Previously, the finalists had to put on glasses that they couldn't see through, then find each other in a maze and make it out together within 20 minutes. They succeeded, earning 200/200 points and totalling the pot to 720/1500 points. As the final quiz comes up, there is an important question to ponder on: Who is the Mole? And who will win?
Day 40
Sylvester: "Time to freshen up. I've got a big day today."
Sylvester: "This foam looks am I able to speak with my mouth full of foam?"
Hazel: "I've done whatever I could do prepare already."
Hazel: "I've got all my facts in there. Too much studying and it'll backfire."
Hazel: "Now it's time to let loose."
Danielle: "Sylvester said that my hairstyle that night looked nice. I could go with that. And maybe a different pair of earrings. Now, what to wear for the occasion?"
Hazel: "Good luck everyone. And whatever happens, I hope that we can still keep in touch and remain friends."
Sylvester: "Of course."
Danielle: "Definitely."
Time for the final quiz. If you haven't realised it yet, "Mole" in the quiz can refer to either the Mole or the Mole's Accomplice, whichever is currently present.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: What is the Mole's favourite colour?
A: Purple
B: Pink
C: Grey
Q3: How old is the Mole?
A: 20
A: 20
B: 29
Q4: What does the Mole work as?
A: E-journalist
B: Entrepreneur
C: Unemployed
Q5: In Mission 1, who was with the Mole at first?
A: Esther Chance
B: Ethan Blackwell
Danielle: "My intuition is kind of conflicting with every piece of evidence so far. Let me sort out my thoughts. Okay, Hazel Jessicarnation. She's young, sweet, innocent and naive. Perfect cover-up. I think she's the Mole's Accomplice--hopefully there is one--because of her sudden change in behaviour after the original Mole was executed. She started sabotaging more and became more suspicious, which fits in line with her personality to me, because she's not that cunning in real life, so she'll just go: I'm the Mole's Accomplice, time to sabotage. Whee!
Anyway, as for Sylvester Lindon, he is becoming more and more behind-the-scenes. I feel he's grown quieter, and he claims it's because he's trying to be listen more rather than control. Throughout this season, he's got a lot of control and many times, things didn't go so well under his leadership. Yet the blame is hardly ever on him. But that was from the very start. So unless he was using Angel as an excuse and has been the Mole all along, I have to go with Hazel."
Q6: In Mission 2, who was the Mole's first picture with?
A: With Rachel Addams
B: With Jake Huez, Damien Stewart, Joseph Phine, Brett Malta, Ethan Blackwell and Sebastian Aalend
C: Nobody
Q7: In Mission 3, who did the Mole call?
A: Esther Chance
B: The Mole was a bugger
Q8: In Mission 4, where was the Mole initially?
A: School
B: Graveyard
C: City Hall
Q9: In Mission 5, where was the Mole predominantly?
A: On Little Island
B: On a boat
C: In a car
Q10: After Mission 6, who was standing adjacent to the Mole?
A: Michelle Brack and Sebastian Aalend
B: Angel Stewart and Danielle Florian
C: Sylvester Lindon and Esther Chance
Hazel: "So far, spreading and playing it safe has gotten me really far, like all the way to the finale. I'm content as it is already. And since spreading has helped so far, I'm going to continue with it. But if I can't...well, I'm not picking Sylvester Lindon. He knew Angel was the Mole. I'm sure she is. So the accomplice can't be him. I don't think he's done anything suspicious in my book. He's always been trying to help everyone to earn points from the start. Among the three of us he's least likely to be the Mole's Accomplice.
That means I'm suspecting Danielle Florian. She doesn't mind shady dealings once in a while. She has messed up big time before, maybe even too obviously so we would think she's not it. Like who can forget that mission in the maze with the mirrors? And she decided to stay put and let others find her in the other maze mission. And Esther left. If Sylvester's not it and neither am I, then that just leaves Dani. I got you, heehee."
Q11: In Mission 7, how long did the Mole take?
A: 16 minutes
B: 22 minutes
C: 42 minutes
Q12: In Mission 8, did the Mole claim he/she was the Mole?
A: Yes
B: The Mole was a lie detector
Q13: Which question was the Mole asked in Mission 9?
