In the previous episode, the contestants were split into judges and songwriters. The judges, Dotty, Maurice and Cole, were unaware that the others rewrote Lady Gaga songs incorrectly to try and earn 2 bonus points per line. The songwriters were unaware that the other three were the judges who could get an exemption and a penalty for each original line mis-identified. In the end, Sabrina and Venis's song fetched -2 points, Elise and Deborah's fetched -1 point and Archibald and Seth's fetched 13 points, leading to 10 bonus points in the pot which is now at 41/100 points. As only majority of the lines were identified for one song, the judges don't get an exemption. As they enjoy the rest of their day, tensions run high and suspicions loom. Which one of them sabotaged? Which one is the Mole?
Dotty: "Maurice was way too trigger-happy with finding errors. He must have known that we could take points away and even bring about penalties. That's why we performed so badly."
Elise: "I find it unfathomable that Sabrina and Venis took the route of high risk, high reward, and rewrote that many lines. Especially Sabrina. And they rewrote the chorus, which is the part of the song everyone remembers most clearly. The chorus was repeated so many times, giving the judges so many opportunities to find mistakes."
Archibald: "I think everyone had a part to play for the massive failure of the mission. Deborah and Elise only changed four lines. That's too little. If Dotty or Maurice or Cole had found one more line, that would cost the whole song and give them an exemption. Even though my pair performed the best, Seth hardly contributed."
Elise: "It's good that you're coming back to perform for the solstice festival."
Bianca: "Of course, Princess Elise. This is where we got our start. I got to live my dream and Monica got to shed her past."
Elise: "May I see a glimpse of your performance during the festival?"
Monica: "Your wish is our command, Princess Elise."
Deborah: "She did so horribly and she's not the least bit concerned!"
Sabrina: "She is the princess after all. One can't just drop all their duties for a game. But yes, this shows how irresponsible she is to not be able to strike a balance."
Deborah: "Irresponsible, yes. Just like my husband."
Sabrina: "You're finally talking about him."
Deborah: "20 years. 20 years of marriage, and he killed it at the drop of a hat!"
Sabrina: "My sympathies."
Deborah: "NO! I don't need your pity!"
Sabrina: "Sorry, that's not what I meant to insinuate."
Sabrina: "I just meant that I understand how you feel."
Deborah: "No you don't. You don't know how much of a HELL my life was. My youngest is still in school! And he...HE can just abandon 20 years of everything! You don't understand!"
Sabrina: "I do. I know what it's like to lose it all. The Regises, you must have heard of the name before."
Deborah: "Yes. It was one of the ruling families."
Sabrina: "Today it's nothing. I'm living in our stablehouse, forced to sell all my horses and live opposite peasants to pay off the debt. I sacrificed so much. I spent my whole life ready to take over the torch, and my father just ruined everything."
Sabrina: "I'm determined to do whatever it takes to get it back."
Deborah: "You sound just like me."
Sabrina: "You...want to do whatever it takes to get your ex-husband back?"
Deborah: "No. I want hell."
Maurice: "Check this out."
Cole: "Amateur."
Maurice: "Who you calling amateur?"
Cole: "Watch the pro at work."
Maurice: "You even brought your own guitar?"
Cole: "Of course. I never leave anywhere without my babe."
Cole: "Listen to this."
Maurice: "Psh. That's nothing. Listen to this."
Venis: "What's with all the ruckus up here?"
Venis: "I can't believe you're in the mood to play."
Cole: "Why not? Enjoy the ride and chill."
Venis: "We lost so much money and you think we should chill? Especially when he's the cause of it?"
Maurice: "What did I do?"
Venis: "You know what you did."
Cole: "You need to relax, Venis."
Venis: "I came here for one thing and I'm not resting until I get it."
Cole: "I did too, but that doesn't mean...hey, where are you going?"
Venis: "You have a lot of answering to do. You're causing the downfall of Soeunda!"
Cole: "Guys, chill."
Maurice: "Is this about your mission to save the world again? I really have no idea what's your problem but it ain't me."
Venis: "That's what you want me to think, you llama."
Maurice: "Hey, watch it. I'm not here to pick a fight so back off. You don't want to mess with me."
Venis: "You don't want to mess with me either. I spent my whole eternity fighting darkness. I'm not afraid of a punk."
Venis: "You must be ridded at all cost. I'm not letting you to harm anyone, especially not the Princess."
Maurice: "Harm her? Why would...oh nevermind. You crossed the line, pal. And I'll remember it."
Venis: "I know who the Mole is 100%. If I survive this execution, I'm going straight to the finale."
Archibald: "A Simoleon Sunrise."
