Previously, the contestants were greeted by Michelle Brack, who was here to replace Rachel. Together with Sebastian and Sylvester, the trio had to try and broadcast a message to the others, namely the location of the points. However, they chose to send the others to hunt for exemptions for them, resulting in 0/100 points earned and the pot being 240/660 points. London got drunk before the quiz and as a result did poorly and was subsequently executed. Who is the Mole? How far will Michelle go this time?
Day 21
Michelle: "I have an interesting proposition for you. I'm here to replace Rachel, so I know everything that she knows, including who she suspected and how she went out. Want to exchange information?"
Danielle: " wouldn't hurt. But I already have one with Esther."
Michelle: "Oh, let's just keep it a secret, shall we? We don't even have to call it a coalition. Just...helping each other out."
Hazel: "I have to study very hard."
Hazel: "Honestly, I'm shocked to still even be here. Sylvester said the Mole was Angel and I believed him, but she is still in the game so did Sylvester lie? Or is he misled? Michelle actually came to talk to me and proposed that I try to look a little more suspicious but I don't like fooling others. I'm so confused. What do I do?"
Day 22
Esther: "My back aches. I think I want to switch beds. I'd like the bed London previously slept in."
Danielle: "What? Why?"
Esther: "This bed is cheap. And we're the only two sharing a bed."
Danielle: "But Angel is right here. Didn't you say she was the Mole? You get to observe her."
Esther: "Yes but I want to also sleep better."
Danielle: "How about I sleep on that single bed there? Then you can have the double bed."
Esther: "We'll discuss this later. I can't hold it in much longer."
Danielle: "Hmm...after that whole fiasco I don't think Angel is the Mole. Granted, not everybody put Angel down for sure."
Danielle: "It won't hurt to do some snooping to see what she's where is her journal?"
Angel: "I must have been so tired last night. I overslept."
Angel: "I remember something I want to put in my journal."
Angel: "Why is it locked? I don't remember locking it last night."
Angel: "Why can't I pull it open?"
Angel: "I'm too old for this."
Angel: "I don't have the strength. Open, damn it."
Angel: "Aah!"
Angel: "Ow..."
Angel: "I may have broken something..."
Angel: "Oh, thankfully it's just the drawer that broke. Wait, where's my journal? And why is there brown hair? Danielle."
Angel: "I know where you hide your journal, Dani. You crossed the line."
Angel: "Time to start a fire."
Angel: "Serves you right, Dani."
Angel: "In it goes."
Angel: "Hopefully it burns to a crisp."
Angel: "I'd like to see you survive now."
Fifteen minutes later...
Michelle: "I smell something burning."
Angel: "I think there's a fire."
Danielle: "Oh my god!"
Danielle: "Is that my journal?"
Danielle: "I can't watch. Hazel, is that a book with purple ink?"
Hazel: "Yes..."
Hazel: "Help!"
Joseph: "What happened here?"
Angel: "I don't know."
Sylvester: "What the..."
Sylvester: "Guys, wait for me. I'll get the extinguisher."
Hazel: "Did you really have to punch a hole through my face? I don't want to get disfigured."
Sylvester: "Sorry."
Sylvester: "Stand back everyone."
Danielle: "What are you doing, Sebastian?"
Sebastian: "Standing my ground."
Danielle: "He said stand BACK!"
Esther: "I don't want to die a pauper! There are so many things in life I've yet to enjoy!"
Sylvester: "Out already?"
Sylvestr: "Oh, phew."
Sebastian: "Do you know what you're doing?"
Danielle: "We'll never make it out alive!"
Hazel: "Sylvester, it's dangerous!"
Sylvester: "I can handle it."
Sylvester: "The fire's too strong."
Michelle: "Who started the fire?"
Angel: "Now is not the time to ask that."
Joseph: "The emergency phone. Esther, the phone!"
Esther: "Huh?"
Joseph: "Nevermind, I'll get it."
Esther: "I can't think right now."
Joseph: "Hello? We have a problem here. How do I put this...THERE'S A FREAKING FIRE EATING US ALIVE!"
Danielle: "Sylvester!"
Danielle: "Your feet!"
