It was an eventful episode. A fire broke out because Angel left the fireplace on after burning Danielle's journal but did not confess, leading to an awkawrd tension among the contestants. In the mission, Danielle, Esther, Michelle and Sylvester had to move mirrors around to guide the other contestants towards points, which they then had to bring to the exit. Angel exited as quickly as she entered, Joseph ran into a dead end with 40 points lost and Hazel was accidentally sent back to the starting point, forfeiting her 20 points. Only Sebastian brought in points, with 60/140 points earned and no exemption for anyone, making the pot 300/800 points. Who will leave amidst the drama?
Day 24
Danielle: "So I screwed up a little. Big deal. Everyone's done that before. If it adds me onto their lists, that's great. Speaking of which, here's my list of suspects...everyone, actually. Except Esther. My impression of Sebastian is that he wins when everyone is watching but sabotages otherwise. He made a spectacle out of his win last mission. Angel completely walked out of there without a single bag, faster than Michelle and Esther. Were both of them slow, or was Angel picking up her pace? But at least she didn't remove any points, unlike Joseph and Hazel. To be fair, it's not their fault. Michelle abandoned her post. But Joseph...I can't get a read on him. I need to talk to him more. And Hazel is just so distant. She's never really been in a position to wreck things, which Sylvester has. How many of you realised that Sylvester chose to grab a mirror from the front of the maze and not his part, which was already cleared? Bottom line is, we don't work well in large groups."

Sylvester: "You've come to the right man."

Joseph: "No, of course not."
Sylvester: "Then you should be good. Go for a candlelight dinner. Just try to be as romantic and caring towards her as possible."

Danielle: "So I screwed up a little. Big deal. Everyone's done that before. If it adds me onto their lists, that's great. Speaking of which, here's my list of suspects...everyone, actually. Except Esther. My impression of Sebastian is that he wins when everyone is watching but sabotages otherwise. He made a spectacle out of his win last mission. Angel completely walked out of there without a single bag, faster than Michelle and Esther. Were both of them slow, or was Angel picking up her pace? But at least she didn't remove any points, unlike Joseph and Hazel. To be fair, it's not their fault. Michelle abandoned her post. But Joseph...I can't get a read on him. I need to talk to him more. And Hazel is just so distant. She's never really been in a position to wreck things, which Sylvester has. How many of you realised that Sylvester chose to grab a mirror from the front of the maze and not his part, which was already cleared? Bottom line is, we don't work well in large groups."
Joseph: "No!"
Joseph: "I can't believe I dropped my vanity ring down the toilet."
Esther: "Just because I'm a housewife doesn't mean I'm a maid. Sheesh."
Sylvester: "Good morning Esther."
Esther: "Hmph."
Sylvester: "Someone's a little grumpy today."
Esther: "Says the one who's drinking that abomination."
Sylvester: "It's just coffee. I need one every morning."
Esther: "JUST coffee? Did you see what kidn of coffee powder they use? It's disgraceful."
Michelle: "Sylvester, want to discuss the game?"
Sylvester: "Sure, but let's keep it down. Esther's in the kitchen."
Michelle: "She just left."
Sylvester: "Okay, what did you think of the last challenge?"
Michelle: "I think...shh, someone's coming."
Hazel: "Good morning guys! Am I interrupting something?"
Michelle: "No, I was just about to leave."
Hazel: "Okay!"
Danielle: "I'm quite curious. Joseph, how do you keep so fair?"
Joseph: "Sunscreen and beauty products."
Danielle: "Oh right. You sell beauty products. Isn't that very...feminine, though? Like what would men know of beauty?"
Joseph: "You will be surprised. When my father first started this he was aiming at the female demographic and it's been quite lucrative. Then men too started caring more about appearances."
Danielle: "Joseph...want to go on a date?"
Joseph: "Huh? You don't mind that I'm 17 years older than you?"
Danielle: "It's nothing serious. It's just a date for my article. I want to date all kinds of men. It's so boring to just do one."
Joseph: "Oh, well..."
Danielle: "You can caress my face if you want."
Joseph: "No, I really shouldn't do this."
Danielle: "I can see you don't have any experience in the dating field."
Joseph: "Would you believe I've never been in a relationship before?"