Dotty: "Are disciples of Sole allowed to drink?"
Archibald: "Of course. We concoct our own elixirs all the time. Besides, it's 2022."
Dotty: "Looks good."
Dotty: "Ah, so that's your secret. Fire in water. What are the fire and sea gods called again?"
Archibald: "Demon. Eunda is a sea demon."
Dotty: "I'd like a Vera's Glass of Sass, please."
Dotty: "Thank you. Oh, a marvellous drink."
Dotty: "Are you mad at me? For getting the names wrong?"
Archibald: "Even though you're not from Soleunda you have no right to insult our history."
Dotty: "I'm sorry. I had no intention of doing that."
Archibald: "Alright, I'll forgive you on account of your sincerity and politeness."
Dotty: "Hey, is that Seth down there? Seth, want a drink?"
Seth: "I don't drink."
Dotty: "What's that? Come on up and join us, Seth. The view here is too beautiful."
Archibald: "Leave him be. He's anti-social."
Dotty: "Maybe he just takes a while to warm up to others."
Archibald: "By the time that happens he'll be executed."
Archibald: "Speaking of the game, I want to know what you and the men had to do."
Dotty: "We were brought away from the rest of you and got to enjoy the town for a while before we were told what we had to do. We honestly thought that we would earn points for identifying the wrong lines."
Archibald: "I see. Looks like the Mole isn't the only one doing the lying today."
Dotty: "I swear."
Archibald: "Let's go back and prepare for the quiz."
It is time for the quiz. 10 questions about the identity of the Mole. Through the quiz, contestants will try to expose the Mole, but the Mole will throw a scapegoat to the wolves.
Q1: Is the Mole male or female?
A: Male
B: Female
Q2: What sector does the Mole work in?
A: Education
B: Politics
C: Music
D: Professional Sports
E: Acting
F: Law Enforcement
G: The Mole is unemployed
Q3: How many skills does the Mole have?
A: 0
B: 1
C: 2
D: 3
E: 4
F: 5 or more
Q4: What colour is the Mole's mask?
A: Red
B: Blue
C: Orange
D: Purple
E: Pink
F: Green
G: Black
Q5: Before Mission 2, what did the Mole wear at breakfast?
A: Everyday wear
B: Sleepwear
Q6: In Mission 2, what was the Mole's role?
A: Judge
B: Songwriter
Q7: What was the Mole's assigned song in Mission 2?
A: Poker Face
B: Shallow
C: Rain On Me
D: The Mole was a judge
Q8: In Mission 2, how many lines of the Mole's changed lyrics did the judges find?
A: 36%
B: 50%
C: 65%
D: The Mole was a judge
Q9: Which table did the Mole sit at at the end of Mission 2?
A: The table closer to Bianca Rimes
B: The table closer to Monica Solsaliente
C: The table furthest from the stage
Q10: Who is the Mole?
A: Deborah Rizona
B: Venis Gallahad
C: Sabrina Regis
D: Cole Mirani
E: Dotty McLottie
F: Archibald Solrene Bishop
G: Elise The Third
H: Maurice Wentworth
I: Seth Azpect
Cole: "Maurice was the biggest reason for the penalties we had in the second mission. He must have known the true value of our work."
Dotty: "Archibald is a deep man. There's something not quite right about him, something that he's hiding from us..."
Sabrina: "Venis was the one who wanted to gamble and change virtually the whole song. It's no wonder our song did the worst."
"Venis is the first critical contestant. He has survived his execution."
Deborah: "So that means the role of critical contestant will be passed on to the next most suspected Sim."
Elise: "Deborah lost her temper a few times while we were discussing how to rewrite the song. She was very unwilling to change much and I had to spend so much effort to get her to even consider changing one line in the chorus."
Archibald: "Sabrina seems like the type of woman who would carefully weigh all her options as I could see in the first mission. Her risking so much in this mission is extremely out of character."
Sabrina: "Step aside, Venis."
Venis: "Why?"
Sabrina: "I'm the new critical contestant."
Sabrina: "I'm only sitting on this throne as part of the Smole."
Maurice: "Elise and Deborah could have earned so much more points. It's like they didn't even try."
Deborah: "I noticed that Cole was the first one to volunteer to be a judge. That's where the most destruction can be caused. Did he have foreknowledge?"
"Unfortunately, Cole, you have been executed. Please pack your bags and leave."
Cole: "It's been a fun few days even though they were really short. I hoped to get a spend more time with these fine ladies, and gentlemen. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed in myself but it is what it is. Adios and good luck to the Mole."
The musical Cole has been executed! Did he misjudge the other contestants?
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