Thursday, 18 May 2017

30.20-There will be winners and losers

The final four had to go waterskiing to collect points. Hazel and Danielle waterskiied while Esther and Sylvester led them by boat. 160/200 points were earned, making the pot 520/1300 points. Sylvester earned the last exemption by being the first to reach the crater, so he is safe. Who will be this Mole's last victim? Who will win? And who is the Mole?

Day 38

Hazel: "Ooh my back itches."
Sylvester: "Your move."

Hazel: "I really don't know how to play chess. I wonder what the other two are discussing."

Sylvester: "The game, probably."

Hazel: "We're the only two not in a coalition..."
Sylvester: "It's a bit late for that, don't you think?"

Hazel: "I just wished I made a move earlier. But hey, I'm still here. I can't complain, right?"

Hazel: "Maybe I'll move this here. Who do you think the Mole is?"

Sylvester: "Checkmate."

Hazel: "Oh poop. Looks like I'm not good at chess."

Sylvester: "Did you really think I'd fall for that?"
Hazel: "It was worth a shot."

Danielle: "Everyone looks so suspicious."

Esther: "I think it is time you stop dividing so thinly. We have ample evidence to prove our Mole is guilty."

Danielle: "Yes...but I need to be very sure on this first."

Danielle: "And it's very likely that one of us will have to go home tonight."

Esther: "It really stings the most, doesn't it? I hate to leave."


Sylvester: "Dani, do you think I'm a good listener?"
Danielle: "Do you think I'm a good person?"
Sylvester: "Sure you are."

Danielle: "Don't be so quick to answer. I finished my draft on Joseph's date, and I have nothing good to say. I'm practically bashing him online and everyone who doesn't know him will think he's horrible. I'm essentially jeopardizing his future, and..."

Sylvester: "This shows you have a conscience."

Danielle: "At the end of the day, I don't know why I'm working so hard for those few extra clicks. I'm guilty of yellow journalism. And after hearing about Hazel from Esther, I just feel that relationships are more important. I don't want to ruin my relationship with Joseph, or be public enemy number 1."

Sylvester: "Then don't. Be more honest in your headlines. Don't add too much extra stuff for effect."
Danielle: "It's not that easy. It's me against everyone else."

Sylvester: "Speaking of Joseph, I really think that if I listened more to them, my coalition wouldn't have been reduced to one. Maybe it's something I need to work on. Are you listening to me?"

Sylvester: "Oh, I've done it again, didn't I? Sorry, what were you saying?"

Danielle: "It's not important. Realising your shortcomings is the first step to becoming better."


Esther: "There's some fine wine here."

Esther: "It's the final four. I think this calls for a celebration."

Esther: "I wish everyone best of luck, because one of us goes tonight. But let's not think about that first."

Hazel: "Thanks Esther."

Danielle: "It's such a shame that we have to say goodbye one more time."

Hazel: "I know right. But it's a competition, so there will be winners and losers."

Danielle: "Anyway, cheers everybody. May the Smole forever live on!"
Hazel: "Cheers to having the best time of our life!"
Esther: "To winning."
Sylvester: "To the 30th season of the Smole."

Danielle: "I should have emptied my bladder first."

Danielle: "Could you bring the drink out of my face?"

Sylvester: "I want to apologise if I've been too controlling this season. I'm just naturally like that. But I resolve to be a better listener."

Hazel: "I'm sorry for behaving like a little kid and causing everyone to worry."

Sylvester: "Esther, your turn."
Esther: "You said you want to listen, right? Then I'll help you. Listen to what Dani has to say first."

Danielle: "I'm sorry for disappointing readers through exaggerated or even false stories to get more views."

Sylvester: "Thank you Dani. Esther? Anything to share?"

Esther: "Ugh, fine. I'm sorry for overreacting when you had a date, Dani. I'm sorry for working too hard all the time and forcing you too when you needed a break. I'm sorry for focusing so much on winning the money that I neglected everyone else."
Sylvester: "Well said. Now good luck everybody. I hope to see the best players join me for the finale."