Danielle: "Yes. And that's why this date is here to help you. I think it's time for you to settle down anyway."
Danielle: "Come here now."
Joseph: "Really? You'd help me? Thanks."
Joseph: "I'm a little old though."
Danielle: "No, you should be gong: I'm a mature man who is very desirable. I mean, look at those muscles. And your complexion is to die for."
Joseph: "Your skin is supple too."
Danielle: "That's because I did research on the cheapest skincare products once. You're not inside because yours isn't cheap."
Joseph: "But how do we go on a date? We're in a contest right now."
Danielle: "A Smole date. Gotta keep things interesting right?"
Danielle: "I can tell that your back muscles are a little tight. Turn around. I give killer massages."
Joseph: "Hope that's not literal."
Danielle: "You'll find out."
Joseph: "Oh...oh, that's good."
Joseph: "You're amazing."
Esther: "What are you guys doing?"
Esther: "Really?"
Esther: "Why am I the one working so hard in this coalition when you're just out there flirting with men my age?"
Danielle: "I'll be right back, Joseph. In the meantime, you can start planning for our date."
Danielle: "Esther, wati."
Esther: "What are you doing here? Go back to touching Joseph."
Danielle: "Don't be like that, Esther. I need to date 10 men for an article, remember?"
Esther: "Then why not Sebastian or Sylvester?"
Danielle: "I'll get to them eventually."
Esther: "Ugh!"
Danielle: "I don't know why you're so upset."
Esther: "Really? I'm working so hard here and you're just busy flirting. If you were me, how would you feel?"
Danielle: "I guess I never really thought about it that way."
Esther: "And you're just going on a date to Joseph for your job. You're clearly just using him. That's just wrong."
Danielle: "Don't put it that way."
Esther: "Is it not the truth?"
Danielle: "Well...what am I supposed to do? It's my work. If I don't give something of entertainment value I'll get fired."
Esther: "Then go find a different job."
Angel: "I couldn't help overhearing your conversation."
Angel: "Dani, I think what you're doing is immoral."
Danielle: "How so?"
Angel: "You come up with clickbait titles and provide news that's not newsworthy. People like you are the reason why today's youths are becoming shallow and pea-brained."
Angel: "Not to mention journalists like you often distort the truth to garner more clicks. What you're doing is an unethical practice."
Angel: "Esther is right to be mad. I can't believe you're capable of such wicked things."
Danielle: "You're not helping, Angel."
Angel: "There's a lot you don't know about Dani, Esther. As your roommate I'm obliged to tell you that she snooped into my journal without permission, and she'll do the same to you."
Esther: "Really, Dani? I can't believe you'd so such a thing."
Danielle: "Wait a minute..."
Danielle: "You were the one who tried to burn my journal."
Angel: "That's a serious accusation you're making there. Do you have any proof?"
Danielle: "You're the only one with a motive."
Angel: "It's only because you have so much illegal information and falsehoods. I don't know how many lies you've been feeding Esther..."
Danielle: "Enough. That confession just proves everything."
Joseph: "Sylvester, you have to help me."
Joseph: "I have a date with Dani."
Sylvester: "No comment."
Joseph: "It's not like that. I'm helping her for her article. She has to date 10 men of various types. The problem is...I've never dated anyone in my life."
Sylvester: "I thought the Phine family is full of smooth flirts?"
Joseph: "Now I know why Jose hates it when we get compared."
Joseph: "You must have more experience in this than I do. Can you help me?"

Sylvester: "You've come to the right man."
Sylvester: "I'm afraid I don't know that much about Dani, but I think women like it if you make something for them. Can you cook?"
Joseph: "One dish."
Sylvester: "'s not instant noodles, is it?"

Joseph: "No, of course not."
Sylvester: "Then you should be good. Go for a candlelight dinner. Just try to be as romantic and caring towards her as possible."
Joseph: "Thanks Sylvester. I knew I could count on you."
Sylvester: "No problem, man."
Danielle: "Sylvester!"
Danielle: "Am I interrupting something?"
Sylvester: "*cough*Josephneedsloveadvice*cough*"
Joseph: "No, no, nothing at all. What brings you here?"
Sylvester: "I heard you wre going on a date with Joseph."
Danielle: "Erm, yeah, but it's not what you think. Anyway! That's not why I'm here."