A: Are you a good listener?
B: Tell me about a time you sabotaged.
C: The Mole was not asked a question
Q14: In Mission 11, which car did the Mole drive?
A: Blue
B: Green
C: Yellow
Q15: Who is the Mole (or Mole's Accomplice)?
A: Danielle Florian
B: Hazel Jessicarnation
C: Sylvester Lindon
Sylvester: "This is it. The moment I've been waiting for. I can say that the Mole's Accomplice is Danielle Florian. Why? She has sabotaged a lot. I've been onto her for a while. For example, she took a very long time in the relay mission and took out 2 rocks if I'm not mistaken. She was the main cause of our failure in the mirror mission. And then when the Mole was ousted, she suddenly died down for a while, as if to avoid being detected. She tried to pretend to be the Mole in the lie detector mission, which could just be a double bluff. And in the waterski mission, she tried to slow me down by dragging herself across the water and taking a few moments to rest.
I considered Hazel Jessicarnation too, but I don't think she's it. Picking her would almost seem too obvious. And looking further, any sabotage of hers can be traced to a desire for an exemption, which a normal contestant wants but not the Mole. Furthermore, Sebastian was executed because he went all out on Hazel. I can't let him be executed in vain by picking the very one that caused his execution."
Welcome to the finale of the Smole, Season 30! It's time for our 14 15 contestants to reunite.
"Let us welcome the first to be executed, David Hancock!"
David: "I relieved myself so hopefully there won't be any accidents."
"Next in line is Brett Malta!"
Brett: "I'm expecting a perfect pot and perfect finale. If not, I'm leaving."
"The third to be executed, Ethan Blackwell!"
Ethan: "Hello again."
"Looks like our triple double executees and sole quitter this season has arrived! Welcome Jake Huez, Rachel Addams and Damien Stewart!"
"Looks like London Yorkshire is here!"
London: "Peace..."
Brett: "This is taking too long, and it's dismal so far. Bye."
Ethan: "Well, he's a sore loser."
"Let us welcome our very special guest: Elaine Moseby!"
Elaine: "Huh? Why are there cameras on me?"
"Just kidding. She's not invited."
Elaine: "I have no idea what's going on."
"The sole returning player who PKed successfully but didn't last long, put your hands together for Michelle Brack!"
Michelle: "Do I get a third chance?"
"Ladies and gentlemen, let us welcome Angel Stewart!"
Angel: "Bless you all."
"Another ex-contestant has returned!"
Randall: "What? No I'm not. Is this the Smole? If I'm not winning I'm not staying."
"Let us welcome Sebastian Aalend!"
Sebastian: "I am not late, right? I am never late. Others are merely early."
"Fifth in place is Joseph Phine!"
Joseph: "So close yet so far."
"Last but not least, give a warm round of applause to Esther Chance!"
Esther: "I still feel sore about not winning."
"Glad to see everyone...almost everyone here."
"The final three are waiting behind you on the top deck of the party boat."
Hazel: "Hello!"
"First, let's hear some of your experiences on the Smole."
Sebastian: "Fine. I hope Sylvester wins."
Joseph; "It was really great. I had so many fun missions and got to even go on my very first date."
Ethan: "Ew. TMI, Joseph. I would have liked to enjoy more missions."
Jake: "I took special leave of absence to fly here. I was quite sad about missing out on the fun but I had stuff to do. And now I've settled it. My father has finally gone home."
Damien: "I just want to know who the Mole is. I deserve to have lasted longer."
Angel: "It's retribution, Damien."
London: "I really wanna know who the Mole is. My money is on Sylvester."
David: "As the first to leave, I feel so left out. But I don't think I would have gone very far anyway. And I think Sylvester could be the Mole and Hazel could win. I'm usually not wrong on this."
"Okay, who crashed a boat right into the bigger boat? While we settle that, let us reveal the runner-up of the Smole, Season 30."
They're all going down...
Elaine: "Michelle?"
Michelle: "Oh hi Elaine. I'm on another season of the Smole."
Elaine: "Oh...brings back memories...bad ones."
"The runner-up..."
"...of the Smole, Season 30..."
" none other than..."
Rachel: "I wonder who it is..."
Damien: "I hope that Sylvester's the runner-up. Never liked that guy. He doesn't deserve money."