Time for the quiz.

Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female

Q2: What colour is the Mole's hair?
A: Brown
B: Black

Q3: On Day 36, there was an execution. Who was on the Mole's right during the execution?
A: Sylvester Lindon
B: Joseph Phine
C: Hazel Jessicarnation
D: Nobody

Q4: Is the Mole part of the "3" or "0" on the banner?
A: 3
B: 0

Q5: Before Mission 10, what did the Mole wear?
A: Dress
B: Nightgown
C: Shirt/Singlets and pants

Q6: What did the Mole wear during Mission 10?
A: Everyday wear
B: Swimwear

Q7: In Mission 10, what was the Mole's role?
A: Boat driver
B: Waterskiier

Q8: In Mission 10, who was with the Mole?
A: Esther Chance
B: Danielle Florian
C: Hazel Jessicarnation
D: Sylvester Lindon

Q9: Did the Mole's pair reach the beach first or second in Mission 10?
A: 1st
B: 2nd

Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Esther Chance
B: Danielle Florian
C: Hazel Jessicarnation
D: Sylvester Lindon

Danielle: "I'm actually not sure who the Mole's Accomplice, if there is one, is at this point. Clues all point to Hazel, like the abundance of flowers, like in the mirror mission and the dates. And there has always been one in the house. And Hazel's last name is JessiCARNATION. And she's been acting weirdly after Angel left, but she says it's because she misses her. But I got a weird feeling about Sylvester. Can't help feeling he was trying to shake me off in the mission. Unless he was rushing for that exemption, which didn't feel that way."


"It's been 38 days. Soon, it will all be over, and all will be revealed."

 "But first, two of you will join Sylvester in the finale while one must leave. But who?"

"Danielle Florian."
Danielle: "I'm going to close my eyes and hope for the best."

"You are moving on to the finale!"

Esther: "Good for her."
"Esther Chance,"

"Hazel Jessicarnation, one of you will join Danielle and Sylvester while the other one will be the Mole's last victim this season."

"Hazel Jessicarnation."
Hazel: "Oh boy."

"...You have made it to the finale!"

Esther: "I guess that means I'm out. I kind of expected it. I don't need to see my screen. Let me preserve some dignity."

Danielle: "Esther...would have liked it if you were here with me, but I was prepared for this outcome."

Sylvester: "It's such a shame. She was really hardworking and dedicated."

Danielle: "I made it into the finale, woohoo!"

Danielle: "The D is going to win!"
Esther: "Oi!"
Hazel: "I don't get it? Isn't D for Dani?"
Sylvester: "Oh you sweet, innocent little thing, you."

Esther: "It's time to go."
Danielle: "Esther, wait."
Esther: "What?"

Danielle: "I'll win this for us. Have a safe trip back."

Esther: "I will."

Hazel: "Esther, wait!"
Esther: "Great, what now?"
Hazel: "I want to say sorry for any trouble I caused you. I'll miss you."

Esther: "It really hurts the most to be so close yet so far, and when you're vying for that spot with your closest ally. I really can't complain though. I lived the dream. I outlasted so many. I got to drag Hazel on a waterski, I got to go on another interview, I went sightseeing around Zimmaport...and I may have made a new friend out of it as well. Winning the money would still have been nice though."
"Thank you Esther for joining the Smole. We hope to see you soon."

Esther's departure means that the finale is coming up real soon. Who is the Mole?

Danielle Florian?

Hazel Jessicarnation?

Or Sylvester Lindon?


Here's the context: Esther climbed up the stairs, got to the top floor, the lights didn't turn on and she had a moodlet saying there was an uncovered wall or floor tile, which there wasn't. She somehow got stuck on the top floor even though there's nothing to make her stuck. Oh, and she was visible on the top and second floor. So I used moveobjects, and the lights turned back on. Pressed ESC, and she teleported down to the bar. Sent her to fix the stereo and now her leg's twisted...

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