Danielle: "Sylvester, we need to convince everyone to pick Angel."
Sylvester: "Why so sudden?"
Danielle: "Angel just confessed to burning my journal. She's the one who started the fire."
Sylvester: "I knew it."
Joseph: "It didn't work last time. I don't think it'll work again."
Danielle: "But she's not as nice as she seems. She managed to fool all of us when we asked who started it. Can I count on you to rally everyone, Sylvester?"

Sylvester: "We will find that Mole and stop her dead in her tracks. Let's do it."
Day 25
Sebastian: "Oh, I thought you wanted one of us to not put Angel down on the last question."
Michelle: "That works too."
The returning player has made a U-turn out the door! Who is the Mole?
Day 25
Sebastian: "There you are."
Michelle: "What are you doing?"
Sebastian: "Locking the door."
Michelle: "So, what's new?"
Sebastian: "Sylvester is at it again. He is trying to get everyone to put Angel down. And this time he has Dani's support."
Michelle: "Isn't it a bit strange? I mean, what good does it do for him to have everyone pick the same suspect as he?"
Sebastian: "He wants to cash in on the twist and eliminate the Mole."
Michelle: "Yes, how noble of him. Then what? There'll be a new Mole. Or an accomplice, rather. And we'll have lesser time to pick the right one."
Sylvester: "We can pick up on differences in behaviour."
Michelle: "That's not enough. The real Mole will hide it. Fake Moles will play it up to fool you."
Sebastian: "Are you suggesting..."
Michelle: "Sylvester is trying to lead us on a wild goose chase."
Michelle: "That works too."
Joseph: "I make a mean PB&J. It's no steak, but I hope it's good."
Danielle: "Ooh...quite romantic."
Danielle: "A little cliche though."
Danielle: "At least he's putting in effort."
Danielle: "Could have asked if I like least he got purple ones...where did he get all these anyway?"
Joseph: "You're here already?"
Joseph: "Ouch."
Danielle: "Sorry. I didn't realise you were standing behind me. I wouldn't have pushed my chair backwards then."
Joseph: "Nevermind."
Joseph: "Now no peeking, okay? Just sit here and admire the view."
Danielle: "How secretive..."
Danielle: "His hands feel crusty."
Joseph: "Get ready."
Danielle: "Did you cook for me?"
Danielle: "I can't wait."
Joseph: "Ta-da!"
Danielle: "...Are you kidding me."
Danielle: "You made this?"
Joseph: "You don't like it?"
Danielle: "How do I put this...I expected something...less casual."
Joseph: "Sorry. I only know how to make sandwiches. They're good though, try them."
Danielle: "Next time, play to your strengths."
Danielle: "Alright. Hope they're delicious."
Joseph: "If I do say so myself."
Danielle: "You should at least make eye contact."
Danielle: "Okay, nevermind. You staring at me like that while I'm eating is borderline creepy."
Danielle: "So, are we going to sit here in silence all day? Come on, strike a conversation."
Joseph: "How do you talk when your mouth is full?"
Danielle: "Erm..."
Danielle: "Oh my god, he needs help."
Danielle: "In my mind, all I could think of was 'this is a disaster'."
Joseph: " like it?"
Danielle: "'s not bad."
Joseph: "Good...good..."
Danielle: "So, are we done here?"
Joseph: "No, no. You should have let me help you up."
Danielle: "A little too late for that."
Joseph: "This is so stressful."
Danielle: "Okay, how about I help you out. Men don't always have to be the one taking the lead."
Danielle: "Now, just gaze longingly into my eyes."
Joseph: "Like this?"
Danielle: " could work on that."
Danielle: "I had to use every muscle I had to control myself from laughing."
Danielle: "So..."
Joseph: "Oh."
Danielle: "You don't back away, Joseph."
Joseph: "Sorry."
Danielle: "I never want to hear that on a date."
Danielle: "Now, hold my head. Yes, good."
Danielle: "And then you can whisper sweet nothings to me...if you're going that route."
Joseph: ", your hair smells nice."
Danielle: "Thanks..."
Joseph: "Alright, here goes nothing..."
Danielle: "Oh!"
Joseph: "I'm sorry, I can't believe I just did that."
Danielle: "First kisses are usually saved for the one you love but I guess there's no problem. You could work on your kissing though."