Esther: "It better be Sylvester."
David: "Must resist urge..."
"A round of applause for Danielle Florian!"
David: "Oh, wow, she's dear. I think I...wet my pants."
Rachel: "T.M.I. Understand what that means, David?"
Jake: "I think the Mole is Hazel. What about you guys?"
Michelle: "I think it's Sylvester. I still find it very fishy that he was so confient that the Mole was dear Angel here."
Esther: "Oh my goodness, that means..."
Joseph: "I knew it! Sylvester is the Mole! I knew it all along!"
Esther: "It could be possible that Sylvester also put Hazel down and has been for longer."
Danielle: "Ahem. I should be the focus right now, not the Mole. Give me my two minutes of fame, will you? Now, I'm disappointed that I didn't win and I know Esther must be too. Sorry. I'm looking on the bright side though. It could have been a close match. And I lasted the entire journey, got to meet so many wonderful people, go on two dates, survived a fire and a burned journal...what more could I ask for? I'll never find this kind of excitement anywhere else. So I'm glad to have joined."
"Thank you Danielle."
"I know all of you are anxious to unmask the Mole. So it's time to grant you your wishes. The Mole is..."
Hazel: "I am not the Mole."
Sylvester: "I am not the Mole."
Joseph: "Hmm? I'm confused."
"That means the Mole is amongst you and was successfully ousted. So, who is the Mole?"
"Is it popular choice Angel Stewart?"
"Or is it her son Damien Stewart?"
"Maybe the Mole is the suspicious Ethan Blackwell."
"Or could it be Jake Huez, the one who quit?"
Jake: "Shh. Don't give it away."
"Who is the Mole?"
Angel: "I am Angel Stewart. I am the Mole."
Sebastian: "I knew it."
David: "I don't think I ever thought an old woman was capable of being the Mole."
Damien: "No way! Ma?"
Damien: "It's you? I trusted you! You were the only one I didn't suspect for a moment."
Damien: "I should be mad, but if there's one person I'm letting fool me, it's Angel Stewart. She's got all the makings of a criminal plus the experience."
"Angel, at the point of your execution, there was 330/900 points in the pot. Which means to say that you earned 570 points, or 570,000 Simoleons. However, for every time your name was put down as the answer to the last question on the quizzes, 1 point will be transferred to the winner. Thanks to Sylvester (and Danielle), you were suspected a total of 22 times. Which means to say that the winner earns an additional 22,000 Simoleons, while your final earnings are 548,000 Simoleons."
Angel: "I was really surprised that all of you managed to catch on, and that Sylvester managed to persuade nearly everyone to pick me. And when it failed, I thought that I would have a safe pass to the final 5 since it would 'prove' my innocence. And I was so close to safety, too! I thought nobody would suspect me. When I was executed, I was shocked but then I realised what happened, so I quickly composed myself and made myself seem like a really hardworking, fanatic player who really wanted to win. I would have gotten away with all this if it weren't for those meddling kids.""
Ethan: "I caught on really early. But I was executed just as I was starting to suspect you. The little things during the execution ceremony pointed to you as being guilty."
Angel: "Ah, I see my acting skills have gone a little rusty. Honestly, I wasn't keen on being the Mole but I thought that it would also be interesting. I tried to be clean and good but I was forced to reuse old tricks from the past in order to play my role well. But good job, everyone."
Hazel: "Hey...oh, looks like I came too early."
"Thank you Angel. Let us now welcome our other two finalists: the winner and the Mole's Accomplice.."
"Who is the winner? Who is the Mole's Accomplice? The Mole's Accomplice had been randomly chosen, and only the Mole knows his or her true identity. And perhaps, the other two finalists."
"Let us now watch a short video."
???: "So you're the Mole."
Angel: "Indeed I am. I'm not proud of it, but it's my job. I managed to keep the pot quite empty."
???: "How did you do it? I'm curious to learn and know."
Angel: "You're in for a feast. Right from the first mission I started doing small things. Like stalling for time."
