Last time, the contestants had to travel by bicycle to various locations in Zimmaport, but only one at a time. There were clues in each location as to who was supposed to be there. Unfortunately, only Joseph, Angel, London and Jake were at the right places at the end of 2 hours, so only 40/130 points were earned, making the pot 240/560 points. Is Angel really the Mole, or is her age the bane of her existence?
Day 15

Damien: "Hi Ma, what are you doing up so early...Ma! Give it back. I'm not done copying."
Joseph: "Ow! I hit my head."
Joseph: "Great, now I sunk through the bed as well."
Jake: "Quit horsing around."
Sylvester: "I have important things to discuss with you. That's why I called you all in after breakfast. I am confident that Angel is the Mole. We need to pick her."
Jake: "What makes you think that?"
Sylvester: "There are many clues that point to her."
Jake: "But Ethan..."
Sylvester: "He wasn't fully on to her yet."
Joseph: "I don't know. I don't want to risk it. Not when there's a multiple execution at hand."
Sylvester: "Remember the twist? If more than 75% of us pick the right Mole, we can get rid of the Mole. There's 10 of us, excluding the Mole. We just need 8. I can do some convincing."
Sebastian: "Okay. I'll do it."
Jake: "So will I. I hope you're right, Sylvester."
Sylvester: "Joseph? All you need to do is put Angel as the Mole. That's it."
Joseph: "I suppose so."
Jake: "I'm sorry. I'm not going to do it, Banking on Angel is risky. I don't think she's the Mole. I think it's our dear friend Sebastian. But if you bull on ahead, it's your demise."
Angel: "Me? You really can't blame me."
London: "Then how else do you explain the great loss of time. You yourself probably took half an hour."
Angel: "I'm old. Really, I'm not the Mole. I'm not capable of being so scheming."
London: "I doubt it. I bet you did some shady things in the past."
Angel: "Can't a woman forget her past?"
London: "That mission was a complete flop. I couldn't care less though. It's not my fault that we were so shabby. I'm just wondering if the Mole is that obvious? Or is she trying to fool us?"
Danielle: "Over the past two weeks, I feel that I've grown closer to Esther. Sure, she can be stuck-up and snobbish at times, and refuses to admit it when she's wrong but she's a really nice woman who is hardworking and can appreciate the finer things in life. I kind of feel sad that she met the wrong man in life and now has to suffer. Speaking of which, I really need to talk with the guys more and see who's interested. I was really looking forward to that Smole date with David but he's gone."
Day 16

Damien: "Hi Ma, what are you doing up so early...Ma! Give it back. I'm not done copying."
Angel: "Don't 'Ma' me. I am disappointed in you. You can't resort to cheating. I'll go return the journal to its owner."
Damien: "And then what? They're going to accuse you of stealing it. Ma, don't fight it. There's no way people like us can just get rid of our past, no matter how hard we try. We only have one road we can take; they closed off all other options."
Danielle: "Okay, so you're saying that you actually hogged the bicycle?"
London: "I had to find where I was supposed to be."
Danielle: "Interesting. And all this while we've been pinning the blame on Angel."
London: "Doesn't hurt to lie once in a while. Let's not call it a lie. Let's call it a distorted truth. Or an alternative fact."
Jake: "I was told there was mail for me. I opened it and read I'm just so confused."
Dear son,
All this while I'd been finding excuses. Running away from all my problems and responsibilities. When I came to Zimmaport, it was like I was brand new. I met many great people who made me forget my woes. Zimmaport is like a dream, the life I always wanted to live. I just didn't want to escape from my paradise. You're right. I'm an irresponsible father. There were responsibilities back home that I could not and should not have shaken off. I'm sorry.
About your mother, I hope you come to forgive her one day. I just have a feeling that she still loves me. She's just confused about what she wants. It sounds like excuses but I decided to give it one more shot. If I can't find her and convince her to return by the end of the month, I'll give up. I gave her many chances, but it's only worth it if she takes them up.
You're doing great. You're the man I always wanted to be but never had the courage to. I'm ashamed yet proud at the same time. I wish you luck in finding the Mole, unless you're the one. If so, bring home the bacon!
Dear Jake
You've grown up to be such a fine young man. It was such a shock to see you that day. You're such a spitting image of your father. How are you? I never got the chance to ask.