Danielle: "You're on fire!"
Hazel: "Don't die!"
Sylvester: "What?"
Sylvester: "I'm on fire?"
Sylvester: "S***."
Sylvester: "Get it off!"
Sylvester: "I need to stay calm here."
Sylvester: "YOWW!"
Sylvester: "Alright, think clearly."
Sylvester: "What do I do now?"
Sylvester: "Excuse me, coming through!"
Sylvester: "Quick thinking."
Esther: "Hello?"
Esther: "Why are you not here yet?"
Esther: "The whole place is burning down! What do you mean you've already dispatched them? I don't see them...oh, now they come."
Danielle: "Watch it."
Sommer: "Well, sorr-ree for saving your ass."
Michelle: "Phew. Are we all alive?"
Joseph: "Who left the fireplace on? Is nobody admitting it?"
BLOOPER: I tried to burn Danielle's journal but it changed covers instead... -_-|||
Michelle: "That's enough excitement to last me a lifetime."
Day 23
Hazel: "The air became very tense. All of the activities for that day was cancelled. I just wish whoever tried to kill us would admit it. Maybe it's the Mole."
Joseph: "As a businessman, I have learned to be accountable. If there are any problems, I have to find out the cause and fix it and nip it in the bud before it escalates to something too big or too late to handle."
Joseph: "I ask this one more time. Who left the fireplace on?"
Sebastian: "It is over. Forget about it. You're being very naggy."
Esther: "I don't want to even think about it."
Sylvester: "Whoever did it, just admit it. We're not going to kill you. It was probably an accident."
Sebastian: "I don't think anybody will confess."
Hazel: "I'm so uncomfortable..."
Danielle: "It's definitely not me. My journal was in the fire. Somebody tried to burn my journal."
Danielle: "Who would do such a thing? It was no accident. Somebody hoped to destroy any chance of me staying on in this game. Clearly, he or she views me as a threat. I requested for a new journal and will be receiving it shortly. Now I have to copy everything from Esther again. This is just ridiculous."
"Good morning contestants. It is time for your next mission. You will be brought to a maze, where there are points and an exemption to be found. There's a catch: you can only walk in a straight line until you bump into a mirror. Think of yourself as a beam of light, or a laser. Once you leave the maze, you cannot return. Also, if you run into a dead end, you are out of the mssion. This is worth 140 points in total. Good luck. Also, please choose four contestants who like to move around."
Sebastian: "I want to do it."
Esther: "No, I don't trust you to do it. Clearly, these four are in charge."
Angel: "I need to move around more."
Esther: "You're...old. And slow. You'll drag everyone down."
Angel: "Now you're just discriminating. I just want to play too."
Sylvester: "Esther is right. These four must be in control. I volunteer."
Esther: "Ahem. I think I should go too."
Joseph: "What?"
Michelle: "So would I."
Sylvester: "Okay, that's me, Michelle, Esther and...Joseph, want to join? You were an athlete. We may need you."
Joseph: "No, there's an exemption that I want to get. How about Dani?"
Danielle: "Sure. I don't mind."
"You four will have a special task. You will be in charge of directing the other half to the points...or not."
Sylvester: "Oh?"
Esther: "I don't follow."
"In the maze are a lot of mirrors."
"Some mirrors, like these, cannot be moved."
"These mirrors are the only ones that can be moved. You need to move them around and angle them such that you can lead your contestants to the points and then out of the maze."
"Here is the map, with the location of all the points and exemptions. Study it carefully. You won't be able to see this the moment the other group arrives."
Sebastian: "Mazes are Smole staples."
Angel is the first.
Angel: "So I turn right."
Michelle: "Eh? That was fast. We only just stationed ourselves."
Michelle: "I need to move that mirror."
Michelle: "Angel, walk really, really slowly now."
Michelle: "Or just stop."
Angel: "That's against the rules."
Michelle: "Ugh, too late."
Esther: "I need to move this mirror before they walk straight out that door."
Esther: "How do I pull this? By the knobs?"
Esther: "Or do I pull by the sides? She's coming."
Angel: "Why weren't any of you ready yet?"
