Saturday, 20 May 2017

30.21-Oh, come on!

14, no, 15, contestants came to Zimmaport for the Smole. Only 3 still remain with Esther's execution: Danielle, Sylvester and Hazel. They managed to pull their socks up in the penultimate mission, earning 160/200 points, making the pot 520/1300 points and Sylvester managed to clinch a spot in the finale with the exemption. With only one mission and one quiz standing in their way, can they turn the tables at the very last moment? Or will the Mole prevail?

Day 39

As the finale approaches, some revise...

...some revise...

...and--oh, come on! Why is everyone revising?


Hazel: "Tripping and falling down was the best thing that could have happened to me."
Sylvester: "Are you serious?"
Hazel: "Yes. I thought I was going to die for the brief few seconds before I blacked out. It made me realise how immature I was. Now I have my priorities right and that's why I'm still here!"

Hazel: "I've always been a big fan of the Smole. Every time I see the contestants go on amazing missions and I can't help but want to be a part of that. And then I always dream of being in the top three. And guess what? Today I woke up and I'm in the finale! It's not a dream. I can't believe it."

Sylvester: "Everyone is over it already. We forgive you. Now you can stop bringing it up."
"Good morning. Congratulations on being the final three. This is your last chance to earn points. You will be visiting another maze. You will be placed at random locations in the maze and have to find each other then exit the maze as a group to earn 200 points. Oh, and you'll be wearing special glasses that prevent you from seeing. So you have to rely on your other senses. You have twenty minutes. Good luck."

Sylvester: "Has anyone wondered why the table and execution chairs keep changing but they leave the bedrooms as they are? I don't need 6 beds in my room."
Danielle: "All I want to know is their obsession with mazes."


Contestants have been led to their positions. The time begins now.

Danielle: "Hello? Anybody there?"

Danielle: "I decided to stay put. It's going to be difficult to find 2 others in a maze while blind if everyone is gonig somewhere at the same time."

Sylvester: "I hear Dani."

Danielle: "If you hear me, can you respond?"

Danielle: "Anyone?"

Hazel: "I hear you! Ouch!"

Hazel: "The bushes are prickly."

Hazel: "Must have bumped into a dead end or something."

Hazel: "Ack! Another wall?"

Hazel: "Ugh, it's going to be impossible."

Hazel: "Sigh. I still have to try and get out though."

Danielle: "Nobody had better leave without me."
Sylvester: "Dani, is that you?"
Danielle: "Sylvester! I'm here!"

Sylvester: "I'm coming."

Danielle: "At long last. I thought everyone abandoned me."

Sylvester: "Great. Now we just need to find Hazel."

Danielle: "Hazel! Where are you?"
Sylvester: "Hazel?"

Hazel: "I'm over here guys!"

Danielle: "Sylvester and I are here. You better get here! Just follow my voice!"

Hazel: "I don't know where the sound's coming from."

Hazel: "It's an open space. The sound will diffuse. It's hard to use echolocation. And I'm not a whale."

Danielle: "Good thing it's not an enclosed space, or the echos will make it difficult to locate everyone."

Sylvester: "Dani, I don't think we can depend on her alone. Follow me."
Danielle: "Wait!"

Sylvester: "Oh, I think it's a dead end."

Danielle: "Are you here?"

Danielle: "Oof."
Sylvester: "Oof. Backwards, Dani. It's a dead end here."

Danielle: "Is this far enough?"

Danielle: "Hey, I can wade through this."

Danielle: "Maybe we can take a little shortcut."

"Dani, no cheating. Get back in the maze."
Danielle: "Damn it."

Danielle: "Wait, I must be at the boundary then if I have to get back in."

Hazel: "Hello? Where are you guys?"

Hazel: "Maybe this way."

Sylvester: "Dani, wait for me."
Hazel: "Sylvester, is that you?"

Sylvester: "Hazel! Wait for us, okay?"

Hazel: "Okay! We're doing great!"
"10 minutes left."

Sylvester: "Okay, we can't go left directly. Looks like it's straight ahead."

Danielle: "Hazel, keep making noises so we can find out where you are."
Hazel: "Here!"

Sylvester: "Dani, wait!"

Sylvester: "We have a lot of time. I don't know why Dani was constantly running all over the place. It's like she's trying to lose me."

Danielle: "Sorry. Hazel, where are you?"

Hazel: "I think I hear you."

Danielle: "I hear you too! Oof. Looks like I found you."

Danielle: "Now, we need to find a way out. Stay close, everyone. Unless you want to hold hands."

Sylvester: "That will be fine. Come on. I'm still here. Just retrace your steps."

Hazel: "Coming."
Sylvester: "Ow. Looks like it's a dead end here."

Danielle: "Me too. Eww, another prickly hedge."

Sylvester: "Are we all together?"
Hazel: "I'm here."
Danielle: "Me too."
Sylvester: "Great. Now let's try to find our way out together."

Danielle: "I feel something. There's a wall to my left."

Hazel: "Ow! There's one in front of me."

Hazel: "And I got pricked by a thorn."

Hazel: "Not this way, guys."

Danielle: "You're on my left. That means we're talking about the same stretch."

Hazel: "Shall we follow the wall?"

Sylvester: "Sure."
Danielle: "You're listening for once. Not bad."

Danielle: "The wall looks like it ends here."

"Congratulations. You made it out with time to spare. You've earned all 200 points, making the pot 720/1500 points. Good job. A little too late, but perhaps if enough of you pick the right Mole, you can earn more than the Mole."

1 comment:

  1. I forgot Hazel doesn't know how to Let's just assume she was just holding the wheel but didn't actually drive, and someone from production drove her.


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