You probably hate me and I understand that. I was the one who gave up on us because I didn't feel like it any more. I only hope that you can understand. When I look back on my life, I don't see what I've accomplished. I looked forward and I couldn't see myself doing this. It wasn't the life I envisioned. So I left in search of a better life. And I'm living the dream now. I've never felt younger. But I've been selfish.
Your father and I, we have a loveless marriage, at the point of our divorce at least. I was foolish to think that I could just be a pampered princess, and that true love lasts forever. Love at first sight eventually fizzles out if nothing is done to keep the flame alive. Relationships need work. They don't come naturally and you can't just "go with the flow". We never focused on anything outside of ourselves, and in the end we neglected you.
I'm sorry I've never been there for a significant part of your life. But it's probably better that way, seeing you grow up to be such a good boy. I'm not ready to leave yet. Some things in life you can't just restart and continue as if nothing ever happened. A mother's bond with her child can never be broken, but it pains be to see us grow so far apart. It's probably my fault. But I'm happy to see you so mature, so I hope you can forgive me. If you can forget me, that's probably for the best. I don't deserve you to have you back in my life even if I want to.
I love you, and I'm sorry.
Jake: "Why did I open them?"
Jake: "They shouldn't have sent them to me."
Jake: "Not today."
Jake: "Men don't cry. I should wipe off those tears."
Jake: "Sigh."
Danielle: "I'll get back to you later, London."
Danielle: "Jake, are you okay?"
Jake: "I'm fine."
Danielle: "You don't look fine."
Danielle: "I see there are letters there. Are they from your parents?"
Jake: "Yeah, they are."
Jake: "I don't want to have to deal with them right now. Not before the quiz."
Danielle: "I don't know if this will help but maybe you can burn the letters. Burn them, along with your sorrows."
Jake: "You're right. I should. Thanks Dani."
Danielle: "No problem. Come talk to me if you have anything on your chest. Or any of us, really. Now I need to find London again."
Jake: "Burn them. Burn away all the hatred, the resentment."
Jake: "Let them all turn to ashes."
Jake: "Let it all go."
Jake: "Why do I still feel so sad?"
Jake: "Maybe I shouldn't have burned those letters. What would they think if they found out I burned them when they were trying to atone?"
Jake: "You made a choice, Jake. Now you have to deal with it."
Angel: "Jake, what are you mumbling about?"
Jake: "Nothing."
Angel: "I see something charred there. Did you do something?"
Jake: "...My parents wrote me apology letters. I destroyed them."
Angel: "What? I know you hate them but they are ultimately still your family."
Jake: "I know. One part of me wants to forgive them but then I'm reminded of everything they did."
Angel: "Everyone makes mistakes. But it doesn't make them bad people. There's nothing you can't forgive them for."
Jake: "Excuse me? They abandoned me! Is that forigvable? They don't care about me! Which parent just decides one day that they no longer love their child and runs off for who knows how long? And now they suddenly act like they want me back and I'm supposed to oblige? Why should I care about them?"
Angel: "Because they're your family."
Angel: "They still love you deep down. They're just not great at expressing it. At the very least, give them a chance to repent."
Jake: "I'm sorry...but they weren't sincere. One said he'd continue chasing after a loveless marriage and the other told me to forget about her completely."
Angel: "Oh...they'll come to realise it one day. I just hope it won't be too late."
Jake: "You sound like you're speaking from experience."
Angel: "I...I've done a lot of bad things in the past. I'm trying to shake them off but I can't, because I'm reminded of my despicable and shameful acts every time. Some people just want to change. And if they are willing to, give them a second chance. That's all I ask for. That's all they ask for."
Jake: "You're right. I know you're right. I don't know why I feel so conflicted."
"Hate to interrupt but it's time for the quiz."
Angel: "I should get going now."
Jake: "I'm not in the right frame of mind to take the quiz."
Jake: "Come on...that's no excuse. Go and take the quiz."
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Is the Mole a teenager or elder?
A: Yes
B: No
Q3: In Mission 4, where was the Mole initially?
A: In the house
B: Graveyard
C: City Hall
D: Military Base
E: Bistro
F: Gym
G: Dive Bar
H: Port
I: School
J: Library
K: Pool
Q4: In Mission 4, did the Mole ride the bicycle?
A: Yes
B: No
Q5: In Mission 4, where was the Mole supposed to be?
A: Churchyard of Life and Death
B: Town Hall
C: Waxing Crescent Military Base
D: Clifford's Pier
E: Crystalline Pool
F: River Community School
G: Yellowstone Addict
H: The Wannabe
I: Port Indinza
J: Turner Library
K: None of the above
Q6: Where was the Mole at the end of Mission 4?
