This season, eight hopeful contestants lasted all the way to the finale. They participated in missions, eventually coughing up 1210/2000 points for the pot. However, this is nowhere near the final sum, which will only be revealed in the finale. Who is the Mole? Who is the winner? All this will be coming up shortly.
Savannah: "And now I'm not wearing any bras or panties."
Cairo: "Ew, TMI."
Savannah: "Milan has it luckier. She still has a few days' worth of underwear that came from the laundry."
Cairo: "But I think Brandon may have something to do with your missing clothes. Remember the scandal referenced in the mission?"
Savannah: "Hmm, I'll go ask him about it. He better not be the resident pervert."
Savannah: "Brandon, there you are. I need to ask you something."
Brandon: "Can it wait?"
Savannah: "No. I need to speak to you now."
Savannah: "Did you steal Milan's and my underwear?"
Brandon: "What? How could you accuse me of such a thing?"
Savannah: "Cairo said you have something to do with this."
Brandon: "Sure, paint me the bad guy. Everything that goes wrong in this world is my fault."
Savannah: "I don't want to hear excuses. Just answer me. Did you take our lingerie and journal?"
Brandon: "Fine. I did it. I confess."
Savannah: "You pervert! Return it to us!"
Brandon: "I threw them along with your journal in the trash. Who knows where it is now."
Savannah: "WHAT?"
Brandon: "You will regret that."
Savannah: "And you will regret messing with me, perv."
Brandon: "I did nothing with your underwear. I took them and threw them away immediately."
Savannah: "Only a ghost would believe you."
Milan: "Hmm, Savannah is more of what I expected de Mole to be like, but my foolproof plan told me it is Fred, yet Savannah's quiz suggests it is Joe."
Savannah: "Milan, could I borrow your journal for a while?"
Savannah: "I found out that Brandon was behind our missing underwear and my journal."
Milan: "Gasp!"
Savannah: "Yes, and I really need a journal to do this final quiz. So could I borrow it when you're done?"
Milan: "Um, well..."
Milan: "No."
Savannah: "But why? Aren't we in a coalition?"
Milan: "I would be a fool to share important information before the finale quiz, no?"
Milan: "And you could be so careless and lose your journal. What if you lose mine too?"
Savannah: "I won't, I promise."
Milan: "It means noding to me. You cannot keep a journal and now Brandon must have seen it, no? You leaked secret information to the enemy!"
Cairo: "Gosh, stop being so melodramatic, Milan. You are taking this way too seriously."
Milan: "I only want to win, no? Furdermore, you have not proven yourself wordy of taking my journal. You are a disappointment to my coalition so I will not let you feed off me."
Savannah: "Gee...I get it, Milan. It's obvious you don't trust me. Forget I ever asked."
Paula: "This is ridiculous."
Paula: "I'll lend you mine, Savannah."
Milan: "Are you insane, Paula? Do you have a death wish?"
Savannah: "I really can't. We're not in a coalition."
Paula: "Just take it, Armpit."
Savannah: "...Alright."
Paula: "Return it to me as soon as you're done, you hear me."
Savannah: "Hug?"
Paula: "Ew, no."
Savannah: "Well, thank you so much, Paula. For saving me."
Paula: "Yawn. Is this sappy soap opera finished yet? I expect you to return it by the end of the day."
Savannah: "Got it."
Paula: "Right, best to get a bite."
Milan: "Excellent. We now have enemy informazioni, no?"
Cairo: "No. You are not peeping through Paula's journal, Milan. She didn't lend it to you."
Paula: "Do you forget we are in an alliance?"
Savannah: "Oh, now you remember that we're in this together."
Cairo: "I've held it in long enough. You're being selfish and ungrateful right now."
Cairo: " As a coalition, we are all equals. There is no hierachy. You are not better than anyone else, Milan. Someone needs to put you in your place."
Milan: "Why are you getting angry at me? Sei pazzo?"
Cairo: "I'm angry because you didn't lend Savannah your journal when you two even share the same room. Why didn't you lend her your journal? You know she would have lent hers to you if it was the other way around!"
Milan: "Because I worked hard for dis. Dere is some information dat nobody can see, not even de closest of allies."
Cairo: "I'm hurt that you don't regard us as comrades. Savannah, I'll lend you mine as well."
Quiz time. This final quiz constitutes 50% of their final score while all the other quizzes take up the other 50%.
Cairo: "It's been a very bumpy journey. With so many suspects, it is hard to pick one. Gut feeling won't be enough at this stage. A lot of preparation is needed. And I think I am prepared.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: How old is the Mole?
