Last time on the Smole, Maurice, Elise and Venis had to stop the others from escaping their cell and the prison maze for 90 minutes. Dotty and Seth escaped, taking 50 points with them, but the policemen made up for it by earning 30 bonus points, thus resulting in 100/120 points for the mission or 141/220 points for the pot. Dotty and Seth will be safe, meaning they will automatically not be the critical contestant. Who will be the critical contestant and will that contestant survive?
Maurice: "I'm surprised the rainbow task was wrong. It's the easiest to do. I didn't check as I saw colours so I assumed it was completed. We had 6 eyes looking around. How did the Mole slip past us? Silver really the Mole? He said he did that task."
Venis: "I've never been to this part of the castle before."
Venis: "Where does this stairwell lead?"
Venis: " this place? It looks like a medieval dungeon."
Venis: "This is creepy. Why does the princess have this buried beneath her castle?"
Elise: "Father, Mother, what should I do?"
Deborah: "Oh, pardon me Princess Elise. Thinking about your parents?"
Elise: "No. I was...seeking advice."
Deborah: "There's no need to put on a brave front. I understand how miserable you must feel. It's okay to cry."
Elise: "I haven't cried since I was a child. My father said leaders must be strong in the face of adversity. If I cry, I'll unleash Eunda and reignite Sole's wrath."
Deborah: "I think that's just a children's story the King told you to dry your tears."
Elise: "It's one of the last things he told me. It serves as a reminder, like this necklace. If only I remember what happened to him."
Deborah: "You don't remember?"
Elise: "No. Everything becomes a blur when I try to recall. Since you're here. Do you think you could help me with a dilemma? My heart tells me to do something, but my head warns me against it."
Deborah: "A good leader must use her head, but as a mother I hope you won't ignore the matters of your heart."
Deborah: "If only my youngest daughter was more like you."
Elise: "I'm sure you have a lovely daughter."
Deborah: "She's so rebellious. It pains me to see her like that. It seems that my family is falling apart."
Elise: "Stay strong, Deborah. I believe that you can make things work."
Deborah: "I plan on it. But thank you for your encouragement nonetheless, Princess Elise, and forgive me if I was rude to you before."
Elise: "All is forgiven. And thank you for your advice. You are like a mother to me."
Deborah: "Do you really not remember what happened to your father?"
Elise: "I really don't. Do you happen to know? Something like this should be reported in the news but my servants don't want to tell me."
Deborah: "Do you really want to know?"
Elise: "I do. At least I get some closure."
Deborah: "Brace yourself...he died in an accident. It made waves, especially because it was because of the explosion that everyone realised there was an underground science facility under the old castle."
Elise: "Explosion?"
Elise: "Venis?"
Elise: "Venis, where are you going?"
Elise: "Venis, wait!"
Venis: "Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation. I'll give you space."
Elise: "I...I remember now. He...he told me to go..."
Elise: "No, stay strong. Father told me not to cry."
Elise: "No, don't cry. Don't...Turn it into something else. Turn it into anger..."
Venis: "Are you okay?"
Venis: "What the..."
Elise: "Did that...did I...did I do that?"
Venis: "You're the trigger? Not Maurice? But that doesn't make sense with what I was told..."
Sabrina: "Archibald, what are you doing here?"
Archibald: "I was praying to Sole."
Archibald: "It is blasphemous that they turn such a sacred room into a plaything for a show."
Sabrina: "I really don't get why any of you believe in all of this bullshit."
Archibald: "What did you just say?!"
Sabrina: "There is no god."
Archibald: "How DARE you! Sole is here to protect us from Eunda. Repent at once!"
Sabrina: "You've got to be kidding me, right? I know you made it your whole identity but none of this is real. Sole isn't real. Eunda isn't real. The whole religion is a sham."
Archibald: "A sham? A SHAM?"
Archibald: "I should have known better than to try and speak reason to someone who worships Eunda."
Sabrina: "I just told you I don't believe in her."