A: Churchyard of Life and Death
B: Town Hall
C: Waxing Crescent Military Base
D: Clifford's Pier
E: Crystalline Pool
F: River Community School
G: Yellowstone Addict
H: The Wannabe
I: Port Indinza
J: Turner Library
K: None of the above
Q7: How many letters did the Mole read during Mission 4?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3
E: 4
F: 5
G: 6
Q8: In Mission 4, which clue pertained to the Mole?
A: High School Musical
B: It's A Family Tradition
C: Just Out of Prison
D: Ten Things Smole Producers Won't Tell You
E: You Find One of These in Heaven
F: Versatile
G: Chocolate Lover
H: The Rag Who Wants Riches
I: The Little Mermaid
J: α
K: None of the above
Q9: Which explanation fits the Mole's clue in Mission 4?
A: It's a reference to the Mole's occupation
B: It's a reference to something the Mole said
C: It's a reference to the Mole's clothes
D: It's a reference to the Mole's name
E: This is one of the Mole's favourites
F: It's a reference to the Mole's personality
G: It's a reference to the Mole's nickname
H: The Mole had no clue
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Sebastian Aalend
B: Rachel Addams
C: Esther Chance
D: Danielle Florian
E: Jake Huez
F: Hazel Jessicarnation
G: Sylvester Lindon
H: Joseph Phine
I: Angel Stewart
J: Damien Stewart
K: London Yorkshire
Jake: "I don't feel good about this quiz. In the end, I decided to put down Angel's name to help Sylvester. Who knows. Angel may really be the Mole."
"Welcome to your first double execution. Before we begin, we have something to say: Jake Huez is quitting."
Danielle: "Why?"
Jake: "I just can't play on. There's too much on my mind to focus on the game. And I fear I may become as obsessed and stuck in a dreamland like my parents did. Paradise is a curse. I'm not going to take the blue pill. It's too easy to get lost and forget what you're supposed to do. I know I flunked that last quiz so it's best if I just leave instead."
Danielle: "Are you really not reconsidering?"
Jake: "I've made up my mind. The school holidays are coming to a close anyway so I have to return soon anyway."
"Jake will still be joining you in his final execution ceremony. The double execution must carry on."
"Rachel Addams."
"Unfortunately, Rachel, you are the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
"Esther Chance."
Esther: "Please, I want the money."
"You are safe."
"Angel Stewart, you are joining..."
Angel: "Shh. Don't say it."
Angel: "Oh my...oh my, oh my, I feel so faint."
"Danielle Florian."
"You are not executed."
"London Yorkshire."
London: "Try me. Execute me and I'll execute you."
"You are not executed."
London: "Oh. I mean, of course. You wouldn't like it if I killed you."
Rachel: "I don't think that's the reason."
"Damien Stewart."
Sylvester: "Let's see if two lions can share a den."
"You are executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Esther: "He was completely off my radar. I don't know how I forgot about him."
Sylvester: "Heh. There is only one leader here."
Jake: "Quite frankly I expected him to make it far."
"Jake Huez..."
Jake: "Here!"
"...let me finish. Jake Huez, Rachel Addams, Damien Stewart, please say your final goodbyes."
Rachel: "It was a wild ride. I hoped to make it further. I didn't even get to show off my amazing mixology skills. Oh well."
Jake: "It was really fun and something I'll never get to do in daily life. But I have matters to attend to. May the best player win."
Damien: "I cannot believe this. No. I can't be executed. If anything, I blame some of the others. They gave me false information...okay, I illegally obtained them, but use crying over spilled milk now. Hopefully Ma can win this but I'm not holding out."
"Thank you all for joining. Hope to see you soon."
Danielle: "So Angel is not the Mole?"
Sebastian: "I took a risk. It paid off. I know who it is now."
Sylvester: "What went wrong? I trusted the wrong people, that's what. At least I can confirm that the others executed are unlikely to be the Mole. He or she is still in the game."
Hazel: "Boo!"
Esther: "AAH!"
Esther: "How rude of you. Simpleton, plebian!"
Hazel: "Like, relax."
Esther: "I hate surprises. Don't try that on me again."
Mystery player: "It's time for me to return. Get ready, everyone."
Three are out of the game instead of two! Could Jake have won if he didn't quit? Who is the Mole? And who is joining the game?
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