name of one of my compositions. It's playing on that stereo."

Time to take the quiz.


Q1: Is the Non-Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: Has the Non-Mole ever earned an exemption?
A: Yes
B: No

Q3: In Mission 10, what did the Non-Mole eat first?
A: Chilli Corn Carne
B: Hot and Sour Soup
C: Vegetarian Chilli
D: Firecracker Tofu
E: Aloo Masala Curry

Q4: In Mission 10, how many types of food did the Non-Mole finish?
A: 2
B: 5

Q5: In Mission 10, how many points did the Non-Mole earn?
A: 90
B: 180
C: 230
D: 260
E: 280

Q6: In Mission 10, did the Non-Mole eat the last serving of Vegetarian Chilli?
A: Yes
B: No

Q7: In Mission 10, did the Non-Mole eat the last serving of Firecracker Tofu?
A: Yes
B: No

Q8: In Mission 10, did the Non-Mole eat the last serving of Hot and Sour Soup?
A: Yes
B: No

Q9: In Mission 10, did the Non-Mole eat the last serving of Chilli Corn Carne?
A: Yes
B: No

Q10: Who is the Non-Mole?
A: Angela Duschwitz
B: Quentin Caballero
C: Martin Abernathy
D: Madeleine Lewis
E: Rupert Horrowitz


"I see that all the exercise has paid off for Angela and Martin. But has their efforts paid off in the quiz?"

"Martin Abernathy."

"Quentin Caballero."

"I'm sorry Quentin, but you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Angela: "I am not surprised to be frank."

Quentin: "How could I be leaving? I have been suspecting her since the start! There's no way I could be wrong...unless it was down to time."

Quentin: "I suppose it was a great ride. I still remember all the fun time I had in the house and in all the missions. My favourite has got to be the second mission. At least I can proudly say I made it far. I'm confident I was right though, unless it was severe tunnel-like vision."

Quentin has been executed? Who will be the last victim of this cruel revenge?

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