It was an eventful two episodes. In the mission, a lot of things went wrong. The group in charge of moving mirrors were not ready for the other half to come in. As a result, only 60/140 points were earned, courtesy of Sebastian, making the pot 300/800 points. Michelle lasted for two missions before she was inevitably executed again. Who will follow in her footsteps? Who is the Mole?
Day 26
Sylvester: "Two failed attempts...I need to be careful. I led the group into a wrong corner. Either that, or someone here didn't fulfil their promise."
Sylvester: "I'm beginning to think Angel is the Mole. Twice we tried to execute her and twice we failed."
Sebastian: "I know Michelle said she wasn't going to do it because she believed you were the Mole."
Sylvester: "You were in a coalition with Michelle?"
Joseph: "You too?"
Sylvester: "Oh, come on now."
Joseph: "Oops."
Joseph: "Shouldn't have said anything."
Sylvester: "So both of you had secret coalitions behind my back."
Joseph: "Let's stay on focus, shall we? I think Hazel is quite suspicious."
Sebastian: "Maybe you were the other one to not put Angel down."
Joseph: "How do we know it's not you?"
Sebastian: "Because I know I didn't, unless I'm blind."
Sylvester: "Enough. You all listen to me. I cannot believe you two were hiding something from me. Joseph, did you or did you not put Angel?"
Joseph: "...I didn't. I listened to Michelle, so--"
Sylvester: "I heard enough. Sebastian?"
Joseph: "I had my Mole as Angel."
Sylvester: "Now we've got it figured out. We now know why we failed. We had a traitor in our midst. Look me in the eyes and tell me: are you the Mole?"
Joseph: "...No."
Sebastian: "Me neither, but of course I'd say that. What about you?"
Sylvester: "I'm not the Mole."
Sylvester: "Now I know why...Joseph, he must have been responsible both times. I have to be wary of them. Both had a secret coalition with Michelle. I didn't reveal mine though, but to think she was playing all of's a good thing she's gone. I told Joseph and Sebastian that I would cancel the operation and forget about putting Angel down, but if Sebastian is telling the truth, he would still have Angel down as his Mole anyway. As for me...I don't know who I should put down."
Danielle: "Hmm..."
Angel: "Joseph gave you those flowers, didn't he?"
Danielle: "Yup. The date went quite badly. Oh, it's you."
Angel: "So you're going to write a nasty article about him?"
Danielle: "I don't know. It was pretty horrible, makes me feel so icky to trash him to nothing because he's really a nice person."
Danielle: "I wish you see that not all writers or bloggers or columnists or journalists or whatever are evil, unethical devil spawns."
Angel: "I may have over-reacted that day. I'm sorry. Can I make it up to you?"
Danielle: "No. You've done enough. You didn't confess straight away, you made me lose a journal and because of what you said the other day Esther refuses to lend me her journal now. I now have nothing to go on. And she moved to Hazel's room to occupy the big bed."
Angel: "I really am sorry. I was afraid, you see? Please, come by the pool. I made an apology drink."
Danielle: "Fine."
Angel: "Time to fill the glasses."
Danielle: "I hope she doesn't try to poison me."
Angel: "Mmm, delicious."
Danielle: "If she drank should be safe."
Danielle: "I didn't know you could mix drinks."
Angel: "I know a bit. Want to go for a swim with me?"
Danielle: "Sure. Let's bury the hatchet."
Danielle: "Oh dear...must be overworked again."
Angel: "How about we settle things once and for all?"
Danielle: "Sorry, what did you say?"
Danielle: "Why do I feel so sleepy..."
Angel: "Me too..."
Angel: "Ha, she fell for it."
Angel: "Goodbye, Dani. At least you had a peaceful death."
Joseph: "Angel, why are you in the pool so late at night?"
Angel: "Drats."
Angel: "I don't feel so well...Dani, save Dani."
Joseph: "Huh? Dani!"
Joseph: "I'm coming!"
Joseph: "Oh dear..."
Joseph: "I hope she's okay."
Joseph: "She didn't try to kill herself, did she?"
Joseph: "CPR isn't working...Please be okay."
Joseph: "What if she doesn't wake up?"
Danielle: "Ugh, what happened..."