Archibald: "Then why are you wearing her colours? Why are you wearing blue teardrop earrings?"
Sabrina: "There's just no getting through to you. You know what, believe what you want. I don't care."
Archibald: "It's no wonder your family has become what it is today. It is not your father's fault. It is yours."
Sabrina: "Rubbish! We lost everything we had because he was a spineless old fart."
Archibald: "Insolence!"
Archibald: "Have you slept on the streets? Have you gone a day without eating or needing to beg for food? You keep whining about your life because you can't see past yourself and how good you have it."
Archibald: "Lord Regis worked hard to maintain the legacy and keep you alive. The problem is with you. Look at Princess Elise."
Sabrina: "Yes, Elise is so great. She's almighty. Stop licking her boots. She's not even here to see it."
Archibald: "I shall not argue with you in front of Sole. You are a disgrace to the Regises."
Sabrina: "I won't be stuck subordinate to Elise. One day I'll be the one to rule Soleunda and then you'll come to regret talking to me that way."
Dolly: "I'm suddenly really craving Cole's apple pie. If only he stuck around for a little while longer."
Maurice: "You need to stop being so mopey all the time, pal."
Maurice: "Maybe you should get a girlfriend. Maybe I can introduce you to some Sims I know. What's your type?"
Seth: "I'm not interested."
Maurice: "How about Dotty? She's pretty and nice."
Dotty: "Are you talking about me?"
Seth: "No, not at all."
Dotty: "Okie. I'm just passing through."
Seth: "That was so embarrassing."
Maurice: "So what do you think? If you like her I can maybe help you out. All you need is a little more courage and self-confidence."
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the identity of the Mole. Through the quiz, contestants will try to expose the Mole, but the Mole will throw a scapegoat to the wolves.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: What is the Mole's favourite colour?
A: Red
B: Blue
C: Sea Foam
D: Pink
E: Aqua
Q3: Where does the Mole sleep?
A: The Princess's chambers
B: The attic
C: The guest room
D: In a sleeping bag near the guard post
Q4: Is the Mole good?
A: Yes
B: No
Q5: In Mission 3, what was the Mole's role?
A: Police
B: Thief
Q6: In Mission 3, which bed did the Mole lie on?
A: Single bed
B: Bunk bed
C: Neither
Q7: How many times was the Mole caught in Mission 3?
A: 0
B: 2
C: 4
D: 5
E: The Mole was a warden
Q8: Did the Mole take part in the VR task in Mission 3?
A: Yes
B: No
Q9: How many points did the Mole have at the start of Mission 3?
A: 0
B: 10
C: 20
D: 30
E: 50
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Deborah Rizona
B: Venis Gallahad
C: Sabrina Regis
D: Dotty McLottie
E: Archibald Solrene Bishop
F: Elise The Third
G: Maurice Wentworth
H: Seth Azpect
There are two critical contestants this time, so the slowest one will be take the role first.
Venis: "Maurice is the fastest out of all of us but somehow he wasn't fast enough to stop Seth or Dotty from escaping. In fact, I barely saw him during the whole of that mission."
Seth: "Deborah was very irritable in the cell. She seemed very impatient to get out. It's worth noting that the earlier we got out of our cell, the more time we had to escape."
Deborah: "I am surprised by Seth and Sabrina. In particular, Sabrina had the most points to lose and she didn't even hesitate to try and escape. Even though she failed to escape in the end, it's the process that matters more than the outcome."
Maurice: "Elise told me she really struggled with a lot of the tasks. How hard can playing kicky-bag or identifying cities or pushups or even sitting down for one minute be?"
Venis: "I'm the last one left. I don't have a good feeling about this."
"Venis, you are unfortunately the next to be executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Venis: "I didn't see this coming. I was certain I had the Mole. The good thing is that I have the answers I need. I can tell Blaze the news immediately so that we can take steps to protect this timeline and ours."
Venis has been executed and will be returning to the future. Was he wrong about his Mole? If so, who is the Mole then?
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