Angel: "Now I'm out already. That was the shortest mission ever."
"Angel, please head to the waiting room."
Angel: "I think they just don't want to let me play. I feel so ostracised."
Michelle: "Okay, we need to work fast before the next one arrives."
Danielle: "Ah, a mirror."
Danielle: "How do I pull this out?"
Joseph is next.
Danielle: "Okay, time to go the that part of the maze."
Joseph: "It's a good thing they have wheels, though they're not the smoothest."
Michelle: "Right in there now."
Joseph: "20 points. Nice. So, I reflect back now?"
Michelle: "Now time to reposition this before he gets out."
Danielle: "Okay. Here should be fine."
Sylvester: "Time to pull this mirror away. It's blocking the path."
Joseph: "And now I turn this way."
Michelle: "My job here is done. Time to put this mirror away."
Esther: "Go that way."
Joseph: "These mirrors are making me confused."
Joseph: "This is a narcissist's dream come true."
Danielle: "So far so good."
Joseph: "Ah, another 20 points. There must be 7 of them around. So now I need to be reflected again."
Joseph: "Er...did I do something wrong? Why am I facing a wall?"
"Joseph, you have run into a dead end."
"The 40 points you found can no longer be recovered."
Danielle: "Sh*t. I forgot about that."
Joseph: "Hi Angel. Did you earn anything?"
Angel: "No. When I entered they weren't even ready. They pretty much sent me straight out of the maze."
Sylvester: "I'm ready with this part of the maze. I heard Joseph got eliminated."
Sylvester: "We as a group decided not to give anyone the exemption. We couldn't decide on who to give it to, so we decided to have the others completely avoid it."
Danielle: "Great. I fixed that flaw that cost Joseph but now I'm trapped."
Sebastian is in the maze.
Sebastian: "This way, right?"
Michelle: "Sebastian, you don't have to run. Walk."
Michelle: "Typical Sebastian."
Sebastian: "So, this way now."
Esther: "Walk slower. We aren't exactly ready yet."
Sebastian: "Which fool set up such a horrible design?"
Sebastian: "It did get the job done though. But so far no points."
Danielle: "Sh*t. There are points here. But I don't want to move that mirror in case I cause another one to be stuck in a dead end."
Sylvester: "What is taking them so long?"
Sylvester: "I'm here, ready."
Sebastian: "So I go this way."
Sylvester: "Finally."
Sebastian: "I look quite exquisite."
Sylvester: "Take the points."
Sebastian: "No need to rush me."
Sylvester: "Time to move this mirror to get him out of here."
Sebastian: "More points."
Sebastian: "Oh, you moved the mirror."
Sylvester: "That's our job."
Sebastian: "And I am out."
Sylvester: "Now that I'm done here I should check on him and the rest...drats. Where is Dani? She was supposed to move that mirror back."
Sylvester: "Sebastian, do a moonwalk."
Sebastian: "What?"
Sylvester: "I need to buy time."
Sebastian: "Just do it."
Sebastian: "So disorganised."
Sylvester: "Time to push...ow! I flipped the mirror and hit my head."
Sylvester: "I'm keeping my distance...ah, sock it. I'm getting nowhere."
Sylvester: "Push..."
Sebastian: "You work quite fast."
Sylvester: "Phew."
Sebastian: "More points."
Sebastian: "So now I turn around."
Sebastian: "This is so silly."
Sebastian: "Now I am back at the starting point."
Esther: "Oh, he's back so fast. I need to shift this."
Sebastian: "So I am done?"
Sebastian: "Goodbye."
Sebastian: "Random flower arrangement..."
Sebastian: "Hello."
Joseph: "Good job, Sebastian."
Joseph: "You are the first to earn points."
Sebastian: "Of course. You can trust a grand master like me to get the job done."
Michelle: "How do you pull these things?"
Michelle: "Esther, tell me if I'm going to hit a wall."
Esther: "You're going to hit a wall."
Michelle: "No, I mean when I'm actually going to hit it. I don't want you to parrot me--oof. Oh, I really was going to hit a wall."
Esther: "Since we don't want anyone to get the exemption I should turn this mirror around."
Esther: "It's for the best."