Joseph: "Dani! You're okay! What happened? Why were you in the pool?"
Danielle: "I...Angel. She did this to me. Where is she?"
Joseph: "I don't know. Wait, weren't there drinks there too?"
Day 27
Sylvester: "Dani?"
Danielle: "Over here."
Sylvester: "Here. Drink it while it's hot."
Danielle: "Thank you..."
Sylvester: "You look pretty traumatised."
Danielle: "Angel tried to murder me. And I was so stupid."
Sylvester: "Why would she do that?"
Danielle: "I don't know. She's evil. The Stewart family is evil."
Hazel: "Angel is a murderer?"
Sylvester: "Hazel, how long have you been standing there?"
Hazel: "This can't be true. She's such a sweet, nice old lady. She can't be capable of such a thing."
Sylvester: "Don't let a person's facade fool you, Hazel."
Danielle: "You're too naive, Hazel. She fooled you. She fooled all of us. Angel is more sinister than you think."
Hazel: "I don't believe it. She's a commendable woman. She does so much charity and is always concerned about my welfare. She's my hero for even daring to join the Smole so late in life. She's an angel in every sense of the word. It can't be true."
Joseph: "You've gone overboard this time, Angel. Or should I call you Devil?"
Angel: "Me? I've gone too far?"
Angel: "Who is the one who ruined my entire family? Who was the one who called the cops on us, cornering my late husband and forcing him to shoot himself?"
Joseph: "Dani? But she writes on love and relationships and women's stuff."
Angel: "Not her."
Angel: "I swore that if I ever ran into Heather Long again, I'd personally murder her. And then I'll kill all the investigative reporters."
Angel: "When he died, I thought it was time to turn over a new leaf. And I tried. Believe me, I tried really hard. I started volunteering and doing more good deeds. But once they realised who I was, they stayed far away from me. One night, I told Dani the truth. Who I was, what I've done in the past...and she just stared at me in horror. Didn't say anything but the look in her eyes said it all. She's been judging me ever since, not trusting me. If they don't accept me, they have to die. One more wouldn't hurt."
Joseph: "It sounds like you're trying to run away from your past. You don't forget your past. You accept it and move on."
Angel: "But..."
Joseph: "Dani is innocent. You're the one who can't move on, not them."
Angel: "...Have I gone too far?"
Angel: "There she is."
Angel: "Hi Hazel."
Hazel: "Angel, please tell me it isn't true."
Hazel: "You didn't try to kill Dani, did you?"
Angel: "I did."
Hazel: "This can't be happening."
Angel: "But I was wrong and I regret it. I was just very mad at Dani for invading my privacy and reading my journal without permission."
Hazel: "I knew there had to be a reason...but, to kill someone over that?"
Angel: "I overreacted. Can you forgive me, Hazel?"
Hazel: "I suppose so. You weren't trying to murder me. But I think you should say sorry to Dani, not me."
Angel: "I will, don't worry. But thank you, Hazel, for always seeing the best in everyone."
Angel: "After Joseph left Sylvester came to me and said that Hazel was disappointed. I couldn't let Hazel down. I treat her like my own granddaughter. I don't have one, but that's besides the point. She looked so heartbroken when I said I tried to drown Dani. It broke my heart. I resolved to become a good woman. I have to stick to it. Damien was executed because evil karma got to him. I don't want that to happen to me."
Day 28
"Good morning. For your next mission, you will be participating in a relay race of sorts. This mission is worth 100 points."
"There is a bag full of rocks, each worth 10 points. There are 10 rocks inside, and you have to carry this bag all the way to the next contestant by foot. If it's too heavy, you may choose to take out as many rocks as you want but you also lose 10 points for each rock you remove."
"The last contestant has to go to Port Escape and make it within three hours. The number of rocks inside the bag at that point will be how much you earn. You may decide on who goes first and so on. Good luck."
"Your time begins now."
Joseph: "This is really far and really heavy."
Joseph: "Good thing I've been trained for this before."
Joseph: "Ow, my back is killing me. Looks like I'm not as fit as I used to be."
Joseph: "What the...why is Sebastian on the other side? Now I have to go further."
Sebastian: "Took you long enough."