A: 23
B: 26
C: 27
D: 29
E: 30
F: 32
G: 34
H: 50
Milan:"I came here dinking like de Mole and observing everybody. I did not make the mistake of blindingly trusting my allies. My effort must pay off. But even now I have tree suspects in my mind. Who is the Mole?"
Q3: What does the Mole work as?
A: Stylist
B: Blacksmith
C: Pop star
D: Car mechanic
E: Button engineer
F: Travel agent
G: Unemployed
Q4: How many corrections has the Mole earned this season?
A: 1
B: 2
C: 3
D: 4
E: 5
F: 0
Paula: "I thought things would be easier if nobody's leaving...turns out that's not true at all. I had my eye on Fred for the longest while before I made the sudden switch to Brandon. And now, to have any shot of winning, I've got to stick with it. I am certain he is the Mole."
Q5: Is the Mole in a coalition?
A: Yes
B: No
Q6: Who shares a room with the Mole?
A: Jae-heun Baek
B: Milan Lombardy
C: Savannah Pittsburgh
D: Paula Mosely
E: Cairo Kong
F: Joe Abberg
G: Brandon Alridge
H: Edward Smith
Edward: "My plan was to answer each quiz with a different suspect until I got one right. I stopped this when I was revealed to be first, but when Savannah was also first...I can only hope she has picked the same Mole as me."
Q7: In Mission 10, in what order did the Mole enter the maze?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: 5th
F: 6th
F: 6th
G: 7th
H: 8th
Q8: Whose portrait was nearest the exit when the Mole left the maze in Mission 10?
A: Jae-heun Baek
B: Milan Lombardy
C: Savannah Pittsburgh
D: Paula Mosely
E: Cairo Kong
F: Joe Abberg
G: Brandon Alridge
H: Edward Smith
Brandon: "I spend so much time trying to get everyone out that maybe I haven't spent as much time trying to get myself to stay in."
Q9: How long did the Mole take in Mission 10?
A: 18min 03s
B: 24min 18s
C: 27min 29s
D: 28min 00s
E: 28min 49s
F: 29min 02s
G: 29min 33s
H: 29min 57s
Q10: In Mission 10, immediately after Brandon left the maze, which question was the Mole's portrait by?
A: Which contestant was a suspect in the death of Esther Masik?
B: Who has two children?
C: Which contestant's hair has three colours?
D: Who has a black belt in Simfu?
E: Which contestant exercises with a cap on?
F: Whose uncle has schizophrenia?
G: Who tried to create a scandal for Fred?
H: Which contestant is Muslim?
Fred: "I am here to win but I will accept my position with grace and dignity. I learned so much here, especially how to be true to myself."
Q11: In Mission 10, what question should the Mole's portrait answer?
A: Which contestant was a suspect in the death of Esther Masik?
B: Who has two children?
C: Which contestant's hair has three colours?
D: Who has a black belt in Simfu?
E: Which contestant exercises with a cap on?
F: Whose uncle has schizophrenia?
G: Who tried to create a scandal for Fred?
H: Which contestant is Muslim?
Q12: In Mission 10, whose portrait is the first one the Mole removed?
A: Jae-heun Baek
B: Milan Lombardy
C: Savannah Pittsburgh
D: Paula Mosely
E: Cairo Kong
F: Joe Abberg
G: Brandon Alridge
H: Edward Smith
I: The Mole did not remove a portrait
Joe: "I'm still toying with the possibility that there is no Mole, like last season. But if there is one, it's Savannah. She's always in the best position to sabotage while being able to keep the low-down."
Q13: In Mission 10, which question did the Mole see first?
A: Which contestant was a suspect in the death of Esther Masik?
B: Who has two children?
C: Which contestant's hair has three colours?
D: Who has a black belt in Simfu?
E: Which contestant exercises with a cap on?
F: Whose uncle has schizophrenia?
G: Who tried to create a scandal for Fred?
H: Which contestant is Muslim?
Q14: In Mission 10, did the Mole use the walkie-talkie in the pagoda?
A: Yes
B: No
Savannah: "My suspicions have been confirmed. Joe is the Mole. I can't go wrong with that. I just wonder: am I the first one to catch him?"
Q15: Who is the Mole?
A: Jae-heun Baek
B: Milan Lombardy
C: Savannah Pittsburgh
D: Paula Mosely
E: Cairo Kong
F: Joe Abberg
G: Brandon Alridge
H: Edward Smith
"Welcome to the finale of the Smole, Season 29! We are at the Emperor's Plaza."
"Our finalists has spent weeks participating in mission and trying to find out who the Mole is. They used different strategies, like forming coalitions or pretending to be the Mole. Soon, they will all gather here."
