Sunday, 22 May 2016

25.23-I don't want to die in a dungeon

Over the course of 1.5 months, 15 contestants shrunk to 3: Madeleine Lewis, Martin Abernathy and Rupert Horrowitz. They have brought themselves this far, along with 1615/2450 points in the group pot to be earned by the Non-Mole. They managed to beat Angela in the final execution. Now, who will emerge victorious? Who will be the ultimate loser? And most importantly: who is the Non-Mole?


As the finale draws closer, some unwind...

...some prepare...

...and some freak out.


Madeleine: "It's our last time here, now that you think about it. It's been fun meeting you all. I couldn't have asked for better contestants to join me."
Martin: "I could have."
Madeleine: "Now that you opened your mouth, you're right."

Rupert: "You scare me, Madeleine. With your hypocrisy."

Madeleine: "What did you just say?"

Martin: "****'s going to go down."
Rupert: "You're the Non-Mole,  Madeleine. You had  me fooled because you were playing the game so well like a Mole. But I caught on eventually. Please don't beat me up now."

Madeleine: "Well, if you think that way, then it's your loss."

Martin: "Someone added some chilli in there!"
Madeleine: "Haha!"

Martin: "I know you did it, Madeleine."
Rupert: "I'm too scared to laugh."
Madeleine: "Oh Rupert, your innocence is so cute. Look at that, he's blushing! And you're flushing."
Martin: "You're the one going to be flushed when I'm done with you."


"Welcome to your final mission. This is worth 450 points. The dungeon must be the Mole's favourite place, as are puzzles. In front of you are statues. You must arrange them in a certain configuration before the door to the next level unlocks. When you complete one level, one of you must be left behind. That one will earn 150 points. If the other two complete the second level, the process repeats, with the second to be left behind earning 300 points: 150 plus 150 from the first contestant. If you fail, however, then the first contestant left behind keeps the 150, or the second player keeps the 300, depending on which of the three levels you are at. At the end, the remaining contestant will enter a room with two chests. One chest dictates you keep the 450 points, while the other chest will cause the 450 points to flow to the group pot instead. You have three hours. Good luck."

"Your time begins."
Madeleine: "Okay, we need to strategise."
Martin: "We don't have time! Just drag the statues to the plates and we're done!"

Rupert: "I'm scared. What if there are cobwebs or spiders or I break my hands?"

Madeleine: "This is not easy to pull."

Rupert: "I don't think I can move this."

Martin: "Let's try to drag them to the furthest plate first."

Madeleine: "Nice to see you're thinking. Rupert, try moving that statue first. If everything goes well, we can complete this in the least number of moves."

Rupert: "I can't move this either!"

Madeleine: "Well, darn. I didn't plan for that. Okay, let me think...why not you pull that one by the door?"
Rupert: "But..."

Martin: "Do what the woman says."
Rupert: "Gulp."

Rupert: "I'm scared I'll bump into something."
Madeleine: "Wait, let me move out of the way first."

Martin: "This is easy but tedious."
Rupert: "And scary. I don't like this place. These statues feel evil."

Martin: "Shut up or I'll stuff this in your mouth."

Martin: "I'm working my butt off to earn points here."

Madeleine: "This can be moved."

Rupert: "My arm aches."

Rupert: "Oof."

Rupert: "Is this good? I hope so. I'm not redoing it."

Madeleine: "Watch it!"
Rupert: "Please don't murder me! I don't want to die in a dungeon!"

Martin: "This is easier to slide across the floor."

1 hour has passed.

Martin: "We can do this. We can do this all day."

Madeleine: "I don't know if you're optimistic or unreasonable or out of your mind."

Madeleine: "This is hell."

Madeleine: "Finally. Okay, Martin, just go get that, never,ind. of course he won't listen to me."

Madeleine: "Rupert, are you done? Could you move that statue?"
Rupert: "Sigh. Okay."

Martin: "Unfff."

Madeleine: "Almost...there..."

Rupert: "I guess I'll pull this one instead?"

Martin: "Go go go!"

Madeleine: "Rupert! Help move this statue over there. I'll go look around. There's got to be more movable statues."

Madeleine: "Hmm..."

Madeleine: "I have a feeling..."

Madeleine: "This can be moved once you dislodge the base."

Martin: 'Why is this so hard to push?"

Martin: "Come on you bull! You don't want me to whip you into submission."

Rupert: "There we go. Pleas forgive me for disturbing your peace."

Martin: "Move you stupid beast."