Damien: "We managed to find Lisette Mack's old home. Unfortunately she doesn't live there any more. Then we got stuck in her mom's rant. My mom Angel tried to help so we ended up sticking for more than we wanted to. At least I managed to get that keychain by the door without them looking. It could sell for a bit."
Angel: "In the second mission too I stalled. Which is why I only took one photo. I blamed it on my age and everybody seemed to believe it. I also tried to make myself look good by telling Ethan and Brett to give up on the idea of gathering everyone for one photo, because that would waste a lot of time that could've been used to take more photos and earn more points. In reality, I just wanted to forfeit those points."
Angel: "There is no way we can organise everybody here. We should just give this one up so that we have time to find the other locations."
Angel: "I'm just going to spend the rest of the day relaxing. I think I'll go grab a quick bite. I know that nobody's supposed to be here."
Angel: "In the next mission I tried to be subtle with my sabotages. I couldn't just be super vague since I was the first, but I didn't really tell Sebastian everything. I talk slightly slower than most so I just talked at normal pace too to allow whoever was eavesdropping more time to find the points."
Angel: "I know where the points are: on the rooftop garden, hiding inside a tomato plant. I know somebody has to be eavesdropping on my conversation with Sebastian, so I could not reveal it so early. I decided to drop clues instead."
Angel: "Sebastian. The points are in the rooftop garden in a plant."
Angel: "After that, in the next mission, I hid myself by going to the balcony on the back of the gym. Everybody is technically supposed to be near the entrance to make for easy finding but not me. I heard Hazel failed to find me. If Joseph didn't come from the back I could have taken more points out, but he did, so I had to ride really slowly to the graveyard to lose time."
Angel: "I'm an old lady. I can't ride very fast. This dress doesn't help either. Why couldn't it be a car?"
Angel: "I was going to sabotage hard in the mission that followed. I wanted the yellow car. I pulled out the radio system there, which production had to later go and fix after the mission. This was to make sure we couldn't hear anything."
Angel: "I tried to distract her too and have her travel really far away. When Esther found the radio wasn't working, we decided to walk. Of course, we couldn't hear anything. Then I let Esther do her own thing, since she wasn't going anywhere."
Angel: "It was all for naught though, since the others chose the exemption instead."
Esther: "The radio's not working. Angel, did you do anything?"
Angel: "I'm no expert on cars. I don't know what to do to break the sound system, if that's what you're implying. I'd probably cause the whole car to break down."
???: "And Esther didn't suspect a thing?"
Angel: "Oh, I'm sure she did. And she may have told Dani about it. But she's not going to announce to the whole world that I'm the Mole. She wants to win, and that won't help her game."
Angel: "For the next mission, I wanted to be moving the mirrors but I knew it would be hard to get the others to let me do it. So eventually the four maze runners decided that I would go first, naturally. They were suspicious of me and even if they weren't, they felt that me being first was the best position for the mission. So I went straight in without bothering about whether the others were ready. And I left the maze without a single bag of points. And I could blame it on them."
Angel: "Thanks for leaving me alone in this room, guys. I can speak freely now. Everything is going as planned. I went in and they were completely unprepared. I caused chaos and confusion and set the tone for the rest of the mission. I bet that they must be scrambling now. I don't know about them, but I doubt they can think straight while under pressure."
Angel: "Then came another mission. I was put last because I would carry the lightest load. There was still a lot of time left, so what did I do? I made a detour to get out of sight. Then I took out a rock. I couldn't have taken everything out even though I wanted to."
Angel: "Okay, no need to run. Just...take it slowly...breathe in...breathe out..."
Angel: "I don't want to die. I need to get rid of a rock."