"But first, on the topic of the Mole, we shall scrutinise each and every one of the contestants' actions.
"Firstly, Brandon Alridge.
- Brandon chose to pick up a dictionary. Little wonder that he failed to finish in time.
- He only got a question right and it so happened to be the hardest one. He also misheard a question, thus answering wrongly.
- Brandon acted dumb. He also tried to distract Milan by talking to her a lot.
- He could not find the last item in time.
- He left on his own. He also lied about losing his key.
- No sabotage.
- He only found two answer cards. Brandon suggested a wrong answer, gunpowder, for the question on the Four Great Beauties.
- He bought the wrong item.
- Brandon could not even break the foam board which almost everyone could.
- Brandon swapped order with Fred at the last minute. He also decided to cut off communication with the pagoda and mess around in the maze. He also tried to mislead the others when he was in the pagoda.
Next, Cairo Kong.
- He managed to finish in time but did stop halfway to pick up another book which happened to contain 2 corrections.
- No sabotage.
- No sabotage.
- No sabotage.
- He did not stop Brandon or Paula from leaving. He also conveniently walked away at the time Milan escaped from her cell, making her think she was the only one left.
- Cairo could not get a single line.
- He only found 7 cards. He soon found trying pointless and gave up, being willing to randomly choose answers.
- He bought the wrong item and a fairly expensive one at that, thus costing significant amount of points.
- No sabotage but Cairo did keep 8 points out of the pot by stopping, though he later proved he made the right choice.
- Not all the portraits were at the right places when he left.
Next on the list is Edward Smith.
- Edward sat right beside Brandon but did not even think to suggest to get another book. Perhaps he purposely wanted Brandon to fail.
- No sabotage.
- No sabotage.
- No sabotage.
- No sabotage.
- He could not get a single line.
- He only found four cards. Also, his geography was bad. For instance he did not know what a continent was.
- Edward bought the wrong item which was also very expensive and resulted in lesser points being earned for that mission.
- Edward lost his points when he failed to break the oak board. He also distracted Joe.
- No sabotage.
Let us now scrutinise Baek Jae-heun.
- The only questionable thing is his preference in books.
- He got two questions correct, not all three.
- No sabotage.
- He could not find the last item on his list in time.
- He left at the time Milan escaped from her cell.
- No sabotage.
- He only found six out of 40 cards. He also could not verify in Pei Wei was his teacher in the second mission and thus a Shang Simla resident.
- No sabotage.
- Fred chose to stop at the foam board, bringing in very little points.
- He put Joe down as the Mole, being willing to risk 10 points. He also willingly swapped order with Brandon at the last minute. Not all the portraits were at the right place when he left.
How about Joe Abberg? Is he clean?
- He failed to finish the book in time and picked the same book as the Mole.
- No sabotage.
- He missed out one answer (one 'snowflake') at the start. Was he trying to confuse everyone? Also, Joe lit a firework at the same time as Paula. However, it failed to launch.
- He failed to get a single item on the list.
- Joe was conveniently far down the dive well when Savannah came to rescue him, making her think whoever was inside had already left. He was going to leave when he bumped into Savannah and Cairo. Also, he left at the time Milan was escaping from her cell.
- No sabotage. Or is it? After all, he got his line first, and if he's the Mole, he would have cost a whole lot of penalties.
- He only found two cards. He also wrongly suggested that all ancient poets had to have two words in their name. Also, he gave a wrong answer for the question on continents.
- Joe bought the wrong item.
- He stopped at the foam board and brought in very few points. He also tried distrating Savannah and Edward.
- Joe nearly ran out of the maze with a portrait. He also pressed the walkie-talkie in such a way that the receiving end could not hear him clearly. He also answered that Savannah was the Mole, being willing to risk points. He also misdirected the others at time, wasting time. Not all the portraits were at the right places when he left.
What about the ladies? Like Milan Lombardy for example.
- No sabotage.
- Milan only got one question right, blaming her poor performance on her mentor.
- Milan was unsure whether to give one or two snowflakes as the answer. She also pretended to forget.
- She failed to get a single item on the list.
- Milan left on her own, thinking she was abandoned.
- No sabotage.
- She only found four cards. She also could not read or write Chinese.
- She bought the wrong item.
- Milan could not even break the foam board.
- No sabotage.
And Paula Mosely.
- Like Joe, she not only picked the same book as the Mole but also failed to finish reading it in time.
- Paula got only one question correct because she mispronounced one of the answers. This could be a subtle ploy to sabotage, especially considering how Chinese is the language of homophones.
- Paula didn't care if Brandon and Milan were ready. She just wanted to fire the fireworks regardless. She set one off at the same time as Joe. Fortunately (by coincidence or not) she failed.