Martin: "Ugh. I'll help you."

Rupert: "My whole body is in pain. I'll never do this or exercise again."

Madeleine: "Something isn't right. I think there's more to that."

"The configuration is wrong."
Martin: "WTF?"
Madeleine: "Okay. If we want to do this efficiently, we need to rearrange the statues. I am thinking they must all face that way."
Rupert: "I'm not entirely sure. How do you know?"
Madeleine: "Well we don't have much of a choice do we?"

Martin: "Let's not waste time. Shift all the statues to make them point in that direction."


"The configuration is correct."

Madeleine: "Who shall stay behind?"
Rupert: "I don't mind. You will coerce me into staying behind anyway. And I'm more worried about the uncertainty in the next level. I can only imagine that it will be much worse than this."

Madeleine: "Then it's settled. Let's go."
Martin: "We need to finish it all in one hour. By the way Rupert, you're stronger than you think. Just remember that."
Rupert: "Thanks, I guess?"

The door is unlocked.

Martin: "Hurry up slowpoke."

Madeleine: "Let us decide who will go to the final round now."
Martin: "Obviously me."
Madeleine: "I can make the better choice in choosing the chests."

Martin: "I deserve to go to the end. You'll waste time in the last level and you can't move all the statues by yourself."
Madeleine: "You will be extremely inefficient and waste more time than me."
"1 hour left."
Martin: "Kets not waste time bickering. We have one hour left exactly."

This is the second level.

Madeleine: "This is clearly harder. Brains are needed for the last round."

Madeleine: "Okay, let me see. Clearly each tile corresponds to a statue."

Martin: "This just won't budge no matter what."
Madeleine: "Martin, why not you move that red statue to the red, er, plate."

Martin: "I'm not an idiot."

Madeleine: "Intuition tells me it's not the first statue. That's too easy and there's no point in having so many."

Madeleine: "This won't move. Then I should be moving this one."

Madeleine: "Out of the way you go."

Martin: "This weighs a ton."
Madeleine: "More than that."

Madeleine: "I'm sure the statue of interest is behind this. But how do I get to it? Ah, if I do this, then it can move."

Madeleine: "Time to pull this out."

Madeleine: "Wait, I need to move this out of the way first."

Madeleine: "I better hurry."


Martin: "Took you long enough."
"30 minutes left."

Martin: "Time for the next one. It will go to the grey one."

Madeleine: "Which one is it? Ah, over there."

Martin: "This is tiring."

Madeleine: "Almost...there."

Madeleine: "Martin, that statue doesn't belong there!"

Martin: "It's all your fault! I wouldn't have moved it there if you didn't block the plate with your statue!"

Madeleine: "Mine is supposed to go here!"
Martin: "Then where is the yellow one supposed to go, huh?"

Martin: "Yiu made a mistake. You're wasting time."
Madeleine: "You're the one doing that."

Madeleine: "My plan is perfect. Don't doubt me."
Martin: "Okay, wise guy, then what do I do with that?"
Madeleine: "Just leave it there. We'll settle the easier statues first."


"Time is up!"

Madeleine: "Oh no."

Madeleine: "We were too late."

Martin: "****."

Martin: "**** Madeleine."

Martin: "Now Rupert gains again! That dimwit is too lucky!"

Martin: "We could have won if she didn't waste time 'thinking'."

This is what the correct configuration should be.

This is the third level.

This is the core to configuration for the last level.

There is a room at the end with two chests. The left one brings the money to the group while the right one adds to the personal pot instead. But since none of that happened, Rupert earns 150 points. 0/450 points have been earned for the pot, finalising it to 1615/2900.


Rupert: "I'm scared of trying new things. Hmm...maybe I shouldn't read after all. I don't know what will pop out."

Madeleine: "I give compliments where it's due. You okay well."
Martin: "How else do you think I survive in the music industry?"


Rupert: "I should revise. I don't want to feel unsure or insecure. Speaking of which, I feel glad I don't have to hug my teddy bear to sleep any more."


Martin: "I'm going to thrash you all but good luck or whatever."
Madeleine: "It's the final quiz."
Rupert: "I don't need to be stressed."