???: "What about me? I helped you to sabotage too."
Angel: "You put me down as the Mole in the quiz. You betrayed me."

???: "You betrayed yourself. You didn't cover your tracks properly. I expected better from you."
Angel: "Hmm, I do suppose there were clues that pointed to me."
Angel: "In the second mission, one of the requirements for the photos was to have someone whose last name shares at least a letter with the name Lisette. It was quite a redundant and roundabout way of saying anybody can be there. Why Lisette? Well, if anyone watched Season 26, they would know that Lisette's father is Stewart Mack. If they visited the Macks in the first mission, they would know too. But Jake and Damien were with me when they talked to Stewart Mack. And where are they both now? Anyway, notice how Stewart's first name is my last? Yup, the Mole is a Stewart."
Sylvester: "3 people whose last name contains any letter in 'Lisette'...I'm one. Who else? Angel and Damien...yup. Esther Chance...isn't it everyone? So I just need any three."
Angel: "In Episode 4, there were 3 medical journals. David had been executed by this point, so it can't be a clue to him. Rather, it's a clue to the doctor, Stewart Mack. And there are 3 journals, indicating there are 3 steps to this clue: the first is to recognising that this clue refers to a doctor. The second step is knowing that Stewart Mack is a doctor. The third is realising that Stewart's my last name."
London: "3 medical journals inside here...are these David's? But why are they identical? Maybe I should take one and read."
"In the fifth mission, we had to be at the lighthouse to earn points. I don't think anybody realised that I was the only one to be at the lighthouse in the second mission, thus the location was a clue to me."
Angel: "In the sixth mission, there were white flowers. And look, I'm decked out in white."
Sebastian: "Random flower arrangement..."