- No sabotage.
- She was the first one to leave, not caring about the group at all.
- No sabotage.
- She only found 7 cards, burning one card even. She also happened to forget all her impromptu Chinese lessons. She also wanted to put down all remaining cards for the 9th question and risk penalty.
- She bought a fairly expensive wrong item.
- Paula stopped at the balsa wood, bringing in few points.
- She put Brandon down as the Mole, being willing to risk 10 points. Not all the portraits were at the right places when she left the maze.
Lastly, Savannah Pittsburgh.
- No sabotage.
- Her cockiness led her to not bother revising Chinese. As a result, she only got one question right. But that question happened to earn her a correction. Was it deliberate?
- No sabotage.
- No sabotage.
- She did not think of checking the dive well to see if anyone was inside, believing that Cairo had sent her on a trip to his cell instead. She also failed to stop Brandon and Paula from leaving. Also, she led the group away from Milan's cell just as Milan was escaping.
- No sabotage, unless it's for the reason as stated when examining Joe.
- She only found 6 cards. Being the only literate one, Savannah had all the power to abuse. And she did when she chose a Shang Simla resident as an ancient poet. She wrongly said that ALL continents were called a certain way and chose to believe Joe when he said Hangzhou was a continent against her better judgement.
- Savannah wanted to spread out the risks and thus bought a different item from Fred even though Fred had the right item.
- No sabotage, unless she wanted to keep the last 4 points out of the pot and then pretend that she could not break the space rock to avoid suspicion.
- She barely made it out in time, nearly costing her her work. She also lost Joe's location halfway when she had a map in front of her. Also, she was very controlling of Joe. She put Joe down as the Mole, being willing to risk 10 points. Another thing is that she decided to ignore the left part of the maze when directing others even though Milan's portrait was there and they were trying so hard to find it. Finally, not all the portraits were at the right places when she left.
These are the sabotages, some intentional, some not so much. Now, it is time to invite the contestants back."
"In eighth place, with a score of 31.11%, is Paula Mosely!"
Paula: "This is humiliating."
"With a score of 32.78%, in seventh place is Brandon Alridge!"
Brandon: "I didn't win. Damn it."
"With an overall score of 60%, we have Cairo Kong in sixth place!"
Cairo: "At least I'm not last."
"In fifth place is Milan Lombardy, with an overall score of 66.11%!"
Milan: "I should have won. Dat is what I get for choosing de wrong alliance."
"Close behind with a score of 66.67% is Savannah Pittsburgh!"
Savannah: "So close."
"You five are not in the top three."
Lu: "What is this?"
Ziyi: "Do you remember me?"
Milan: "I should not have trusted Savannah and Cairo and put Joe as de Mole."
Milan: "He is not de Mole, clearly. Or I will not be here."
Savannah: "You can't blame us. I thought it was Joe too."
Paula: "I thought that Whitewashed Boy Toy was the Mole."
Brandon: "Nice to know I fooled someone."
Brandon: "I wonder who the Mole is then."
Savannah: "I don't know. But I want to see Fred win."
Milan: "I knew he was de Mole. You made me dink he was not."
Brandon: "Stop being such a sore loser."
Paula: "I think Fred is the Mole too. I shouldn't have switched to you, Brandon."
Cairo: "Or I could have been right all along and the Mole is Edward."
Lu: “不知道在干啥。”
"Our three musketeers are here."
"Let us welcome Joe Abberg,"
"Edward Smith,"
"And Baek Jae-heun!"
Ziyi: “好无聊哦。没有人理我们。还说什么开放,让大家参观。浪费时间。”
"All eight have returned. Now, for the moment you all have been waiting for...who is the Mole?"
Joe: "I am the Mole, guys."
Milan: "So you are de Mole."
Joe: "Yep, it's me."
Milan: "I am sorry I suspected you, Savannah. You were only helping me."
Savannah: "No hard feelings."
"Joe, you currently have 790/2000 points, or 790,000 Simoleons. However, in Mission 6, you managed to be the first to get a line, thus 50 points have been transferred to you. Fred and Savannah put you down as the Mole in the last mission, adding 20 points, but you and Paula took that away. You have been suspected a total of 21 times, so you overall have 819 points or 819,000 Simoleons! Say a few words."
Joe: "It's been a real pleasure to be on the Smole. I think this season may have been easier to hide because everyone stays till the end so there are more suspects but then again, more people to put my name down and take points from me. I feel so rejuvenated and full of vigour after seeing all the lovely sights of Shang Simla. Oh, and I'd like to add that kids, I'm a negative demonstration. Don't lie and cheat your way for money! It's just that this time is different. Anyway, I'm happy with my winnings and good job to those who suspected me."