Joseph: "You try running with 10 rocks."
Time left: 2 hours 44 minutes.
Joseph: "Want to shake things up a little? Take a rock out?"
Sebastian: "Sabotage? Hmm..."
Joseph: "It'll do us both good."
Sebastian: "Of course. It is too heavy for me anyway."
Sebastian: "Wow, with one rock out it's still very heavy."
Sebastian: "How did they fit that in anyway?"
Joseph: "Hmm..."
Joseph: "I wanted to test Sebastian. I asked if he wanted to take a rock out and he was agreed pretty readily. I'm not sure what to make out of this, but Sebastian, you're on my radar."
Sebastian: "Dead end."
Sebastian: "I would jump over but this bag is too heavy."
Sebastian: "I shouldn't exhaust myself too early. Another dead end."
Sebastian: "I'll use this as a marking pont."
Joseph: "Sebastian! You don't have to enter the maze!"
Sebastian: "You can take another way out, you know!"
Sebastian: "Silly me."
Sebastian: "Adieu."
Sebastian: "This is tiring."
Sebastian: "I should take another one out."
Sebastian: "No, I cannot. That will cost us too many points."
Sebastian: "I will just put this down first."
Sebastian: "My hands and legs are like jelly."
Sebastian: "I can never wipe off all this sweat. Why did I not think of wearing proper attire?"
Sebastian: "That is enough rest. My legs are still tired but I have to continue on."
Danielle: "Where are they?"
Sebastian: "Dani! here."
Sebastian: ""
Time left: 1 hour 56 mintues.
Danielle: "I have to make up for lost time now."
Danielle: "I can't even will my legs to run. Is this even safe to carry?"
Danielle: "I need to put down this first. I can only stride for so long."
(Somehow all the rocks in the world disappeared, so I had to settle with this)
Danielle: "My heels are going to crack."
Danielle: "Esther! At last...wait, Hazel should be after me. Wrong way."
Danielle: "My body can't take this any more. Hazel is there. I should at least look like I'm running."
Danielle: "Hazel! Take this and go!"
Hazel: "Dani!"
Time left: 1 hour 14 minutes.
Hazel: "Wow. This is heavy. I should take a rock out first."
Danielle: "Really?"
Danielle: "I just passed her the bag and she immediately removes a rock?"
Hazel: "I'm so tired..."
Esther: "I think we've failed by now."
Esther: "You looked like you were strolling."
Hazel: "I was sweating all over. It was heavy. I think I'm going to faint."
Hazel: "Good luck. Is there a convenience store nearby?"
Time left: 52 minutes.
Esther: "I must do this. For the money. Mind over matter, come on!"
Esther: "Finally."
Sylvester: "It's taking them forever."
Esther: " you go..."
Time left: 38 minutes.
Sylvester: "How many rocks are there left?"
Esther: "I...huff...don't know...I didn't take...any..."
Sylvester: "Okay, go and rest. I'll find out myself. 6 rocks. Not too bad. Now I have to decide how many to give to Angel."
Sylvester: "I wanted to be last because that way I can control how many rocks are left at the end of the game. I don't know if Angel is the Mole but if she ends up with less rocks than I did, then that's a big clue."
Sylvester: "I'll take one out first and take it from there."
Esther: "Oh good. A gazebo for me to rest."
Sylvester: "I have to run as quick as I can."
Sylvester: "There she is."
Sylvester: "Angel! Don't come over. I'll go to you."
Angel: "Four rocks for you."
Sylvester: "Here you go."
Time left: 22 minutes.
Sylvester: "I took out another rock when nobody was looking. I think Angel would have been injured with 5 rocks on her back."
Sylvester: "Now hurry. And I'll be watching you."
Angel: "I'm too old for this."
Angel: "Okay, no need to run. Just...take it slowly...breathe in...breathe out..."
Angel: "I don't want to die. I need to get rid of a rock."
Angel: "My back...ouch."
Angel: "Come on, almost there..."
Angel: "This is your chance to make it up to Dani and everyone."
Angel: "I'm here! Take it!"
"The bag you just threw across has 3 rocks left. But is it counted? There are 2 minutes left, so good job. 30/100 points have been earned, making the pot 330/900 points."
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