Q1: Is the Non-Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What is the Non-Mole's job?
A: Businesswoman
B: Musician
C: Museum Curator

Q3: How old is the Non-Mole?
A: 31
B: 33
C: 36

Q4: How much does the Non-Mole currently have in the pot?
A: 190
B: 360
C: 400

Q5: Who was in the Non-Mole's coalition?
A: Nicole Ferrier
B: Youdina Sunplaak
C: The Non-Mole did not have a coalition

Madeleine: "This is the perfect time to organise my thoughts. Let me see if I can come up with the perfect reasoning for why Martin Abernathy is the Non-Mole. Firstly, he just doesn't seem phased or all that worried. Like in the second last mission where he held on to 5 toys. He has contributed to the group pot greatly and his earnings are the least among the three of us. Everything he's done so far points towards him being the Non-Mole. His manner and behaviour further gives it away.

So, what about Rupert Horrowitz? Well, he's pretty much scared of everything and that gives him a great excuse to not participate, but he still does for the most part. And he currently has the most in his personal pot. Why would a Non-Mole need that much money in the personal pot when he'll walk away with the group earnings in the end? Furthermore, he has been earning points for the most part."

Q6: In Mission 2, how many lights did the Non-Mole turn off?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2

Q7: In Mission 5, how many days did the Non-Mole survive?
A: 2
B: 6

Q8: What kind of mural did the Non-Mole find first in Mission 6?
A: Wall
B: Ground
C: The Non-Mole did not find any mural

Q9: In Mission 8, how many points did the Non-Mole spend?
A: 0
B: 315
C: 370

Q10: In Mission 10, who sat opposite the Non-Mole initially?
A: Madeleine Lewis
B: Rupert Horrowitz
C: Quentin Caballero

Rupert: "I don't know. I'm scared I'll lose. That will be utterly embarrassing. I'm afraid of offending anyone or picking the wrong suspect, but since I'm here...I have a good feeling it's Madeleine Lewis. She doesn't seem to mind being suspected as the Non-Mole when I gutsied up and told her, but I remember how upset she was in the Mafia mission when she was wrongly accused. She is also really persuasive and constantly talks about the perfect plan that would only let the Moles win. We all know how that turned out. Her coalition members left consecutively. Okay, so did mine, but it wasn't consecutive! It's hard to take someone who constantly imposes the fact that she's a Non-Mole onto other's faces seriously.

Yet Martin Abernathy, he could be the Non-Mole. He seems so distant from everyone and just wants everything to be over. He doesn't seem scared of losing and I couldn't help but notice that he's been called in every execution ceremony if my memory serves me right. How can he not be jittery or react to that appropriately? Also, he's the only one here who got here without many exemptions and has the lowest amount in his personal pot. I hope nobody kills me if they find out I suspected both of them. But I suspect Madeleine more. Sorry!"

Q11: In Mission 11, which toy did the Non-Mole first take?
A: Car
B: Truck

Q12: In Mission 12, which is the furthest level the Non-Mole made it to?
A: 1st
B: 2nd

Q13: In Mission 12, which statue did the Non-Mole first pull in the second level?
A: Red statue
B: Brick statue
C: The Non-Mole did not proceed to the second level

Q14: Which car did the Non-Mole drive in Mission 12?
A: Grey
B: Black
C: The Non-Mole did not drive

Q15: Who is the Non-Mole?
A: Martin Abernathy
B: Madeleine Lewis
C: Rupert Horrowitz

Martin: "I bet you all my pot that Rupert Horrowitz is the ******* Non-Mole. He's such a scaredy-cat. I just don't buy it. I think he just doesn't want to contribute to missions so that the group pot gains. And he has the most points in his pot. Probably because he wanted to lessen suspicion, which ironically backfired, cause I've caught onto you since one of the earlier missions. Look at the stroke of luck he has! How can someone be so lucky to earn points and exemptions? He should have left long ago!

Of course, let's not forget dear...bleugh...Madeleine Lewis. She looks like she wants to play a decent game and proclaimed very loudly that she is not the Non-Mole. Unless she's an idiot or the Non-Mole, there is no way anyone would do that. Especially not a Mole who works for himself. Telling others your identity pretty much gives them one less option to think about. And she comes off as smart, so she can't be that stupid to do that. But my main reason for suspecting Rupert is because she's fat and he thinks he's Harry Potter."

Looks like everyone is suspected. Who will win?

Group pot: 1615/2900
Adelyn's pot: 20
Angela's pot: 250
Eunice's pot: 40
Fourier's pot: 0
Jordan's pot: 20
Jose's pot: 40
Madeleine's pot: 360
Martin's pot: 190
Nicole's pot: 210
Quentin's pot: 290
Rupert's pot: 400
Stephen's pot: 40
Tony's pot: 20
Viru's pot: 0
Youdina's pot: 85

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