Friday, 20 May 2022

52.07-One two three four five six seven eight nine ten

The last time on the Smole, three contestants had to prevent five others from escaping a prison maze in 90 minutes. In the end, they failed to keep Seth and Dotty from getting exemptions and escaping with them, sacrificing 50 points in the process. However, Elise, Maurice and Venis managed to earn back 30 bonus points, leading to 100/120 points for the mission and 141/220 points for the pot. While Venis survived the last execution ceremony, he failed to do so for the latest one and became the Mole's next victim. Who will be next? Who is the Mole?


Elise: "I didn't burn the house down in my sleep."

Elise: "Maybe it's just a one-off situation and it's nothing to worry about."


"Contestants, today I require three contestants who can follow instructions and four who want to challenge authority."
Archibald: "I'd like to be in the latter group."

Deborah: "You? That's surprising. I'm clearly someone who can follow instructions. I work in a school."

Maurice: "I feel like challenging authority today. I think you'll do well in this role too Seth."

Seth: "Me?"
Maurice: "You managed to escape last mission. You and Dotty."

Dotty: "I'm feeling a bit under the weather today. I think I'll just go along with the instructions. It sounds less demanding."

Elise: "I think it would be good if I go with the first group. Is that okay with you Sabrina?"
Sabrina: "Yes. I was planning on joining the second group anyway."

Deborah: "This is so surprising. Both Archibald and Sabrina want to challenge authority?"

Deborah: "I think Lady Sabrina and Dotty should swap."

Maurice: "We can't all follow instructions. Nor should we. Look what happened in the second mission. We had a consensus, Deborah. Let's just stick with it."

Deborah: "Fine."


Deborah: "I'm worse at reading others than I thought. I think I need to keep a closer eye on Archibald and Sabrina."


Elise, Deborah and Dotty will be playing a game of "Simon Says" to earn 210 points.

They are to follow instructions that "Simon" provides them. Every time Simon calls an action, the stakes will be reduced by 10 points.

The other four must look for "Simon" around town and stop him.

Once they find "Simon", the mission ends and whatever points are left will be earned.

However, there are ninjas hiding around Soleunda to eliminate the four of them with shurikens. If all four have been eliminated, the mission will also end but with 0 points earned.


Seth: "Sabrina suggested we work in pairs so that we could keep an eye on each other and prevent the Mole from sabotaging."


Simon: "Simon says to complete a yoga routine."
Deborah: "Hurry up Elise."

Dotty: "This is simple."

Deborah: "I nearly lost my balance."

Dotty: "We did it!"


Elise: "Starting the mission with yoga really helped me to relax. I could forget about my fears of accidentally starting a fire in my sleep. It's a much needed respite within the game, even if temporary."


Maurice: "I'll be scouting around. Try to catch up."

Archibald: "Don't underestimate this old man."

Maurice: "Don't underestimate Supersonic."

Archibald: "How does he run so fast?"

Sabrina: "Look out for ninjas. Take cover with the cars."

Seth: "I don't see any ninjas."
Sabrina: "You can never be too careful. The ninjas or Simon could be hiding in a car."

Seth: "Do you think Simon will be in the shopping mall?"
Sabrina: "We should check."

Maurice: "A whole bunch of ruins. Is this Elise's old home?"


Simon: "Simon says to create a painting in two minutes."
Dotty: "Where?"
Elise: "Hmm, oh it's in that corner."

Dotty: "Let's get painting."
Deborah: "We should go for a simple painting. Like a children's painting."

Deborah: "Elise, your painting is too complex to complete in two minutes."


Archibald: "Maurice runs too quickly. It makes perfect sense for him to be in this role for the mission but nobody can keep tabs on him. I can only take his word for it."


Archibald: "I can't keep up with youngsters nowadays...What is that noise?"

Maurice: "Nobody there. Let's move on."
Archibald: "Why are you beeping?"
Maurice: "Isn't the beeping from you?"
Archibald: "...It's from both of us."


Dotty: "We didn't know that every action we did wrongly, such as by not completing a Simon says task or doing an action when Simon didn't say to, an alarm will go off on our fellow contestants. The more of us who did the task wrongly, the longer the beep."


Sabrina: "Simon wasn't in the movie theatre."
Seth: "Where could he hide?"
Sabrina: "I have an idea."

Sabrina: "Follow me."


"Time is up."
Deborah: "I'm the only one who completed my painting."

"Simon says to finish all the cotton candy."

Deborah: "I suppose we help ourselves to it."

Deborah: "I haven't eaten cotton candy since my oldest was a child."

Dotty: "This brings me back to my childhood."

Dotty: " sweet."

Elise: "I...I can't do it."

Deborah: "Why did you not even try?"
Elise: "It's not healthy."
Deborah: "It's not healthy for me too but at least I tried."