"Thank you, Joe. We now know who the Mole is, but what about the winner?"
"Is it Baek Jae-heun, the modest pop star?"
Fred: "I would like to win."
"Or is it Edward Smith, the blacksmith?"
Edward: "I think it's anyone's game. You could be the winner, Fred."
"The winner of the Smole, Season 29 is.."
Fred: "I hope it is me."
Edward: "I don't want to know."
"...Edward Smith!"
Brandon: "What?"
Paula: "Blackie won?"
Cairo: "I can't belive it's not me, but good job Edward. Never knew you had it in you."
Milan: "He only won because we were misled by Cairo into picking Edward."
Cairo: "Don't blame me now."
Savannah: "Don't be such a sourpuss, Milan."
Fred: "I am slightly disappointed but I congratulate you, Edward."
Joe: "Good job, Edward! I managed to find out from the producers that you have been suspecting me the earliest, along with Paula."
Paula: "Wait, I suspected you? I should have realised that the Idiotic Methhead was too happy for his own good."
"Anything to say, Edward?"
Edward: "I'm just in shock that I'm right. I got lucky, I guess. I went to each quiz picking only one suspect, and I happened to know that I was first with Joe, so I just stuck with him. Good thing it's correct. I had a secret coalition with him so I did get to interact with him more and catch the slips. Like how he wanted to give me a correction because he didn't need it or how he wasted his corrections."
Paula: "I wasted one too, because I lost it. I think I know who stole it."
Brandon: "Don't look at me. I had nothing to do with that."
Edward: "Papa, I won!"
"You have 1181/2000 points, or 1,181,000 Simoleons! Congratulations Edward!"
"Let us not neglect our runner-up."
Fred: "I am happy that Edward won. If he suspected Joe first he should win. I only found out it was Joe by elimination. I learned that it could not be Paula so it had to be Joe. I have gained so much more than money in this season and I am grateful for this opportunity to have been part of such a legendary show."
Savannah: "Now you're just being politically correct."
Fred: "I mean it."
"Fred, your overall score was 69.44%. Edward's was 82.22%."
"Time to watch the clues.
In the banner this season, Joe was hiding behind, as if he did not want to be seen. The Mole does not want to be seen or known.
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Joe's hiding. |
Joe also has a fake mole on his face to indicate that he is the Mole.
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Look very closely near his eye. |
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See that mole? |
In Episode 2, Joe was revealed to be in second place. The Mole is always taken to be 2nd in rankings.
In Mission 2, some of the questions referred to Joe. Cairo was asked what 'goggles' was in Chinese. As seen before, Joe wears goggles. He was also asked how to say 'I am happy' in Chinese. Who is the happiest contestant? Joe. Joe was asked what 'coffee' was in Chinese. Joe is slang for coffee.
In Mission 4, Joe worked so hard to stall for time and not find the items on the list because he was aware that one of the items on his list, a remote control, was a reference to his job because both involve buttons of the same kind. He also chose that list on purpose.
In Mission 6, the first five numbers to cause a line were 7, 3, 2, 6 and 23. And who got that line? Joe is the 7th contestant to be introduced in Episode 1, 3 and 2 are the digits of his age, Joe is the 6th option on the quiz question 'Who is the Mole?' and 23 is Joe's age reversed. Joe was specifically told to fill those numbers in a line and try his best to get all correct.
In Episode 18, there was a rather out-of-the-blue question: was the Mole ripped? This, in fact, was referencing Joe's ripped journal.
Q3: Is the Mole ripped?
A: Yes
B: No
Joe: "I decided to revise my journal today. I have a lot of photos of my family in there. But I found them torn! All of them! A few pages were ripped from my journal too. Who would do such a thing?"
"And those are the clues! Thank you for joining and viewing the Smole, Season 29. This is your host signing off."
- Underlined means player scored the lowest.
- Yellow means one correction earned, lilac means 2, blue means 3, orange means one correction played, purple means 2.
- All scores are after corrections have been taken into account.
- Milan was never put down as a suspect.
- Paula only got lost because of her final quiz. Otherwise, it would have been Brandon.
- Brandon has never gotten a correction.
- Joe did not use 2 corrections and Paula lost one.
- Edward wasted his correction in Quiz 4. He would have gotten 10 without it. Fred wasted one correction in Quiz 8. Without both corrrections, he would have gotten 9/10.
- Milan earned a correction in Episode 9, Jae-heun earned 2 corrections in Episode 15, Savannah earned a correction in Episode 17.
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