Angel: "In the next mission, we had to go to Port Escape. If you hadn't realised, Port Escape is a getaway port for criminals. And let's just say I have a record. It can't be Damien since he's long gone by then. So yes, there have been clues that could have given me away, but I don't think anybody knows. Or maybe they do. I don't care."
???: "Impressive, but unfortunately your time is up."

Angel: "What do you mean? Hey, what are you doing?"

Angel: "What do you mean? Hey, what are you doing?"

???: "Thanks for laying the groundwork for me, but it's time for me to take over."

Sylvester: "Your identity has been exposed. I'm only doing my job."

Angel: "You missed!"
Sylvester: "Oh?"

Sylvester: "Your identity has been exposed. I'm only doing my job."

Angel: "You missed!"
Sylvester: "Oh?"

Angel: "I should never have trusted you!"
Sylvester: "Too bad, Mole. Goodbye."
Angel: "They'll...find out..."
Sylvester: "Unlike you, I'm not going to make myself so obvious."

Sylvester: "I am Sylvester Lindon. I am not the Mole, but I am the Mole's Accomplice."
Angel: "They'll...find out..."
Sylvester: "Unlike you, I'm not going to make myself so obvious."
Sylvester: "Ugh, that disgusting body. Anyway, where was I?"

Sylvester: "I am Sylvester Lindon. I am not the Mole, but I am the Mole's Accomplice."
Sebastian: "It's you!"
Joseph: "I knew it. I was right to suspect you. You were trying so hard to drive us in one direction and essentially kill us off."
Esther: "I can't believe it. Two options and I chose the wrong one."
Ethan: "I didn't last that far so I don't know how to react."
Jake: "Looks like Sylvester did a good job."
Damien: "No, I think that everyone in front sucks. I should be there. I would've won. I always found that guy suspicious."
Sylvester: "I'd like to clarify something. First, this was specially shot before the finale. Secondly, I didn't know I was going to be the accomplice until after I got rid of Angel. I really wanted to execute the Mole, and when I did, I believed that I could do it again, except until I found out I was taking over her duties."
Hazel: "I don't understand. Angel is still alive."
Sylvester: "It's staged."
Hazel: "Oh..."
"Sylvester, any words to add?"
Sylvester: "Well, I wanted to win by my own merit and not cruise through as the Mole's Accomplice, but since this is the way it is, so be it. When I learned that I was the Accomplice, I knew I had to act normally so as not to give myself away. I tried sabotaging a bit more but without being too obvious. But I'm still in the finale, and I rightly pointed out that Angel was the Mole, so I'm happy."
Danielle: "Esther and I didn't really pin you down as the Mole's Accomplice. I was suspicious but I thought it had to be Hazel."
Hazel: "You thought it was me? I thought it was you!"
Joseph: "Was I the only one who suspected Sylvester? I should be sitting there. But I guess I can't complain. If Sylvester didn't put everyone on Angel's tracks and execute her, I would have been dead long ago. I believed he was the Mole, not the accomplice."
"Let us hear it from the winner."
Hazel: "I am really disappointed with myself. Nobody in the final four actually suspected the only guy. He just didn't feel suspicious. I was fooled. I guess that means I don't win any money. I didn't come here for that though. I'm content leaving as the winner. I'm not going empty-handed anyway. I have the Smole to look back on, and all of you."
"Well said, Hazel. You could have earned 720 points, and an extra 22 points from those who suspected Angel. From the time Sylvester took the reins, he was put down as the Mole's Accomplice a grand total of...twice. Both by Joseph. That means, Hazel, you could have earned 744/1500 points, or 744,000 Simoleons. Unfortunately, since you have failed to identify Sylvester as the Mole in the last quiz, you don't walk home with any money."
"Angel keeps those 22 points, so she earns 570,000 Simoleons. As for Sylvester, you earned 210,000 out of 600,000 Simoleons from your time as the accomplice as well as the 720,000 Simoleons from the group pot, making your earnings 930,000 Simoleons. You are the big winner tonight, Sylvester."
"Now, let us visit the clues that point to our beloved Mole's Accomplice."
Sylvester: "You may have caught me, you may have not. But for the sake of those still in the dark, let's shine some light on them, shall we?"
"Okay. The first clue to me is in the eighth mission. Wondered why the lies are as such? That's because they are connected by a common thread. Hazel said a lot of things and most of them was fluff, but there was one thing she mentioned: Looney Tunes. On the show, there happens to be a yellow bird called Tweety and a cat named...Sylvester."
Hazel: "Cotton candy. And chocolate, did I mention it already? I also got to watch an episode of a Looney Tunes they were airing. Screening was in the tent on the left. Anyway, I took a lot of rides and even won the apple bobbing contest! I was so proud. I stayed until they closed."
Sebastian: "Are you lying?"
Sylvester: "Joseph claimed to visit London. London's no longer around, so the cloest thing that sounds like London is Lindon, which is my surname. As for Ms. Florian's lie, she said she met Zoe Lin and Donovan Lee. In Season 21, Donovan went by Don. So, a Lin and a Don...Lindon?"
Joseph: "Well, I got to visit London. Like, the place. It was quite nice. I got to see those red buses. But the people were pretty selfish. Asked for directions and they just ignored me."
Danielle: "Erm, where do I begin? Yesterday, I got to go to a fashion show. They had stunning clothes, though very impractical to wear. I also managed to snag some backstage passes so I got to meet Zoe Lin, the model, and Donovan Lee."
Sylvester: "Time for the second clue. In Mission 9, the interview room was called the Blue Room. There's a bedroom in the house that was referred to as the Blue Room in one of the quizzes. I sleep in that room. The Mole's Accomplice sleeps in the blue room."
