Monday, 15 May 2017

30.19-Boat farts

Previously on the Smole, the contestants could choose whether or not to spend 20 points for a chance at an exemption. Only Danielle didn't, so 20/100 points were earned, making the pot 360/1100 points. Hazel earned the exemption which Joseph badly wanted. Later, it was shown that Joseph was the one who needed it, because he was executed. That means the 40 points from the mission before that were not earned either. Is it too late for the others to catch up? Is the pot as it is because the Mole has an accomplice?


Day 37

Hazel: "It's going so fast. Just 2 days ago we had a mission, the the next day it's execution time. It's really moving by so quickly now that there are only four of us left."

Esther: "This bed is so much better than the one downstairs. I don't want to leave it."

Esther: "You're up early. Reviewing your notes?"

Hazel: "..."

Hazel: "I'm really sorry for any trouble I caused you, Esther."

Esther: "It's your life. I'm not your mother. You can be as self-deprecating and cheapening as you want."

Hazel: "Please don't be like this."

Hazel: "I guess I just wanted some love. I miss my home. I miss my Mommy and Daddy, and I miss Mazda. And I miss Angel too."

Hazel: "I promise not to throw tantrums any more."

Esther: "I guess I can understand what you're feeling. It must be tough being so far from your loved ones for so long."

Hazel: "The best thing I can do right now is to do my best to not disappoint them."
Esther: "Good for you."


"Good morning. Today, your next mission awaits. Grab your swimsuits and go to Port Upotise. Two boats await."


"Two of you will drive a speedboat. The other two will waterski. On each boat is a GPS that will indicate  where the points and an exemption are. The boatmen's job is to lead the skier to these locations to earn points. The exemption will be awarded to whoever reaches it first. You have two hours. There are 200 points in total to collect. Good luck."
Sylvester: "Dani, I'll go with you."

Danielle: "Where did you get those clothes?"
Sylvester: "For some reason I just need to spin around and I magically change attire. I guess some part of me rather gets wet in everyday clothes."

Hazel: "Why did you change?"
Esther: "I'm not the one skiing."

Danielle: "I've never done this before. Take it slowly."
Sylvester: "I can't hear you."

Danielle: "Erm, I just slowly stand up, right?"

Sylvester: "Here we go!"

Danielle: "Oh my god, I can't see!"

Danielle: "I've never tasted so much seawater in my life.

Sylvester: "The navigation system says there are 10 points to be collected if I make you pass this area."

Danielle: "I'm getting the hang of it."

Hazel: "Cool."

Hazel: "I think Joseph would have loved this mission."

Hazel: "Don't make me taste the boat farts!"

Hazel: "I'm struggling to hold on."

Hazel: "Aaahhhh! Yahoooooo!"

Esther: "Let's go this way to be more efficient. Sylvester and Dani are covering that part."

Hazel: "Wai--"

Esther: "Huh? Oh, Hazel."

Esther: "Let's rest a while first."

Hazel: "I'm ready."

Esther: "And that one is covered."
Hazel: "Esther! Turn back! I haven't swerved yet!"

Hazel: "My hands will drop off soon."

Esther: "And then this way for 20 points."

Danielle: "This is actually pretty fun."

Sylvester: "We're going to that big rock over there."

Sylvester: "But first, this crater contains my exemption."

Danielle: "I can't hold on for much longer."

Danielle: "Help me!"

Esther: "And that's more points in the pot."

Hazel: "Omg a rock!"

Hazel: "I nearly faceplanted onto that rock."

Sylvester: "Not much time left. I need to speed up."

Danielle: "AAH!"

Sylvester: "And then we've passed that one. 50 points."

Danielle: "Wait! I need to be properly skiing for it to count!"

Danielle: "Sylvester, stop!"

Sylvester: "Why does it suddenly feel so heavy? Oh, what the heck, Dani. Are you trying to sabotage by dragging us and making it harder to move?"

Sylvester: "Looks like I have to stop."

Danielle: "It's a miracle I managed to keep my sunglasses on."
Sylvester: "The remaining points are further away. We don't have time to reach it. Let's head to land."


Sylvester: "I hope we did well."

Sylvester: "It's so hot. I'm sweating."
Danielle: "Sure it's not the seawater?"


Hazel: "It got into my eye."
"The mission is over. Altogether, you have collected 160/200 points. Sylvester has also nabbed the final exemption of the season. The pot now has 520/1300 points."

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