Sabrina: "They'll most likely hide him at Avira Lane as it's the closest to Eunda."
Seth: "We're beeping."

Seth: "It's not stopping."
Sabrina: "Yikes!"

Sabrina: "I nearly got hit by a shuriken."
Seth: "There!"

Sabrina: "Quick! This way!"

Sabrina: "We check in here!"


"Simon says to dance until a new instruction is given."
Elise: "This is simple enough."

Deborah: "I hope the others find the ninja quickly. I didn't keep count of how many instructions we were given."

Dotty: "Actually what's stopping us from not doing an action? The points are already reduced when a new instruction is called."
Deborah: "A penalty, perhaps."
Elise: "Let's not risk it."


Seth: "What caused the beeping earlier?"
Sabrina: "I'm not sure. We can figure it out later when we are in a safer place."

Sabrina: "Let's go quickly before the ninja catches up."

Seth: "She's there!"
Sabrina: "SHH!"

Anya: "Darn, they left the area. I can't go after them."


Deborah: "The next instruction hasn't been given yet."
Elise: "It's a good workout. Persevere, Deborah."

Dotty: "Should we take a break? I think we danced long enough."

Elise: "No, we should continue. Remember, we are the group to follow instructions."

Deborah: "We should just do a small shimmy to avoid exerting ourselves."

Elise: "That's a good idea."

Simon: "Simon says to get a tattoo."
Deborah: "No. I'm not doing it."
Elise: "Neither am I. Sorry."
Dotty: "I'm not keen on getting a tattoo right now. I think we have to help each other get it which makes it worse."


Archibald: "You want to climb all the way up there?"
Maurice: "Why not?"
Archibald: "That's the way to the Temple of Sole. It's an arduous journey."

Sarah: "I hear an alarm."

Sarah: "You aren't getting past me."

Archibald: "Argh!"

Archibald: "Damn that blasted alarm. Why did it suddenly trigger again?"

Maurice: "Nothing's too tough for Supersonic."


"Keep the kicky-bag in the air for 30 seconds."

Elise: "It's coming back to haunt me."

Elise: "No!"

Elise: "I dropped the ball. Sorry."
Deborah: "I did too."
Dotty: "Wait a minute. That wasn't Simon who said it."


Maurice: "Is that the temple? It looks unused. The entrance is also way too high up. Why are there no stairs? Did the ancient monks levitate or scale the walls to get in?"

Maurice: "No point wasting time Better head back down and outrun the speed of sound. Where did Archie go anyway? Did he run off without me?"

Maurice: "You aren't getting away!"

Maurice: "I'd like to see you try. Damn it, stop beeping!"

Sabrina: "I don't see a ninja here."

Sabrina: "Why is there a bird here?"

Sabrina: "Is that Simon?"

Seth: "Knowing all the shenanigans the producers do, it could be."

Sabrina: "Come on, Simon."

Simon?: "Hoot!"

Seth: "You have a way with animals."

Sabrina: "Of course. I used to train myself to be a Disney princess."

Seth: "Impressive."
Sabrina: "The mission should end now, right?"


"Simon says to wash your hands."
Elise: "How silly."

Deborah: "How ridiculous."

Dotty: "How simple. We're done with that."

"Simon says to shout 100 words loudly in the megaphone."
Deborah: "Simon did say that."

Elise: "We need a system."
Deborah: "We can count from 1 to 100."
Dotty: "Is twenty-one one word or two?"

Deborah: "That's a good point. Maybe we should just repeat the same ten numbers over and over."

Elise: "One two three four five six seven eight nine ten."
Dotty: "One two three four five six seven eight nine ten."

Dotty: "One two three four five six seven eight nine ten."
Deborah: "One two three four five six seven eight nine ten."

Elise: "Wait, which iteration am I at now? All the numbers are confusing me."
Dotty: "You just used a few words."
Elise: "So did you. How many words did I use?"


Samuel: "I hear an alarm."

Samuel: "He's too far for me to hit even with my shuriken."

Maurice: "Where the hell is this Simon dude?"


"Do 30 pushups cumulatively."
Elise: "Simon didn't say that. We shouldn't do it."


Simon: "Simon says to cluck like chickens."

Maurice: "COME OUT SI...oh, there's someone there. That must be a reason."

Maurice: "Hey pal. You Simon?"
Simon: "Yes I am."

Maurice: "Gimme that phone!"

Dotty: "What's going on with the screen?"
Elise: "I hear Maurice! He found Simon!"

"Congratulations, Simon has been found. 10 instructions were given, so that means 110/210 points are earned for this mission."

251/420 points have been earned for the pot thus far. Who has been the most suspicious so far? Who is the Mole?

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