"Thank you for applying for the exemption. Only one of you will get it, however. You will be called one by one into the Blue Room where an interview will be conducted. Until you have been called, please wait here."
"The last clue is also in that mission. The waiting room had 3 wolves. 3 steps to think of before you arrive at me...or 2, if you're smart. There is something called an alpha wolf. Remember alpha? From Mission 4? There was a letter with the alpha symbol that mission that was referring to me. I'm the alpha. I'm the Mole's Accomplice."
Esther: "Cute cat pictures aren't really helping right now."
Finally, the military base. Sebastian was here, but he was supposed to be the one returning home. Instead, Sylvester needed to be here. This letter reads 'α', which is the symbol for alpha."
Sylvester: "So, did you catch me?"
Esther: "No, I did not. I can't believe I only focused on the cat pictures and failed to see the wolves."
Joseph: "I thought it was strange that there were so many animal pictures in front of us, like they were red herrings to something but I didn't think much of it."
Sebastian: "You sneaky rat. You sent me to my own doom. I should not have trusted you."
"Thank you everyone for celebrating our 30th season with us. Contestants, you may now head over to Ferry Cruise for the after-party."
Angel: "I hope I can finally move on from my evilness and bad past."
London: "Ooh, balloons. I should take a picture of that too."
Jake: "I should head home early. I still have school."
Rachel: "Man, you need to live a little. I'm only leaving because I get seasick easily."
David: "I need to go clean myself up. Don't want to embarrass myself more than I already have."
Sylvester: "Excuse me miss. I'd like to buy a round of drinks."
Sylvester: "Put it on my tab."
Kesha: "Coming right up."
Yes, her name is Kesha. Kesha Sterling. The game created her.
Hazel: "Woo! It's okay to let loose every once in a while."
Hazel: "Such a lovely view outside too."
Damien: "Ma, you can't see very well."
Angel: "Be quiet. You made me miss."
Damien: "Just go home, Ma."
Angel: "I will when I want to. I should try and make amends and improve my image first."
Danielle: "I need to catch up on the latest gossip. I wonder what they've posted without me?"
Kesha: "Here you go."
Michelle: "Hey Sylvester. So, you're the Mole's Accomplice. Who would've guessed. I wouldn't."
Michelle: "If I had listened and actually put down Angel, I probably would have stayed long enough to catch you in the act."
Sylvester: "Maybe. But here's a little drink on me."
Michelle: "You know, with your charisma and eloquence, you should really consider running for mayor. I'd give you my vote and that's saying something."
Sebastian: "So crass, yet so liberating."
Sebastian: "Nudity is an art!"
Sebastian: "Come and join me, Joseph."
Joseph: "Oh, what the heck."
Joseph: "Hopefully nobody's watching."
Joseph: "Watch out."
Joseph: "Here I come!"
Sebastian: "We have both lost because we had a traitor in our midst."
Joseph: "It's over, Sebastian. Let's just have fun now."
Esther: "Oh, is this an aquarium?"
Esther: "Wait, that's..."
Esther: "Disgusting."
Esther: "One is so bushy and the other is curved...I feel so disgusting thinking about it. I'm going down."
Sebastian: "Let's have a contest."
Joseph: "How about holding our breaths?"
Joseph: "Don't interlock your legs with mine just so that you can stay down. If you run out of air you can actually die."
Sebastian: How can he speak underwater?
Sebastian: "Oh mon dieu..."
Sebastian: "I cannot hold it in for much longer."
Joseph: "Woohoo! I won!"
Danielle: "It's funny how both of us made it into the finale thinking it was each other when it was Sylvester all along."
Hazel: "I know right. Silly us. But we're lucky ladies for making it to the finale without a clue."
Danielle: "Let's dance to that."
Sylvester: "Hi Esther. Here's an 'I'm sorry I'm the Accomplice' drink."
Esther: "Is it poisoned?"
Sylvester: "You'll find out."
Esther: "Mm, not bad. But quite inferior compared to the wine I made for you in the final four."
Sylvester: "Let's have a little chat. I don't think we got to know each other very well."
Esther: "Yes, let's start afresh."
Michelle: "Oh, hi there."
Michelle: "Are you two ever considering to move to Zimmaport?"
Michelle: "Or know someone from Zimmaport? Because an election is coming up soon..."
Sylvester: "Why not ask Jake? Aren't his parents here?"
Michelle: "He left for the airport already."
Esther: "Seriously, Michelle. Bring your politicking elsewhere."
Thank you for being with us, whether you were here since the very first season or joined in halfway. We at the Smole could never have made it this far without you. We hoped you enjoyed all 30 seasons of the Smole.
If you're wondering how the scores are tabluated...
If you're wondering how the scores are tabluated...
1st 7 quizzes: 15%
8th: 15%
9th: 20%
10th: 20%
11th: 30%
Danielle: 35.2%
Hazel: 48.9%

Randall: "Unless you want to be my dartboard, I suggest you get out of the way."
Jacob: "He's just jealous of our love."
8th: 15%
9th: 20%
10th: 20%
11th: 30%
Danielle: 35.2%
Hazel: 48.9%

Randall: "Unless you want to be my dartboard, I suggest you get out of the way."
Jacob: "He's just jealous of our love."
- Red means executed, black means not in game, green means exempt, blue means quit, grey means player is the Mole or Mole's Accomplice, underlined means player scored the lowest
- Sylv refers to Sylvester, Seb to Sebastian and Dani to Danielle
- Michelle would have been executed on Quiz 5 when she just joined if not for the exemption
- Among the final 6, Joseph was the only one who suspected the correct Mole's Accomplice, beacuse he believed Sylvester was the Mole the entire time. However, he was executed as 5th because of a tie.
- For quite a while Jake and Sebastian suspected each other.
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