Sylvester: "Dani, where were you?"
Danielle: "Stuck."
Sylvester: "Isn't there another path out?"
Danielle: " there?"
Sylvester: *rolls eyes* "Let's get you un-stuck then. I push, you pull."
Danielle: "Alright. It's at a good position now to bring points ni."
Sylvester: "We have a problem. That fixed mirror is facing the wrong direction."
Sylvester: "I'll go look for a spare one."
Sylvester: "Guys. Do you have a spare mirror?"
Esther: "You can use this one."
Sylvester: "I hear someone."
Michelle: "Me too."
Esther: "No! We're not ready."
Hazel: "Hi guys! Ooh. Echo, echo, echo. Hee hee."
Michelle: "I'm quite surprised they chose to send Hazel last. I was expecting the order to be something like Angel, Hazel, Sebastian then Joseph."
Hazel: "Why is there a mirror here?"
Sylvester: "Just keep pushing. I'll pull."
Esther: "Sylvester, watch out!"
Sylvester: "Ow. How many times must I hit my head today?"
Danielle: "I hope they're coming soon. I think I heard Hazel."
Esther: "Dani, could you at least help? Sylvester hit his head against a wall."
Sylvester: "I'm fine."
Danielle: "Okay, I'm coming."
Hazel: "Hi Michelle."
Michelle: "Good. Just keep going. Take your time."
Danielle: "Okay, we got that part covered. But how is Hazel gonig to get out?"
Sylvester: "I'll go find another one."
Hazel: "So many mirrors. It's like I'm at a fun house."
Sylvester: "Right. There's a knob here all along. It's so much easier to move the mirrors now...push, at least."
Michelle: "Guys, do you need any help?"
Sylvester: "What are you doing here? Go back."
Michelle: "It's fine. Hazel's just entered the part of the maze closest to the exit. She won't run into any dead ends."
Hazel: "Yay, points."
Sylvester: "Okay. We need one more mirror. Can you find one?"
Hazel: "And now I'm going out again."
Danielle: "I screwed up big time."
Michelle: "Aha, a mirror that I can use."
Hazel: "And now I'm going back the way I came."
Sylvester: "Now Hazel can get out. Speaking of her, where is she? I hope she's able to get point for us."
Michelle: "Found one."
Hazel: "Why am I going this way?"
Hazel: "Isn't the exit just there?"
Michelle: "Done. Now I'll go check on Hazel."
Michelle: "She's gone? Maybe she left the maze already."
Michelle: "Oh dear. I forgot to re-align the mirror!"
Hazel: "Looks like threre's only one way out now..."
Hazel: "And that's the way I came in."
Hazel: "Okay, I'm out of the maze with 20 points. Does that count?"
"No. Unfortunately, Hazel, you have to actaully use the exit, not the entrance."
Hazel: "You have to admit, that was pretty funny."
"Only Sebastian managed to bring back some points, so 60/140 points have been earned. The pot now has 300/800 points. You were doing so well. What happened? Did the Mole get to you all?"
"Also, nobody got the exemption so everyone is vulnerable to execution."
Joseph: "Okay, what happened, guys?"
Sebastian: "I brought points back. Why didn't they?"
Angel: "And why was Hazel sent back to the entrance?"
Michelle: "I kind of forgot to reposition the mirror."
Hazel: "What? You were standing right by it when I walked past that mirror."
Michelle: "Yeah...I was preoccupied with making sure you don't run into a dead end that I forgot to move the mirror."
Sylvester: "Dani made a mess of things."
Danielle: "I'm sorry guys. It's my fault."
Angel: "You better be sorry. You cost us 100 points. Are you the Mole?"
Esther: "Give her a break. We only had a few minutes to study the layout before you arrived. We were completely unprepared."
Michelle: "Look, we're terribly sorry. We'll earn back those points."
Esther: "You, Michelle, actually cost us 200 alone."
Michelle: "Hey, Sylvester was the one who changed the location in the last mission. I was completely unaware of it."
Danielle: "Guys, let's not fight now. Let's just go back."
Sebastian: "At least we have points, personally brought in by moi."
Esther: "Okay, we get the point."
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