Joseph: "Oh...want to watch the stars?"
Danielle: "Here?"
Joseph: "I don't know. I wanted to go behind but my legs carried me here."
Joseph: "There isn't really much of a view here."
Danielle: "Way to kill the mood."
Joseph: "Sorry."
Danielle: "Ah, ah. Remember what I said? No apologies."
Danielle: "So far it's just been a date...I want a Smole date though, something interesting. How about we discuss suspects?"
Joseph: "Nah, we rarely have the chance to unwind."
Danielle: "Do you not trust me?"
Joseph: "Well..."
Danielle: "I get it."
Joseph: "No, it's not that. I just think that tonight, we shall not think about the Smole. Just you and me."
Danielle: "It is nice to relax..."
Danielle: "But the quiz is soon. You don't have to tell me everyone you've been suspecting. Just one name."
Joseph: "...Alright. You tell me yours in return?"
Danielle: "Sure."
Joseph: "Listen carefully. I think it's Hazel."
Joseph: "I knew there was a hidden agenda. Dani was so pushy with who I thought was the Mole. So I just gave her a random name."
Danielle: "Oh, what a coincidence. She's one of my suspects too. So are you going to put her name down, or Angel?"
Joseph: "...Sylvester and you wanted Angel's name down, right?"
"Quiz time."
Joseph: "Ah, looks like our date's over."
Danielle: "It was...nice."
Danielle: "This is one of the poorer dates I've gone on. Candelight cliche. I wanted a different experience. And he didn't try to find out my favourite flowers, which are daisies. Not roses. It's like dating a robot, or a child. He's not a bad guy though, so it's kind of icky to paint him in a very negative light...Angel was right. This is a dilemma."
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: Which room does the Mole sleep in?
A: White Room
B: Blue Room
C: Red Room
Q3: Does the Mole share a bed?
A: Yes
B: No
Q4: On Day 23, who sat opposite the Mole for breakfast?
A: Sebastian Aalend
B: Michelle Brack
C: Esther Chance
D: Danielle Florian
E: Hazel Jessicarnation
F: Sylvester Lindon
G: Joseph Phine
H: Angel Stewart
Q5: In Mission 6, what was the Mole's role?
A: Mirror Mover
B: Laser Beam Imitator
Q6: In Mission 6, how many points did the Mole collect?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3
E: The Mole was moving mirrors
Q7: In Mission 6, in what order did the Mole enter the maze?
A: 1st
B: 2nd
C: 3rd
D: 4th
E: The Mole was moving mirrors
Q8: In Mission 6, were the points the Mole collected counted?
A: Yes
B: No
C: The Mole did not collect any points
Q9: In Mission 6, what happened to the Mole?
A: Moved mirrors
B: Exited via the entrance
C: Ran into a dead end
D: Left the maze via the exit
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Sebastian Aalend
B: Michelle Brack
C: Esther Chance
D: Danielle Florian
E: Hazel Jessicarnation
F: Sylvester Lindon
G: Joseph Phine
H: Angel Stewart
"Great. Everyone is here. Now let us begin."
"Sylvester Lindon, you..."
"...are safe."
"Joseph Phine, you are not..."
"...going home tonight."
"Sebastian Aalend..."
" are safe."
"The guys are through. How about Hazel Jessicarnation?"
"Danielle Florian."
"Michelle Brack."
"Unfortunately, you are the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Danielle: "Wait, so Angel really isn't the Mole?"
Sylvester: "Hmm...either at least two of us lied, or we're really all wrong."
Sylvester: "I need to relook things."
Angel: "I can't believe all of you are still suspecting me."
Michelle: "I think what went wrong this time was information overload. Or maybe I'm just not fated to win. After all, I had two chances. Oh well. Good luck, everyone."
Sebastian: "I heard you were on a date. How did it go?"
Joseph: "I don't think she was very pleased with it."
Joseph: "Hey, I made those sandwiches for her."
Sebastian: "Ah, sorry. But they are already in my mouth."
Sebastian: "Are you ze Mole?"
Joseph: "Sorry?"
Sebastian: "Why the big reaction?"
Joseph: "Because you suddenly went 'ze' instead of 'the'. But no, I am not the Mole."
The returning player has made a U-turn out the door! Who is the Mole?
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